
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:51 am

Simon says? Doth it behoove ye/we to ponder and discern the moral depravity of Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton?  Yes?

Victorious in honesty can only now be hemmed in with a the strapping too the secrets kept phat to how Mrs. Clinton, due her legacy, does represent as a greater Islamic State recruitment tool than that fashioned as “GITMO” - basically, - basely.  Mrs. Clinton is no Queen Victoria in any sense of history, - due her secrets and the truths.  Mrs. Cliinton is not revealing well.

These days of JOY for a JOYOUS copacetic to the global, and galactic, have Donald J. Trump quiet controversial in ways he or H.R. Clinton are best to first try to sketch out and then color in - color between the lines.  As H.R. Clinton is long tagged irregular as a “worst Secretary of State” in the history of the United States of America there is that D.J. Trump is heeled to now walk a fuller phattening of his critique, and, there still is oddly that H.R. Clinton still hasn’t stepped out, at least publicly, to that her model - her legacy - is at least better than one other a Secretary of State.  It seems now a “Mudville” of H.R. Clinton has “struck out” as her case is yet of no defense of an “I was at least better than (blank)!”!

This dressing down of H.R. Clinton is yet so sadly fitting for it is but fashioned to her a recruitment tool for ISIL, as Da’esh too must be still of them they riled long by W.J. Clinton and the Clintons’ Presidency. 

W.J. Clinton is also most irregularly tagged by D.J. Trump as inspected as bad actors, for long of poorly fashioned, ill considered foreign policies, particular to their walks and talks at selling of the Middle East. A redeeming aspect of D.J. Trump, while now so controversial as to broadly prejudiced against those most traditionally of belly dancers, is yet in but, - but that he has jeweled the crowned of the Clintons as due a cross bearing bearing of burdens of their heaviness, - of their near self evident guilts.

H.R. Clinton, as a name, has unfortunate coincidence with Nixonian scandals of H.R. Halderman, and as if neither Clinton did learn the R.M. Nixon lessons pertinent to cover-ups, - false covers that can too easily fall and expose scandalous to pare.

What of the “MORAL DEPRAVITY” branding of, for starters, she, H.R. Clinton, said by D.J. Trump to be the “WORST” ever top diplomat of these united states of the Americas?  Does D.J. Trump have a comment on Pope Francis styled commenced “YEAR OF MERCY” too?

As we yet are to gather hopeful for Christian traditions of a “clause” “in time” we are stirred these days to ponder and discern that it would be injudicial, and not prejudiced, to side with D.J. Trump at least on H.R. Clinton, and Bill Clinton, as per the issues long simmering in the Middle East, as two definitively not stellar, - above even an average throughout history.

It is too late for “mercy” for the “THE CLINTONS” as it fairly is too late to not brand them, H.R. Clinton and W.J. Clinton, of a clear and diabolical “MORAL DEPRAVITY.”  One may have to wait on D.J. Trump still if one to wanting he to concur with facts and ranking of the “qualities” of the fashioned of H.R. Clinton, and associated.

As this isn’t all about belly dancing, - even mostly just about culturals in for entertainment valuations, there really are dangers now in offering the “THE CLINTONS” any mercy.  If you didn’t live the years 1993-2001 with honesty and truth of a greater knowing and understanding than the Clintons desired you too, - it behoove ye, for the we, ours, that you like find the missing years as they are phat of roots to these scandals however to you some like missing chapters of a book for those years of at least 1993 to 2001. H.R. Clinton can not have been this bad all on her own, she cannot possibly have been a sole lone bad actor, she is like “married” to the roots of many scandals as if indivisible from them by a contract of union with that hemmed so.

“MORAL DEPRAVITY” - - - now devoid mercy?  e.g.: H.R. Clinton after Benghazi subpoenaed to the Select Committee did reprehensibly try to sell her innocent enough because she “survived 11 hours” against Republican inquisitions. It is depraved, however such was more only 3 to 7 hours as in “enemy” “territory”, that even if it was that she “survived” “11 hours” such is morally depraved to have been uttered (not just by a Secretary of State) by any like her a politician, or human being, due the case of the inquiries is of 4 lost brave dedicated souls of her “house” and “care” whom for 13 hours were left too alone with real “enemies”!  Also: e.g.: There was depravity in her “self defense” in these hours, yet seeming inadequate for Justice, due she postured she was innocent enough because like everyone was mediocre so that as their “leader” she shouldn’t be held above a mediocre “standard” but as then of it forward too of a “good enough for government work”!

The “MORAL DEPRAVITY” so to be spared a watering down with undeserved mercy for H.R. Clinton, and associated, only got worse of the “good enough for government work” self defense the very day after the subpoenaed to inquisitions as a largest of government employee unions then endorsed as AFSCME in Union the forward for HILLARY 2016.


But the roots of the most diabolical causals that support no mercy from D.J. Trump for the “THE CLINTONS” are more of the apparent of W.J. Clinton in the year 1993, as per the Middle East and so historically some first and bad ill considered big errs.

As recalled:  W.J. Clinton, as like to the 1993 version of Gulf Countries Council of the leaders of the Middle Eastern sovereign states, was to a trickery diabolical, even just for commenced, as too like a used car salesman trickery to selling a known lemon.  W.J. Clinton set asunder a better politics with the Middle East and so from a better copacetic generally with all Muslims as he secured promises he never should have tried to band together and secure from Middle East Leaders to like a specific promise to lie forward as to report falsely to “it” then an “is” for “history” and “decidings” - though false, and known false - as by such the recalled secured promised to like “JUST BLAME REPUBLICANS” for all anti-American sentiments old and new in their lands. 

It is recalled to so that this is a worse “MORAL DEPRAVITY” by W.J. Clinton, than any yet explained through of H.R. Clinton by D.J. Trump.  It is recalled that W.J. Clinton so compromised global and domestic relations with Middle Eastern Muslims at least by having gotten a commitment from sovereign leaders to falsely generalize to like “JUST BLAME REPUBLICANS.”  It is recalled that such was misused to these sovereign leaders trust and character abused throughout the reign of the “THE CLINTONS” of from 1993 to 2001 and to that W.J. Clinton did hold these honorable men of leadership of mostly Islamic lands and traditions to the end, - to conveniently no longer in office, - to until he was then for all his years able to abandon Iraqi and Afghani poeples for his eight years, while their cries were known for an “abandonment” too then of the “THE CLINTONS’” own inaction and avoidance. 

It was diabolical, as recalled, and of a shared “MORAL DEPRAVITY” theirs’ - that speaks worse today of the Clintons; irregular banding and hemming on how these scandals are walked in ignorance as fashioned still in false and ill considered covers - still today, - still too recently.  D.J. Trump can not be alone, however bombastic in if an attempt to not be too late to finally seeing the United States of America ruined by the still threatening, at best mediocre, of the machinations of the spousal husbandry of “politics” of and for the “THE CLINTONS”!

As H.R. Clinton seems now a new and worse H.R. Halderman it is complicated to say she is as if of a “The President’s Men” due it is an open wound seeming of years a declared “rivals” that she while President B.H. Obama’s first Secretary of State she carried on more as if firstly married to the work of W.J. Clinton, and as if it was proper yet to be essentially but a Travel Office for Clintons’ global initiatives.

It is now scandalous too for President B.H. Obama that his H.R. Clinton, when near or of a policy success was yet coincidently and very ironically as by succeeding as by being more like R.M. Nixon and G.W. Bush than like original of B.H. Obama, or consistent as if of walking a talk actually of the W.J. Clinton fashioned brand.  And, it is scandalous for both the “THE CLINTONS” and the “OBAMA” still forward that even such successes yet were coy as the ploy of controversial, at best, of H.R. Clinton, as top diplomat but a worst, was to say even “ALL BUSH FAULT” in a #BlameAndGo and then use the tao of G.W. Bush yet as if by plagiarism as but her own hemmed and hawed fashioned to be paraded of the “THE CLINTONS”!

The less than victorious secrets of H.R. Clinton, are of irreconcilable intimated of a spousal husbandry most irregular but still paraded as if a hot new fashion as if of sufficient bling to hide her “Mudville” and how her case(s) is of they “struck out”!

Forward as we respect Christians we have to wonder on Pope Francis as commenced a year of a “YEAR OF MERCY” at least for now, for the purposes of if D.J. Trump can wisely offer the “THE CLINTONS” mercy or forgiveness, and at least if D.J. Trump should even at least before their full irregularity is public as known and as not prejudiced still for an unearned innocence.

Forward we can wait and see if any protestant to “MERCY” will yet rank as “competitiion” to Pope Francis.

Forward there is little H.R. Clinton can do to hide still how Benghazi failure is her failure for its failing is in her of having repeated the same errs as W.J. Clinton fashioned as so said long ago as of his first moves for the Clintons’ Presidency, - as in 1993.

The brand, how now discussed, of H.R. Clinton is most irregular, and legendary to the “THE CLINTONS” foibles and impropriety while “leaders”!  H.R. Clinton, to more than just D.J. Trump, is OUT - is PUBLIC - is PHAT to as if now still wearing a new suit sold an Empress that isn’t a suit at all, new or old.  H.R. Clinton is without covers, and worse so now that H.R. Halderman was however likewise thought scandalous whence.

Christians, have MERCY to consider, and if Protestant D.J. Trump, the builder candidate, can but toss out the “THE CLINTONS” individually or better as one lot of refuse as too irregular and lacking accredited material to “build with”!

As H.R. Clinton hogties the party Democrats to a loyalty to W.J. Clinton as if she is the rosy cheeked best “dressed” it yet haunts to the knowing she is but to be long haunted by sad truths.  H.R. Clinton however “sold” of the rosy for Christians and others, as if a best for all, is yet too much too clearly of a phat like the Emperor storied of a new suit, - H.R. Clinton is now quite the compromised “empress” D.J. Trump as beat some drums well enough on as not too protestant, - not too a blind mouse of errs of a simpleton.

The “blush” of H.R. Clinton, - a first blush, - say prima facia, of the otherwise irregularly tagged “rosy” of the “THE CLINTONS” now as repackaged as if “NEW” is yet compromised in its postured for to believe, - to BELIEVE the Clintons have new GOODS to offer is quite controversial as it begets a necessary to ponder now to if they can have “solutions” how must we then not believe they have had such up their “sleeves” since 2001 and yet held them back from the country as by also holding them back from the People when by election so yet “under” G.W. Bush, and B.H. Obama?

It seems now foolish to believe - to BELIEVE in the “THE CLINTONS” - - - D.J. Trump may not be totally improper and out of order in the TRUMP BOMBASTIC.  Recall, PLEASE, Benghazi seems since prima facia first reveals as of the politics of scandal for the “THE CLINTONS” - but not them alone - as it was where and when the false covers said recalled of 1993 of the diabolical W.J. Clinton as too coy as to like a worst of the lots of used car salesmen by his trickery of the Middle East leaders to them then on their honor to be held to W.J. Clinton convenient lies to a “JUST BLAME THE REPUBLICANS’!

Benghazi is worst than a fashion faux pas by H.R. Clinton as a like worse H.R. Halderman while a President’s woman to B.H. Obama!  Benghazi if firstly when H.R. Clinton became dangerously uncovered by a falling of false covers then of the lies for the cover-ups of the Clintons errs to 1993 (and earlier?) were then of she of them a they most immediately of needing new covers, some how, any how, and even as thought learned from R.M. Nixon, yet that “cover-ups” were so bad and so dangerous they really can only be a political option as the option of last resort.

Because H.R. Clinton affected a cover-up during and after the attacks on officials of the United States of America we are firstly to not offer her “MERCY” or “FORGIVENESS” because it was partisan in her politics and with it that the Politics is still that a “cover-up” is a worst case scenario, and to then it conclusive that her exposed on a second 9/11 must have been worse than yet known, and so not yet known enough to even yet consider if any Christian MERCY or FORGIVENESS can be warranted, ever.

To D.J. Trump on protestant of Islam as if all Muslims can be legally of a class prejudiced against globally, there is yet the conundrum to be yet explained, - maybe firstly if she can, by H.R. Clinton as to how those known of the organizing for an Islamic State are politically less protestant to even the Catholic Pope on MERCY, and some of an allegiance even with Christians, however protestants too, where there is yet the prudence in opposition likewise to the of the Levant now as anti-Socialists, and anti-Socialism. 

To be fair to D.J. Trump, but not too Christian, or naive of wants for a rosy season of JOY, it is like of a “BLACK PROBLEM” - here sited as tagged of categories, of H.R. Clinton as before no MERCY or FORGIVENESS is to be postured for President B.H. Obama it is so then fair to first discern and judge a fair measure of the guilt in the “THE CLINTONS” - - - Before D.J. Trump can be fairly condemned as too prejudiced we are behooved to be awakened to full reveal of the dark sides historic but still to camouflaged of at least Mrs. W.J. Clinton.

Tis the season now for all, if concerned citizens domestic, and cliche, at least as “global citizens” to bear from a sold as “ROSY” of Mrs. W.J. Clinton, - to check to remove any rose colored spectacles, to see the ‘THE CLINTONS” legacy as rotten of spectacles too of a lot of “MORAL DEPRAVITY”!

D.J. Trump, however rash and of a bombastic, may yet have done the world a favor for his utterance is exposing how to our supposed “enemies” the “THE CLINTONS” are, it seems, better for recruiting by “ANTI-AMERICAN” opines more so even than “GITMO”! 

It is a troubled gift that D.J. Trump may have tried to package, as “in time” but don’t be the fool who doesn’t consider we do have enemies across the world who are not distracted from these recalled sad and diabolical lies of the legacy worked to by H.R. Clinton and W.J. Clinton, together, - together intimately.

RESOLVED:  It doth behoove ye/we to ponder and discern the “MORAL DEPRAVITY”!  Yes!!! Rightly!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

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