
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:43 am

Dear ye of the Pilgrims pride, however pigment challenged, yet believers in original intent. Ye, however of #BlackLivesMatter and #FeelTheBern and #TeaParty do have so much #LOVE and #RESPECT in common, to core.

Not since the papered Pilgrims sailed as too English from Amsterdam, if ironically upon the Mayflower, have a general mash of individuals been to a needs to reflect to purer original intended of the writ Laws.  It is arguable that there wouldn’t have been the freeing Independence (not Inter-dependence) declarations to the “People” “Order” “done” constituting if not for the lessons of the Pilgrims how they did start to freer yet as if slaves to the holding the papers of their conditioned debts.

A Socialism came later to others not people constituted in the Pilgrims lessons learned from the practice of that later “Socialism” while you were kept free from being too slaves to “papered” as guinea pigs to your paper holder’s “social” progressive ideas for “common” property and to it how colonists Pilgrims, however Puritans, were to be tested as if idyllic in an ideology of a “socialism” tried and tossed, and, a commune-ism barred later by the Constituted, — by the People’s Order done under “our Lord”!

The is a perfect elementary extant in this as purer for to freer even as these times runneth corrupt of a Clinton mining for King, and Queen, to a befallen to a votal animus surging.  There are great depths to these times as anew of a Clinton at governance contrary to the Constitution from the lessons of the Pilgrims, and anew as these united states have endured as of Bible Paul and his methodolocials.  For the Constitution the People’s Order done subscribed under “our Lord” is Paulist is a still acceptable purity of/for original intent.  From the lessons learned of the Pilgrims, however Puritans while too “papered”, it figs to dates simple, long, true, elementary, that it makes perfect sense that these United as a “more perfect Union” “done” are so by a government that chiseled it deep that Paul’s letters were right that people are first under God before under any government.

Do you know who Publius is/was? Do you know as said that the Publius, as Hamilton, - Jay, - Madison, were the was unified then against an earlier Clinton, as set in print for all to be freer by the Constitution, however Federalist 1 confounds as said Order is for “inducements to philanthropy” and “preservation… of property”?  Do you simple get the Clinton then set against the Constitution as the voice of New York as its Governor, may now be a lesser to for “empire” or “king” Power as regards a chronic animus settling in regarding a too likewise contrary to Constituted whence Clintons?

These are the beat’n time’d for a new harmony in the ivory and ebony America pot, steel the drum’d melodic for the methodology is sharable and better in the purer cuts, — WORD!  Socialism is unconstitutional to a Federal where though Bernie Sanders smoke’n #FeelTheBern may jive with the federalism prudence of the Tea Parties, and as #BlackLivesMatter choral’d chimes readied to blow their pipes for Pilgrims, too newly purer for Freedoms ballads/songs. There is a common core to these times where, however #BlackLivesMatter jive as a “Black Tea Party”, in the federalism quandry of Federalist 1 as to be fig’d always apropos the conditionals in “American” as by “inducements to philanthropy” and “preservation… of property”! The shared beat from ivory to ebony spectrally is a prismatic edgy yet for concordance more than continued protestant discord.

The Socialism of proofed Socialist President Barack Hussein Obama now re~verbs the set asunder, colored neutral. His sidekick #MrsC is as proofed out to it strung out public her dirty laundry is beset bad of Clinton’s revolutionary “against” and too as so alike any differences to “Socialist” are irreconcilable between the THE OBAMA, and the THE HOUSE OF CLINTON.  Bernie Sanders is now as stand up as those unifying civil leaders of #BlackLivesMatter; — Forward the common core is in the workable “federalism” of “socialism” in the ideological is yet the purview of those of their own states; — Forward their is the mashable as if 2016 of a BLACK TEA PARTY and gatherings for BERNIE FOR PRESIDENT of solidarity to where “socialism” may be unconstitutional at the federal level the freedom of religion is of the state’s - each state’s - jurisdiction for prudence in community, however “religion” always yet likewise of a “chosen” “voluntary extra-state morality.”

Does it really matter now if fate is the shared destiny of Bernie Sanders as a “THE FACE OF THE BLACK TEA PARTY”?

Community was not writ unconstitutional as the Pilgrims walks in purer of original intent became a colonial constitution walkable by any willing to be some “Paulist” by “Order” “done” subscribed under “our Lord”!  Socialism, as it became later known, was of the pilgrimage by the papering to the “Pilgrims” contracted to common property (guinea pigs) enslaved by debts.  Socialism as it became later known is constituted by the Pilgrims’ pride and the Constituted “more perfect Union” as the “People” “Order” “done” subscribed under “our Lord” as writ ordained to established that the United States of America would be a Union of People’d people formed of the methodology in Paul’s letters for Christian governance in the basic truth that all people are firstly under God before ever secondly under a government, any government.

There is much to the probative investigatory to a likewise proofed CRIMINALITY for these todays’ Clintons for of little yet known plotting to be more like the Clintons whence of the more perfect Union built too of contraries to earlier Clitnons of Power.  There is that Mr. & Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton are both of such their chose’d name for “Bill” was born to a Christian name as William Blythe III, and, she took his chose’d name of Clinton branded by consummating “marriage.”  Do not forget General Clinton defended British King against Pilgrims’ pride, and too as it is “history” another a Governor Clinton, of New York, did likewise call out the Publius for Constitution of Hamilton, -Jay, -Madison, — as originally against Clinton.

Does it really matter now if fate is the shared destiny of Bernie Sanders as a “THE FACE OF THE BLACK TEA PARTY”?

Your Governors are your future in any “socialism” as proofed and re-established the “community” is protected by the Constitution so that it is your community that must fix your socialistic ideological methodologicals as if yet another Tea Party too of taxed enough, yet by a too distant “federal” - so distant in Washington, D.C.!  It seems the common - COMMON SENSE -, to the core, for the forward to 2016, is already jive to a harmony in a learned from it proofed “OBAMA IS A SOCIALIST” and that of it now too of a for “king” mined for Clinton global autocracy, newly, surging bad for settling votal animus.

America 2016 may be now already to the Clinton prison beset, and to Donald Trump trumped by years of a new Tea Party of long years of the hard labors to making the real America the great REAL AMERICA a newly; — America 2015 yet now of asking if the #BlackLivesMatter concord is forward irreversibly as yet to a new NEW TEA PARTY as too for a purer original intent, as too in their best interests for preserves of freedoms, as a BLACK TEA PARTY?

It isn’t if the TEA PARTY is against Bernie Sanders ideology in a “Socialism” prima facia, nor that any too pigment challenged must bow to an inevitable CLINTON Power machinations, nor that any should let be locked down to machinations temptations and then foresworn from benefits of a republican sagacity/sagacious/sagaciousness! — It is is now the is is that the ivory and ebony are not too disparate as locked away from a sensical religiosity of WORD still of Jesus nor Muhammad as above the other, seems, as their God is equally above them and accepting that Muhammad proofed for Islamic that Christianity was inadequate for His tested of his deserts severe, as of Islam of a geo-topo-theo-politics divine’d wisdom, too.

New York et all American:  Donald Trump did not make the Tea Party, - He is late to the work of restoring the how and why America is Great, and to being Great Again!  Our ISIL / ISIS strategy is better from his bombastic of offensives make a great defense necessary to again more conservative in a Pilgrims’ pride of a “STRONG DEFENSE IS THE BEST OFFENSE” where rationality is generally still constituted of “socialism” of the jurisdiction of “community” “communities” — at best of the keeps of the Governors and Legislatures of these United states - more perfectly United in the set ordained “done” People’s Order so that the “American” forever, as secured, was purer in Paul at least to his letters as that each is under God before under any Government, even the Federal Government now beset as occupied by too many too proofed “SOCIALISTS.”

Don’t you concur that neither the “socialism” of Bernie Sanders is too for structural beyond “community” and that #BlackLivesMatter is enough secured in community to not have 2016 be of these united states as of the general problem of the levant where Iraq, Syria, and Ukraine can all be historically tagged as more failed Socialists states at some point to crossing the “straw the breaks the camel’s back” of civility of beyond that hard to see line between “secular socialist” and a nation of a people too too become an is is is really too irreligious?

Aren’t we now secured, safe at home, in our homeland, from those lurking, near til now, dangers, to the “more perfect Union” of these united states, such as was virulent of the Clintons’ machinations, to too many from reachable in a sagacious, of likewise an American societal danger in peoples to too irreligious so that their was no workable “community” left?

Ye, however of #BlackLivesMatter and #FeelTheBern and #TeaParty do have so much #LOVE and #RESPECT in common, to core?

You can now figure to a “local” not beyond “state” - your state specifically - for a mashable jive Constitutional, and so as a Federal Socialism barred - writ NOT allowed by it that the Constitution is for “inducements to philanthropy” and “preservation… of property”?

                                             *       *       *
[Note: For more “similar to” fill site search pane with ‘geo-’ (just: geo-) & press “SEARCH”! And then likewise especially also by “geo-” to the #CitRB sorted set yet of #politics & #economics http://CitRB.net treatments!]

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