
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:04 am

Hubris or humility?  Hubris and humility?  Where to start?  How to start?

Some are already said press’n to: ALL TRUMP - ALL THE TIME media! - not HERE! not NOW!

Perchance a requisite toe in is to front an asking regarding marriage as to the Clinton marriage union. Is the professional union of the Clintons contrary to the essence of Catholic Marriage for the airs of them are that they as professional lawyers can, despite souls joined as one, be to annulled imports of the establishment of tenets of married, as per what Catholic?

Is it that the Clintons are too institutionalized even from Catholic think of separations by Rene Descartes as to too much of machinations, and as primarily devoid of a sagacious commonality?  Are there Descartian separations of the mind and body in how they, the Clintons, parse a convenient import of annulled to their them yet supposedly married - one united soul?

Is it that the Clintons as too institutional as firstly of machinations are un-Catholics more of Descartian but too of Oliver Cromwell, as too of that era so of the days of the Pilgrims of the Mayflower, - as to the Puritans of the colonies?  How can the professional separations abide of the Clintons as if they can willy nilly annul inconvenient unions in their Union; how can the Clintons have a personal marriage and too have a off switch for a professional as if their Union can be “UN” to separations of their soul?

But!!!  But this is too not supposed to be to ALL ABOUT THE CLINTONS - even most about Mrs. Bill Clinton!!!

Catholics are on the spot!  With every refugee story there is aired an expectation that with there now an American Pope there should be less a border between nations of the continents of Americas!  With every refugees story as related to Catholic morality there yet then in a money question for observance to an “if then” to a consideration that Rome should likely commit to more than just corner stones in the United States southwest but to a larger “bridge” for faithful of a dedication to a new great cathedral maybe for New Mexico.  With every refugee there yet is only some commonality to the politics necessary for civility as with property rights and of established and kept borders!

To Catholics we yet must be guardians as too for borders not UN-kept and too for marriages and not too like Clintons of a professional collusion as if professional in as of an UN-union!!!

Donald Trump to the Reagan Library CNN hosted GOP Debate is now off to the #TeamReagan races paradigm web as yet in a Romanticism rise marched and beat out by the “others” to a New Romantic Era into the void, and, forward, for now, Donald Trump is late to the races and still to proof a comity and copacetic of the basis for this new era as keystoned in President Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II - for their professional unity.

Clinton Foundation Mr. & Mrs. are yet set asunder by their own, and historical, false pride;  Bill and Hillary are remembered as thinking they did since Yale Law School believe so in each other that they did believe each were smarter than the Founding Fathers, and the sum of the product of the Founding Fathers union.  It seems also remembered of the “air” of the, as I hash ‘em, as the #TheFullBillary, when necessary, that this divisible union, as for professional convenience, did also consider since the 1970s that they too were like of “we must be smarter too than the 80th Congress.”

The William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library is an erection in poor taste too also skinned for the South, of Polshek drafted, as established as phallic and in a Confederate gray.  The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library is artful and Presidential while the “ART” or “ARCHITECTURE” of the Clintons’ is an abomination, - as least to #Cats (categories) of “PRESIDENTIAL”!

The union, under our Union, yet of the Clintons’ joined soul, seems divided when convenient - quite so - YES!  The joined soul of the #TheFullBillary yet seems annulled only when they attempt to UN- to collusion and intimate knowledge a priori from mea culpa’s too clear/transparent.  We are at the posteriori with their a priori from moral the problema - concurrent - presently unresolved. The Supremes have ushered Same Sex Marriage to the states, albeit ahead of the donkey of due process and regular order, albeit ahead as “ordered” before states and localities yet of adequate time to review & amend related statutoried regulations. The Supremes have ushered yet of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender #LGBT ideologicals to that marriage is a union not as divisible, even for professional convenience, as the Clintons posture their own “union” as consummated.

Too simple for Catholics, but not parochial to fifth graders, however more in public than private, is the Clintons’ scandal of Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton of a non-government server, for the Clintons “marriage” is yet half the picture of the improprieties while it seems a simple criminal possession can first be ruled against President Clinton for it has been from the beginning claimed that Mrs. Clinton did choose to use “Bill Clinton’s” server in lieu of the propriety in a proper and expected use of the Obama Administration records in-house methods; - - - it is that Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton did, also in a contrary to/for feminism, choose to have her emails seem/be the property of her husband, and not specifically property of her job or her BOSS’ Presidential records archivables.

Donald Trump to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library is now more than as if just a Republican mascot.  He is acceptable now, it seems primarily, as also apart of the long beat to and marched movement of the “others” to a new copacetic of comity with humility to a new regionalism in allowed federalism to a New Romantic Era.

Donald Trump to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library is now yet clear of a juxtaposed proposition that he will fall as like in a romance soap/novel as too the jock to Homecoming King who yet loses the charming Queen, of Homecoming, or cheerleader(s) to hard working nerd(s).

Senator Bernie Sanders, has been at Liberty quoting The Pontifex - Bridge Builder - The Pope - Pope Francis!

To the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library millions are, by the tens of millions expected, - - - even as millions who “couldn’t get in” who are “outside” but yet like still on their sea-side decks in New Jersey or Georgia.  Right, those who like can’t get in for they are yet willing and desirous but still thousands of miles away.  Is Donald Trump “pop” now as like proof of the “species” most targeted by the Administration of Barack H. Obama, for extinction, as not yet extinct or yet on the endangered list enough?

Senator Bernie Sanders while at Liberty quoting the Pope did enlighten this blogger to remarks from the The Pontifex I was not yet illuminated of while the brightness/lightness of such quothed yet harkened familiar to my own earlier espoused, and posted to shared with hashtags whence inclusive of at least this Catholic link: #Pope.

I have searched, and searched but cursively, or rashly, for my old remembered allusion to these times as wrong as if set to a new too institutionalized in a celebration wanting in a “Golden Calf” by Barabas.  I have so far only lighted upon scrolls on my tablets as by “GOLDEN” and yet likely metaphorical on my primary domain in the piece work of “GOD IS DEAD: AN AMERICA OF LIARS, CHEATS, & FRAUDS.”  I am left for now wondering if I but did hash #Pope to a Facebook.com/JPeterHogan quip on morality, or if I yet edited out my think as trite if too also clearly as of a GILDED CALF.

There are the 1-33 of economics treatments set aside anchored by WHITE COLLARED POSSE, as it introduces new economics theory of SUPPOSITYORY & DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS, to THE KRUGMAN FALLACY yet for me and others to generally comb through for such catholic or Catholic metaphoricals on these problema concurrent to scandalous of Union(s). - - - The 33 #economics set aside and satellited from http://JPHogan.org of http://CitRB.net are free good reads maybe a BEST ON WEB FREE, as set in satire from 1-33 degrees of catholic considerations, - en massed to global intellectualism, hopefully.

These times leading to the CNN Debate of Donald Trump, beyond just a mascot, and the “others” is now yet synchronized to pop politics forward as to the “Post Obama Recovery” yet in a morality worked to newly by protestations concurrent by Jewish Senator Sanders, Catholic (Jesuit?) Pope Francis, and Protestant Trump.  Forward to win the future #WTF our #WINNING to yet arise to a “Post Obama Recovery” as from/to a GREEN MINIMALISM as the new “poverty level” in “PC” “political correctness” lingua franca, - - - and as to repaired from too retired of Democrats (necessary?) NEW DEAL AUSTERITY!

I behoove the considerations of IMMIGRATION vs REFUGEES for all as to be considerate to a civil comity, yes for a liberal copacetic akin the Bible “nonsense” yet is par to “Democrats” “liberalism” and as the Nation the Union was subscribed to be a “liberal democracy” by way of being constituted by the People’s Order as a confederate republic, in form.

Practiced Christianity in suffice to nonsense! The Democrats did harm to Catholicism by Obamacare in National Socialism and for healthcare is an oldest of the establishments of religion, that the First Amendment was supposedly to bar Congress from any Law respecting.

The Democrats for Obamacare were for the Golden Calf of Barnabas as for a new “government” extra-Constitution yet consummated to a pop media modeling for a methodology from “religious” to centralized National Power more to a “just take a pill” corner stoned key’d methodologicals as to an end for parish or community by decreed jurisdiction over all bodies as subjects to which each so with then were to see their “neighbors” as the President’s subjects not to be cared for otherwise for then to be supposing that the President was fallible, and failing so bad his “patients” yet needed their “neighbors”!

Senator Bernie Sanders, has been at Liberty quoting The Pontifex - Bridge Builder - The Pope - Pope Francis!

And, now, with as much humility as seems apropos, I do accept that #FeelTheBern so upon #PopeFrancis as so been to being akin to blogged of me, of John Peter Hogan, - JP Hogan, even as I yet, for your convenience, am to finding that specifically I already so press’d “public” and to likely then of a #Hashtag’d #Pope, and yes @Pontifex, whence. 

I do not know if I yet will find the requisite historical for you, please feel free to look yourself, and in your own way!

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