
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:43 am

Pencils down!!!  How say you Hillary Rodham Clinton?

As we seem past a politik of “lipstick on a pig” we yet are not “out of the mud”! What we have here concurrent to our seeming early deciding is a pressing problema for timely meditations for prudence in a “stitch in time saves nine” cautionary.  How we are all gathered as so around Mrs. C. is pre-set in a near self evident that our perspectives seem of looking down on #Hillary2016 without a need for stools.  How do you speak - say, as say - of Hillary Rodham Clinton? How is your own prosaic already pressed to hash out the throw-down to #HILARYworstSecStateEVER?

This has already reached SERIOUS - these times are already CRITICAL!

A cementitious walk of HRC talk disturbs to recollections of the days before cell phones of people in public alone talking knowing without wireless earbuds.  A seventh floor perspective can too seem ridiculous - to a worst case, and easily evident.

Please play along, now.  Please imagine you are standing at a pre-podium with too a pencil at the ready.

First to a most serious, and old:  There was a made for TV event with living current and past Secretaries of State paired for two by two projections where Secretary HRC was balanced by Secretary Henry Alfred Kissinger.  There was this of a ridiculous as from any ever a Secretary of State whence then as like the HRC opening tease.  Secretary HRC espoused/blurted (defensively?) a proposition that America has like “passed power peacefully Secretary to Secretary” over the recent years.  No, that/this was/is BAD!  It is in the archived where ever of Secretary HAK of his jaw like dropping to his toes.  As a defensive in a necessary, though to a ridiculous, it may have been necessary fictionalizing in rationalizing from the truths of what the Clintons’ Secretary Madeleine Jana Korbel Albright so like passed to the 9/11 Secretary Colin Luther Powell.

To bookend to a closing auto-bio’d from the Stately seventh floor there too is the problematic of Secretary HRC to self incrimination in her first official statement on Benghazi consulate tragedy, as witnessed of her office area.  Secretary HRC, before to a clean up for the Rose Garden ceremonial with President Barack Hussein Obama, was self damnably to espousing/blurting near “I did not believe this could happen in a country I had liberated.”  #OMG - That was/is BAD!

Candidate Donald John Trump, Sr. is not alone in propositions discriminate to whom a WORST SECRETARY OF STATE EVER tag best to be pinned upon. Candidate DJT, Sr., in spirit of full disclosure, did get the APPRENTICE idea from me, freely, but as so with reservations, mine, due his excessive enthusiasm, such that I let go so that I didn’t undermine my ongoing THINK still to national security, and/or presidential voluntary dedications to writable, and written (, and faxed to The White House via a NSC dedicated line.). (I do not remember the exact year I was on the road and to TRUMP APPRENTICE thoughts - I recall it timed to my driving north back towards Connecticut from relocated to the District of Columbia as to my apartment on Capitol Hill across from Eastern Market - on 7th St SE @ Independence Ave.)  I have written over these past years to such a pronouncement upon the float of the reputations of for Secretary HRC, and too at least nearly wrote specifically so critically of her in her own times, so.

There is a madness in the methodologies of Secretary HRC “work” that beg conscience of if dereliction of duty while yet of burning energy as on the clock “busy”!  The diplomatic was set asunder by Secretary HRC supposing a modernization reset to a JOBS DIPLOMACY.  To just basically tag a long conditional fitting a full dialectic dissection discoursing debate let us set up the contrary in her suppositions:  Secretary of State HRC seems to have spent too much time trying to usurp Power from the Treasury and Commerce Departments legacy global charges in a reflexive denial more of wanting her Secretariat to seem more like a Her  Presidency.  Secretary HRC at a JOBS DIPLOMACY showed a lack of sympathy for “diplomacy” and a corrupted view upon what is “economics” (not of a Socialist State planned economy)!  Secretary HRC may be evidently derelict as regards Benghazi negligence for she was at a personal angst busy work of trying, wrongly, to USURP the realms of global legacy charges the duties set long as for TREASURY and COMMERCE Departments.

(Note: For later: Too:  As titled by me as to a compilation maybe soon as “ART OF RIVAL” there too is subterfuge to consider in the working THE CLINTON to the affected extant as President PBO “Rivals” in his/their TEAM OF RIVALS.)

There are to be considered as if Secretary HRC, now more running as Candidate Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton to be introduced by title of her last job, and for it too her highest “paying” charge, — now running as like “Mrs. C. First Mate of the THE CLINTON FOUNDATION, is of shades of gray, — of degrees of denial — forensically of having not been able to have TRUTH as an option so in it necessary but not proper that lies and denial were her only yeast.  Mrs. Clinton, especially while Secretary HRC, was bound up - locked up - beholden spousally firstly - to as away from TRUTH in service to the President for her “politics” were of her “personal” (”mail”) her primary contracted charge to Union, — forensically Mrs. C. had to be the janitor/maintenance professional to keeping and cleaning up the THE CLINTON structural “alternatives” to historicals. Mrs. C. especially while “Secretary” to “The President” was firstly beholden to “Former President” charge as spouse in marriage duty supposed long to it that a spouse, regardless of sex, is not to be “public” of airing “dirty laundry” of their Union, — a spouse is not, officially expectant, to rat - to incriminate the other spouse. 

ALL BUSH FAULT is so such an impossible truth that it is for the grandness of it a lie for cover-up that it works, yes forensically, to suggest, due its vast left gen’d scope, a grandness of great crimes to need be covered up, - an IT MUST BE ACTUALLY REALLY BAD OF THE CLINTON for their only defense was propositioning themselves as having been PERFECT.  This was at least one BIG lie that attests to TRUTH WAS NOT AN OPTION.

This has already reached CRITICAL - These times now @: CRIMINAL?

Occasionally some have read of a SHUTTER ISLAND escaped “patient” #RedCoatHRC aka #Patient86.  To this let us just amass regarding the tags being pinned upon Secretary HRC that she does present as of delusions of innocence and of future usefulness.  These times are of such as a real and present danger however such writ conditional.

Of the rest of them, many of them as to trump Trump attitudes, again to full disclosure: There is that the need to stay to my seriousness whence of my generation of the APPRENTICE idea sharing was later to may post 2008 advising to DC conservatives that they should position themselves as a PARTY OF NO, and to as I was considering if to like “repair” to “retired”, from solo constitution to Constitutionals, to teamwork at CNBC, as was, let me be clear, I should disclose I did too ask CNBC, in such attitude, to please have one of theirs already staff to broadcast like AMERICA COULD USE A NEW TEA PARTY.  So about the madness of “Patient 86″ specific to the throw-down as to Secretary HRC fig’s #HILLARYworstSecStateEVER is yet my separations from that of so many also running these are those I worked my “stay serious” with to clean up “Washington” and by setting up a clear differentiation between the two parties so that the seeming present discussed ‘criminality” would not be of so much collusion that there wasn’t a clean hands Party able to carry its charges to duty to at least fully dissect and investigate a CRIMINALITY of parties to the other Party.

The prognosis of our current prolegomena et femme of le’ THE CLINTON is beggard to there a bastardization of the Constitutional in the known “work” of Secretary HRC and too as seems readily evident, and even confessed to, of times when so cornered, they doth espoused proudful ownership, in defensives too clever attempts to ride out the impropriety, by hiding in plain sight their improper, as badges of honor, by like confessing, in a braggadocio, that they stole, and but it was right to steal.

How say you HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON? Do you say, with pencils ready your opinion of Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton is alarming even for a patient of SHUTTER ISLAND, - as #Patient86 aka #RedCoatHRC?

How dangerous do you consider a freed THE CLINTON while so many charged in duty to charge her/them (in conspiracy to…) officially as if only so far evident for DELUSIONS OF INNOCENCE, & FUTURE USEFULNESS?

Of my disclosures there is to the contrary to the THE CLINTON defense as if NO ONE SAW … COMING for my story is enough written and shared, to shared publicly so that that lie doesn’t work if and when generally press’d.  Forward it is that these of the 2016 contestations may yet be so efficient in their charge to duty as just fellow citizens to it that they will be rendering US all to our next President as from Ohio, but as to 2016 for ELECT APPOINTED BY SUCCESSION PRESIDENT JOHN BOEHNER PRESIDENT OF THESE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.  The down and dirty is out and public with experts across fields of bellows at “TREASON” & “CRIMINAL” so that a resignation if forced of President PBO now is only reasonable to be too of a fall of the THE BIDEN, likewise.

The Republicans and Independents should, maybe, be feeling good about the GOP forward for this above is so demonstrably true to it that those running against the THE DONALD are creditable for having already worked and worked and worked to our solutions present and ready, once we yet nail up/down the “others” that enough political separation has been constructed between to a them bad vs an us good, — a republican we’ve been right, and, yes, they have been wrong even and especially when saying they were right, — generally, but not exclusively to every issue particulars.

Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton (Of her chosen name her spouse’s born as William Blythe III later taken chose’d name) did confess from the seventh floor in first statements official regarding the fall of the Libyan Benghazi Consulate an unrecoverable from ignorance so when to closing postured “I DID NOT THINK IT COULD…”!

The conditions upon which any are to review “Patient 86″ are of bit.ly/TwoHistories least to it REAL that of course she should have considered, after Iraq precedent, that such was at least possible, however yet to if probable whence as an epilogue to the THE CLINTON of yet too a: “9/11 II” tag’d.

Though Hillary Rodham Clinton, “Patient 86″, is now so isolated, do FOLLOW THE HONEY!!! It is critical that her spouse is too isolated “follows to”, — separated for Justice!

I now leave the greater duty to that of charges upon the elected officials and any a candidate for high office to that which has legs as to an apparent CRIMINALITY extant in the THE CLINTON !!! And, to lawyers, and judges, everywhere!

New to #Patient86, and already learned well read of #BlackLivesMatter, there are particulars already particularly press’d of “Patient 86″ as of a BLACK PROBLEM, however sufficiently corralled via bit.ly/BLACKPROBLEM #HOGAN mashable!!

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[New column in an art of politics punditry commenced - Check back hourly as it progresses - Deadline only a should be done before each 16 Republicans now candidates for President pen there own essay as to #HILLARYworstSecStateEVER throw down by Donald Trump - In the spirit of Fox News could be better to paring down to ten if by an essay contest as to be effected actually in the hands of the candidates.]

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