
September 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:28 am

It is seemingly - seemingly rapidly becoming - seemingly rapidly becoming known - seemingly rapidly becoming known and self evident that Hillary Clinton is here to for becoming an out-cast untouchable.  The “The Clinton” is now more a rock in the path of blockage, as if by political avalanche, than a common vine to any fruit from diplomacy now otherwise by the essence of Secretary John Kerry.

Any vitality of any diplomatic essence of Mrs. Clinton, from FLOTUS to First Mate of CGI, is now worlds apart from that being witness of her successor from Boston’s top echelon/caste.  There may now be now clear and easy way towards understanding the taller standing of Secretary Kerry from Secretary Clinton due to the elephant of religion in their pathologies diplomatic; Secretary John Kerry isn’t a Methodist, isn’t from Chicago;  Secretary Kerry is Catholic and from Boston.  It is in more than one or simple ways that Secretary Kerry is now standing so much taller than Mrs. Clinton ever managed.

A cover ‘o cover reading for “HARD CHOICES” can be from it suggestive that she is only allowed publication much at talking and talking of process;  HRC is quite arrested from truth being an option that being heavy on process is her only safe harbor.  To a cover, of “HARD CHOICES”, each is initially, civilly, beset to ponder:  IF “HARD” WHY “HARD”?  HRC is not a Catholic;  HRC is a Methodist.  HRC iss the longest serving top Diplomat charged for diplomatic solutions by President Obama during the “longest war.”  The “The Longest War” now is HRC’s “war” for it she who most failed to find a diplomatic solution the longest.

HRC is now so becoming an out-cast untouchable it is critical that we separate her as not of any American caste or nobility.  Secretary Kerry, for being Catholic of Boston, may yet not be justifiably, however of Boston 1%, “Boston Brahmin.”  Secretary Kerry has inherited from HRC’s predecessors much in opportunities for greater “Tranquility” that is not of or from the “diplomacy” or “skirting” of his predecessor.  Secretary Kerry now with HOPE for CHANGE with IRAN, now so young a nation again, of standing more on the settled well foundations from the Bush Administration FREEDOM AGENDA ways than any “new foundation” of President Obama or his first top diplomat.  We all may be behooved to look at the paths forward available and to work away from any beaten of the Clintons - HRC & the CGI corporate and to each person.  The Clintons eitherwise of one or two paths distinguishable are yet present as obstructionists as if fallen to inconvenient barriers to any apropos “forward.”

Who is Secretary John Kerry now to us - to the President - to the U.S. - to Iran - to the world?  Can he be now so much taller than his predecessor HRC just because he is Catholic and/or of Boston, however 1% or Brahmin caste?  Do new words from his boss the President now, too much yet still of a daily emoting, yet work to undermine any path or way but for any stable now as yet built upon a well settled foundation much of, or from, the Bush Administration day about a FREEDOM AGENDA?  As a Catholic working for the “Messiah” what is religion and what is politics?  As a Catholic what is post-Clinton post-imperial socialism bias and returned to a basis in property rights and federalism parlance and nuance?  As a Catholic, like Vice President Joseph Biden, yes of Delaware - The First State - how is Secretary Kerry maybe evangelizing “Messiah” President Obama globally?

Iran isn’t as complicated as HRC seems to have long implied.  But as she never seemed to fathom the grand potential and opportunities so globally progressing that explains the Clintons most unexpected and late rise of the 1992 Presidential contest perhaps we should show mercy for her too much of an ignorance.  To this there is flow as if a vine not from merely the Bush Administration while of a FREEDOM AGENDA but to President Reagan and how the expansionist socialism was stopped in its tracks in Afghanistan and then beyond, and how the expansionist socialism fell to a new world order rising to a reboot I’ve long tagged as a “CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM.”  Coincidentally what best explains the Clinton unlikely old story yet of their 1992 rising is what HRC and WJC have long not proffered or posited as best for the way forward and yet it is that which is now of the foundations that Secretary Kerry now can best build upon.

Iran isn’t as complicated as HRC seems to have long implied - Iran is far simpler to understand if one learns to fathom how the Clintons and President Obama have been so wrong about Iraq and for so long that they can yet, if ever, be, for the records and Posterity, as “correct” about much at least across the Middle East, and, at least especially regarding or respecting Iran.

From where I sit informed to “expert” at least of my own perspective regarding such, as of a cover for retrospectives, for others, I must parse, for a greater parity, if not Tranquility too, how we must yet separate the “Bush” from the “Hogan” - the decidings rendered by the necessarily at “politics” of the Bush Administration from that as lay and unsolicited, however respecting “politics”, for that which I share is much of my opined and faxed to the Bush Administration via their NSC # as of my perspectives, private, and volunteered, yet more of the business or marketing perspective in a pre-politics rendition that then the office of the President would have to, if needed, modify for the charge “political” of his duty of the Presidency.  I so put forth such qualifier for this of which I write now dates to it as common to the very advise to Middle East and Iran postures whence the hard choices had to be made by President Bush.  Again, “HARD CHOICES” of HRC to each cover is yet tragically of her “politics” to easier choices less possible for decidings more of truths were not an option to Mrs. Clinton.

Secretary John Kerry is more than just now obviously to a self evident truth of standing far taller than his predecessor on the global and Middle East soap boxes of the duty a charge for diplomacy, President Barack H. Obama’s Secretary of State secondly is standing tall on merits that do yet run contrary still to the process and speak of the “The Obama” doctrinally yet.  For more to how HRC didn’t affect a “new foundation” & nor so President Obama, himself, at least until newly to also building on the Reagan legacy yet as the Bush Administrations did, it may behoove a visit to http://JPHogan.org for the essay regarding Iraq set as “OBAMA’S RETREAT” as specifically at http://bit.ly/ObamasRetreat!

We hardly yet know if HRC failed the nation both as per the compensations for liberations as per OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM and too her “baby” ODYSSEY DAWN.  It seems HRC is most culpable at least in association with the partisan leadership by Nancy Pelosi to how how both the liberation of Iraq (and Libya) were prudently commenced with plans that a country’s vast oil profits could be readily credited out in compensation to any of the liberating coalesced nations.

I have problems with the seeming progress of Secretary of State John Kerry as per Iran and the nuclear path(s) of the young again sovereign country.  For the years of the COLD WAR they like Iraq were as if pawns (too much) in a geopolitics of the United States of America, with oil economics interests, to thwarting globally the expansionist socialism of the U.S.S.R.!  Iran now is among the youngest of sovereign nations in the known world.

I do not know the sociological or demographic specifics to the root of the how or why such nation regirthed itself with its own baby boom.  Iran so situated near the U.S.S.R. and yet while however once more aligned with Moscow seems now positioned and structured to see Russia as an enemy long before assuaging the The United States of America as a greater enemy.  The USA is of the “lucky” for Secretary Kerry, however “Boston Brahmin” as per the Middle East and especially Iran in how Iran now is of less moral need for nuclear weapons because the Bush Administration (of #43) did remove the neighboring nuclear threat persisting of Saddam Hussein - of that which persisted and nearly became reborn while of the years mostly of avoidance and inaction of the Administration of the Clintons.

There is more differentiating HRC from her successor than how he morally, even, is of a most obvious standing taller than at least as per the Middle East and Iran.  HRC was an inappropriate messenger for any diplomacy for her close and intimate association with the abandonment of Afghanistan and Iraq by the The United States of America as of the Administration of the Clintons as so of, and from, the avoidance and inaction root in the Clinton “political.”  President Obama’s worst decision of his legacy maybe forever will be that of having rival HRC of the “House of Clinton” as ever a Secretary of State, and/or at all of his administration. 

Secretary Clinton was compromised from the start.  She was a compromised officer to any Tranquility abroad where history and truth could yet conquer.  She was a compromised officer to any Tranquility much at least for how she didn’t confess while trying to bring bite to nuclear sanctions, and sanction at least specifically on Iran, of how there is the “BUT FOR OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM…” with no thanks to the “ABANDONMENT, AVOIDANCE, INACTION OF THE CLINTONS…” prescient to any progress in enforcement for she herself represented an expectation that escape from Justice was possible - too possible.  It stands tall with the progress of HRC’s successor and any of his background reasoning that he is now more standing “lucky” on the foundation more of the Bush FREEDOM AGENDA than any “new foundation” of President Barack H. Obama and his first Top Diplomat of the “House of Clinton.”

To be brief while any “lucky” of Irish Catholic, of Boston, however of a “Boston Brahmin” 1% or caste, we yet must affect intellectual bulwarks to a slide to the old abandonment classically now “CLINTONESQUE” in a tragic historical/historicals;  to be brief, while Secretary Kerry now stands more than just morally taller than his predecessor HRC, here we are yet of it more complicated that Mrs. Clinton is allowed to, or capable to, explain at least for every decision was always harder than it otherwise would have been for any other for she had it much that truth(s) not an option for long about she and her spouse have been liberal at politics at lies in cover-ups of their own culpability at least to negligence prior to the Al Qaeda attacks of 9/11 I.  HRC’s decisions all had to be harder for she as a spouse of a former President is expected to be lawful firstly to the standard of marriage contracts and traditions of a spouse not allowed to or supposed to be to incriminating the other spouse.

Secretary of State John Kerry stands taller than any of the “House of Clintons” and still however as they persist in defensive global initiatives at global partisan and political meddling by ways corporal of CGI - of CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES!  Secretary Kerry though is yet to be understood of his progress so superior to his predecessor Clinton at least for it matters if and how his “taller” taller for he different as Catholic and/or of a global 1%.  It isn’t yet convenient for HRC’s successor that he should be more honest and “taller” by confessing he is so more standing on Reagan’s “foundations” than any however yet of the Presidency of Barack H. Obama.  Secretary Kerry is yet differentiable for intelligence and balance from of Maine, of New England and an elder, Senator George J. Mitchell now yet if Northern Ireland struggles have parallels currently to a “spring” or maybe “renaissance” in the Middle East.

The internet and social media was also arriving to the peoples of the Middle East however free or differently free and organized while it was arriving across the Americas.

It is foolish to not consider, at least that due to the necessary new world ordering to recover from the COLD WAR geopolitics and to the rise of interactive global machinery that OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM was necessary and remains as rightfully commenced.  It will be for a long time that OIF is seriously debatable more for how it wasn’t operated well even as now we should be nearer to a consensus that it due to the rise of interactive global machinery it was absolutely of a necessary so that the The United States of America didn’t get caught on the wrong side of “progress” in the eyes of at least the young in the Middle East.  I will not go into such here but will offer that it as a subject is at least more broached in the collection in the category of “IRAQ” as at http://CitRB.com here linked specifically more conveniently with http://bit.ly/IRAQbyJPHogan.

As the above established sharer of diplomatic perspectives as always just a private citizen of no “official” solicitation for help from the Bush Administration I persist still of the core of such as foundationally still standing true and level of my thinking and writing of the pre-Clinton days as organized of my privately shared THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM.  I cannot, nor do I plan to attempt to, explain that which was either all “political” or any “partisan” of the relative decidings during the Bush Administration years of decidings.  What I offered, and especially so of when I offered how not to go too far with Iran on nuclear power and weapons standing, necessarily left the “American” “political” to the filtering and prudence of President George W. Bush.  I did though strongly suggest, at least via a material fax, when or how to stop as per Iran for the progress of the FREEDOM AGENDA in Iraq was setting up better possibilities for a greater moral parity nuclear within Iran so that one effort could undermine the other if too strongly individually pushed otherwise.

The Ukraine vs. Russian problems are different quite than any of the nuclear standing of Iran.  It is considerable though that Russian with such as if new Soviet expansionism is yet now more “Christian” and “missionary” than “communistic” and to it that Iran now is being given an (unnecessary) justification for nuclear weapons (if not more allied with the USA) by Russia as a new threat.  As to any “HOMELAND” associations there is yet that there may be an inherent path forward to better relations with the now newly young Iran, actually.  Any opportunities for improved parity of morality with Iran now is yet of a path not obstructed like that of all paths walked historically of the “politics” of the Clintons.  President Obama can still be said to have been so wrong (also) as per Iraq that he has hardly since been able to be right about anything in the Middle East, and too that the unrest between Ukraine & Russia is some to much of global instabilities risen from his failing economics, and the associated “politics” of the Clintons.

There was a Holocaust.  Iran is of the Persian Gulf of Persians and so too as Aryans.  I do not know the sociological or demographics, however related historically, to any necessary consideration of concern for the Irani people for they are blooded as Aryans as Germans of Hitler’s rise were blooded proudly as Aryans.  There is the “moral” yet a conundrum of the Iran nuclear parity diplomatic concerns where though of years under the COLD WAR stuck as if too much pawns among a global human contesting they yet now are humans too to be considered as born equal.  There is a morality as I expressed in an old material fax to the NSC # during the Bush Administration that I posited in my lay, however learned, to it that as a sovereign nation Iran of its people could be to a moral right to also have the technology and know how to nuclear power and a pride of knowing themselves also capable of the highest sciences of shared humanity, and yet while it though likely wouldn’t be “moral” to presume there was a prudence in also or ever also having nuclear weapons.

I only saw some of the last episodes of the last season of HOMELAND.  I may now be looking forward to catching a new season that builds on there being actual possibilities for improved relations with such a newly young nation.  I yet have always been only a lay private citizen despite my years of sharing timely and at times quite pro-active proven useful opines.  I yet have always been so engaged with it all of a common core a consistent vine rooted to my pre-Clinton THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM thinking and writing.

As per HOMELAND and me I did though also fax the Administration of George W. Bush after seeing a WELCOME TO PENNSYLVANIA sign while state of the Governor Thomas Ridge a quick note whence then in the days when the idea of a Department of Homeland Defense was so initialized it wasn’t yet to a list (public to me) for any to be its first Director.  I did fax a suggestion that Governor Thomas Ridge was at least well named to be a first ever top first director - the first head of such developing Department of Homeland Security.

It seems we are now here gathered of it as per Iran that what may be unlucky for us and Secretary of State John Kerry, however of he Catholic and/or of Boston as of a “Boston Brahmin” or 1%, is that he may be too inconveniently a compromised messenger for such possibilities if he cannot yet find a more historical and truthful “foundation” for his, at least public, sharing.  It is for the historians, necessarily to differentiate any new Tranquility from the diplomacy of Secretary of State John Kerry and to how much he yet stood taller than Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, at least, rightly and morally, and, to how he could stand taller however while Catholic just because unlike HRC truth was not an option not an option in his choices.

However now we can together stand of new HOPE and CHANGE we cannot abide at least an attempt at greater intellectual standing ourselves by a clear eyed civility commenced with an appreciation that at least as per Ukraine such unrest is from the unsettled global economics that can be tagged as from the Administration of President Obama failed economics.  It though is such to Democrats yet is sadly of them claiming successes in what seems failure, to others, for it seems incontrovertible that their pride was so of a GREEN AGENDA that much of this is to a person Democrat as if acceptable in an economic collateral damage rationalization - #FORWARD.

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