
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:39 pm

Attorney General Eric Holder isn’t alone in a blasphemy to the Founding Fathers’ ordained Order;  Democrats generally have been afoul of “Constitutional” in all their attempts to a progressive when as if justified because thought to a more perfect Union.  The Constitution is the is that is the Order that forms the “the more perfect Union.”  It has been nearly arrested how Democrats since 2009 have been of erring for process and practices as if the mere thought that an initiative can be said  to a “more perfect” than the Constitution as if forward by “in order to…” as active forward as licensed as of a trumping of “Constitutional” yet.

I may be impossible to combat, or debate, an Islamic State, any IS too insurgent, if and when such as “American” is undermined and diminished from more prudent practice and proper established republican procedures original and foundational to national morality.  Blaspheme may be too strong but as allegorical but yet poetic for a brevity like of reduced instruction set computing coding.  Blaspheme may relate for it seems to have endured and endearing that the Founding Fathers’ thought themselves of apostolic work in convention so dedicated to it the Constitution as a SPECTACLE of faith set forward as a THE MORE PERFECT humbly subscribed as established as “done” so ordained that Year of US Lord.  If it is then that the Constitution as the “Order” “to form a” such “more perfect Union” is so a SPECTACLE apostolic in harmony to the Lord of the New Testament morality then it may be some but not too severely yet of a blaspheme - seems!

Though as seeming meant as a bar to any so now of a “Socialism” the “Order” so is for a Nation a Union under God and so that such as ‘in order to form a more perfect Union” is as so of “Order” originally and not a license as if a loophole for any new (progressive) idea to be as if Constitutional by being as if profferable as “more perfect”!

So the most alarming Democrat Party posture is now that with their any Islamic State however Islamic there is the is that if she is, as Mrs. Clinton, posited as a desirable for again of high office that she then is an is to the is the ISIS that is an embodiment political and historic to amount to the worst thing the The United States of America could yet proceed to in their interests to becoming yet safer, if safer by Democrat Party leadership can amass more security.  Yes, if there were not the 22nd Amendment and so the affected term limits to William J. Clinton being a “TOP DOG” or “TOP GUN” political newly to the offices at the The White House it would be considerable as a task to yet discern if a return of Mr. Clinton wouldn’t increase the risks to safety yet more than the return of Mrs. Clinton.

For some perspective to such, and by way of historical coincidences, please first consider there are now two 9/11 events to anniversary of a common enemy.  And, that due to the rise of the “THE CLINTON” in Charlotte, North Carolina at the last Democrat Party Convention, and such rise as of a “RETURNED” President Clinton (however to introduce President Obama) it is too coincidental that the attacks on the “STATE” “HOUSE OF CLINTON” as the “STATE” “BENGHAZI COMPOUND” seem to relate 9/11 II to 9/11 I and as if of a vigilantism and response to it then global of too much of a return (of unrepentant) President Clinton.  For perspective:  If ISIS is an is at all an is like Al Qaeda was/is and is then the worst thing any of such “American” can now do is to promote that there should be a return of either Clinton and any resurrection of either while at least the Democrat Party Convention speech by President William J. Clinton showed him as unrepentant and RETURNED.

There is that if we are at all “more safer” now it may only be an is and is because the Clintons seem enough arrested from renewed insufficient global executive decidings for the People’d people Constituted by the Order that formed the “more perfect Union” so.  9/11 II was the first anniversary after that Charlotte convened that promoted the too charlatan “Bill” as RETURNED and UNREPENTANT.  It stands to be at least long queried that 9/11 may have been kept in a (vigilante) pride as of “Jihad” so “Holy” it was to be a (Terrorist) Holy Day forever where any of Allah then could only proceed if of proceeding in the same Holy cry for Justice original to the (thought) injustices motivating the first. 

We at least have a problem for “TRUTH ROLLING ON” #TRUTHS for a National Posterity so Constituted “more perfect” in how there now is a politics so divided and necessarily for there are two rival histories now operational concurrently to all governance deciding.  It is that there are two histories now concurrent and incompatible that go beyond a “freedom of opinion” and straight to why and how any administration cover-up could and should be considered illegal.

We can hardly actually be now a Nation a Constituted an is an is now safer, however as if an is an enemy actually of an ISIS.  As we are of two histories and one quite workable of TRUTH yet politically workable for governance forward, and then the other “history” of the false narratives long postured Democrat as if TRUTH and as evidenced, yet, of the impropriety in cover-ups, we cannot be of one face, however United, or broadly of a coalition of 9, for the lies of the Democrats are not matters of opinion but of long worked false narratives constructed in attempts to succeed in cover-ups at least for all the ways the Clintons were wrong and are culpable at least of some negligence for at least the days from their first inauguration to the eve of the first - the eve of 9/11 I.  Not in their cover-up rival “history” is that it makes simple sense that 9/11 I & 9/11 II are related and that it makes sense in a most common sense that Mr. and/or Mrs. Clinton are a common denominator a motivation to a vigilantism as if justifiable as “Jihad.”

I do find it far easier to find, however, that President Obama is likable - more likable than either Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Clinton.

But to the issues of ISIS as an is an IS and even if actually religious and Islamic as if more or most firstly an enemy to the The United States of America as it can endear and endure as originally ordained and established so Ordered:  To be or become - to become as if more “safer” conscionably - there are some interest thoughts to posit as hypotheses to test to see if they can yet surmount doubts as workable theorems.

It seemed reported just the other day that the Islamic State stood on Islam as of a religiosity that constitutes terrorism as a methodology for greater civility in community for Posterity.  It seems though then that if such is so then they are of an think that then presumes upon even the Constituted United States not just a right to act as if with terrorism themselves but to be expected as a Nation of such secured People that such of “terrorism” is an acceptable not first objectionable methodology for such.

It seems for there to be an US an us more safer it has to be structural in a moral footing of the People of the United States not associated as also of any guilt or culpability yet motivational to any Islamic in an is an is ISIS as an Islamic State.  It seems if we are safer it can only be for our thought enemy sees our current or former “LEADERS” as more personally wrong if wrong at all and not any a People’d person just generally.  If we support a resurrection of either Mrs. or Mr. Clinton anewly to a Constitutional high office - such hypothesis cannot endure as a workable theorem in practice for so then forward the People’d people will have become also first culpable for having decided by votaries sufficient to put two wrongs ahead of a thought necessary right.

It shouldn’t just be a mistake to allow a rise to resurrection of either Clinton - - - IT LIKELY WOULD BE A HUGE DISASTER OF A MISTAKE - logically speaking.

There is some interesting history in the first history of TRUTHS that rival for safety the false narratives of the cover-up lies so constructed and too long enduring as if believable for it is that unless US an us to being become so compromised, abroad, and broadly, by a mashable hashable taggable, associated with, it reigns a truth that President William Jefferson Clinton was and is still rappable as an AMERICAN INFIDEL for his own unique insurrections against Constitutional.

Without a resurrection for either Clinton we can yet be safer for that which could justify further “attacks” as if justified in “terrorism” by a motivated vigilantism for though the Clintons may have a personal fault and guilt it isn’t generally yet transferable to the People generally, and much because leaders of the Middle East for the duration of the Clintons’ years and hence forward are to be firstly morally associated with a guilt superior for having remained silent at least to their own peoples as to the specific problems unique of the Clintons hands.

So there is that the People’d people, of the The United States of America, at least as enduring, as endearing, as originally Constituted to moral people, as by reasoning, structured also of Adam Smith philosophy, and economics, where the first selfish interest of an individual is to decide it best to be of a community, and of a morality hence with forward in any industriousness, or even, maybe, merchantile work.  It seems prescribed that there can be a blaspheme to the Founding Fathers as if too it wouldn’t be necessary and proper for any wealth of nations if any and all individuals not just nomads tribal or an island unto themselves not to be whenever possible of weekly community gathering at least to commune of a common market place to sing together and at least say once “PEACE BE WITH YOU.”

It seems fraught with peril to even publicly entertain a resurrection, even just political, for any too of the BOGO “two-fer” of the union (not as perfect) of Mrs. & Mr. Clinton.  For now the us in US to a person may be safer and with it that to the is as ISIS, however if truly Islamic and religious, we so are not firstly or yet philosophically primarily an “enemy.”

For now it is more any a “TOP DIPLOMAT” of the Obama diplomacy by distants hands at any questionable droning “morality” whom are to be firstly dressed down with specific words for it is that the People’d people have a safe harbor from too associated guilt as long as it endears that the Saudi Arabian Powers did ask the Christian Constituted so “AMERICAN” whence to become so enmeshed forward from a necessary push-back as the Persian Gulf War to correct the wrongs unleashed by Secular Socialist Ba’athist (Sunni?) Saddam Hussein.

And again:  Yes we can now be safer as long as we prohibit ourselves from promoting the Clintons as clean politicians.  Yes we can be safer for in the convenience that TRUTH can endure as more workable than yet the still concurrent rival history of the failures to affect a permanent false narrative just in the complicated of the Clintons years of having asked Middle East leaders generally for promises to like just blame Republicans, and then more truly for how the Clintons seemed to ever since hold these so of assuaged promises to lines more lies than truths due to the hows and whats of the Clintons post the intitial promises securing.  We are safer now from an associated guilt for there seem to be some Middle East leaders whom should have long ago or more recently exposed the Clintons even as the Clintons persisted seemingly of selfish promises in holding such honorable on their honor for a promise made even as the promise became corrupted by those who asked for the promise as an is as if an is forever to be the is despite however Islam may have suggested morals trump selfish politics.

As John Jay warned like of alarming when of totalitarian rule whimsy it behoove all to realize if America so foolish to promote even just Mrs. Clinton newly it to it then moral to any so argued an “enemy” that then President Mrs. Clinton, however Un-Constitutional, would yet have 300 Million plus souls beholden to (fight and) die as if for her “HONOR.”  Any promotion now however of either Clinton, Mrs. or Mr., does yet risk peril so to it maybe a dream for any so arguably to “our enemy” that we by such “politics” allow all of the People’d to each personal soul to be called to defend the Clinton honor however even if HONORABLE.

It really is most important that the 1-5 of PUBLIUS of THE FEDERALIST PAPERS are to be considered important and forever warning and critical.  A promotion of the Clintons, yes, could really be more in our possible (just foreign?) enemies interests than at all actually to any “American” individual’s self interest.

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