Spring is not the time of the year of the festival - the seasonal festival THE BLACK & WHITE ESCARGOT FEAST for all wards in Bunnytown. When it happens it is a battle culinary not just of the freshest catches but too the BEST WHITE, and BEST DARK, and too a top 5 for OTHER CHOCOLATES. The STRAWBERRY TEASE is too a battle festive of all chocolate these bunnies may sheet, dip, or barely coat of a celebrant seasonal harvest.
The four seasons may touch each ward of Bunnytown more aspecially throughout the years - it seems to many outsiders that these bunnies need little excuse to “party” - they are so well rectoried that too their partying can be very regular. This is the legend of the warren of Art Harey a seeming naive to it bunny oddly showing tendencies to be a natural weatherman.
Art Harey is a young bunny. He is still looking forward to his first HAREY GAMES and as he seems sporting while seeming a most likely to be a future weatherman. This rabbit is a hare still quite green and shy to talk of so many “greys.”
The elders of all of Bunnytown this year are proudly embracing an onset of spring springing for it seems sprung from a quiet winter known that all the wards are reporting apparent civil copacetic conditions among all the generations and especially the frosty young not too young for beginning “bunny ways.” The elders, as tradition would have it, are yet ahead of the games for the new spring and coming summer for the frisky bunnies of their entire warren; The elders have already found a new natural metaphorical seeming deep enuf for a parental lingua code to keep hopefully near 99% of the immature bunnies from too much know’n.
Bunnytown is a literate town still proud and celebrant of oral traditions as well as full and robust expression by written word play.
Part of the mystery of Art Harey is how out of sorts it seems for he to be from his clan and so yet a seeming natural future Bunnytown weatherman - even while still so green. The hares O Harey though musical in a proud amateurish accomplished in his parents, and grandparents generations, across the 12 & 16 rabbits begot of each so, and while their priorities were more to terra firma pragmatic grounded basics, are yet too surprised to see a general “painting” in broad brush’d heavenly interests in young Art.
Young Art has been particularly concerned around the various seasonal festivities to how the lot are to their coloring and if one pride or ward or bunny seems to be a BEST WHITE - BEST DARK - or so a top 6 of the “greys” OTHER based on weather ominous storied of their legends. Art has been all about the dew points and quite green in a naivete on talk of pressure systems and cold fronts. The elders cherish bunnies like Art for how easily they can be teased to a “lost in the clouds.”
Art can grow up expecting to get paid for any work however such plays out as now “predicted.”
As natural to learn math in Bunnytown is that a civility is taught from the earliest tablatures of nearly teaching an economics of a social science before the first arithmetic. #NoFreeLunch is learned even before THE ESCARGOT & THE FROG; An economics of for bunnies persists in a taught reared for all of: “MUST SPEND TO MAKE” as if natural law in a surety as likewise in sciences: “MUST SPEND ENERGY TO MAKE POWER - TO EXPEND POWER” There have never been chocolate frogs served up celebrant at any of the season festivals of Bunnytown.
Across the wards of Bunnytown each spring an expected test question for shooled of Art Harey age specific pride is somehow always some form of question like a math question somehow about journalists while really not about math.
A form of this question is regular - please understand the posting here is short-handed as of the traditions of the elders of for talking over or around “mature” matters:
> #MarchMadness #millennials #IQTest • Y/N? #Journalists smart enuf to fig press’d @ em too 2 b #FREE whom believe their words/work 2 b FREE?
For this audience it is a simple, we hope, as likewise #NoFreeLunch - and as quarded for the young bunnies like Art whom are told they do get free lunches. Adam Smith is known to the warren of Bunnytown and all its wards - if only tradionally so by the mature hares; Protected speech is about for a wealth of the warren in a comity so reared to mature learn some basics and too get guided locally in their wards if like showing tendencies to be a natural future weatherman - to of heavenly broad brush’d strocking erudity nuancing.
Art at the seasonal festivals and feasts has been regularly quite touchy when it comes to cooking conditions and any to be preferred expected warming and cooling and always, always, so far, of being persnickety as to relative humidity and dew points.
As spring is springing to oddly sprung of a fresh snow - these things are thought certain of Art. Young Harey is prepped among the elders and enuf mature to as subject such that his ears should already be ringing however confused of song like but too much to understand beyond a seeming carefree and upbeat melodic.
Of Art, now as the HARE GAMES approach, and the later days to an elders fav feast wafts in as the THE BLACK & WHITE ESCARGOT FEAST, Mr Harey is quite proud of hearing of his Art:
> #MarchMadness #RaceTogether • #CitRB “Art Harey” yet so green rear’d GOTTA SPEND TO MAKE! - #Millennials #free #news to em too FREE!
To most this will at first maybe seem confused as of “mature” protected speech of bracket bunnies sorted by their numbers and statistics of predictions of 64 = 1 to 32 = 1 in a variety of confidences.
Art feels proud to be so talked about - even as his ears are barely of O hare hearing enough to make em rings. Mr. Harey was insistent upon hearing his bride wanted Art that he as their third bunny would best be from Arturo rather than Arthur.
Mr. Harey is a bull of a bunny a first pick oft about the mid summer ELDERS FIDDLING SHOWDOWN.
Young 3rd bunny of the clan of Harey hares, Arturo “Art” Harey is a rabbit of the first order, as it seems, so far. The “Art” of the Harey clan is still so green it yet is uncertain if to be to bearing as a bull rabbit like his father’s side or more a bear minor to such and shorter, as the genes have set, but not too petite.
In Bunnytown across all the wards and prides journalism is as good a profession as any, even the profession of weather peeps. It is still of their ways to of Adam Smith that respect is shown (for reared in) a contrite common sense economics for a wealth of the warren of self interest feasted and contested so each to a rabbit not to be O hare doesn’t get GOTTA SPEND TO MAKE!
Stories are not seasonal to no bunny should rear up as if news or music should be their for free - that they should ever think they are being “intelligent” if thinking some more senior are not smart enuf to moderate their commentary and and sharing to however by blog or broadsides be to “editing” to give any too to #FREE as much coverage as to affect them of any efforts theirs therefore to for however long should also be made free.
For now Art is captivated of raptures precedent and anticipatory the the HAREY GAMES as those in the know have shifted from their confusing math of 64 = 1 to what simply seems to make more sense of 32 = 1.
No! Art doesn’t have a prediction, concurrently. He is that green - he is so green he is naturally naive & protected. The Harey are prudently economical. The keep of their pride is too of the adage quite well kept of their ward, especially, a pretty for its white picket fences, that too across their warren the Harey Clan is TOPS in neighborly of the example of:
And, akin to “Art” as Arturo, no one yet surprised he of teasing:
What is known is in Bunnytown Art is sure to grow up learned of Adam Smith and too wise it prudent to fig all decidings and predictions around the INVISIBLE HAND as it is blasphemy in their warren to ever be to speaking but of one’s “self interest” is to the preservation of the self - never to the gratification of a selfish as if an island in a community. Art is in the legend of one’s self interest is smartly of the “economics” rites of social science to business science as to if to a wealth of warrens then firstly each to choose to be of a self in “community” and secondly to “choose” to be “moral” in such (chosen) community.
Art will be confused, maybe when in later years, when of sufficient maturity, he learns of an earlier “Art” of Arthur Strike who seemed called to right economic injustice and like blasphemy to Adam Smith and some too Kenneth Galbraith.
Some day Art will grow up and be expected to learn some basics of and earlier “Art” as it is a tale of the years in Bunnytown fictionalized of how economies and economics did go south for too many seasons and to such “Art Strike” and his novel story of like being the first Private Detective ever needed in Bunnytown for economic injustices from bad bunnies to at a cozy capitalism too in a materialism of gratification of selves work’d politically be really bad bunnies then of enuf power to affect a political “economics” suppression - the story is of a suppression that so moved “Art Strike” for said to be an accidental depression - yet not.
Art of the Harey Clan will have to get his learning straight if even to be yet of the success of “Art Strike” as told as good with the bunnies - as a gentleman bunny with the lady bunnies - quite.
This Art is still so green thou oft of spring predictions among those more mature, and especially his elders. For now as spring spring and sprung yet of snows it seems the HAREY GAMES are holding their promises mostly foretold believed.
> What’s that young Art? (Papa Harey asks.) Oh yes that is artful Art - there is a “frozen 32″ inside the bracketed. (Papa) Art - but remember there are a frozen 32 outside too. (Papa too)