
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:08 am

‘Hillary R. Clinton’s old man is so old!’

‘How old is he? - how old is Bill J. Clinton?’

‘Hillary R. Clinton’s old man is so old - blah, blah, blah, blah.’ BORING!

You have the wars all wrong, - you really do, - yes most of you really do!

On the road of the Afghanistan poppy fields, as Mrs. C’s - drone queen’s - killing fields, her old man “Bill” of these ages yet he most of ages posts, as mile markers of strife’s roots, as an elder, so of such a shoddy past so long that he is as her old man yet a the most present in the concerts of conscience so many times, in retrospect, as the he/she present so consistently that such the he/she all should first see meted through to accurately measured for the depths of ownership of a proprietary in culpability for so many “strifes” of record so tragic, and linkable to one more than any other.

It is not preposterous, even in hindsight, to posture the years 1993 to 2001 are too ‘missing’ from the measured of these times, - that Bill J. Clinton & Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton ‘leadership’ is most clearly seen forevermore in the negative, - their measured for history as accurate for the eternal records is negative as there greatest burden of guilt is for what they didn’t do, and whom they abandoned, or left feeling abandoned.

It may, for Posterity, help to to think Bill J. Clinton so old that he now if of so much negative in his lifetime he is as if of ages posted statistically of enough average years lived to be as old as the Barbary Pirates.  As so much of the reality of the culpables of the Clinton are still much cloaked by politically worked domestic (and foreign?) cover-ups any Tranquility may be yet as safe and for enduring as quicksand.  To bare the politics of the Clintons to them naked before the world - un-cloaked to their interior domestic homespuns - would be to frighten the world with honesty and truth, - the dire to diabolical of the ages in their ‘works’ for what they didn’t work.

You do have the wars mostly to all wrong!  It firstly essential to ask if these wars today are so bad due the wars the Clintons didn’t commence, - the ‘warring’ they shoulda even if as then as timely ‘peace keeping’ avoided.

To discern a “REAL CLINTON” a fact based “HONEST CLINTON ASSUAGED” essentially all must much look at them in the negative, to whom they are most errantly truthfully for history due that which they didn’t do, and why they wouldn’t do suches.  It may too help to think Afghanistan was a Gettysburg of the Cold War, - in a pre-Clinton all seriousness.

The affectedness of the vast partisan and selfish brand maintenance of the machinations of the Clintons’ machine politics is to it still too much so that most people by not looking closely enough at their them are to missing how the Iraq War - OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM - musta been the right thing to do for to Shia of Iraq and Iran, Al Qaeda of Sunni of Arabia, and the Islamic State, ISIL, ISIS, it is as it was right for Americans to effect.  The war that Al Qaeda (and ISIL) to stand still in objection to would be THE PERSIAN GULF WAR, not OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. 

ISIL, Shia, and Al Qaeda should object less to the later war & coalition than the former; the former war is the war they wanted to fight or not need others to fight for them that yet after fought by others to a point, was then left not finished by Bill J. Clinton.  It figures that the Shia of Iran and the majority populace of Iraq must have been, and remain as for, the “Iraq War” so many Americans now wrongly posture as having been wrong to have commenced.

Oh it gets worse!  Let us liken her “old man” to as her “pop” to better sync the mashable of “Drone Queen” & “killing fields” - the of  Mrs C.!

So, it seems perfectly clear, let me be clear, so that right OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM despite common perceptions must now and forevermore be seen and heard as right!  We then are left with minor issues as to though right it may have been done wrong and commenced inconveniently in a time of politics too phat of lies hiding the negatives of the Clintons.  We then, say now, have it must be seen as a good war however a badly done war, and too as it was nearly wrong to do just because it was commenced so long after it should have been done - not avoided - as in the Clintons’ terms as ripe to have been affected by 1996 and still beyond.

What must be her body count? - how many dead were lost due just to Hillary R. Clinton and her hand in the politics of avoidance and inaction so phat, as with her pop, during 1003 to 2001? - what is the most accurate body count, a truthful number of bodybags filled, that should be first accounted from present to 1993 as most on the conscience due culpability of the Clintons, and then to how must such, and as seeming a vast tragic number of lost souls, is best to be divided statistically fairly between a HIS & HERS accounted for?  First Lady Mrs. Clinton was intimately engaged in the foreign and domestic decidings of Bill J. Clinton, and so much so that her whence ‘global initiatives’ were quite as a feminist crusading intentionally at inciting those already radical and other able to be radicalized across the regions now battlegrounds abroad.

Feminists owe the world an accounting - an if to at the years back to 1993 for accurate historical placement of burdens of guilt that actually must rest even tragically first upon First Lady Mrs. Clinton even before on the Presidency of the Clintons together.  Women owe the world a shedding of the ridiculous long postured to that it could be ever “ALL BUSH FAULT” because their pride in their sex should have Mrs. Clinton owning up to how much today is lost and bad due to her own personal participation in both the positive negative as actions bad acts, and the negatives most negative as from avoidance and inaction their her worked.

The poppies fields as Hillary R. Clinton as “Drone Queen” to as “killing fields” is complicated and to needs that it needs be for a full accounting parsed and pared by the ages by fitting postings as well to the days of the era of her “old man” so old to many he is like the “pops” of the country for those seeming so distant years 1993 to 2001. 

As First Lady Mrs. Clinton the poppies fields can too be “killing fields” on the Clintons’ conscience for those were years post Afghanistan as the Gettysburg of the Cold War of the where the battle against the spread of Soviet expansionism in Communism Socialism was turned back or stopped, and to those were the years on them of ignoring the cries coming from Afghanistan and of the United States of a culpability for an “abandonment” by of having left too early and to it simmering to festering during 1993 to 2001 as to how Americans, at least didn’t return when the Taliban was overwhelming such a heroic history as a people of a new Gettysburg.

It is frightful to think that the record of the Clintons when finally honestly set of truths not worked false narratives (to hopefully from culpable tales, to a purgatory while two histories extant, to whence then their lies from cover-up to accepted as truth, - though lies) will fully need be perceived and accepted.  It is scary that there can be so much guilt to be shouldered as a burden for two while for so many ages so posted others have been smeared innocently (at least innocently enough) while the dark side is an evil that really is seeded in the Clintons spousal husbandry of affectedness to effect for Power firstly, - first personal.

Case in point in beggard for truth at what to make of Vice President Al Gore and the Democrats after the attacks of 9/11/2001 as it seems ridiculous to not look cynically at the Democrats as to what they gained and seemed ready, oddly, to reap from such as a convenient crisis while so tragic to others. 

It may be better to think that President Barack H. Obama mission creep in Afghanistan from the War On Terror of safe passage for foreign troops to trespass Afghanistan, as traded for with agreements to build roads and schools, to the war of choice as if a dream come true of First Lady Clinton, as effecting to a WAR ON THE TALIBAN as a war on women finally commenced, is yet too congested a mass of Bill J. Clinton culpas akin to that guilt that if spread out over ‘average’ ages postings, and so to it so complicated as if a “convenient crisis” for, right, Vice President Al Gore was expected (globally) to be the next American President, at the time of September 11, 2001.

A most cynical of also that Afghanistan is of a “wrong war” is yet that Al Gore if then President woulda had outta Afghanistan a war so naturally blessed for a former war photo journalist like himself of it like perfectly set to sell convenient crisises forward as akin, too, to the old slight of a pop to as “YOU PROVIDE THE PICTURES & I’LL PROVIDE THE WAR.”

You do very much have the wars all wrong if thinking the Obama & Clinton war of choice as the war on women as their WAR ON TALIBAN was a more right war than OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM.  See it also figures that the justification used to sell the affectedness for a greater AFGHANISTAN WAR (seemingly just the type Vice President Al Gore was oddly ready for) is yet a better workable SELL for the IRAQ WAR than that used by the George W. Bush. 

The Iraq War is justifiable as also due as a war on women as a liberation, as a liberating at least of the majority Shia under Saddam Hussein as a liberating for at least Shia women, and girls. 

Al Gore seems as if only was ready for a greater AFGHANISTAN WAR.

To Al Qaeda (and ISIL) it seems George W. Bush did much with his wars (not any of choice) save America and some coalition countries by affecting OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM and as more important in the WAR ON TERROR than a greater WAR in Afghanistan, as yet not justified by September 11, 2001 attacks, as the WAR ON TALIBAN figures as necessary do the objections to the Clintons’ years of abandonment to the poppy fields their shared “killing fields” for concerts of conscience evermore, as rightly in the negative they ignored the cries, and tears as they chose inaction and avoidance, while unconscionable to so many others.

It is frightful too to consider how morally depraved it seems it arguable as a past and present danger exposed of a moral depravity that befits a like burdened of balls and chains for the likes of Bill J. Clinton, Al Gore, & at least also Hillary R. Clinton.  The dire and tragic of our here and now is very much seeded in their then whence of decidings to it as if right to ignore the cries and tears, and global guilty about their worked abandonments.

To see the Clintons for their negatives, for them of their not done, is to see them maybe too much as frightful due negatives.

The vast extant of a mass of gall is so enumerable it is perilous to many to have to consider so much frightful and true.  Thee is so much taggable as bad at least in a negative that it is that the is a galore in a HIS & HERS culpability that forward must be paired for a fair feminism in an actually truthful accounting of what affected and not affected for Hillary R. Clinton “feminism”!

Not can it be separated!  How can the frightful culpability of Mrs. Clinton be separated from her “old man” her “pop” driver “Bill’s”?

Maybe now you can give thanks more truthfully for better to understanding how so many have too long had the wars all wrong?

RESOLVED?  Isn’t it time to give thanks, not still wrongly to either Clinton, or Al Gore, or President Obama, as to those you can see your way towards as more of a heroic and necessary engagement and especially if you have been fooled for ages by postings of actual lies and willful acts to cover-up inconvenient truths to the climates of the attitudes for Democrats political machinations for a holding by a Power of a ruling class?

CONCLUDED, - FOR NOW:  It may be Bill J. Clinton is respectively of enough guilt to be so old as older than the Barbary Pirates of Thomas Jefferson’s effectings against, to so old he is more of the time of the Pilgrims but more akin to the power grabbing of Oliver Cromwell, and too less for a contemplative of such times that date Rene Descartes to having begun writing for his times only after he so relocated to where the Pilgrims did depart from.  As old say this trued Bill J. Clinton the lesson now is that it is served that his “old lady” must near be so said at least as meted as old.

THANKSGIVING SHARE:  It seems the gall of the Clintons is phat to their turkey is contrary - oh so contrary as practiced to be as if of works to have negated the prudential of the Pilgrims and Puritans, and much to that evolved from as of the founding fathers for the Clintons’ seems as but of a spousal husbandry coyly to affectedness luckily short of their goals, as seeming to frightful that their goals must have been to be to being to a post-Constitutional extra-Constitutional Powers, as willfully worked to and as to premeditated work to set asunder the Constitution, so to that they could be more successful than Clintons before them and to reaping yet an autocratic, maybe actually global, for a regaling “pop” of a CLINTON AUTOCRACY effectedly enough “crowned” upon them, - each.

NEVER FORGET:  It is complicated, - even more so!  What was the United States “poppies” politics under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton?

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