
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:19 am

On this the 13th anniversary of the Al Qaeda attacks by suicidal piloting of 9/11/2001 we should join in questioning our faith in Government - in the governance backwards so since 1993.  The Government of The United States of America wasn’t alone in failing the world - yet is singular for having failed the People’d people of its citizenship.  President George W. Bush endures as having been more right than President William J. Clinton, and quite corrective of WJC Administration errors.

Some now may be brand new to my old discoursing on Al Qaeda and not to yet realizing even what I have hosted as freely shared via http://bit.ly/AlQaeda_HOGAN - - - President Bush, and too Secretary Rumsfeld can freely speak of my past years of voluntary and unsolicited post 9-11 civic minded general assistance.  National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice can too remember me as a last professional thought in the moment before her aid is said to have walked into her office and shared that a plane had flown into one of the World Trade Towers.  I also, as the story was real, have it that when Iraq later was at about its worst I was contracted to build a custom doll shelf for Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld’s Chief of Staff - and a new door, and some custom cabinet raised panel doors.

I was able to be so of assistance after such tragic events broke globally much for how I had been an architect of the early 1990’s recovery and of such, at such, as it is that making Governor Clinton electable was yet a mere part of a greater whole.  I was able to be of such as so regular assistance after 911 events much for I had been haunted since the Clintons veered away from the more prudent balanced think that explains their 1992 surprising votary success both of a visceral tragic remembered as “IF THE CLINTONS GO THAT WAY THE USA WILL GET ATTACKED AT HOME” and too how about a year to year and half later in 1994 I was to such haunting of more concernedness, when I was to realizing, as a private citizen yet so voluntarily engaged in civic think, that it seemed no one else was seeing what I saw or worrying about it properly.

Senator Elizabeth Warren is now too on the back of the Clintons for JUSTICE;  Senator E. Warren by proposing that bankers should go to jail is directly of a politics at incriminating at least Mr. & Mrs. Clinton as also of such culpability to be of an if so then so that if bankers belong in jail so too do the Clintons deserve imprisonment.  I am not as alone as I used to be in my near two decades now of pursuing the wrong about and in the Clintons towards corrective politics after preventive efforts so failed.

But this has to be brief now, and much firstly to discoursing upon here to fore accepted think pertaining to just Flight 93.  Into such is necessarily my understanding of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder history (as it was when then of it fresh and not as now more forgotten)!  Of my voluntary in recovery think of near 700 faxes amassed as sent to the Bush White House via the NSC fax number known since during the Clinton Admin for use with such concerns, yet ahead of attacks, when some cordial with Philip Bobbitt following on after having heard him speak at Yale Law and been in a small party afterwards with myself for drinks and dinner afterwards.  My query to him was so focused as “WHAT ABOUT THE THREATS WE DON’T SEE?” and as asked so that I could maybe figure a sensed known from a doubted of unknown yet visceral and haunting.  For brevity the haunting that concluded on 9/10/2001 and then had me otherwise of think at the ready and re-engaged on 9/11/2001 did stem from my assistance to the Democrats to the 1992 win and how such more prudent balance think was then governed away from by elected William Jefferson Clinton.

To Flight 93 there is that in 1994 upon broaching with “WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF NO ONE IS WORKING ON THIS?” I was, as still only of my the civil voluntarily philosophizing for maximizing positive change to best grow the economy & improved republican politics in an air of opportunity of the days of a NEW WORLD ORDER, yet to real concern with the limits of my training, of that mostly mine as self taught, of the second haunting following on the first visceral tragic awareness of a known like an unknown so of the above shared “IF THE CLINTONS GO THAT WAY THE USA WILL GET ATTACKED AT HOME”!  What burst through upon broaching such of a global querious was a sudden image of the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon.

To Flight 93 there is a pathology to 1994-1993 where such was only able to be “HOLY” OF “JIHAD” if also heading to fly suicidally into the Pentagon.  I am known in some circles for a reputation like of such of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM unsolicited guidance in the pre-Clintons 1990s as (a/the) he who took down Saddam Hussein.  When Saddam was found the story was breaking initially (coincidentally) like as “SADDAM HUSSEIN FOUND IN A HOGAN!”  The world may more globally of heard such told so further but I was quick to my fax machine with a note to the Bush NSC to request that such story line be ceased and desisted from - STOPPED immediately.  I had been, though, as it was (I think in Connecticut) about that time trying to like make Saddam radiate with his earlier admitted defeat by me as like lit up by me - me a HOGAN.

For brevity I share these thoughts today for too few realize even broadly how much they should be reconsidering the Clintons towards having better intelligence and understanding in a basis of history more about being resolved to look at and come to accept how much the Clintons did get wrong.  I have earlier suggested the 911 Memorial & Museum could have the Clintons both duly displayed as encased in carbonite and/or at least with a banner/tag of GROUND ZERO as:  HERE FOR HOW MUCH THE CLINTONS DID GET WRONG!

Senator Elizabeth Warren is not one I would vote for to a LA FEMME PRESIDENT WARREN - - - Yet though I do support her new boldness at tagging the bankers and so again and more seriously, at least by associated guilt/culpability, the “two-fer” BOGO Clinton.  There is per 9/11 and the economic collapsing to a said NEW DEPRESSION that each decision the Administration of the Clintons made was corrupted in a spousal collusion to have the Presidency by Clintons properly named of Mr. Clinton be to planning and coordinating a succession ASAP to a Clinton resurrection yet under a renaming as then under a banner of thought different proper name - of Mrs. Clinton.  It is for others to discern how President Clintons 1993 erring on Iraq was actually so early it likely wasn’t also corrupted as most of their other decisions as specifically figured towards lining up 16(+) years of Clintons instead of merely 4-8.

Right, for brevity, on this anniversary of such tragic events, and specifically to Flight 93 coincidentally heralding the year President Clinton set off the visceral tragic I experienced so of “IF THE CLINTONS GO THAT WAY THE USA WILL GET ATTACKED AT HOME!”, let me now lately share more generally that in 1994 when I broached and “IF THEN” global querious to possible outcomes from the Clintons “politics” it wasn’t until I got the images of the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon as an answer that I bristled and broadly reacted to stop such at two targets.  I didn’t know what I knew for it seemed the thought “experts” were the “experts” and that such could have been me seeing the two places where the greatest defensive expertise was towards preventing such, and as if they were already on it all.

On the morning of 9/11/2001 I did finally know that I had known and too that I likely had been right in thinking that if beyond my attempts to share such haunting concerns there had been more obvious talk from me so like seeming crazy and alone in my thinking so contrary to the “popular” PEACE being pimp’d by the Clintons it likely would have been I was fast to knowing something no longer a known for if known it would have been if so of fears thought visceral to tragic then to NEW plans beyond at least my distant and cloudy awareness.

We of our humanity now are best to consider and deeply all the plotting of the Clintons since Yale Law School days as co-eds joined in separate ambitions to each someday figure a way (however Constitutional traditionally) to each have a Presidency as of each of their own proper names Mr. Clinton & Mrs. Clinton - albeit it that such was when it was Miss Rodham properly.

Also conveniently collated are past selections yet of my more voluminous that is earlier of 2006 and my saying “NO” to TIME when of disturbed waking thoughts to if they could have a picture of me as blogger “uc” for their cover for that years Person of The Year edition.  I did say “NO” but then followed on to assist their interest for my year at publicly (leading) pressed commentary to argue for the Iraq SURGE and then to strongly persist in intelligent defense of it as yet though a new policy that should some have been an old policy - but then too maybe not.  To find some of such also collated as (sordid) sorted by keyword or subject look to http://JPHogan.org and firstly the “THE ELEPHANTS” tab.  At this also available via http://bit.ly/DonkeysGong are some as bitly of “IRAQbyJPHogan” “KerryByHogan” & “AlQaeda_HOGAN” linked.

In such vein, but yet permanently set for the record and history on paper, is it remembered as like heard that President George W. Bush, did to Hearst Corp CEO whence, “recommend” me as with “HE DID MORE FOR ME THAN ANY IN MY ADMINISTRATION!”  I don’t know what such is fully imported to mean or detail - I worked from more than an arms length and voluntarily with unsolicited guidance, however quite voluminous in quantity if of such quality to the President.  I do recall a visceral blow-back from the ego of Secretary Rumsfeld maybe of 9/12/2001 from after I faxed over a copy of my early 1990’s THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM with note “it worked for such and now is yet ready as refreshed to now work again” - I recall Secretary Rumsfeld was likely to the President or at least his NSA Rice of “IS HE TRYING TO PULL RANK ON ME?”!

At the time of the first plane striking the World Trade Towers I was in my 1988 Dodge B-250 white cargo van as a DC licenced general contractor driving up 17th Street N.W. almost nearly to along side the Old Executive Office Building and so with the above thinking of NSA Condoleezza Rice in her likely last thought before the first event now known of GROUND ZERO.  I had the night before decided I had to stop being preoccupied with thinking I had been right since 1993 of such haunting thoughts to a coming tragedy and as it was as from bad decisions made by President Clinton in a contrary governing away from the prudent balanced think responsible for their election.  I had the night before had a conversation with myself that I had to stop now after such near a decade of believing I knew a known yet an unknown and at least for no one seemed to also see it, and, for I likely would fall into personal bankruptcy if I further allowed so much time in each day to reassess concerns as to what might happen and need to happen yet if and when I proved to have been right.

That’s all for now folks.  Yes, it may be fated so for Flight 93, and since 1994, and since after I bristled that maybe I was, though just an amateur civilian of a broached queriousness, as yet to being a one who could stop a sense of JUSTICE, for of a knowing of the issues, but only beyond it seeming through the broached, that the World Trade Towers, and the Pentagon, were though fairly to be targeted.  Yes, I didn’t know of the 9/11 attacks until later in such morning for I didn’t have media on until after I was to that days job site and already to having removed the old front door beyond any point of putting the old back in and rescheduling when to yet build the new front door jambs and install the new front door and storm door.

This day thirteen years ago my client was one whom had years earlier been a dosen for tours of the THE OLD EXECUTIVE OFFICE BUILDING.  Right, the events of 9/11/01 did unfold to fit into my old visceral haunting specific to the above as of 1993 & 1994 specifically.  Right, I learned I knew a known I thought yet too much maybe an unknown but yet queried to Feds about and to it playing out that I yet was much then ready for a response fully figured of a knowing, though also long doubted, and as it is that Flight 93 was then of such as if of “HOLY WAR” yet to only allowed for Posterity to succeed if also to flying so directed also into the PENTAGON.  It has played out that Flight 93 seems to have been doomed if to attempts to broaden the Al Qaeda “justice” to more than those two of the World Trade Tower and the Pentagon which I yet was of thinking could maybe not have been of me seeing the targets but yet of a sharing of concern and preparedness with two venues I figured had to be among the most protected and to not needing a volunteer like myself but of bouncing haunting visceral also at them.

We may have to consider however Senator E. Warren could be a Senator a HERO as a LA FEMME E-WARR’N it yet that Mrs. William Jefferson Clintons vast culpability is engaged of two decades now for many errs at promoting herself, and accepting promotion of herself yet as if skilled and ready for/to a LA FEMME PRESIDENT MRS. CLINTON.  Yes, I know as much as I can remember how much the help I proffed, however, to the Bush Administration was yet informed of knowing of Clintons’ mistakes and enough to be successful in offering corrective fixes in the right air of justice for all.

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