
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:01 am

There is a grimy - a real grimy - in the slow walk political of the Clintons.  We are beyond, with the Clintons, any “greased pigs” mud as of an innocence, even an innocence lost; we are still at the greased water melons of the Clintons’ courting; we are now of the grime - the dirt - the mud - the controversy - the scandals under Mrs. Clinton’s nails, at least.

Mrs. Clinton has become the newest “Baghdad Bob” for the cliche politics of her’s and our’s defenses.  She has now, as of this Monday morning, post the week of ‘Hillary Clinton has/had brain damage’ flushing, availed herself of her greatest defense forward while we all patiently await hearing whom of the Democrats will be joining the Benghazi Select Committee to investigate especially Mrs. Clinton quite towards concerns regarding a new low in political grime akin to Nixon’s tags.  Mrs. Clinton has now availed herself of a medical excuse for her Benghazi defense in coming bipartisan criminal probatives.

Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton with her first remarks after the second 9/11 was to admitting she lacked intelligence and so of an admission apparently of incompetence.  As recalled she closed out her first remarks as from outside her office, at State on the seventh floor, so then hours before joining the President in the Rose Garden, with words surprisingly, considering just recent history, of near ‘I did not believe this could happen in a country I liberated.’

Mrs. Clinton cannot position herself as a “Great White Hope” to succeed the first black President. If she really didn’t believe “this” as “Benghazi” could happen in a country she had liberated President Obama still has her ignorance as a crutch to lean on to yet stand up a legacy for himself independent of any the Clintons may be losing.  In the cases pertaining now to the culpability of Mrs. Clinton there, as evident this weekend, now is a new grimy in our politics more as if Mr. & Mrs. Clinton are as if a two headed “Baghdad Bob.”

The Clintons are so muddy and muddied by their own sloth and trophs and how they rolled and rolled that being each others character reference is now, however grimy in their old cliche, that they have to scamper around and around Senator Harry Reid and his penned up also dirtied by the Clintons that they cannot take the “medical excuse” path nor not enter 2016 without such either and however “exit” seeming too much a pleading of guilty to criminal cover-ups of the purview at least of the still forming bipartisan & maybe bicameral Benghazi Select Committee.

Though the timing of the supposed brain damage that afflicted Mrs. Clinton did time to the post 9/11 II pressures as conveniently of an incident that kept her away from personal scrutiny when the heat was on most heavily weighing on her to struggles at standing up an explanation at least how it was that when there was a second 9/11 she was so (necessarily) it seemed to denying and denying that it could be Al Qaeda again responsible.

It is remarkable for the Clintons that they have a “black problem” like no body would want as also their ‘business’!  This goes beyond the rehashed of the dalliances in infidelity of her spouse in the offices of the highest office in our land as specifically of Monica Lewinsky;  forward this also goes to now a dirtier tucking concern of the “The Clinton” of grimy infidelity yet to date not celebrated among the “Comeback Clinton” mud when trying to clean ‘em up for 2016 and yet now when black is in how it seems historical that President William J. Clinton has not yet had an affair with a black woman.

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton’s greatest infidelity may have been to the first black President - to her duty to serve fully and wholly he and the People’d.  She can not now be a “Great White Hope” unless she has been holding back all these years since the Clintons’ presidency ended and was especially holding back and holding out on President Barack Hussein Obama.  Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton should not have anything to offer now that is new and possibly better than that of he whom she supposed served (though a “rival”) wholly and without reservations.

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton would have us believe, as now it is that she isn’t admitting herself a ‘medical excuse’, that she can run, though white, in 2016 with a tagging as if she is expected to be told of near and broadly as if of a potential and a legacy where she can be better that the first black president, and was a better Secretary of State than the first female black Secretary of State and to as if at least she should be politically considered to have been a better First Lady than the first black First Lady Mrs. Barack Hussein Obama.

We are of days of a new grimy and too cliche Clinton politics where a criminality is likely to be proffered as a due tag on at least Mrs. Clinton for her days, however of health and full capacity, regarding cover-ups that go to a not seen criminal basis like since she helped impeach President Richard Milhous Nixon. Mrs. Clinton has her own legacy as of a partisan politics at setting the very standards that now apply to herself as the Benghazi Select Committee, however yet not clearly bipartisan or bicameral, and to be publicly discerned in all the grime of the post 9/11 II Benghazi cover-ups.  In the case of Mrs. Clinton as per real culpability she is now hardly expected to be as hard to grasp as a muddy and grimy greased pig.

Essentially Mrs. Clinton has availed herself of her best defense as a defense in limited mental capacity.  Now as it seems we are of a politics, where she too must avail herself of any “not running” so to avoid seemingly to preface the due full probative, of the Select Committee to investigate her, at least for criminal cover-ups, she is shadowed with a prima facia like a pleading in GUILTY, however of “NOT.”  It is now that the Clintons are persisting as if a two headed new “Baghdad Bob” extant in a new grime and muddy that the “BLACK” in the house is also that her spouse supposedly hasn’t (yet) had any of his celebrated infidelities with a black woman.

Her biggest “Black Problem” must though be Benghazi as at least since her own first remarks spoken were of such ignorance and incompetence when of closing with quips of her speaking to she couldn’t believe such could happen in a country she had liberated — She made the first black President look innocent at least in comparison to her.

President Barack Hussein Obama may now be saved the worst fate from any Benghazi Select Committee because Mrs. Clinton helped set the very standards for “criminality” and “jail time” for politicians of any cover-up at least as bad as that figured as Nixon’s.  It will likely be years before the fully established Benghazi Select Committee, whence established as bipartisan and bicameral, can yet proceed to any case or issues of grime and mud specifically fitting President Barack Hussein Obama — Mr. & Mrs. Clinton have themselves kinda penned in and center ring for this committee’s duty and so that it could be years of just looking at them and even the CGI as Clintons’ Global Initiatives for dirty prints in a criminality of what now seems confirmed to have been at least an improper political cover-up.

By the standards for “criminality” long of the legacy celebrated of Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton due her professional work at impeaching President Richard Milhous Nixon over a “cover-up” just relating to botching a Federal Investigation into the Democrat Party as botched while probing their Watergate Headquarters it is that she a lady will go first and that her man too will need be looked at long before the first black President becomes personally also so penned and processed.

As any Benghazi probe of Mrs. Clinton, however as the first black President’s “rival” is of her duty such is grimy in a new muddy for she had a spouse globally of initiatives that seem still to have inhibited her professionalism as Secretary of State.  As Secretary of State, I seem to understand, she was the Obama cabinet officer whom had the People’s duty to oversee all the activities of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives and even as it seemed their CGI was being run as a rival executive branch by a rival like still First Couple and as if President William Jefferson Clinton was to be heralded as the first President of the World.

It seems as Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is of her legacy of celebrating that President Richard Milhous Nixon deserved to be impeached for a cover-up of an event that was less political than her Benghazi cover-up and too was without the loss of life of her Benghazi cover-up we must consider that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is a criminal suspect - the primary suspect - suspect of offenses that can lead to imprisonment.  It seems that President William Jefferson Clinton has to also be long ahead of President Barack Hussein Obama on any march to being orange suited too;  President Clinton seemed to have so meddled in foreign affairs since leaving office in 2001 that he is of “initiatives” his spouse should have investigated while the People’s Secretary as President Obama’s Secretary of official duty to “oversee” such of her spouse, now even more concerning as newly her repose as also of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives.

The Benghazi Select Committee has the white people to look at first - such is a real problem for Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, at least.  Unlike Watergate people died!  Like Watergate politicians are known to have been of a cover-up!  Unlike Watergate it is that there seems to have also have been official obstruction of justice as part of the cover-up and so sadly of a new grime and muddy politics worse than any of Nixon’s supposed as of it now that Obama’s white Secretary of State has to face her own lower standards now when her cover-up impeded the due Federal investigation of murdered/killed of her “house” of State.

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