
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:47 am

What gave rise to the Clintons in 1991 does and will best explain their now so public arresting falls.  Iraq of today is far removed from the Iraq the Administration of the Clintons inherited - and then it is not. We can learn from Vice President Cheney’s recent air time, historical and personal, about those years of “exiting” the Persian Gulf War.

The reputation of William Jefferson Clinton may weigh heavy now on all “Americans” however a spotlight may now locally or globally be lit to highlight their personal honor and acuity and agility.  Where Republicans and Richard Cheney may have “gone wrong” it now is very late breaking news that WJC yet didn’t “go right.”  1993 may be the most important or just easiest year to focus on to have it be copacetic and sporting - and intelligent and honest - while of retrospectives of “war(s)” talk.

It is now more publicly known as of a reputation of Republicans or just Richard Cheney that Saddam Hussein was underestimated as a “spin-doctor” as we have the Cheney versus Clinton histories fielded.  [I have long (for sanity) tried to downplay myself, to myself, how it seems I of regular experiences of my reputation preceding me in an air of tongues at “He took down Saddam Hussein.”  Today it seems a more sane “reputation” even for me to accept.]

Most people do not know a real history of such times and are too much of many mornings and dusks of fresh fogs of war.

For a sake of brevity with so much kicked off now as if possibly sport (in politics) (and philosophy) let us entertain that for Posterity it should be that WJC was worse at leading - leading by example specifically too - than RBC (Richard Bruce Cheney). And that there is an honor legend too of such spotlighting where a father and son tale can echo for all times in how President Bush was able to pick up his father’s “sword” of him too President Bush as if from a stone that WJC hadn’t even thought to look for and look as if too for a higher caliber of Camelot.  It may be much either all Germany’s fault or of it also much Germany’s fault that President Bush could be later honored by his son as if to his “x” caliber years after the USA started suddenly to learn how to be a sole superpower in the known world.

The United States of America is the sole superpower of the known world!  Right!!!  These are the days the USA began to have such a target upon it where ever the idea and presence of “American” colors heralded.  We shouldn’t completely forget the Japan of such days, as there is still a haunting of Japanese like Germans (maybe as “leading” “private” citizens in pride) to how especially in these past days a new Axis was stirring as if to yet win WWII and by other means.  As the Persian Gulf War was oft reckoned as if a World War III we too are behooved to reconsider it was at times still World War II all over again.  But we shouldn’t forget to at least consider that Saddam Hussein post the wrap of the Persian Gulf War may have had a new Franco-French siding towards assistance with Iraq towards them of their own nuclear program - forward.

The good news, but for how little this is all copacetic in a public governance, and for too few yet have even pondered how much was of fields of battles and regular fresh fogs whence, is that we are now in the stadiums of history with it that such of such times (however of a pride of private French, German and/or Japanese citizens’ hopes) are now too also “old” thems - these days are times of at least France, Germany and Japan of having moved past such days haunting in a deja vu to renaissances, like, of their “nationalisms” to teams of better Posterity.  RBC did, with Charlie Rose, admit to having been surprised at how Saddam Hussein had been able to turn a “BFD DEFEAT” into a win after the “exiting” from the Persian Gulf War.

As I have fielded for a pro USA Tranquility of old and new challengers:  Check your goalie gloves of civil sport and too your 100% ID check systemology.  However whence there may have been global initiatives of a resurgent “GERMAN” and “JAPANESE” by strategery of private citizens and their personal ideas of national pride we have that as RBC refreshed Saddam Hussein and Iraq have had years when they were very near to having a nuclear arsenal ready.  Whom were those willing to be of a nuclear axis with IRAQ’s Saddam Hussein then in those days when the USA was concurrently like a too big and newly so sole superpower of the world - a target?

We should not forget whom the French were as French whence and how they were (stereotypically) ready for a new Franco even if a Euro-centric new Franco-German within an axis global with Iraq as nuclear and secured in oil Power.  RBC has, with his recent challenging of the too long accepted WJC talking points, torn the “American” colors honor off of WJC and the Administration of the Clintons.  That RBC is now talking so calmly in a historical begets that WJC has been too long just full of hot air and more just careening in “fogs of warrings” dated to whence and then forward to concurrently.  The French are remembered now for having had a leader who seemed at least willing to work with Saddam Hussein and with he to a nuclear program in a shared “war” motive to reset the global balance of power from of the USA as the sole superpower to a new Euro-centric axis possible if at least a few European “leaders” could shift the economic Power of oil supplies and demand valuations upon their colors.

That RBC had expressed sincere past surprise to how Saddam Hussein turned a thought “BFD DEFEAT” by a world wide coalition as if in a World War III into his “VICTORY” is “NEWS”!  I was after Saddam Hussein first invaded Kuwait to a personal intelligence exercising of philosophizing cause and effect scenarios as if to wondering on SH’s “chesss” and specifically to asking and attempting to answer “WHY DID SADDAM HUSSEIN THINK HE COULD KEEP KUWAIT?”

RBC is showing the WJC “Clinton” colors to be soiled and near already of a tag of “FOOLS”.  But now we have it we need to consider there were whence possible new axis muscle ready for at least a new balance of powers in a SADDAM-GERMAN.  But now we too have to consider that RBC has been admitting he and the Bush Administration so charged more specifically had been to underestimating SH.  RBC has reminded many now already that Saddam Hussein was nearly whence to becoming (too powerfully) of a new axis of Power with help to being a nuclear power.

What RBC seems to be admitting now is news and yet of that which I had myself considered whence. RBC has now exposed the Administration of the Bushes as likely both of having not figured fully enough that SH’s surprising reversal of “BFD DEFEAT” shouldn’t have been a surprise for it likely was of his strategy and plans as I considered as to the hows and whys he invaded Kuwait and seemingly thinking that he would be able to keep Kuwait.  We have hardly talked of all the airs and fogs of war that now are yet explanatory to how HRC (Hillary Rodham Clinton) could have been so regularly “careening” due to a general and pervasive ignorance.

For now the resurgent national prides so fielded as of the era of when the “AMERICAN” was maybe to an intolerable globally of many willing to be newly “friends” as from feeling sympatico as if common in “enemy” as also “enemies of their enimies” seems bettered and bested and quieted to gone for good.  OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM though too was necessary for without it Saddam Hussein, as excused by WJC (& HRC) “policies” of the administration of the Clintons, was ready to start anew, it still seems, and with some global “axis” alliances, to being to a nuclear power and arms race with IRAN.

In RBC defense:  The Al Qaeda attacks of 9/11 I & II do justify a OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM WAS NECESSARY.  That it was right and just to be to such a late prosecution of Saddam Hussein though is complicated as 9/11 I made the public selling that SH needed prosecution and an intervention so much more complicated.  It is telling that such attacks have shown WJC and HRC to have benefited politically specifically from such and far more than any Republican especially as the attacks made doing the right thing, however so “lately”, so much more difficult to do and sell.  The only other way to “sell” OIF was likely to directly explain how there is and was a gross negligence in foreign policy at least of the Administration of the Clintons while looking to bipartisan support in Congress to do a right thing by standing the “AMERICAN” up with a sole superpower status so with it as the USA wouldn’t compromise EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL still abroad so.

[Right!  I have decades now of sharing my thoughts with administrations and especially with the Bush Administration of Vice President Richard Bruce Cheney from like moments immediately after 9/11 I’s THE DAY AFTER.  As recalled:  After faxing the White House number for the NSC offices my circa such old times THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM with note like  “It worked for such issues global nuancing then much and is now ready to work again.” my visceral awareness was alighted with a seeming smarting Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to whomever then in that company across town of he with a “Is he trying to pull rank on me?” and me to in unison from afar so near with “NO!”]

For now any USA versus GERMANY seems safely sporting in a post adjustment era of times when the “AMERICAN” may have actually deserved new axis mainlining to check as if by a bold “intervention” a too proud sole superpower “AMERICA.”

But if we do not know history and learn from history and especially are to burying inconvenient historical resurgent colors and fogs then we may still have new problems too much as if the old problems.  By the wrap of the PERSIAN GULF WAR it was wrong for the USA and Coalition nations to not have more fully considered that the surprising “spin doctoring” by SH acumen was part of his plan and strategy from the start when he tipped the scales of civility and justice with his invasion of Kuwait.

[Of my strategy so private and individualistic at endeavoring to understand SH’s chess I was to thinking that the USA was maybe to a bait and switch fitting such concerns and to a electoral upset of President George H.W. Bush, as a new Lincoln of having yet though held the world together, with the propositions that WJC could be right as the USA may then be best to a weak President and a do nothing Presidency.]

[Right!  As I am of my Menadier genes - I am maybe while however of “Irish” character and pride of dominant traits in Franco-German blooded lines.  It may be my worked at “Irish” comity that had me like Reagan of his times in his times of an “IT TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE” at least as per “spin doctors” as “Mad Men” as my maternal grandfather had been a top Madison Avenue Ad man until his retirement from having run a consolidated Johnson & Johnson account for his last 25 years so wrapped as of Young & Rubicam (Y&R).]

[Right!  To the raising of my blind ear to a reputation mine preceding me at times and at times very regularly:  I have the memories still of my surprise one night years after I started a private sector spinning to close breaches in our “AMERICAN” artfully and voluntarily and quietly, however some of my pushing to pull likes of the Clintons into the 1992 race, as for an option to a needed weak Presidency, and one of time for a DO NOTHING PRESIDENT, now less haunting of how I was surprised by a bedtime presence of no other than Saddam Hussein smarting with a “YOU DEFEATED ME” - “WHAT IS NOW TO HAPPEN?” and my at least while tired and near sleep among things about so to “responding” “WE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO COME FOR YOU.”]

Go USA - you have survived the convenient years of WJC being perfectly and naturally a weak President much of a do nothing Presidency, and yet hardly know it historically for what it was, and how WJC & HRC were tools not leaders, and yet chosen by the public freely - however ignorant of “wars” and “fogs of war” causal to political careening. Go USA!!!

However SH had at least French, German or Japanese governments or private citizens of global initiatives ambition at the ready to help him whence reset the balance of powers and too as it still haunts to a new Euro-centric it is that RBC is right that OIF was right and that the PERSIAN GULF WAR was right to wrap (temporarily) short of Baghdad.  It is too true and historical that SH if allowed to escape JUSTICE as bedded forward as possible and likely by WJC & HRC we instead now would have it that the world was generally behind SH and IRAQ having a right to be a nuclear state to balance, however a new COLD WAR, that IRAN asserts (in historic victimhood at least) that it has a right to be NUCLEAR.


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