
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:59 am

This is bigger than for any mall Santa! As a joyous season is now of Advent upon a shared humanity global anew, we must be bigger than commercialized and to a change of venue for a duly just discourse to philosophy of religiosity, & Awakenings galactic.

Brethren of the deserts severe of the what of the where and how known to Muhammad this is our season still a season hopeful for joyous upon your home fires. As the bells toll for JOY we hope all hearts can be lifted without insults from ignorance, ignorant.

Brethren of the galactic of the Force for a copacetic shared humanity, as long established, ordained, and maintained by the realm of religious adherents, a Happy Holidays in a Merry Christmas as for all now anew is for understanding and discerning where consciousness is in Faith and especially for Christians where it is for Islam that for Muslims of a Muslim trinity now onset to Shia, Sunni, and ISIL as if to Islamic State as a Union of Orthodox Islamic.

As it seems the lands of the Levant, and those populated by faithful of Islam globally, however sectarian, and now to a seeming trinity of an option to be for a puritanical Orthodoxy welcoming pilgrims “home” in towards an Islamic State, are awakening this season of JOY in Christ Jesus isn’t exclusive, nor of Jesus as an INFIDEL.

There can now be a parity to a comity in a JOYOUS season a Holiday Season around the birth of Christ Jesus that isn’t opposing to Islamic of any sectarian or rift, - it seems.  There is for this to be copacetic, though, that a consciousness needs to be articulated as to the consciousness minimum in Islam before any act can be deemed to be warranted, where can be legally warranted, as to being an act of sufficient consciousness to be representative of a collective conscience for Justice for Muslims.

From my limited understandings, I offer that Muhammad does not decree a “kill first” as an “order to kill” that is to be a “license to kill” devoid of a contemplative measure of conscience and for humanity and society.  From my limited history and understanding it seems that, and now as it much relates to millions of refugees (, and due climate change?), faithful of Islam are allowed to celebrate Santa Claus as the birth of Christ Jesus does not insult Islam nor Muhammad.

Isn’t it that Muslims of the world, however sectarian or of rifts to a Muslim trinity to now a rising an awakening with force to an attempt to establish a Orthodox Islamic as a home faith to an Islamic State, are free to celebrate Santa Claus?  Are free as of Muhammad and faith in Islam to celebrate the birth of a great one not an infidel, by any prejudice or prejudgement writ? 

Isn’t the JOY of a JOYOUS season now levered to reset for all in shared humanity, however galactic, to that Christians are only to be accused to be INFIDELS where there is an ignorance of the essence of Islam and as INVOLVED too much from just an expressed opine conversationally posited?

Isn’t the JOY of a JOYOUS season yet for Christians to remember on their own not to be ignorant nor insulting with ignorance the beliefs of others, and especially when critical and vital to their own struggles to find and keep open paths to a FORCE as a realm for the HOLY?

Islamic activists may now be trying the souls of Christians the world over, however galactic, by actions insufficient of words while heavy in acts seeming devoid of the adequate writ called for consciousness to be premeditated. Islamic activists yet still seem free to celebrate Santa Claus in it that JESUS is not an infidel while some Christians may be found to be too ignorant to have any insults taken as INFIDELITY.

Should faithful of Muhammad and Islam, however now as pilgrims for a puritan Islamic State to an Orthodox Islamic, rush to a cursing of Christians, while it is to be raised how conscious your oppositions should be expected to be if one of a luxury of time, and in of a safe enough place, to process if a teaching from an ignorance is acceptable for parties constitutions/beliefs? 

How much thought is enough thought?  If teaching is the better weapon, are words the chosen best defense?

Who should explain if it writ for all of Islam to that even besides of Sharia there is that each in Muslim celebrations are but “licensed to kill” not “Ordered to kill” and as then as well as in faith as knowing they are “licensed to be killed” (if so weak a link to shared humanity they then represent a threat to society - to a basic survival of a communal in a “society” endurance.

Whom among those free to also celebrate Santa Claus can best answer to a minimum level of consciousness to a conscience of these days for JOY and JOYOUS everywhere? 

Whom can ascribe, by example, themselves as experts for shared humanity, and triggers from copacetic, to pare or peel like the lemons, or onions to fig’n the dates of these days tragic of terrorism, seeming of insufficient premeditated THINK to be to having affected “HOLY WAR”?

Are you one whom can help bridge an teach to a JOY for JOYOUS for all harmony for Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas, and as to that even refugees Muslims are free to celebrate Santa Claus as free to respect the birth of Christ Jesus?

Whom now are our teachers our shepherds for travelers and homely flocks so to keep ignorance corralled and at bay?

As all seem “licensed” for JOY and to be JOYOUS with faith and religiosity whom now can work it, - can work it to it sufficed from ignorance and to spread an understanding related to tragedies of recent seeming just “terrorist” actions more “criminal” to how a metric is extant from such too a scandal, to any galactic force in shared humanity, as it seems the outcomes from these “terrorists” have been to the as Muslims as then more licensed to be killed, then represented fairly of their writ Islam of a “license to kill” where befitting a dire or severe in an exposed struggle of realities of time, and place?

                                     *     *     *     *     *

{Developing today: “Licensed To Kill” - an essay to pair and pare Obamacare can only be Constitutional if of an unconstitutional “Muslim Exception” - as a right to kill, and right to be killed of Sharia, must supersede a “right” to healthcare.  We have been going the wrong way so long by the end of this essay you should believe President Obama should resign in of an embarrassment for having so misunderstood the Constituted for so long, and how for so long so wrongly.  As healthcare is an oldest establishment of religion there cannot in these united states of the Americas be a separate “right to healthcare” as a discussion of Islam cursorily can illuminate due faithful of even like of a writ license to kill, - even as it not mostly to be an Order to kill.}

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