
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:44 pm

President Barack Hussein Obama may not (yet) be to a post Presidency as dramatized with Gene Hackman in WELCOME TO MOOSEPORT - there yet is to be much considered a HOW BIG? - how big a library he may deserve/afford.  PBHO may be all VIP to UK PM, as if of a singularity in importance, and not of “juice” @ #NoJuiceObama beyond questioned, but he is now checked by a Republican Congress and for checkered inconvenient truths.

Governor Mitt Romney shouldn’t look to be thought able to defeat the Clinton after not having been able to defeat PBHO;  GMR should be embarrassed as a businessman for the last month of his 2012 campaign of PBHO of defining him unchecked.  It is seeming an embarrassment that GMR defeated himself especially in his last month when most obviously of like rookie PR mistakes or hubris;  GMR let PBHO be seeming erudite of proffers that Obamacare was Romneycare while GMR let himself seem played while declaring he would replace Obamacare with Romneycare.

Right!  GMR for especially the last month let it seem ridiculous to elect him for if Obamacare was Romneycare and he was just going to like replace Obamacare with Romneycare than the only seeming issue was was it wrong for a black President to have brought the country Romneycare before white Governor brought the nation anything like such an “Affordable Care Act”?

Right!  Piddly to the problems another white Governor seems beset of as a Bush;  Right it seems Governor Jeb Bush is more in a pickle as in the pickle barrel banded about President William Jefferson Clinton and his Mrs., however, and President George Walker Bush.  It seems rookie PR errs are to be trumped by a Governor a brother as like also a step brother while all the lot are to be like the work of the new Republican Congress (just for National Security needs) of accepting that there has been a cover-up at least of that of PWJC when Mrs. FLOTUS and that PBHO did at least inherit a (dangerous) cover-up from, quite the bulk of the Bush clan.

Right!  GJB seems compromised by his brother and his father, at least as Presidents of record goes, for it seems a truth an inconvenient that there was a cover-up that needed a new cover-up after the United States of America was attacked on Benghazi properties for the lies for the PWJC sustaining were falling apart as lies no longer of sufficient constitution, at least.

Right!  PBHO however of inheriting said cover-up so of such absolutes it is impossible to disprove or deny, is yet to be considered for a modest Presidential Library for too it seems to easy to prove he worked from hour one to improve the cover-up of the Clintons and to then like stab the Bush clan in the back towards trying to repair the Clintons to at least be able to bully their way forward evermore at least over any Republicans as under them as the Bush beset under them like so.

But today is of PM of UK of a pop across the pond to at least find intelligent allegiances upon Jenkins Hill as seated in the 114th Congress.  PM of UK may need friends now as the 2016 campaign allowances are expected to be forward well defined and compartmentalized between “governing” and “political partisan campaigning.”

So where is the beef as for now we can leave the pork to less pressing but due deep probatives and debating?

So where is the beef in UK PM cross’d the pond per immediate security and policy concerns?

#IRAN - How not start here for there is actually “moral hazard” in it if allowed to be a brokered “improvement” if made or credited by Secretary of State John Kerry?  Really there is “moral hazard” in there being a deal with Iran now, however reasonable, for SoSJK is of a past that is contrary to compromised for a Posterity for any deal to endure of a constitutional establismentary.  Really there is a risk in SoSJK being a one or the one upon which such could be possible if to endure;  His opposition to Operation Iraqi Freedom is contrary and too his years as of the PWJC years of the avoidance and inaction in years 1993-2001.

For a brevity as newly seated “leaders” are charged to sworn to these duties as of the majority of a bicameral People’d Congress I will try to wrap it for future nibbles upon the hard tack and how SoSJK isn’t quite the right bride for such a FP marriage - for FP progress by “agreement”!  Here:

Iran should favor new deals with the The United States of America because of Operation Iraqi Freedom as right and just and at least as for a late by 8-10 years of offering something less than abandonment to the Iraqi Shia.

Iran if to a willingness to make a deal with the USA is yet of “moral hazard” to any such deal if not to stipulations of SoSJK an inconvenient “messenger” whose opposition to OIF should be apologized for writ large and concurrently.

As since for such to be with the new younger Iran so populated and currently constituted it behoove the poets of Irani nationalism, and hopes, be expressive to at least attempt to rap the bad in the past of Mrs. PWJC, however, however all the way back to 1993 when firstly FLOTUS Mrs. PWJC.

Operation Iraqi Freedom was necessary to any possible progress now with Iran - if rumors of such at a new threshold of a global copacetic are to be believed.  The Democrats of these days are too much the Democrats of the days of abandonment from 1993-2001 of expectant of Iraq and Afghanistan;  The Democrats have the history of PWJC of “official speak” as if fixed in his FP as per the ME such that to Iraqi concerns he was bigoted in Islam as biased to favors favoring the Sunni;  The Democrats have that PWJC was officially of posturing that bigotry against Shia - against specifically all Shia of Iraq - against Shia so much he did declare like:  THE (IRAQI) SHIA ARE NOT (PEOPLE) CAPABLE OF GOVERNING THEMSELVES.

For this to be of said brevity let me just tease a problem too relating to Syria and Ukraine:

At least:  It for their history as part of the U.S.S.R. has baggage to check before allowance for being “separatists” morally.  Ukraine is of the history of the Soviets as per the Cold War of Iran and Iraq played like pawns for the security of oil supplies was needed for a victory by one or the other - historically.

So for brevity:

What can be allowed however SoSJK of a “moral hazard” pertinent to UK PM DC visit to DC and USC & the WH both while a Posterity needs a strength of truth - of cause and effect development logic.

How can an deal be brokered by any Obama Democrat and especially his SoSJK, irregardless of it less of a “moral hazard” than if so hazard actually by Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton while SoSWJC aka “SoSHRC”?

Otherwise however, isn’t a first step to fixin’ Syria and Ukraine at least to settle the history most contested by Iran?

Mischief to be to undermining all of the above:  If Iran isn’t to being convinced by Ukraine that the Holocaust was real then…?


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