
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:46 pm

As any art of “Hilary” when there a “Hillary” in the “rabbits” seems at least subconsciously of a “puritanical” objection of one woman of too many “L”s?

Mustn’t a prima facia of #ItsMeHilary” be a caked to wild protestant of a Hillary of too many (political) positioned postured?  Aren’t there two Mrs. Dunhams in one a #Girls of a one “L” Hilary?  If we must talk about rabbits mustn’t we tussle a warren two as an Ann Dunham?

The future is rabbits!  There are good rabbits! there are bad rabbits! there are warrens of rabbits to posture!

As President Obama is near the age most fathers of even one daughter think to having a shotgun, and VP Biden still, we have that Sasha and Malia are of a black father who has no sons.  To be hip to Lena Dunham however as a “Princess Leah” or “Padme Amidala” we can flush out a posterity that she yet is like “Ja Ja Binks” as quite a “Gunga Din” and more the “grandmother” than Hillary.  As this will be of a brevity of a President without sons it to be of a je suis satirism of what American daughters have born witness to (too much) of a world of “rabbits”!

I know not if President Obama is a father who would allow a son to get even one tattoo.  This is not about his daughters - it though must be about President Obama’s mother figures during his administration wanton now as if tagged of too many too “rabbits”!

The future is rabbits!  There are good rabbits! there are bad rabbits! there are warrens of rabbits to posture!

Before President George Washington letter to the Jews, now still living in infamy of America as a land not to seed or grow a bigotry of tolerance, there was how is so claimed to have been he “repaired from retired” to be then from concerns of “impregnable fortitude” of their prophylactics (skins) of the day in sexual at home (with the books on sex he and Martha got from her parents library when they passed*) (*Read in a recent book about Washington) to established for the nation as best ready for governance inaugurated as Constituted for “among the vicissitudes incident to life…”!* (*See George Washington First Inaugural Speech text)

I do not recall if among Martha Washington’s parents books on sex so read of there was an original copy of a KAMA SUTRA.  The “Hillary” of too many seeming “L”s yet seems the Dunham the younger though old enough still. The “Hillary” of too many seeming “L”s seems to have been to President Obama as the older white surrogate mother figure in an Oedipal!  Lena as to a “Hilary” of a modest of one “L” seeming now an of #Girls and #ItsMeHilary yet seems the younger the older as a Dunham more like of an Ann Dunham alive and/or living on as a body guard to her granddaughters.

Secretary Hillary Clinton did amass a public record of seeming at times too emotional and too “(sexually) frustrated”!

I know not if Hillary Rodham “Dunham” Clinton has a tat - has been tattooed!  She seems of a record of envy!

Dunham - Lena Dunham - Has yet been so as if of Tatooine “star wars” as well as if a “Nubian”? How of India tao?

Lena Dunham on “puritanical” stirs the “rabbits” of Rome linqua franca respecting procreation pros #creation.  Dunham as a body guard of #Girls as if the living Ann Dunham yet now seems conflicted of #ItsMeHilary of a prudence of “L”!  Hillary - How say you (as Oedipal’d)?  Who is R. Kipling’s MUNICIPAL “Mr. Binks”?  “LL” Hillary of Tripoli been “G” hazy? “LL” Hillary of Behouins “bed o’ wins” tri-pol-i?

The future is rabbits!  There are good rabbits! there are bad rabbits! there are warrens of rabbits to posture!

There have been binders of women!  Muamar Qadhafi found of a binder of Ms. Rice but not of “LL” “Hillary”?

Who can deny that Mrs. Hillary Rodham “Dunham” Clinton hasn’t performed like a cloaked Sith Lord devilishly?

America of these United States of America Constituted have a sworn President who negated his swearing near as soon as it was orated lastly so in his Second Inaugural Speech and moments of recorded oral exposits.  In such he near as soon as swearing to be Constitutional he did posture that he wouldn’t feel “beholden” the the “oath” just taken.

I must leave it now for furtherance of any imports to the women of Ann Dunham however as if of Ann Dunham as a grandmother surrogate or as a missed older white mother figure - as a “L” or “LL” tat’d of #Eloise Dunham.  Or yet for he President so w/o sons, of an age of “guarded”!

The world is now the “bunny ranch” common to President Obama’s postured, and as well of Pope Francis’ frankness.

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is the Hillary we all must dissect metaphorically and theoretically smartly firstly!

How is Mrs. “LL” Clinton so everything of the early feminist heft? of envy? so emotional? very moody? historically (bitter)?


Is it tea time for puritanical #reset #resets?  What of the “envy” of Mrs. Clinton, however, as a public figure due dissection and however much “gutting” to delve the depths for “psycho babble” en familia of a je suis Bill “LL” Clinton committed union?  Mrs. Clinton feminism is in jeopardy for the politics reigns of her disexpected to be of truth an option for as a spouse she is like sworn of oath and vows to not betray or incriminate her spouse - she is like disallowed from truth for the history is so much was her husband’s fault and she even as President Obama’s Secretary of State had to like be President Clinton’s lawyer first and to finding lies for the truth wasn’t allowed by her to be expressed even if prudent.


Like President Barack Hussein Obama’s Vice President “Joe” Biden has spoken to as like “home” security need just a shotgun - a shotgun to just shoot off into the air - he too as stood up a parable like in “YOU CAN’T FIX IT IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT”!  Vice President Biden postured is however as also of leading from behind yet a good tat upon the failures now of his own administration.  It seems beyond where Secretary of State had to avoid the truth and try to find lies to now violate her spousal vows to the improper husbandry of President Clinton - of all his years, not just the too ignored/forgotten of 1993-2001.

The future is rabbits! There are good rabbits! there are bad rabbits! there are warrens of rabbits to posture!

There too is an observation that those of the right as so amassed too in the new “TEA PARTY” have not shown any of the signs of sexual frustration.  There is these days #forward are for #Repubs much of a new #Washingtonian more than a new “puritanical” “oppressive” too of them like liberated (but as bad #rabbits) to now beat the beats for like a Republican “Woodstock”!  Even as TEA PARTY too of some “repaired from retired” too? And, too as of “impregnable fortitude” positioned?

I must leave it now for furtherance of any political or global imports to the posturing and positioning of President Barack Hussein Obama, the 114th Congress, any now public as if to 2016 as a contender.  It does seem the record shows “LL” Hillary has been of a clean and present record of having been too emotional and publicly of envy.  It yet though is to be seen if Repubs now are actually to an American Kama Sutra to share how they have endured to still endear as Constitutional, and if such then will be just a re-printing of an original original of a copy that George and Martha begot from her parents private library.  “Vicissitudes…”?



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