
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:49 am

At this rate the Islamic State may proof it can manage a sizable city before Mayor Rahm Emanuel might, if when, if ever.

I know what you are hungry for, especially for this holiday season upon us of the dreaded shortest days of the year.

Does Chicago have the problems of Detroit of an unemployable lot due too many not an employable moral lot? Is it but Chicago future haunting of a populace not of their own free will and exercised prudence to still enough of a voluntary “community” in a chosen of an extra-nation established morality? Is Chicago as hungry for leadership, for shepherds teachers with hopeful flocks?

Mustn’t it be street to the global that Chicago can become Detroit due too much centralized top down national socialism politics for less “representation” with more “taxation” the essence of the Democrats to a less democratic cabal of a ruling class of elite liberals?

Chicago must be very hungry for morals - for the core of the Constitution as established and ordained a “done” People’s “Order” to be for a consummation of all of their metropolitan to however yet a diversity in their cosmopolitans - to be of their served to lock up a copacetic morality with a regular faith from regular practice, - RIGHT?

Bill Clinton and his lot, too a H.O.B. as well as a F.O.B., must be seen as a greatest enemy to a manageable Chicago. As a Senate sisterhood (of the traveling pantsuits) is cornered in “Friends Of Bill” it but is disgraceful as of a defiling of their oaths of office to defend the Constitution, - from foreign and domestic threats, while, out so early to seem too easy as if firstly but a gaggle as a Harem Of Bill, and to have falling inline under his “QueenBee”!

Bill Clinton and his sidekick of old Mayor Rahm Emanuel are not equals to that mashable for the rap of Chicago to palpable culpable diabolical assuaging of essential guilt. It should be already street to the curbed and open public trafficking of Chicago that Bill Clinton is more a Great Betrayer than any today, even President Bush, could amass TRUTH for parading.

Bill Clinton H.O.B. extant seems pregnant of scandal with the Senate sisterhood as loyal to labors for Mrs. Clinton as now pledged by endorsements to be with Mrs. Clinton even as she must by marriage contract be loyal to her (old) man. It is unconscionable that a posse of Democrat women “leaders” such as this nearly unanimous lot did come out now so early and while it for Chicago is still a big question as to if it is more that President Obama failed Chicago or that due the Clintonomics and spousal husbandry in partisan politics if it still is more that Bill Clinton and his lots did set up with surpluses and risky loaning the very collapsing of economies across the global, and the local of Illinois, - that Bill Clinton in party with his Mrs. C did set up and trigger the extent of problems to that even an Emanuel was beyond HOPE.

To Chicago, as hungry, hopefully, to now not soon be a Detroit of yesterdays of its vacuums of light lowest days, we must consider that the national socialism may not be the greatest evil befallen upon Chicagoans, and that it is more of roots undermined from HOPE of a diabolical in the “THE CLINTON” and a misplaced pride of a wrongful arrogance of a inflated self worth and spousal assessment to that it could be so that the Clintons were/are smarter than the founding fathers of these united states of the Americas.

The Clintons should be served for whom and what they think themselves as as is is that many have suffered in them fronting to many lots to an obedience to compliance contrary to smart citizen informed engagement as to fixed the variables around smarting from knowing that their theirs of them they to politics for governance as contrary to the Constitution, and as paraded as if good that it sweet to have them then justified in a “post-Constitution” extra-Constitution new way for new days forward then to superior to the Constituted and to chosen to allowed to be nearer to autocrats.

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Much recommended is “USUAL SUSPECTS” in sampler of sorted of http://JPHogan.org aka http://CitizenRosebud.org of @jphoganorg!

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