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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:01 am

The cracker Clinton is the most troubling Hillary Clinton, either of her of South or of Chicago, while white!

To talk New Year 2016 politics turkey it is critical we discuss the bad of “black” before any her good while “white.”

2016 can hardly be a new year to a happy year for blacks - but by progress of those of Black Lives Matter beats.

2016 is the year before us of the politics before us of a judgement year to how bad black leaders have been while firsts.

The beats of #BLM must now harness the vibrancy of and for next gen blacks while intellectually it behoove em to stand tall and strong against those “first blacks” so tagable as failed bad leaders at the top - Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch.

The first black leaders have failed blacks more than any other peoples of the world!  2016 must be now forward, however uncomfortably to some, in the parading of these failed and not for just having so failed blacks, - generally.  This is to be prefaced by the apparent disappointing aloofness of President Obama’s Justice Department as from a prudent marshaling by the Attorney General for rendering of jurisdiction for jurisprudence upon the unconscionable “extra-Constitutionals” akin to the Clintons’ spousal husbandry over-lording global patronage schemes.  If there is any up side for blacks of the world by an election of Mrs. Clinton, I am one, these years in considering, whom has yet to discern or believe such can actually exist.

If 2016 progresses with President Obama’s Justice as devoid an indicting of Mrs. Clinton, at least, then it is quite that three black “first blacks” “leaders” are to “Black Lives Matter” causal to protestations, and for being so self evidently of firstly being to so failing blacks most.  The philosophy of an associated guilt is to that Socialists so in such reigning must be the owners of what has been wrong by their local police officers, as like their national storm troopers, as political police officers whom due the “Socialism” dictum then must also preside to it the people whom err as their leader should not be postured as fallible.

This really brings out the nasty of the Clintons, too, - this is so revealing to the “cracker Clinton” essence somehow too as also too bad in the “intellectualized” “rationalized” to that the “first blacks” must be tokens but to the Liberal systematic to that for an obedience paradigm for bookish to reign in the “white” old model to that any can be oppressed in the spirit of like: If you didn’t get to a top institute of higher liberal education, or try to succeed in such as the defined establishment “success” model then you can be over-lorded by those who did, - and systematically (however in racism apparently.).

It is inescapable that those America’s “first blacks” now in 2016 are em to be tagged due em of a bad rap, - a “governance” so bad even “cracker Clinton” can seem now a better alternative.  If these tagged as #Obama #Holder #Lynch do not re-synchronize to a prosecution of the Clintons they will be failing not just blacks by avoiding protecting Americans, not least, from anti-Constitutionalists as threats domestic, and also organized of “foreign”, of politicians who have been long busy to trying to defeat the defeat of Socialism much to be credited as the success of the Reagan & Rehnquist revolutions.

The Clintons firstly, to the first blacks, are em more diabolical and profiting from anti-Constitutional exercised global schemes, - - - The Clintons, while enough “crackers” to be “crackers” for pundits, are yet em who did work hardest to postpone a rising of these blacks, however failures, and of failing blacks, - - - The Clintons can play with these 3 “first blacks” too as tokens whom attest to the old white model that any can be oppressed if they did not succeed enough at least in trying to get into the Liberal institutes of “higher education.”  Secondly these “first blacks” have a culpability as accomplices at least for 2016 and it seems sadly for failing blacks even more by avoiding a timely and necessary prosecution of the Clintons’ anti-Constitution global patronage schemes.  Secondly it seems these are bad “first blacks” for showing a willful subjugation in a voluntary subjugated as em firstly to bowing to a loyalty to the Clintons’ “standard” - the “flag” of a “flagship” of the “cracker Clintons”!

It may now be premature and prejudiced against President Obama and his Justice under Attorney General Loretta Lynch, but really it seems now that like “first black” Attorney General Eric Holder the die is cast to that these 3 will defend an associated with the Clintons before defending the systems for protecting blacks, and People’s freedoms, generally.

2016 is now the new year upon us.  The blacks seem to be planned to be left behind and left under by these “first blacks” at their legacies as yet too compromised by associated “Democrat Party” partisan politics for them to break free to a better tracking newly reset to consistent with the original protections for all (eventually) of the Constitution.

2016 is not a dire period upon civilizations of the world, while especially precarious to Americans now too long maybe along the road to serfdom by Liberal National Socialism.  The Blacks are right to protest as drum majors of beats for parading for Equal Justice by #BlackLivesMatter and especially as it seems “first black” President Obama is proofed fallible and to the philosophical to an intellectual honesty (of Socialism dogmatic) that the police as American forces are his “storm troopers” firstly to obedience to his calls for assimilation, or justly to oppression (under the white model (also of “cracker Clintons”)).

2016 is certainly foreshadowed in the bad “first blacks” compromised associated, - their too associated with the Clnitons!

May God bless America and help all peoples so People’d break free to the established protections of the Constitution as not biased from common sense by bad “Democrats” to that essence of civilized now long enduring that endears before the world as “American” by it as a French official decried recently smartly in his differentiating the French Socialism from the United States of America “LIBERTY” as by his retort that the government of France was set up to protect the Government from Religion while the People’s Republic of these united states of the Americas is of a government established to ordain a protection of Religion(s) from Government!

God is yet alive for all in America, while 2016 is for judgements upon not just “first blacks” for failing so many more than just the many blacks the failed as more as if just subjects, - right! not as if as “equals” “citizens”! It does seem too much as if carved in marble that Attorney General Loretta Lynch is not disposed to prosecuting the Clintons!  It is uncertain if such is now being avoided, though seeming justified, by a street, for politics, as self evident of there extant scandal of too much #ClintonHankyPanky.

Blacks, forward, as Republicans ride as for the republic as to God alive for all, even (or especially all Americans) the whips must be out to coral the Constitutional “hanky panky” of not just the Clintons.

Blacks, forward, to yet reset as still secured to equal rights by the letter of the Law as actually of the United States of America “Order” “done” … “Year of our Lord” as the Constitution, and to finally safe from the Liberal attempts to a Socialism more akin to a ruling class able to render Powers more of “governance by man/woman” as not by written agreed to predetermined Laws, it may help to understand, as a year of rough riding seems ahead, the conundrum of a ‘Republicans Rough Ride Teddy Roosevelt” as different from the “Democrats Bull Moose Teddy Roosevelt”.

To “cracker Clintons” (and “first blacks”) is seems intellectually honest to parlay the politics, for all, to there like a real “edge of the world” DANGER in the “Democrats Bull Moose Teddy Roosevelt” sell!  Sold by these Democrats is the “Teddy” who wanted a third term as President and whom by 1910 had been welcomed across Europe into the halls and dens of the new Fascism, - the Pre-Nazi Fascism.

The “Democrats Bull Moose Teddy Roosevelt” is not the “Teddy” dear of the “Republicans Rough Rider Teddy Roosevelt” as the 1910 “New Teddy” essentially was one willing to be a sell out to the new “Fascism” (if it would get him a third term as President)!

The “Teddy” sold by Democrats, too long has been too like a “Smeagol” just craven for a holding of the “ring” of Power (like Hillary Clinton seems now enough already self evidentially).

These “first blacks” cannot well serve blacks in 2016 if not to only the good “Teddy” as before 1910 and while still lore-able as a “Rough Rider”! Whom can blacks generally now trust as it seems Democrats are too like the (willing to be) “Fascist” “Bull Moose” Roosevelt? 

The First Amendment is all of ours, and best secured when all fig that the particular protections from a National Government to secular Socialism (as attempted by some “first blacks”) is in that low “e” for “establishment” as to be discerned to be grammatically as for “tenets” not the “Organized” that consistency in grammar of the body of the Constitution would need yet otherwise as if of a capital “E” as if yet “respecting an Establishment of religion.”

As 2016 seems set to be a year of rough rides for many:  God Bless America!  God Bless the “Order” to for equal Justice for All!

God help us turn back from Democrats domestic and foreign works to setting asunder civilizations not secular Socialist of ruling class elitism!

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Note: See also sorted set by keyword searched HER BLACK PROBLEM - the many @ http://bit.ly/BLACKPROBLEM, and sorted by BLACKPROBLEM here: http://hogan.jphogan.org/index.php?s=BLACKPROBLEM

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