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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:59 am

Let us consider how wrong we were, - - - and how OCCUPY should have occupied CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVES - as much as any where else!

Let us consider that Michael Moore may have confused 911 accidentally, - - - Michael Moore may have grossly erred thinking President Bush seemed of some one able to advise his as too prepared with a supposition that since “W” seemed so prepared he must then have been behind the attacks by Al Qaeda.

Let us consider why after 911 I the Clintons blamed Americans, - - - how journalists seems devoid of sufficient pressed queriousness as to why it was Bill & Hillary, elected as the smartest in America, bounced bucks down with near “blue states said do this, and, red states said do that”?

Now!  How much truth is needed in a nations daily business for there to be a “shining city”?  How much lying and basis in lies is too little truth to too much dark energy gigs?

The dark days after the attacks of 911 I are not remember enough in a politically correct historical;  - - - Too many know only the lies and the spin and have been amiss devoid of deeds at digging for greater understanding of American players.

I do not offer a metric for how much slack President George W. Bush, and his cadre as GOP Establishment, deserve; - - - To you it is vital - vitally important - presently critical that you do consider THE GREAT SATAN HILLARY CLINTON; - - - To you there is the we - the global we - presently collective us betwixt a REAL CLINTON, &, THE YARN, CLINTONS’!

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is like of the movie THE DOUBLE; - - - The real Hillary Clinton is like in all the pictures of all the big disasters, and yet no one is asking the right questions as to such coincidences!  Mrs. Clinton as New York United States Senator is quite simply tag’d as THE WOMAN IN WORLD OF MOST 911 FAULT, AND, THE AMERICAN POLITICIAN WHOSE CAREER MOST BENEFITED FROM THE CRISIS.

President George W. Bush will have to defend himself !!!  President Bush was of elected of a ambition to prepare for prosecuting Saddam Hussein, and to bluffing him to full compliance, but, the attacks of 911 made this more difficult, not less! The Clintons benefited from the attacks politically most; - - -  Bush wasn’t ready for Afghanistan, even if he is thought to have been ready for Al Qaeda “justice.”  President Bush had 911 attacks complicate his ambition to see Saddam Hussein fully prosecuted.

Behoove ye forevermore to always now firstly forward be keyed to a consideration of Clintons’ culpability, & too motives!

Perk up global citizens!  Become more intelligent (than the Clintons want you)! Become questioners of the obvious!

Perk up America - citizens of these united states! Bush didn’t need 911 attacks to fulfill ambition to prosecute Saddam H.!

It can be quite depressing tag’g the Clintons in a fuller more apropos historical; - - - Did the Clintons need Al Qaeda attacks so Mrs. Clinton could have an extreme makeover to overcome the Senate seniority traditions, by as an untouchable as GROUND ZERO SENATOR, and, as to gravitas beyond First Lady pomp & ceremony?

What questions should CNN have ready when Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton presented for Democrats Debate in Vegas?

How sad is it that the Clintons since 1992 campaigns were of running together as if they were the smartest two people in at least the United States of America proper?  How sad is it that two so proud and narcissistic did after the Al Qaeda attacks in “holy war” so as “jihad” were so not to be firstly to terror for terror sake but were to acts for JUSTICE even if in terrorizing?  How sad is it still that, though elected as promised to be leaders smart enough to make best most intelligent decisions, Bill & Hillary, and their teams of minions, were to blaming United States citizens firstly?  how sad the Clintons, thanks to Michael Moore?, have been getting by on ridiculous lies so ridiculous their lies suggest an impossible truth of a “PERFECT CLINTON”?

The simplest explanation, that also rings true, of the Al Qaeda attacks as most benefiting the Clintons, is in the lay of “Jihad” as “HOLY WAR” for “JUSTICE” and so enough to support a tag THE GREAT SATAN HILLARY CLINTON, - but not exclusively. Al Qaeda to suicide attacks in “Jihad” were then on a mission for JUSTICE, - RIGHT?  Al Qaeda so as for “JUSTICE” have their simplest explanation that which times to 1993 and to a deciding that the USA homeland deserved to be attacked because President William J. Clinton had decided that he would NOT prosecute Saddam Hussein, or reconstruct Iraq like Japan & Germany after an earlier world warring as akin to the coalition for the Persian Gulf War.

Right it is very sad and very complicated, as per The Clintons, or just Mrs. Clinton as Richard Gere in THE DOUBLE.  Right!  President Clinton in 1993 decided since he had Bosnia war left to him he much was like not wanting to have to bother with Iraq and another war, - and for all of his years, - and as he and his wife were so like self casting to be BILL THE DOVE, and to later a CLINTON HAWK in the being planned for HILLARY THE HAWK. (Again: I have known Bill & Hillary since the early 1970s and specifically because they each then as Yale Law coeds wanted to know if they both could have their own presidency some day. This is how I know such as Bill & Hillary.)

In a limited President Bush defense:  He ended up bluffing Saddam Hussein into the need for war, yes, but it is more on the Clintons’ surpluses as of $2 Trillion cut, at least far to vastly and quickly, and on the Clintons at least for defense cuts that to prosecute the United Nations sanctions fully when so it was the Military he went to war with was that which the Clintons’ administering had rendered to unprepared for modern times as of lacking in sufficient body armor, and too vehicle armoring. (How much the problems of Bush’s Wars is rooted in Clintons 1993-2001 and to a gross negligence is really too much to detail in this cursory expose as a pre-debate exclamation for a restoration of common sense.)

If I yet am acknowledged for how long I have known such perspective and to how much guidance to making the Clintons electable in 1992 then syncs to how much I did help advise President Bush after Al Qaeda attacks, and shortly, there is a new way to an American President I hadn’t known of.  The Speaker of the House surprises have been surprising, - - -  I was unaware the House could elect a non-member, even a one like myself a privately sharing poet, +++. It seems I have had waking thoughts in teasing the House should elect me to how if they did the Clintons would have to be indicted, as finally exposed, and too that President Barack H. Obama (, & VP Joseph Biden,) would be due impeachment.

Michael Moore may appreciate how Bush some seemed too ready after Al Qaeda attacks because I had since 1993 been wondering what I heard when I heard of Bill Clinton decision to not prosecute Saddam Hussein, and to the viscerally experienced thought of: IF WE GO THAT WAY AMERICA WILL GET ATTACKED AT HOME.

Michael Moore may, though, be needed now to straighten out a Clinton culpability washed over by FAHRENHEIT 911, and while it is that on September 10, 2001 I was not unprepared but thinking I had to accept that I had been wrong to believe that I was right in preparing.  Seems, due the Speaker rules, the HOUSE could elect me to SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE even as such acknowledgement should necessitate an impeachment of President Obama (,& VP Biden) to that then it would be Constitutional, if so honored, that JP Hogan could become SPEAKER and then shortly there after PRESIDENT, and all before November 2016 general elections. I would have to insist for my potential for bipartisanship restoration that if so how so as me as currently as, I believe, a registered Connecticut (I) “independent” though maybe as “unaffiliated” by registration.

There is for the CNN Debate of the field of Democrats, small and limited, by comparison, that Bill and Hillary have earned the doubt and queriousness to forevermore tag’d as per Al Qaeda and Terrorism, generally, of this titled as “BILL’S & HILLARY’S 911S”!

There is far more to this in the categories & searchable archives of http://CitRB.com - - - far more in #Cats of #BENGHAZI #SYRIA #KERRY #QUEEN #CGI #SUSPECT #IRAN #IRAQ #LONGESTWAR #TREASON #AFGHANISTAN #QUIDPROQUO #CRUSADES #22NDAMENDMENT #ALQAEDA #AUTOBIOD. +++

The Clintons prevent any “SHINING CITY ON A HILL” potential for, as Pope Francis seems of tag’d, Bill Clinton is too a Aaron of golden calf (original [sic] as typed Barabas), - his hyper-consumerism and risky loan “economics” were also of the Clintons having so fattened up the children of these united states that it wasn’t just as in http://bit.ly/Clinton_PHAT that the Clintons together fosters a diabetic problema, and later attacks, of them of a mea culpas!

Vice President Joseph Biden may be safe enough, - - - But! But then how can he be enough removed from dark energy of the Clintons’ machinations in decades of lies, and also not to in bed with the Obama Administration, of a Clinton #FOB52 at least, for having since inauguration in 2009 having been thence since President Obama hour one as impeachable for lies effected to effecting a greater cover-up of the Clintons, and as 911 II was of such failing and falling to new cover-up(s) efforts so needed?

Vice President Joseph Biden may be safe now even if Michael Moore historically corrects bias of FAHRENHEIT 911!

Vice President Joseph Biden seems not for a moment to have benefited like the Clintons since 911 I to what now is fodder for true journalists freed from the Bill & Hillary seductions?  The Clintons did blame Americans, not Senator Biden, after 911 I, - - - Vice President Biden may yet get to be President if only for months leading up to the November 2016 general election?

Bill’s & Hillary’s 911 I&II are of an already admitted culpabIlity and the ridiculous still postured proposition of a “PERFECT CLINTON.”  Bill’s & Hillary’s fate seems being corrected from “PERFECT” to “INDICTED” and as it is becoming more preposterous that there could ever have been a Bill Clinton but as too a Barbaras, - not “PERFECT” or suited to any SHINING CITY ON A HILL (metaphor)!  Bill’s & Hillary’s fate is that already it is extant that the scandal is of a house of cards of the Clintons as if allowed to be autocratic in a post-Constitutional extra-Constitutional game of thrones Power.

Michael Moore, you at least did not figure the how, and why, to the who, when & betwixt of JP Hogan story when biasing 911 I as to all President George W. Bush’s fault.  The Clintons post attack behavior does still suggest greater a priori awareness, - premeditated low/base politics in a personal mantra/tao as if their law JDs were licenses to lie.

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