
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:41 am

Ok, - Jon Stewart has left a void, Stephen Colbert is not ready for Late Show, and Schumer now is big in real news.

As it is August in New York we must be girded forthrightly that this is wrong if biased a vagina monologue, or of a Trump “menstral” “bloody”, — though of a train wreck yet more prostrate to a Schumer of just saying NO!  Has President Obama foresaken a metrosexual in a rush to a trans-national pop grand parading grandstanding sandbox politik?

Schumer is august in just saying NO! Obama has been reckless to nuclear without sufficient courtship; to his YES YES ~ blush’n. Obama needs to labor days forward more as if in the real politics of the deserts than gleefully in sandbox politik.

How is the box blocked, to an irascible, while Schumer is present crossing guard for a mediated copacetic?  How is there too much trafficking for a YES YES ~ assimilation now congesting the prudence for even just a measure more than once, and look before you sign to leaping off?  Is Schumer now a necessary voice of reason, — a moderated for a rushed nuclear to devoid of courtship and standards for comity?

Before you get all blood drawn or to bleeding of Trump let us be good citizens and to a querious, before too honest, to if Governors standing up to The Donald grandiosity don’t themselves have more golf courses and hotels, and especially housing units, under their licenses than he, however trans-state & trans-national?  Before we compare his sour grapes to the protestant of the others opines aren’t we all behooved to see it comical that what his “show” is now is of plane, suits, & helicopters branded as state peoples long scoff at to extravagance for any yet of the public contracted duties?  Can we get past disliking lesser showmen of equal or greater licenses and budgets now wisely in a knowing that they have only been so for kept by us from being too like The Donald while on taxables?

Who is this Schumer now so pressing a heroic in real news?  Why does this Schumer relate comity by “NO!”?

In this void we have it just wafting in the air the scent of the The Donald post the prostrations of the GOP Debate as if he more than Foxy Megyn Kelly were the present too as if with blooded eyes, and as if at least menstruating least by steam or smoke from (his) ears?

To be more august to the real news, and of Schumer the hot smack stand up guy, we can get comparative to problematics too of the Republican (establishment) in field of GOP Debate Top Ten:  We can wax on and wax off of Bush “The Jeb!” to see if he a parable for Party luster, beyond if repairable to Florida, or Texas.  It wasn’t as if and anti-Nixon perspiration ph balancing was super-evident in an extant of a beading up of his porous to a blocking but there was much blushing of the Bush a Jeb of the heat!

Flat was the stand up of the “Republican Establishment” Bush alternative, even as if trumped, merely by a whimpish bluster too also of legs of a walk not too sandbox politik played. Flat is the ride, and bugs ended the Jeb grill, - and the bonnet, and windscreen of the Bush mobile.  “Illustrious” is foreign to the foreign policy diatribe of Governor Jeb Bush.

Did you hear the one about Hillary Clinton by Governor Jeb Bush?  Did you hear the one about Bill Clinton by Governor Jeb Bush?  Did you only, too, hear the one against President George Bush by Governor Jeb Bush, — and even as 1993-2001 rest of mine fields still explosive of Clintons’ culpabilities, and even more so than opined as only against his real brother?

Who is this Schumer now so pressing a heroic in real news?  Why does this Schumer relate comity by “NO!”?

How remarkable is it now today there is a Democratic Party future leader necessarily now standing up against the real Clintons, and to the nuclear stocks, more than a Republican Bush, as too while stand up for New York of a “NO!” to President Barack Obama?

Senator Chuck Schumer is like circumcising the Bush brethren while pulling a sold as “magic carpet” out from under a rushed OBAMA & THE PERSIANS parading.  Do we have to atone to a resonance too that Schumer seems to be trumping The Donald?

Too, now, concurrent to the Republicans as flat on Iraq and so to of an unknow of their unknown of deserts & Persian knowns, — NEW YORK VOTES NO!  Go Chuck go?  #StandWithSchumer?

Senator Chuck Schumer has legs to stand up CHECKS AND BALANCES are alive!  Schumer can stand up with the best of them, even all of them (as his Party’s next leader) that Congress should, before to YES YES ~ blush’n (appeasing), too as if of ‘a weak deal as if better than a good deal’ prostration, be to availing the discourse of the phat of “American” as a confederated republic, morphed to more representative of all people, to the rich experiential potential in thorough debate, — in thorough civil procedures to delve, delve, delve, and trust if can verify.

Oy! Schumer!  Mustn’t Congress call both Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton before the Iran Nuclear Agreement review boards as “experts” - “expert witnesses” - to be for the heat of these trans-national momentous to espoused experience on the history of sanctions success at least as against Iraq during 1993-2001?

Oy! Governor Jeb Bush!  It was not tremendous but HUGE you like only blamed your brethren while a greater culpability lies in the preceding years of the intimate administering of issues per Iraq and Iran so those as the THE CLINTONS’ YEARS.

Who is this Schumer now so pressing a heroic in real news?  Why does this Schumer relate comity by “NO!”?


There is at least a union of these united American states of the confederate republic now more representative of all people forwith that should stand with Schumer and this NEW YORK VOTES NO! punctuation of his August exclamations, for really at least before a force assimilation driven executive order style freshly there is at least that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton of #Hillary2016, #Benghazi, #HillaryEmail, #GruberGate, #BIGLIAR, #Impeachment!

And so now there is #MrsC, whom is a self claiming “expert” whom the People’s Congress shouldn’t waste — shouldn’t waste an opportunity to pick and pick at — as too so “expert” — so available at least to how  these worse or better days are, as from her experience, and of hindsight of/for Secretary of State, so if rooted in mistakes made by President William Jefferson Clinton in too much avoidance and inaction, and quite a general abandonment of assurance that United Nations #SANCTIONS were to be demonstrable of teeth to Saddam Hussein, and Iraq, and too Iran.

The Iran Nuclear Agreement smacks as if rushed for partisan or intra-partisan political gain; Thank you Senator Chuck Schumer of New York for standing up (for a restoration of Congress) your blocking of President Barack Obama YES YES ~ BLUSH’D as if it could only be GOOD and while politics beckon it is prudent to also call at least Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton as a supposed “expert” for all the years at least since Iraq invaded Kuwait!

Yes, Schumer there is a lot to stand up about the “woman” and “female” so much about Obama’s nuclear prima facia.

Yes, Schumer there is a lot to stand up about the “nuclear” of the THE CLINTON, and too of the THE BUSH(ES)!

Yes, Schumer there is a lot to stand up about a good for New York in just saying “NO” until #Hillary2016 asked re:!

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