
December 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:42 am

Republicans have the markets cornered - modern day Republicans have the markets in aphrodisiacs locked up!

Democrats have uncovered that the pathology of Bill Clinton is of roots in racism, - near to “Bill Clinton is a racist!”!

Them of the party of Abraham (Lincoln) are of the beats of Africa, most originally, most celebrant!

Them of the party of Abraham (Lincoln) years on from Jefferson (not Davis! #TJ Thomas J.!) are vibrant of the African sexual arts of body sculptured for as sex dolls as at least to preface copacetic robust civility as fertility arts, fertility sculpture.

These things we seem to be able to hear rung #TRUTH are at least psychologically seeming of suffice in self evidentiary.

To beat the Bush (GWB) as if more racist than William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton (born William Blythe III, & to such his chosen - not Christian, name - as if outta the Bush in African historicals there isn’t that professed by President Jimmy Carter at the opening of the George Walker Bush Presidential Library to that GWB was willing to do more for (blacks) of Africa in his first weeks than WJC had been willing to do in his eight years.

There is actually a forensics case to be made to support the posit that Bill Clinton is a racist, - at least of sub-character rooted flaws in a white pride where he tries to be progressive for all so that he can so be the supreme leader of (especially) black subjects. There is that this side of WJC may most appear only when it seems that blacks are not to choosing William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton as their leader.

For now that hypothesized to Republicans have the market cornered on aphrodisiacs and as collectors to curatories in private art, at least, it is that it seems reasonable even if plausible still must be proofed per each individual Republican.  I have no proof concurrent to this artful espoused expose’ that Republicans anywhere have the markets at least cornered of oysters.

Of the flocks of Abraham (Lincoln), still now long celebrant in his equal love for the black bodies African humanoids, it is telling through a continuum of sands of times that but for Thomas J. and his special secret un-superstitioned Bible edition of the “Jefferson Bible” so by cutting up numerous editions to then paste together (not sacreligiously?) (his answer to the founding fathers Constitution as writ in an Establishment of Christianity but as with Feds, by Congress, barred from establishing otherwise/re-establishing/re-spect-ing towards centralized Power by Theocratic tyranny) to be it as a Bible a testimonial writ for Religious Liberty in the spirit of freedom of religion - as due “religion” of the whole the entirety of life - so as fitting that there by definition cannot be a freedom from religion, only a freedom from “a” religion. Oy! So seemeth but for Thomas J. and his articulations by cutting and pasting editions of holy writs there may not have been able to be a later day “Republican” as was Abraham L. unless those of sexuality in humanoid forms were yet outta Africa and but not without faith or a book.

Though Saturday Night Live did do a ‘picture this’ to as if TRUMP was not a bad word or trigger word, enough, in there broadly casted of a clone army of trumpish as if there is a superior ‘look’ in the hubbub of race.  That we had such uniformity to suggest a superiority is now not enough alone from the “Bill Clinton is a racist” for as many know already Donald Trump is proud of that the Clintons, however, were at his wedding.  Did you know Friedrich Nietzsche’s sister has Adolph Hitler at her wedding? Trump may be a bad word, forward, - enough so already.

Beyond the rising general acceptance and celebration of Dr. Benjamin Carson, however himself stirred by African fertility art, there is that in the years he was at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, his daily life (struggles?) as a black man about a city, near small enough to be a town, however rich in religious freedom and religious diversity, and as a first ever planned “city” of the known world, there is yet that trump may be a bad word, really!  Though student Carson of those years in New Haven would have had life like a psychological experiment of being in public like a (an obstacle) course because black, it is likewise a dare to be concerned to if to a “President Trump” as a “dare” to the world like to children in a game of “KING OF THE HILL”!

You cannot unwrite how the Clintons have their historical indisputable “racism”!  The Clintons together each have an individual mea culpa self evident to that they both chose the name “William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton” as their legal name.  Larry David, likely would be worth $10,000 in union specified compensation for “acting” in of a “spoken words” to if to at a “BILL CLINTON IS A RACIST!” for by the word count to union regulations for contracted “acting” twice as many words would be needed in an “comedy” so “tragic” for it is too of the Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton that such a tag is due such a rap.

If you could today approach Thomas J. or Abraham L. to query freely to tyranny and Socialism perils it seems the proof is in the Obama New Nationalism that Socialism may be the last refuge, - a last repose, for a tyranny over (blacks) slavish.

It may be that Bernie Sanders is less proven a Socialist in practice than Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton with her papered trail of it of her “CV” - her resume that she is more that “Socialist” than President Barack Hussein Obama did yet manage to seem while unexpectedly to winning in 2008 and so to basically needing to use most of the people “experts” as were to be used by the Clinton Administration when if elected and to keeping all those “Socialist” campaign promises, candidate Senate peer Senator Obama had made so near identically as Senator Clinton had publicly.  It seems Socialism may be the last refuge for “racists” for faith based governance, at least in these united states of the Americas, otherwise grants equality to the black beauties, those of vicissitudes incident to equality as too equally as by one Creator, as peers.

It is perilous that Mrs. Clinton is not already generally primarily presented always as by her record as seeming proofed as more Socialist and for real “Socialism” than Senator Bernie Sanders (likely can ever prove himself to actually be while a “Democratic Socialist”)!

As the Republican field shows of an embarrassment of riches for depth, - for the depth of the field and the character in each of the field. there is yet now a need for an auction like to pare to a Republican Calendar.  These days are of for a valuation of these who would be our servant(s) - in our service slavish to the Constituted “right”!  These days are for a valuation of each and a special selection of whom best (sculpted) (naturally) (endowed) for in our service. 

These days while rich in depth to too many form one Republican Calendar are yet now suffice of attitudes for shallow selection by appearance (of character), at least to if Speaker Paul Ryan in more valuable as more sculpted and ready for service than say Dr. Ben Carson, candidate for Presidential servitude Democratic.

Which month may be best for Carly Fiorina? Such beggard if more polite that it not be a summer month, nor a “fall” month?

Aren’t we now of a Republican politics that asks us to value somehow both the body and spirit of for an August selection celebration as to if Speaker Paul Ryan is to be seen as superior to Dr. Ben Carson for a month befitting fitness, and as shirtless?

Its seems so rooted in her own “CV” pride as of her papered trail, however “e-mail gig based data” (and breached), that Hillary Rodham to her chose legal status as Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton is pronounceable as too of a “CLINTON IS A RACIST!”!  Such if of her South Carolina loss story for the days in the losing showed the deeper “character” of the Clintons as “darker” than thought as once it seemed they were not to be “chosen” as the best to be the leader of black subjects they (together?) in harmony of expressing a racism in race in a vein of intolerance of a dark side, otherwise cloaked by “leading’!

These Republicans, of these Party of an “embarrassment” of richness of character, however less “racist” than that known already as rooted of Mrs. WJC, are now forward to consecrating a hallowed of “American” of these united states Union so be it that there is an ebony and ivory in a notable tune-able harmony tonality as their Constituted is respecting their equality for all and as achored by “communities” to their common “core” in like the singing together, economics, of Corinthians.

These Republicans of which we trust in are brethren to the “GO FORTH TO LOVE…” copacetic that feeds by harvests in civility the bounty of American Democratic constituted free people’d peoples.

These Republicans of which we trust in are brethren to the “GO FORTH TO LOVE…” copacetic as it sets up the work of life - of governments by the people (and so less tyrannical than by Socialism) as to the economics of free in free markets as then to the profits from the prophetic at of success when to sufficed in preparatory in planning ahead like the work of a prophet to that they then can reap profits as amounts recognizing that the “AND SERVE THE LORD!” is the “living” the “work” prescribed for universal health in a cored commonality for all communities as to the aphrodisiacs and prophylactics of prepared decreed for celebrants  in the regular practiced unity to all encouraged (weekly?) (on Sundays?) (on any day of rest more for “God”?) to then be again unified and set forth to sent for to love and multiply in that keep of “GO FORTH TO LOVE…”

Speaker Paul Ryan, at least for now, is seeming a natural to the common in “Republicans” of Thomas J. and Abraham L.?

Speaker Paul Ryan, enough by original intent, as Constituted Christian as by the People “Order” an Establishment but then amended to make perfectly clear that Congress is disallowed from Powers in any Theocracy Theocratic for “establishment” respecting the First Amendment is a spectacle not to be re-done but by amending or a Constitutional Convention successful to change. Speaker Paul Ryan is by law so subscribed to be at least as much a lover of black humanoids as was Thomas J. and Abraham L., - and however Lincoln knew of the specifics for “Republican” in that the particulars cut and pasted to as the “THE JEFFERSON BIBLE”!

However, success in 2016 may now be forward in it furthered of an embarrassment of richness of characters of character, we best be behooved to prophylactic as celebrants of the pitched by JEFFERSON (Thomas J.) and LINCOLN (Abraham L.)!

Trump may be a bad word now too a trigger word for any civility or greater peace through broader general good, and however yet his character may be deserving of high office, at least so high to be that which Mrs. WJ(D?)C should be rationally respectfully kept removed from, as especially for it is honorable among Republicans as once that of PRESIDENT THOMAS JEFFERSON, and also of PRESIDENT ABRAHAM LINCOLN.

The “GOT GAME” of sculpted Speaker Paul Ryan, and too of fit enough to “FIT AS A FIDDLE” Dr. candidate Benjamin Carson, is yet prudent in practiced for all vicissitudes, so said by President George Washington, of life; These Republicans are LOVERS more than FIGHTERS, and seeming as for a republic for all at least as THOMAS J. and Abraham L. wrote, and/or spoke to.

These days of these many Republicans for this great Republic have it seeming self evident that Mrs. WJ(D?)C cannot effect to a “SHINING CITY ON A HILL” for too of the dark gig - dark energies - darkness of lies - blackness in actually being too devoid of a general TRUTH primarily.

A “SHINING CITY ON A HILL” metaphor can only be extant when scandals not to broadly about as if government but of lawyers licensed to lie and in power of practice too as if just of a house of cards in a game of thrones too, then too like as if a “dare” of “trump” a trigger word to inciting a global challenge quite basically as if calling all to more than a visceral engagement by prompting to a childish but adult “I AM KING OF THE WORLD” “game” of “KING OF THE HILL”!

And so, of what is tossed out: to whom is thrown out: whom of stuck out: however struck so by the pitched of Speaker Ryan:

White Hillary Clinton of the colors of the THE CLINTONS may not be of the KKK colors, though there was bigotry by the Clintons in foreign policy of the years 1993-2001 in how the official speak was anti-Shia and biased so against one sect as inferior by their words of thoughts of near said: THE SHIA ARE NOT CAPABLE OF GOVERNING THEMSELVES.

White Hillary Clinton though not true to the RACISM of the KKK colors is already, it seems, let me be clear as if scored and papered, and gig’d “recorded”, as if of KKKK’d - all struck out - did strike out even by the FOUR STRIKES RULES.

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[Check back regular!  These is a begun work maybe yet just a good tease to the pointed to come.]

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