
January 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:23 am

CAPITALISM is better than the too existent (Clinton / Democrats) POLITICS by THEFT and LIES!

This is so about “capitalism” as it is of what paternity tests around supposed Clinton “off-spring” would reveal as not actually their’s.

We are of trying economic days from tragedies of error by Democrats at attempts in governance while pretenders.  It will start to seem especially politically tragic when I expose how the Clintons as such “pretenders” created a realm of “over-confidence” that then had Barack Hussein Obama too presumptuous as to what wasn’t that of “capitalists” and as if that of “government.”

This is not now being exposed as an official report of a still covert or mysterious actual paternity of so much long in creation of great goods through maximizing positive change and its potential as a most evolutionary way for the The United State of America to progress after becoming the sole super-power in the known world.  This is written in a sharing so that people can make better decisions by knowing truths about “parenting” falsely prided too long by politicians.  This is written today as Father’s Day is approaching for it relates to “politics” without being “partisan” to how some Democrats do belong under serious investigation and towards real jail time in an incarcerated imprisonment some respective of fraud and truth in advertising “standards” at least.

Yes CAPITALISM, at least as per my interpretation and ambition to my own story of “business plans”, is better than how the Clintons alone did render me no longer able to afford to be in business to fix my legacy so that it was still available for them to pilfer to still look as good as it used to make them “officially” appear.  Because the Clintons were of priding and preening themselves from misuse and misappropriation of a capitalism of one trying to set a new and improved evolved and progressive standard for “media moguls” there are some like George Stephanopoulus whom likely is now still too “associated.”

My work at making the Clintons electable in 1992 was serious work of my CITIZEN ROSEBUD capitalist ambitions and by then already tested business plan.  My story of “parenting” evolved positive change is of a greater to the lesser of that which the Clintons were of a lesser of the whole of what it was I was at in a “capitalism” patriotic.  The Benghazi Select Committee seems sufficiently endowed and purposed to Duty such to discern whom is also wrongly of a pride (or gaggle) of the Clintons.

There is - there are many paper trails to reveal this pathology of falsity in the pride(s) of the Clintons / Democrats.  There are interesting political twists involving Governor Sarah Heath Palin as for so much of my decades to such in my “capitalism” was of “controls” and/or “checks” such as how I was covertly being like a grandfather to my sister while being a covert and pro-active (like) father to my father I was to giving away the same idea(s) many times otherwise to others on more Republican or “conservative” tracks like Sarah Palin known to me since the winter of 1982-83.

The sad but eventually laughable is how Barack Hussein Obama got trapped and fell to associations like with Secretary Chuck Hagel and Director Brennan after I had shut down my “capitalism” for I couldn’t afford then to be in business once the Clintons announced their intent to retake the The White House in 2007.  There is a name association that relates to President Obama as like Sarah Palin but with he one whom benefited from my knowing him of Presidential oratory challenge interests since he was in High School and I in 7th grade.  Of my “capitalism” was the business smarts to never forget a classmate named Steven Brennen the wise aleck who like play pre-Google “operator” to all “orator” “competitors” in Hawaii from our classroom in New Haven, and as it was to be wise in New Haven while so ambitious in “media mogul” ambitions in capitalism to not ignore the proud Richard Hegel, New Haven Historian, whose Christmas parties my family had long attended.

When I had to shut down due to the Clintons I then was no longer in business and the covert hobby of being so a grand parent to my sister and her “work” and “politics” and nor then as well as it long was the father to my father in creative and mostly pro-active covert wizardry in networked web weaving.  Senator Obama got caught for when I stopped the “magic” stopped flowing as already “fixed” through my father and my sister to him.  I hadn’t, while fighting the Clintons further attempts to render my “capitalism” as their personal but “government property”, so by needing to shut down in like what I otherwise call my RANDIAN STRIKE from the day “HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT” was born just of them, been wise to need to fight the old know B.O. four years older from Hawaii so.  It was between his entry into the Presidential race and then after my incidentally helping him by working myself to defeat the Clintons to protect my intellectual property rights that I finally realized too late that he was getting free help from me through my sister because I hadn’t yet associated Barack Obama with the B.O. known so since the late 1970s.

I have known the Clintons longer yet than Sarah Heath Palin and Barack Hussein Obama for I have known them and been alarmed with them since I met them while I was a first grader in New Haven about a year, maybe before Watergate.  I can hardly blame my father or my sister so for what I was at was developmental and in a covert that had much that was to lift their “boats” up as I worked and worked to my greater ambitions of my networking at CITIZEN ROSEBUD capitalism as cleaner than politics for wanting “success” from people choosing to buy what I thought I should try to sell.  But for President Obama when I asserted with AG Holder my rights in intellectual property and “capitalism” so to it that President Obama was told I had a right to keep him from a free use of my “capitalism” “off-spring” it was he got kind of stuck.

President Obama was not barred from arranging a contractual and agreed to use at full market value.  As it was I would have stipulated I needed to be made whole from the decade plus of the Clintons’ misappropriations and reuses and attempts yet to further unauthorized reuses.  As it was President Obama couldn’t very well be of his “First Black” “personality presidency” if he had to acknowledge me and contract a fair and severely limited use “arrangement” in “capitalism.”

For the purposes of today and the approaching Father’s Day it behoove you to test yourselves, however, to discover how President William Jefferson Clinton is really not the “father” you have believed him to be and nor he that his Mrs. has continued to persist in purporting him as.  Just my 7 book challenge to JK Rowling for progressing books as if school years was of such entire “covert” realm and my wizardry and yet also moderated in its unspoken of purposes to be yet one way I could assert in a repeat a capability in such as the above jurisdictions.  To be brief that I am the father of the HARRY POTTER books and magic “realm” it behoove all to see that it was figured too in an attempt to yet protect a new generation from the Clintons I so knew - knew too well.

There are complications in my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM when I was so afoot stealthily in my CITIZEN ROSEBUD media mogul ambitions with my fall back to be just a top Madison Avenue Ad Man - “Mad Man”.  I pretty much cut off my fall back within my fall back after 1994 sweep for my sister so to have some place to go after abruptly leaving Senator Dodd’s State Office as his State Director like as due a “political” “Peter Principle.”  I was shifting to “political writing” and further overt and covert efforts at such post New World Order birthing of the The United States of America yet reborn as a sole super-power and knew by then I wouldn’t need my fall back to my fall back, and even as it were the Clintons “governance” too much of inappropriate misappropriation and misuse and sub-optimal use of my “capitalism.”

There are complications that go to also past relationships as too “personal” and “private” and “complicated” for one alone became of my agreeing to help the daughter then of the CFO of IBM with her father while it was that I saw a way to help him with my “capitalism” and tested business plan to performing in such agreement by helping him fix IBM from afar and at times still too covertly in “marketing” “wizardry” “magic” unsolicited “guidance.”  James Burke who later led the search for Akers & Metz - CEO & CFO replacements at IBM was the last top Johnson & Johnson executive I think my maternal grandfather as a top New York City Madison Avenue Marketing and Advertising executive with Young & Rubicam had last professionally associated.

For now there is that I can never in one day recall all that I “parented” in a “paternity” pathology of my “capitalism” of and to my CITIZEN ROSEBUD media mogul ambitions and how so much I gave away and gave away to others not the Clintons for I was expecting to be able to keep what the Clintons mistook for myself.  President Obama still is facing that he wanted a “personality presidency” and any public use of my vast creative successes wound necessarily be needing a stipulation contractual that I in some way become made whole from the Clintons and their pride’s misappropriate or kidnapped uses.

Just in the category of what I gave to NBC and about GE CEO Jack Welch is a category of mused to great successes I too cannot fully recall yet in any singular day.  And, with that is too how American Corporate “leaders” needed to be saved from themselves as we were like in a war none of them had seen coming.  This though is a part of the story that precedes the Clintons but then explains as foundational to their unexpected rise how it is that they of Governor Clinton true self like of his 1988 Democratic Party Convention speech did actually SURPRISE in 1992.

There is, to be still brief, besides many most successful sitcoms also my godfathering the modern snowboard design and the half-pipe, the Stanley Tools reinvention of the hand saw, and mass market broadcast to tell my “capitalist” network I liked the start-up “LIFE IS GOOD” brand that my old but not known until 5th reunion Villanova University classmate was of three years trying to launch with his brother but yet unsuccessfully.  There is more and more and more and more somewhere at least partly at http://CitizenRosebud.info of category 4 as my AUTO BIO’D marginalized “category.”

WARNING!!!  Many of my “birthed” successes were cross pollinated - like - like as that some that I mused around for one of such was also otherwise a basis and commonality for other(s).

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