
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:45 pm


It may be better to leave the women out of this!

No assembling now required!

Je suis rabbit?  Je suis of B.C., & pagan of a golden calf?  Je suis of institutionalized ignorance bullish horn’d?  Je suis le matador?

It matters less if President Obama jumps to the left, or leaps to the right!

He so postures as if ready & daring, of just rabbits charging - seems.

Oy! Satire! Oy satire!  OMG SATIRE!  JE SUIS CHARLIE!  OY :-(

How now begot of a new Congress to Slaughter the seeds of hope if by a “blackjack” at 21 or shy at 20?  If to be of our rights as independent to each as charged by their Creator a linqua franca need be refixed to repaired to common sense of a The Force magnetism of memory and stored energy. To be just kin et ick of slaughtering permissible of a sustaining soul is to speak to “pain” where codes and echoes are harmonizing to be of the possible Light!  It is ALIVE!  At 21 weeks she/he has “community”!

Je suis le enfant? I am but I have no “pa-a-in”! I have like “trauma” of “pressure” of in ma with no “Pa” “in” of pain before 20 by 7 of mine since thoughts of seeding fertile fertilized to seeded to Hope to of in the Light?

Je suis le enfant? I am not to be de cartean - of a cart as separated for of thoughts “ALIVE” but no original “THOUGHT”?

Je suis qui non Descartean?

Je suis “electric” of the The Force from whence seeded of a big bang polarity! Je suis to the Light of “live” wired!

What of all the charging as rabbits of President Barack Hussein Obama and he of a cape?  Bullish? Careless?  Don’t cry fo’ moi Argentina?

How co-lumbus by rabbits erred spans PBHO of a dividing think - of an eros and psyche erros prophylactical?  Vive le soldiers Christian ’tised?

Como se dice “rabbits” y “bullish”?  How by Barcelona structure so Gaudi for Posterity?  How run the rights of Spanish male/machismo passage?

/// Onward Christian soldiers…? /// Freed from “rabbits” to stand with bulls - “bullish” / but smart - in the Light? /// Onward Christian Soldier…? ||

How swimming the seeds of the Light of The Force “electric” from conception if conscious as more fertilized & warmed…. Too “soldiers”!

Beyond a “blackjack” unconscionable at 20 or 21 weeks there are still the future rights of passage for all Christian “soldiers”! To a man to “Amen!”!

For co-lumbus to discover when passing to past spooning there always the “shores” of “Tripoli” of bed oh wins beachy - - - a Coptic coded electric!

/// Onward Christian soldiers…? /// Freed from”rabbits” to stand with bulls - “bullish” / but smart - in the Light? /// Onward Christian Soldier…? ||

How now begot of a new Congress of the People’d peoples politics washing tonnage of the “business” separated from “of the Creator” divined fertiziled and warmed from “soldiers” to warmed of swimming humane of eggs and darts?  How structured the tao - a tao - a way - et tu como se dice a vive le French copacetic however too of Gaudi de Espana?  If to be of our rights as independent to each as charged by their Creator a linqua franca need be refixed to repaired to common sense of a The Force magnetism of memory and stored energy.  By 21 weeks at least a soul is extant - seems?  A rights of passage otherwise has commenced and inviolate of impropriety if to a slaughtering of a welcomed Christian “soldier”?

To be just kin et ick of slaughtering permissible of a sustaining soul is to speak to “pain” where codes and echoes are harmonizing to be of the possible Light!  It is ALIVE!  At 21 weeks she/he has “community”!

Je suis a “Serious Black”? a godfather? a leading citizen, at least?

“Religion” but everwas & evermore a human attempt to explain the “electric” universal of all things all so too of Jesus nor Muhammad above the other - of Jesus and Muhammad of their God equally above them?  Christian “soldiers” from unleashed devoid of “rabbits” “free” however by temperate to timed of rythms for “prophylactical” to separate from the Light while of vessels and reseviors of the charged of the The Force are like of the trespasses to discern for “bullish” check civilities in “immigration” “politics.”

Oy! Satire! Oy satire!  OMG SATIRE!  JE SUIS CHARLIE!  OY :-(

/// Onward Christian soldiers…? /// Freed from “rabbits” to stand with bulls - “bullish” / but smart - in the Light? /// Onward Christian Soldier…? ||

No assembling required - - - this is more a matter of “faith” in “religion” as a indivisible “of the all of all” - - - of “think” & maybe “speech”!

Como se dice et tu je suis of Muhammad for a man should fig “the straw the broke the camels back” to a serial of God’s tested of desert trespassers and dwellers so so so a comsi comsa asi asi of the “oy” & “oys” of how temperate of deserst of the Tigris and Euphrates, as too of Arabia were at least lucky for Muhammad to how he dated for Posterity that Christianity was if regular to all so then inadequate to people so God’s more severely tested of the environs of his deserts, and which ever hills of lava rocks potential Tranquility.


Je suis rabbit? Je suis of B.C., & pagan of a golden calf?  Je suis of institutionalized ignorance bullish horn’d?  Je suis le matador?

It matters less if President Barack Hussein Obama jumps to the left, or leaps to the right?

He so postures as if ready & daring, of just rabbits charging - seems?

Oy! Satire! Oy satire!  OMG SATIRE!  JE SUIS CHARLIE!  OY :-(

                                           *       *       *
As by a #SOTU #socialmedia http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan & @jphoganorg http://CitizenRosebud.mobi share:

‪#‎SOTU‬ • Doesn’t ‪#‎Obama‬ ‪#‎immigration‬ ‪#‎pen‬ undermine @Pontifex ‪#‎Pope‬ ‪#‎Francis‬ bridge building mission for ‪#‎SouthAmerica‬ ‪#‎LatinAmerica‬ by decreeing some their best souls otherwise ‪#‎Christian‬ ‪#‎soldiers‬ to be reassigned as ‪#‎Americans‬ as O’s official people?

Can Pope Francis give hope at least to such’s native sovereign parishes if they cannot be like not of ‪#‎deportations‬ but of exporting of ‪#‎freedom‬?

Can there be hope to rival the The Uunited States in the other nations of ‪#‎Americas‬ without so many as “illegals” to USA as ‘et their own people’s best hopes at home?”

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