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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:44 pm

There comes a time in the life of Pi Rabbit’s warren when at least a gaggle is about as to:  3-14 — NOW WHAT?!

These United States of America are now circumspect of a radial rolling out gaggles pied - and pied uncertain forward.

The American pie is now most dependent on Pi!  We cannot know how much American pie we have to split/portion if we haven’t not yet accurately gotten round the proper mass of a reality to how large or small our pie actually is, mathematically for necessary and proper accountability.

Should we think of us as of U.S. of American pie forward, for now as to consumption of rhubarbs - of rhubarbs pied?

{Please, upon as usage of rhubarb to forthwith to Yahoo by Googling now learned in a most basic, behooved not to feed rabbits rhubarb leaves for what makes the wood bleach I know as oxalic acid is of a toxicity to so harey in its leaves. Please, as it seems rhubarb now even better as an apropos metaphoric do bewares that it can be deadly while too a discouragement to bunnies.}

To get to the roots of the problems. of how Obamacare came to be so removed from the noble, as once of it as born a Republican Heritage dream, to stemmed too obtuse. and some for how stalked partisan in a poisonous divisive politics, let us become refreshed to a more measure of our pie by Pi - - -  by a Pi Rabbit’s unearthed possessive mass.

How e-stirred the bad bakers Democrats engorged on the Federal teets phat.as if an Easter Bunny could be vibrant for all, as a Queen Esther, and for like a never ending sunday of a Christmas everyday consumption, is now only partly evidential to the shortened dough problema of an unaffordable AFFORDABLE CARE ACT.

{I have not - I have never fed a bunny rhubarb or rhubarb leaves! Nor if I recall have I ever myself but been teased by rhubarb pie - however tempting it then seems recalled. I have used oxalic acid as a wood bleach at least in my boatwright work.}

To Israel now however democratic forward it seems of a DANGER DANGER O’HARE ALARMIST too perchance of these United States President as possibly of poisoning them from their Queen Esther consummate togetherness.  It is perchance a DANGER to abide or just even break bread e-stirred of President Barack Hussein Obama as if good for inside the belts of Israeli spirited. A President Obama as if a baker for Israel too seems hairy to DANGER prudent as if a PEACE PIE can be made as if leaven bread without the leavening.

President Obama may be to hops in his steps and suds on his beers, however honied, but as for American Pie or e-stirred Israel it seems his rising has been too of an ignorance of yeasts’ particular historical valued. Isn’t President Obama at cooking up a storm more than a WELCOME pie as if their can still be an EASTER or legend of Queen Esther without a regional to global we all together in a #HOLOCAUSTWASREAL precedent to each & their measured serving(s)?

So, now back to bunnies and a Pi Rabbit’s warren to the errs of the ways, however O a tao O Obama O O’Hare, #FORWARD #FORWARD #FORWARD!!!  It behoove us to look back and finally fig out how much pie there actually is to divide/portion.

NOW WHAT?  This is something else!  As fraught of the old “BOOK OF BARACK” of the public shared of http://CitizenRosebud.org #HOGAN fit for fig’n #StrongForTruth #EvolveTheLaw & #GiveTruthAChance as too measured and portioned by so lyrical and satirical traditionals of the base root “e” of http://www.JPHogan.org e-stirred - - - NOW:  What?  What is the proper mass for such portioning if such apportioned as Law to be Constitutional and not even smitten of a partisan poisoned?

Can President Obama be circumspect of a mass reality yet?  Can he be of or for the prudent of Queen Esther for an Israeli reset however forward democratic still?  How did he socialize so much for the Pilgrims descendent where in these United States of their America it was writ by the founding fathers as to be un-Constitutional to be so centralized as to a new nationalism as the rap of Socialism to Communism rests embedded in the difficult to parse a diff about between HillaryDemocrats and ObamaDemocrats?

Can President Obama survive a rap of having worked to edicts to divide and conquer by dividing a mass of “pie” he yet hadn’t properly fig’d an apropos mass fig’n by being considerate enough to first prudence in democratic first steps at a calculable as to the radial of the mass for the mass of the divisible by Pi of the actual pie?  Has that said to be heralded as Obamacare become spoiled of lots too of lots never prudently accounted or measured to apportioned for workable dough?

#RABBITS!!! NOW:  It is that the AFFORDABLE CARE ACT is to be phased out after Justices, 9, of the #SCOTUS benched Supreme Court tweetable, stand tall to a ruling, maybe unanimous, that it is for Congress, not them to legislate a “fix” to it so served for consummation before ever being cooked enough, however, to even be safe fodder for rabbits?

Descendents, metaphysical and physical, of Pilgrims of Plymouth stay the BUNNIES PURITANICAL studied.  The FREEDOM BUNNIES of today, however e-stirred so of these United States of America set forward by President George Washington’s letter to the Jews that discerned “American” as not to be of a “bigotry of tolerance” as to be a preserve for freedom in a Constituted under God but protective as from theocratic rule by “Nationals” and beset in foundations for diversity in pluralism.

{Of rhubarb - rhubarb pie & rabbits - - - These United States of America are Constituted still for FREEDOM BUNNIES not as threatened domestically by those rushed to AFFORDABLE CARE ACT particulars without guile for Constitutional as relevant as a bar from Socialism - originally baked for all.  Americans’ however of their Easter Bunnies and Queen Esther defensive prudence are yet pied to be only of a mass measurable by Pi natural law reality of scientific standards of portioning propriety.  In these United States of American where FREEDOM BUNNIES roam regular’d the #ACA has been like a poisoning as if the Constitutional was under attack from domestic’d threats.  It as warren’d of President Obama, however of O’Hare aires, has been to by being inadequately of apportioned measured Constitutionals to rendering pie not proportioned by Pi.}

As rhubarb leaves of a oxalic acid toxicity to rabbits - - - any know already if a global regional pie by Obama to poisoned to a new democratic biased for Israel forward as if devoid of leavening while to said baking as if to serve up leavened fare?  Is that of Obama’s baking to as if feeding even of O’s hares raw rhubarb leaves as if not to a consummate politics of a defense like offered whence by Queen Esther?  Has this “rabbit” President been too as a bad baker afraid of FREEDOM BUNNIES?

Has this “rabbit” President been too, as a bad baker, so afraid of FREEDOM BUNNIES, and not apportioned for any caring AFFORDABLE for being inconsiderate of mass and volumes long of the “American” as for American pie as supposed forward always to be respectful of the past and measured always even if by Pi Rabbit’s warren’s officers, at least?

There comes a time in the life of Pi Rabbit’s warren when at least a gaggle is about as to:  3-14 - - - NOW WHAT???

How do we now together reapportion the available pie?  How is it that which started as noble from Republicans of Heritage did so become this mess of a unaffordable AFFORDABLE CARE ACT - an Act of Pie not measured by Pi?

[Originally posted
June 26, 2015 @ 15:44]

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