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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:00 am

So you are back at school, or soon back in school, and get the reference!

What now?

If the The United States of America can yet restore itself to a moral economics of growth what must you now be reared in for a reset to moral capitalism?  What should they, I, or you now be asking “teachers” to be instructive of for the new year 2014-2015?  Whom now but Mrs. Clinton needs to be dissected in a forensics as if of a cold case of old bones yet pathological from a so late autopsy on the economics (of so many crushed by Mrs. Clinton)?

Is it that we witnessed not a squeak - but a ROAR - by those campy of the OCCUPY civil disobedience?

We are of a new media eco-systematic where the lead much went to the HUFF-PO and Arianna Huffington for a mediacratic dissemination of a pressing of evils of banks and banking. Well, where I for sake of time management, however of flex time flexibility, left it organizationally more to AH to carry on in capitalizing on improper capitalism by BIG BANKS.  The TARP of the BANKS gave moral rise to camps of the tarps of OCCUPY - can any “work” now be done in a reset for “business ethics” and per how the Obama TARP was an unjust and unfair bailout of the BIG BANKS that suffered many a commoner indiscriminately?

In a modern linguistic, a lingua franca of hip hop, the rap of such, much come of the sixties, is not yet so good as has been twained and rapped about.  There are people in power now whom can be peeled back like say an onion and shown to be of the seeds of the sixties and corrupted at least in altered think or illogic since fertilized of such epochal.  The “grip” of Mrs. Clinton may yet be less deadly than her hands at “diplomacy.”  The tail of Mrs. Clinton is too the WAG THE DOG tales of a corruption akin to “Bill” Clinton.  What President Obama was able to do with the Clintons’ economic experts as his, however, since becoming effectual while still only “President-elect” is true to a forensics where logic can dictate that since Mrs. Clinton so of priors in such primarily contested was of such same extensive promises she today would have necessarily been of all or most of the same perils in economics as we have suffered since 2008.

That decidedly exposed, per the economic culpability, of Mrs. Clinton, however, still leaves us to it, even if rapped, that Mrs. Clinton, if of a VMAs, would be of a sound track for “HARD CHOICES” of a cacophony of discordance loud as war however yet measured in beatings in a bombastic percussionary irregularity most ironic if in sotto voce.  Any soundtrack for “diplomacy” of Mrs. Clinton, however since Secretary Clinton, is let of discord in war of stories to be told of her fallen below a capacity for “diplomatic solutions” - at least for a new “longest war.”

An allegorical is somehow at least that Mrs. Clinton does not have a soft touch.  It is said, and arguably logically, that she is (at least) postured as a “WAR HAWK”!

As Mrs. Clinton, however unlikely ever to have become President Clinton also in a Clinton proper name while of a marriage union of its whole of the 22nd Amendment term limits post Roosevelt National prudence, was yet set up to be postured economically as President Barack Hussein Obama was with the hold-over “Clintons’ EXPERTS” it seems fair to assuage a GUILTY as much upon HRC now as ever on PBO for the trials and tribulations long suffered as of “Obamanomics”!

A little known - too little known - truth of the economic recovery of the said Clintons’ 1990s is that such wasn’t a “Clintons’” worked recovery but a wave of economic resets they inherited as otherwise already secured and tracking to be for a second term of President George H.W. Bush.  I know of what I press out here in new media of this modern e-eco-system.

There is a vast, and yet central - centrist - problema to any posturing that Mrs. Clinton could yet fix what President Barack Hussein Obama has failed to fix - to even “reset.”  There is that essential to the recovery of the early 1990s is that it wasn’t the Clintons responsible - that they were wrong to treat being blessed with such inherited as if such was deeded to them as theirs forever as only their success for perpetuity in any political Posterity.

A problem of the tales of the Clintons yet is how tall they are at times of false constructs to be to burying a truth of how much came from one not of any PhD and yet successful to such, in its originality, and while yet so of his early twenties and boxed as of Generation X.  It is a complicated tale of economic and marketing truths of old worked synchronistically in integrated marketing where he that was most creative in originality to its engineered workable constructs in a choreographed economic growth potential didn’t need to be credited with it while it was happening - but yet — but yet, however, was carefully balanced in a Poseterity of nuancing so that if any not its say “godfather” or “father” were to claim it as of a false paternity the very “music” of such would be corrupted and effective to it to falling apart due to unethical burdens upon as too much weigh to yet stand.

The grip of Mrs. Clinton is for the record of deadly consequences.  It is now too for this new year 2014-2015 that future leaders of the known world are to asking at least themselves if and how it is that Mrs. Clinton isn’t yet aware or enough conscious of the dangers of her hands at our business.

For starters for all this new year 2014-2015 we are at it that the banks haven’t seen to or lead the remedying of the injustices and unfairness of the effected Obama TARP favorings.  Yet too it is that such is likely as for of the tale that they as Senator Clinton & Senator Obama did make all to nearly all the same very promises to be so engaged politically we must consider that Mrs. Clinton is no more than a female white “Obama.”  Yet too it seems prudent and necessary to right how wrong it has been to however have been carrying on to letting the Clintons take credit by like burying the truths much of a recovery from before they even entered the 1992 race as it that they inherited much that was secured and tracking to be otherwise for President George H.W. Bush in a second term. 

Again, I know of what I press here in speaking to a reset for business ethics as it is that I know quite personally that when in my early twenties I didn’t need to be given credit for that orchestrated to recovery originally from me, and of already at least a decade while yet so young in consideration, and so yet that though I didn’t need to be given credit whence it was so complicated that any false paternity or false claims to authority would necessarily undermine the strength of such and any further potential for it.

Mrs. Clinton if of a sound track to “HARD CHOICES” is but of noise - loud noise - VERY LOUD NOISES OF WAR!  Her hands at our Diplomacy have been too deadly for too many.

His hands at economics yet prove as if real as arguably as her hands if also at the general economics too as if like a strangle hold upon any mice of such a woman.  Whomever, however, we yet today are forward towards a commenced new year 2014-2015 of it unsettled and still a torch for justice how the TARP of President Barack Hussein Obama was not equitable to the People’d people generally.

I know of what I share/press here in new e-eco-mediatic-systematics of it that though I didn’t need to get the credit for that of my architecture of recovery that pre-dates the 1992 relevance of the Clintons it is that they cannot be stewards forward to any new recovery much for their reigned ruinous on the earlier recovery by taking onto themselves as if theirs what wasn’t theirs ever properly or pathologically.  Any autopsy of the economic collapses should find clearly that at least Mrs. Clinton’s hands were culpable to such as if a knowing or unknowing improper gripping.

The Clintons are those most culpable, especially if to scholastic causals, for they by their selfish politics falsely hoisted themselves of a flag for recovery not originally theirs, and yet as if theirs, and, and as it is that their selfish and too spousal politics worked it so that the designed and once secured greater and broader range of the early 1990s recovery was yet politicized so that it did work for fewer people and more selfishly just for them.

Arianna Huffington, of the Huffington Post, do you concur that this new year besides anewly set up of #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #ALARMISM is yet still morally begot to be necessarily to a review of parity and fairness of the Obama TARP as yet begotten in inequitable politics?

Arianna Huffington, of the Huffington Post, do you yet, perchance, share the ethics and generally esposed morality in those of the collective by ‘MILEAGE’ at http://bit.ly/MILEAGE - Too: That crime shouldn’t pay, and, too that Mrs. Clinton to have trouble at least with any state’s “clean hands” jurisdictions?

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