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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:13 am

It’s The Clintons - STUPID !!!

This republic, of which it stands in People’s Order done established, is to this day as articulated by President Washington letter to the Jews of Newport as to that there is to be no “bigotry of tolerance” in American.

The most important years to understanding when these united states of the Americas may have been most of leaders, and leader wanna bees, short to George Washington enumerated standards for republican civility are the days from Saddam Hussein to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait (as the start of WWIII) to the first term of President Clinton, - yet mostly 1993.

There can now hardly be any fair comprehension of our days, of tragic conflicts, due to so much feigned by machinations of the “THE CLINTONS” since to hide how devoid they are of prudence in sagacity.  The “THE CLINTON” has since 1993 been firstly to an ends justifying the means as for overwriting inconvenient honest and truth to that a political tyranny to totalitarianism as justified means for the ends sold as ends worthy, however compromising sagacity, as the end being to a President Mrs. Clinton.

Of the truth “It’s The Clintons - STUPIDS!” is yet the still seeming worse case scenario for 1992 I much considered while working to make a Democrat enough electable so that President Bush would have a real “challenger” in that a too proud and blinded by pride Republican Christian right was to rising for a Republican President, however a Bush, to yet sway from giving rise to greater global danger do them too proud, and to national Christian in their excesses misplaced for Christian pride.

Of the truths in “It’s The Clintons - STUPIDS!” there is that how the Clintons’ administration governed has proven to be what seems more wrongful on matters of inter-faith balance and understanding than that then the worst feared in the seeming likelihood if to a second Bush term.  How the spousal husbandry of the “THE CLINTONS” did put means justified contrary to writs ordered for prudence as superior to honest and truth of religiosity and so to the proposition that a President Mrs Clinton were ends justifying  is much now today a splintered variable of the whole, not a tangential less then critical as fractional.

Of the republic in the “Republic” we as Americans are of allegiance sworn daily there is that the “THE CLINTONS” ends are not justified by their means.  We need see back above the feigned innocence worked by machinations in make-overs and cover-ups for Mrs. Clinton to how they have a history of bigotry that relates as well to how they by their secular selfish partisan machinations how created room for guilty before innocent affecting within this Republic - of the homeland of these united states of the Americas.

San Bernardino is seeming to categorically fall into that category of 9/11/2001 attacks as though terrorizing and premeditated they yet fail to a “JIHAD” standard.  The French may have a different problem than with Charlie Hebdo as the Paris Attacks may fall into “ACTS OF WAR” if it is that the France posture in the Middle East is firstly to of the Socialism so as then to be distasteful to the Islamic State as an organized seemingly against secularism,and especially secular socialism.

San Bernardino though seems of a FAILED if of a JIHAD attempt, it too seems yet failed as the Paris Attacks seemed failed as there seems no up side for any Muslims due actions diabolical where words as the better weapons were still to be preferred as better tools of righteousness.  San Bernardino seems preposterous if thought just JIHAD for any “HOLY WAR” as for the “target” for “justice” such as it was so charitable to all, so constituted for republican of Ordered for due process.

The attacks of 9/11/2001 failed in “JIHAD” as it seems San Bernardino terror to fail from “HOLY WAR” though fitting “terrorism”!  On September 11, 2001 the Al Qaeda (soldiers? guerrillas?) in terrorism by suicide acts horrific yet were of premature mobilization to action while words were still the better weapon, and for civil engagement was still an available path to a resolution of the seeming thought injustices supposed to be of justifying action, not wordplay for remedial consummations.

For San Bernardino tragic shootings to not also be said a FAILURE as like September 11, 2001 as a failed “JIHAD” there is that it may have been half brained only, at least as if wanting of that held as so whole brained of Muhammad.  What ever thought “WRONGS” so were so of a California feeling sensed to a global insult to Islam yet, in this republic so as civilly set for due process in an innocent until proven guilty, do settle forward as so repairable still by words and even in-office procedures.

Of the vast errs in “It’s The Clintons - STUPIDS!” is a culpability for San Bernardino yet for the shouldering of guilt on each Clinton in the “THE CLINTONS”!  By their politics to their selfish secular spousal husbandry to their ends of to a President Mrs. Clinton,  they have set asunder by their compromised means, so very much, a faith though in due process and civil procedures for even office place religiosity paring.  The Al Qaeda attacks of September 11, 2001 have seemingly settled as FAILED at “JIHAD” for though it seemed the Clinton Administration legacy forward was that civil repairs to injusticed were a bygone option, forever, forever for Muslims with the Republican of pledged allegiance, such was not on September 11, 2001 a general, global, or local American reality.

As San Bernardino shootings show a premeditation to that they were also of a HE & SHE compromised, somehow, there is yet a hint to what injusticed they may have thought too general or global, as let loose to waft insults and retarding of Islam.  Words and procedures were/are enough extant for even an office place scandalous on religiosity where a bigotry of tolerance counter to prudence for Republic as enumerated by President George Washington did somehow, - some ways maybe rise to an insulting.

Of the #TRUTH in “ItsTheClintons_STUPIDS now for a resolution of the tragic of terrorizing in San Bernardino there  is that Al Qaeda too erred at “JIHAD” as to of acting while words were still the better weapons for corrective civility and repairing from injusticed.  Due to what the affected so as if for “HOLY WAR” did “target” it seems abominable that such a site wasn’t too charitable for all to have ever justified a work place attack as if fitting terrorizing as a tool for civility.

However the self proclaimed organized for an Islamic State of the Levant, as ISIS or ISIL or Da’esh, constitute themselves for justice it seems if to ever proof they can govern or manage a sizable metropolitan area it seems that for procedures and processes were still available both on September 11, 2001 and most recently on the day of the San Bernardino shootings it seems befallen upon their consciousness to now avail themselves of explanatory Islamic words to establishments for “society”!

However the global reaction to these, whom any rightfully associated as if, of an Islamic State is now to a declarative of many now embattled of a World War III  there is that for today’s struggles to be of WWIII and not WWIV is in that this all basically started (as a dedication to justice by war if necessary) by those of Islam themselves then aghast at Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait.  There is cause to rate today’s as a WWIII and as better politics as more clear than if otherwise said a WWIV!

To the specifics of (”FAILED”?) for “coverage” of San Bernardino shootings there is besides the attacks more than against a still defensible as of innocents it seems unconscionable for any claims to justiced as rightful to terrorize in “JIHAD” due to the vast charitable for all nature of the offices and staffed victimized, - victimized by actions where and while words remained the better weapons for an affecting for justice.

Can it be “HOLY WAR” by “terror” however shootings were premeditated terrorism if a sensed justiced spiritual (but maybe half brained to the wholly of Muhammad’s) as of a insult to Islam by a dining a party in celebration of Christ Jesus, as yet a dining still fresh in Pilgrims pride of a Thanksgiving to the Christian God of the landed of the Mayflower of Plymouth?

Can it ever be that for Californians to have been celebrating Christianity to recognizing a birth of a great one Christ Jesus specifically that they could have been insulting enough to another great one long ago born, - he Muhammad?  Americans of this Republic do pledge allegiance to it Constituted for religious liberty that it is of the People’s Order that the Union is established and ordained in “the Year of our Lord” but so as amended to clearly articulate the writ of words to that Theocracy is barred from National governing. 

A work place perception of a religious’d insulted seems to be the news of the day, and yet as where the American is that there are and were processes to become global with words as the best weapons so very much still available.

The San Bernardino shooting pair seem to have failed at “HOLY WAR” quite as Al Qaeda did on September 11, 2001 as by acting as if civil apparatus were not still available as the better for justiced as a calling - as still available it is that words and established civil procedures were very much still available even to though of the shared humanity extant in the global.

For San Bernardino to be acceptable as “JIHAD” mustn’t there have been an insult to Muhammad far greater than the allowed celebration of the Christ Child and that Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad were all born to be great ones, and of the same one God?  Isn’t it most true that Jesus nor Muhammad are above the other, - that their God is equally above them, - that Jesus was not an infidel, - and yet that Islam is of the wholly of Muhammad to the “HOLY” for Muslims of a whole brained brilliance so to establishment of how Christianity is explainable as having been and still as is a religiosity inadequate for God’s deserts and His most severely tested of His deserts’ severe?

It seems, for now, that San Bernardino shooting pair of “FAILED” - their weapons for terror as if to justice were inadequate, and as WORDS and processes were vastly very of variable for variations for justiced victory, as to repaired from insulted!

Of the tragedies in “It’s The Clintons, STUPIDS!” there still is a too vast problem in we are still to much of the 1993 errs of their shared ambition as a pair to how too many are still trapped in it too real that the “THE CLINTONS” have as leaders too much, and too grandly, set asunder a faith in due process as to be of a politics more for their selfish secular spousal husbandry in a divisive partisan more to ends justifying the means, and as to that their ends can trump to a superiority over honesty and truth.

We seems asked to presume that San Bernardino shooting pair affected “HOLY WAR” as for having been too insulted by a celebration of the birth of Christ Jesus.  It seems so soon upon after Thanksgiving too that the insult may have seemed a running work place insulting, and yet as still it generally that words were still the still available as better weapons to repair to justice for all.

As long taught that Jesus nor Muhammad were above the other there is yet the complicated for Christians, especially in these called trying times, if to thinking Christianity is adequate for God’s severely tested of His deserts’ severe.

Christians are not to be “forgiven” for seeming “insults” as if as “infidels” to Islam by Muslims, they are better to be educated and taught, where not in a dire of any moment of a carpe diem justiced writ to allowed in deserts to save oneself before any other more primarily and generally than eitherwise in lands of bounty and working civility in processes allowable for climates offer procedures civil of civility by WORDS as a luxury, seemingly - seemingly as compared to of Muhammad’s days of the wholly to be Godly as to an establishment to how prudence must be real, and really speaking to those whom try to find way to Allah in deserts where such may disappear as like Mark Twain posited like of New England weather, as like by “just wait five minutes”!

There was, as on September 11, 2001 still time for Muslims of Islam to teaching with words as the better weapons.

There is as now due San Bernardino that this pair however of feeling maybe that Muhammad was too “insulted” still that such if present in a “Christmas Party” so soon after the dinings of “Thanksgiving” of they missing the “Pilgrims” and that enumerated of President George Washington, - - - Mustn’t it be however thought “insulted” those of this charitable work place were then more of a repairable ignorance not of a exercised hatred akin to being infidels to the daily struggles of those like orthodox Islamic to protecting the heavens for those living in the deserts’ more severe?

Due to Paris Attacks as premeditated and yet devoid of just words, I am likely not alone to assuaging such FAILED if “JIHAD”!  French have no business to bending the USA to Article V associated mission if it is yet that these attacks can be said as “acts of war” as retaliatory strikes against a French tyrannical to a Levant official politics to a disposition to bring secular socialism to Arabs of any self proclaimed Islamic State realm.  Paris seems unjustly terrorized, at least for the actions spoke to fewer words of understanding than words otherwise might have.  I cannot say, and do not know, as can hardly fairly consider enough to as informed, how if the “Paris Attacks” can be claimed to have been a success.

Let me be clear: In a premeditated enumeration pronouncement: Hopefully in time: It’s the Clintons, STUPIDS! - ye Americans must appreciate, if caring of a HOGAN metric, that I cannot respect any, even titled as accomplished women, if the now of an any endorsement of HILLARY2016 for so then of an endorsing of a Hillary Clinton of a flawed the ‘THE CLINTONS” I long have known too well to myself ever be one to selling forward any on any embrace of high office for any of the political pair CLINTON. 

>> To any new here to #HOGAN so published: It is that these Clintons so long known as these Clintons are of my knowing them true as so erred and flawed, and as in of my having known them since the early 1970s when they were yet engaged coeds of Yale Law School, as out and about in my neighborhood, together on a walk.

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