
October 2024
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Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:23 am

As she had moments “Pretty In Pink” it is no scoffing soled she descendant now best suited for orange kept.

Her Moby Dick is maybe a White Elephant. Her story a his of “red herrings” discovered to be more real, - haunting.

The many moons of this she have trespassed the hills and valleys of her tracts of history, her vast topography of life.

She caught her “big fish” in law school while more swimmingly of New Haven than a “captain, my captain” sea’d worldly.

The many moons of this she have trespassed many triangulations so to be enough for of a herd of “White Elephants” as richtered.

To be aplomb to the trollops of her many moons any needs to some be to trowel and brush to the archaic yet fossilized to fueling feuds.

A dungeness beckons for more than a conscience of the mortar of her archaic as there “meat” in her crabby as crustaceanous shelled whale.

Her dark side, brick by brick, crabby by crabby, 1st degree to 33rd degree, of “White Elephants” not “red herrings”, isn’t on the level, - on the up and up, - holding together better than as if built on a foundation of shifting sands, - richter proofed for even a small herd of innocent elephants at a civil gait.

The tracts of history are of a vast tracts of lands of plats and plots of others’ sovereigns, however democratic or civil. Through these many moons beset from a “dark side” of blooded mortar on unsound bedded constructs, a slice of her spice is as if of a slice of pizza poise contrary to be learned, but very deceived, - to biased to leaning, and to falling to failed, so set asunder down.

Where are the tipping points to this of these shaken days but of barriers to conscience, to knowing, to truth, to truths?  Where there are verticals yet devoid of aplomb how not mere metrics measured in the discordance of herds generated richtered hills and valleys? Any vertical from plumb some bubble by Egyptian “leveled” reads.- constructs not on the level nor plumb.

Her dark side, brick by brick, crabby by crabby, 1st degree to 33rd degree, of “White Elephants” not “red herrings”, isn’t on the level, - on the up and up, - holding together better than as if built on a foundation of shifting sands, - richter proofed for even a small herd of innocent elephants at a civil gait.

Blackened to charred be the pointed of her descendant caught however doth an enchantment swooned by a southern drawl, - for too gutturally yet in her defensive preposterous postured innocent as if but still just pretty in pink of a civil copacetic. The laid in her gestalt of an uber-dame diabolical seemly.

Blackened to charred be the pointed of her descendant caught however doth an enchantment swooned by a southern drawl, - the Lincoln more Lee, the Pickett’s towards Seminary beset due the better lines, due better positions, or for cleaner for destiny’s favor. “Uber-dame” - a “red herring”?

Blackened to charred be the pointed of her descendant caught however doth an enchantment swooned by a southern drawl, - Oh Kipling how not learned of “Mr. Binks” or “Gunga din” to prudent that sewers be municipally kept clear, and to of loyalty! The “White Elephant” more concurrent to the trepidations of Kandahar to Helmand of a vinegar of life to her egged on in angst for a WAR ON WOMEN as a FEMINIST “PUSSY RIOT” diss’d! - Secretary’d the “Hezebad” a “red herring” flooding see’d on the Taliban?

He the blackened so her diss’d “o captain, my captain” betrayals by politik husbandry for “team” but hemmed as of “rivals.” Her white “provincial”?

He the blackened so her diss’d “White Elephant” more a “red herring” to her culpas coyed from by southern enchantings politik husbandry pared?

He the blackened so her diss’d betrayed three ways! Oh the service of barred aid! Oh the server kept apart! Oh the failed to report O millions?

He the blackened so her diss’d of sea’d for meat of dungeness to haunting true crimes beckoning a big fish to dungeons steeled for O orange suitable!

Blackened to charred be the pointed of her descendant caught however doth an enchantment swooned by a southern drawl, - Oh Kipling how not learned of “Mr. Binks” or “Gunga din” to prudent that sewers be municipally kept clear, and to of loyalty! The “White Elephant” more concurrent to the trepidations of Kandahar to Helmand of a vinegar of life to her egged on in angst for a WAR ON WOMEN as a FEMINIST “PUSSY RIOT” diss’d! - Secretary’d the “Hezebad” a “red herring” flooding see’d on the Taliban?

The salt and the pepper the spice of the ebony and ivory the beaten “rival” of the black and white of the diss’n Secretary’d now O orange suitable!

The orbits of history set to be fossilized politik fueling in the moons to come forevermore to discerning the culpas in her “Uber-dame” gestalt complicit!

The ebb and flow of crabby meaty as if dungeness to impress to arrested suited befits effluence damned contrary Mr. Binks’ civil copacetic pointed!

Behooved the polite to recall, for contrast, days of whence when naivete banded of pretty in pink innocence, - the days before O captain’d she!

Behooved the hauntings to befitting a dungeons’ steeled O suited for suitable in orange too break even from pastels shouldered to O Mao chic BUST’D!

Behooved RESOLVED to Constitutionals for the husbandry spousal in the “RIVAL” O betrayed of “Drama Queen” “White Elephants” herd RAP’D!

Concurrently past the trespassed times times of moons in betrayal we have a JUDGEMENT DAY cometh as civilly set of she a big fish a “Moby Dick” hunted passionately by seekers of TRUTH, representative of a greater People. Her stewed is stirred and quite cooked to beyond a forgiveness set fancy to a southern drawl beguiled cloaked to distractant by fork tongued “SMOKE AND MIRRORS”!  Has her’s is falling as never aplomb, or on the level, while quite “BUBBLED” - but, the sound “FOUNDATIONS” standing are near enough ready to steel to her “White Elephant” as never more a “red herring”, as forevermore her ravenous, as kept for the haunts of ravens to quoth at her conscience, as to query a just fashion as befitting orange if not more for a meaty crabby but a stripped to reformatory politics do representative of dark sides fit’n arresting from further damning of prudence, - damning of more prescient Diplomatics by more bottoms up representation!

Concurrently past the trespassed times times of moons in betrayal we have a JUDGEMENT DAY cometh as civilly set of she a big fish a snared crabby!  However biased an UBER-DAME, so never a lone actor at DAMMINGS?

Concurrently past the trespassed times times of moons in betrayal we have a JUDGEMENT DAY cometh! How fitting she for descendant ways?

Presently the walls are closing in on the coy, on the beguiled, on the swooned enchanting “Southern Belle”, on the spousal in the husbandry of the politik befalling to many, to all, behooved to see past the mirrors and to cut through the smoky. The dark side is there in their here and now, - any can just look beyond the bling,- the shinny distractants baiting to DECEIVED!

Her “Moby Dick” is maybe a “White Elephant.”  Her story a his of “red herrings” discovered to be more real, - haunting. How learned must on be to read betwixt lines of SELF DEFENSE? Twained her man re-meld’d ville’d?

Crabby is the dark sides of walls closing in due “meaty” are the bones of the tracts archaic to concurrent of these many moons triangulated & plumbed!

Concurrently past the trespassed times times of moons in betrayal we have a JUDGEMENT DAY cometh! How fitting she for descendant ways?

A dungeness beckons for more than a conscience of the mortar of her archaic as there “meat” in her crabby as crustaceanous shelled whale.

The dark side, brick by brick, crabby by crabby, 1st degree to 33rd degree, of “White Elephants” not “red herrings”, isn’t on the level, - on the up and up, - holding together better than as if built on a foundation of shifting sands, - richter proofed for even a small herd of innocent elephants at a civil gait?

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