
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:25 am

Philadelphia is lost!  The foundations of freedom have been forsaken!  Conventions lots now as cracked from prudence as the Liberty Bell from original tolls concordance!

In this new year so the Year of our Lord, so calendar proper, as established by the “Order” as a new more perfect Constitution, and now advanced to two thousand ten and six, the imports of “American” are set asunder by posturing as if Mrs. Clinton endears and to enough of clean hands to wear white to a Philadelphia Convention, and its Balls.

No American’s six is covered if em not participant in doubting, and intellectualizing of a conundrum too enduring of it that: Republicans and Democrats approved new President Barack Obama’s nominee for Secretary of State when it was Senator Mrs. Clinton up for review.  That inadequate intellectualizing of the “its complicateds” was a new much lower standard than was the practice when the founding fathers worked through philosophies of governance for freedom to endure.

No American’s six is covered if em has not worked it through that there is a position of prudence unresolved of that Senator Mrs. Clinton was not constitutionally allowed to be Secretary of State. That there was a bipartisanship to voting Mrs. Clinton out of the Senate like at the first opportunity is yet alarming not comforting.  Such a “collective” was wrong and greatly erring in governance, not just politics, by signing on favorably to that Mrs. Clinton could be, by their agreement, a Cabinet Secretary.

Candidate Donald Trump as broached that there must be particulars to reign forever forward as examples after the fact to why this must have been wrongly agreed to, - the examples set by Mrs. Clinton as Secretary of State do rate near enough to “WORST SECRETARY OF STATE EVER” and yet Donald Trump is being as much still just a tease upon the culpas of Clinton, and as weak, or light, (on political facts) as say candidate Governor Jeb Bush while posturing that Mrs. Clinton would “squash” candidate Trump.  Yet, it is most appalling, and to that I, personally, am tired of Chris Wallace as on Mrs. Clinton so regularly as to that he postures Mrs. C. as if so clean enough to wear that white gown to Philadelphia for a crowning at the 2016 Democrat Party Convention.

We all are still suffering from the collective stupid, that is most haunting still, as it is by Congress by the Senate by 98 to 2 that Mrs. Clinton was approved to be a Cabinet Secretary, while the prudence of the foundations of freedom, and too the nation wide work of the eightieth Congress to the 22 Amendment ratification, for it now riles, especially on the issues of feminism, and where equal rights must have limits, for it now riles that besides her troubling “legacy” there is yet that there is a clear logic to the meaning and intent of freedoms protection by constituted greatest Law that Mrs. Clinton was never Constitutionally allowed to be a Cabinet Secretary.  This we must intellectualize and discuss through just to now have a chance to protect our sixes.

There is no intelligent rationale for support of Mrs. Clinton!

e.g.:  Besides President Obama Nobel Peace Prize orated of “dangers” from “inaction” and “avoidance” as a slap on President Clinton there is the most ironic, so irony too of politicals extant, that it isn’t already just scandal that there is a HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT. 

e.g.:  President Clinton somehow is so cleaned up he isn’t cause for Mrs. Clinton, at least to FOX Chris Wallace “news” floating, to not be tarred as improper to be broadcast in white. 

e.g.:  President Clinton is oddly fronted by too many, by too many as even of both parties still, in a ridiculous 2016 politics for HILLARY2016 as if he was and is PERFECT.

e.g.:  It is politically and historically ridiculous that a white gown for Mrs. Clinton is plausible fashion especially because though the Obama foreign and domestic policies were based on a new foundation of “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” Mrs. C. herself as if Diplomatic is now evidently of the story that President Obama did govern more like George W. Bush and Richard M. Nixon for his (few?) successes than any where as if like William J. Clinton.

Mrs. Clinton, like President Obama, is ridiculous now in new year at politics forward as if President Clinton can be a good front man for either global diplomacy or growth economics.  Mrs. Obama, as First Lady Michelle, must be riled to steaming that all her work to lower youth obesity could be set back by letting the Clintons’ together reset irresponsible dietary behavior, by their example.  Mrs. Obama seems to be stuck in a pickle to that at least President Clinton is a barrel of lies before the collective conscience, however too many not yet conscious to such scandalous so extant.  Mrs. Obama should be the last fashionista to ever, if ever, support the propping up of Mrs. Clinton as if now forward as of any Propriety for a white gown for Philly conventions.

Mrs. Obama is maybe the person in the whole world to most lose by a repackaging of Mrs. Clinton! - the repackaging so, personally, reprehensible as also witnessed present too unprofessionally by FOX in regularity by Chris Wallace!  Mrs. Obama has more than her own six to worry about as the floating for Mrs. Clinton is of so many institutionally compromised!

It must have been wrong, but more symptomatic of a disease in the body politics of these united states of the Americas, than endemic as a one off when the Senate by 98 to 2 did wrongly approve Senator Clinton into a Cabinet Secretary spot in the line of succession to the Presidency.  It was of a collective stupid already then advanced to the onset of the foundations of freedom as set asunder by popular unsettling of prudence in jurisprudence, especially as to the great Law as Constitutional Law.

All must now deeply dig into their own intellects to discern that feminism populars and to how popular spin was broadcast to brainwash even them from seeing the right and from stopping the wrong. 

Remember it is as it was written that President Clinton is whom President Obama berated with his Nobel Peace Prize oration and as it is historical that Mrs. Clinton would be wrong, and ironic, if to selling Mrs. C. to a third term, like, like as a William J. Clinton third term as her’s, most particularly because though she survived by the blame and go politics, as materially political as a Secretary that wasn’t supposed to be political in “office” while her/their dictum was “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” as it mostly so that the successes of President Obama have been, even while of the Clinton State Department, as while politically secured for “politics” at State by the “TEAM OF RIVALS” acquiesced to by a weak new President Obama!

It was all along that mostly to succeed they had to govern as more like George W. Bush that William J. Clinton, that they/she did have to avoid the truth as the truth wasn’t an option to Mrs. Clinton, and while ironically also needing to be more like the good Richard M. Nixon, for as like it was collective stupidity that she even just had any Republicans affirm her to State, it yet is reigning in still a general collective stupid for as a spouse (regardless of sex) she wasn’t allowed to “work” the angles of her duty where such was properly to the intelligence at how it was more ALL CLINTON’S FAULT for she like Bill Cosby’s wife, as of personal and work relationships blurred, was set by marriage laws to that a spouse (regardless of sex) is not supposed to incriminate the other spouse.

As we wait to see if Donald Trump is also as ineffective at defeating his proclaimed as “THE WORST SECRETARY OF STATE EVER” as Governor Jeb Bush has been at defeating the HILLARY2016, and as it ridiculous that Jeb Bush hasn’t been able to defend his brother or his father while the Clinton Machine yet floats William J. Clinton as “BILL CLINTON WAS/IS PERFECT”!

It was madness that the Senate ever approved the Obama nomination of Senator Clinton to head the State Department at a Cabinet Secretary level duty.   It is clearly logical and simply arguable that it was never even constitutional that President Obama did nominate Mrs. Clinton to a post of duty in the line of succession, and particularly specifically  because by marriage laws she was then a spouse whom had truth not as an option for she was by laws one not supposed to incriminate William J. Clinton!

It has been ridiculous to watch Governor Jeb Bush inadequacy at defeating the Clinton machine! It has been sad to see FOX Chris Wallace of a regularity to also treat Mrs. Clinton too as if a dear sister, yet somehow floatable as if she could be ever proper in a white gown say for Philadelphia, of old, and especially as near tolling a commencing for the 2016 Democrat Party Convention. 

Now, it forward in this year, seems Donald Trump may just be a weak lightweight just too a tease when of bloviating to “HILLARY CLINTON WAS A WORST SECRETARY OF STATE!”

Now, it forward in this year, is that the politics are dire and compromised from especially that Mrs. William J. Clinton did when Senator receive that 98 to 2 affirmation to President Barack H. Obama nomination.  We cannot fix what threatens our sixes if we do not break away from the popular and re-establish a prudence even around the floated feminisms as fashioned for extra-Constitutional exceptions.

i.e.:  Right!  That is!  This is spot on to how Mrs. Clinton is more fitting a blood stained shawl, with gauche as broached, for as by law truth was not an option to her while tasked to the duty and service and trust of the State Department, as to Diplomacy without the politics, she was then never not Political, and always firstly a rival to the President, beyond he acquiesced to a “TEAM OF RIVALS” empowerment of the Clintons as ‘working’ “rivals” as to working it as their rivaling globally regularly, for Mrs. William J. Clinton needed to avoid the truth that much wasn’t ever BUSH’S FAULT and as she intimately must have always known such was a necessary political cover-up cover-story to protect her from having to officially incriminate her spouse, and herself for her days as that engaged First Lady Hillary.

RESOLVED?:  Mrs. Clinton was Constitutionally never allowed to be elected President after the 22nd Amendment limited the Clinton Administration from more Executive Power sharing!  Mrs. Clinton also therefore was never Constitutionally allowed to be nominated nor approved to be in the line of succession to the Presidency, and so to further Executive Power spousal sharing.  Mrs. Clinton in service as Secretary of State has set the example that proofs such the Rule, and in it particularly specifically that while head of the State Department truth was not an option, and every decision had to be political, spousally firstly.

RESOLVED?:  We now, though witness to it ridiculous Governor Jeb Bush has flailed at defeating, one so like a sister, are also now bearing witness to it ridiculous Donald Trump is showing still as like a lightweight tease to weak in politics to have himself yet have defeated so easy to defeat yet of the machinations of a said great political “Clinton Machine” (like a new and now global Tammany scheme for patronage to partisan biasing internationally).

Key too: http://bit.ly/TwoHistories

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