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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:24 pm

Donald Trump may currently be the most dangerous viable candidate in the 2016 Presidential Race. Donald Trump is wrong on the Iraq War!

As Governor Bush, and Mrs. Clinton, most recently as number 2 at Bill Clinton’s foundation, are so set asunder as too “establishment” we are left with Businessman candidate Trump as likely the most dangerous viable now.

The establishment has fallen much ado about this conundrum: 


Though Senator Bernie Sanders seems a viable candidate he reasons to be not as dangerous as related to Arabian Peninsula factors.  Marc Morial of the Urban League may have a flawed view of the federal government roll in the economics of the People, but this may be of what “Berners” will at least incidentally pull “Bernie” to a fix for or better parity to.  To understand Marc Morial’s flaw is to also become akin to the errs that can justify Donald Trump’s war “mistakes” and as Bernie Sanders rallies against the “establishment” decades of worked confusions.

Neither Dr. Ben Carson, Senator Marco Rubio, nor Senator Ted Cruz seem possibly as dangerous as Businessman Donald Trump, at least as per variables factors of particularly the Arabian Peninsula.

It behoove (camels or horses usage) forward we discern a righteousness for #TRUTH and especially now as New York City is falling victim to top down political cuts of vast tens of millions of funds for the preparedness to prevent or respond to terrorism.

Urban League Marc Morial’s seeming flaw on the federal government roll in economics pairs to how now we must pare to the core the responsibilities of peoples to their communities, and, as such it part of the Donald Trump errors of consideration of a right or wrong per the Iraq War.  Bernie Sanders, yes as seems a viable candidate, is awakening masses to a synchronicity such that he seems far less dangerous than Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton.

An unknown of how that Donald Trump can be said so wrong on the Iraq War is yet how for now it is the best political strategy to unleash the truths of the establishment of Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton as that they are yet more wrong than he concurrently.  Political strategy may justify not justifying the years 1993 to 2001 and/or 2001 to 2009 for his opponents; if Bush or Clinton can defend themselves while seemingly more wrong than Trump it is cost effective and prudent that a claim is put upon them that what they were of parties to was WRONG, though maybe while such claim is also wrong, - for Posterity.

A known is to be unearthed better for those dedicated enough to try to forensically determine a pathology of if Bush or Clinton is more wrong than the other;  for the committed to knowing how Operation Iraqi Freedom was a necessary and proper prosecution of Saddam Hussein there are the vast volumes of old columns here sort in the categories, and more by keyword searches of site locally by at least: ISIS.  That it is posited that it was right to “prosecute” Saddam Hussein leaves open the realm of how Trump can be more right than Bush and Clinton; - That the posit is so yet begs that the decidings of how/when/why were flawed enough to almost affirm the position contrary of Trump2016 (and maybe any “old Trump” in archives too!).

An essence of a black and white clarity can be to sharpness better when tuned to the Iraq Surge story, and as the story of it odd that only then was President George W. Bush (brought) to considering that the best strategy for winning in OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM was much that which was the COMMUNITY POLICING outta a central bunker mentality and back to beats and “local” precincts.

What won the IRAQ SURGE was the attitude of clearing AND holding that was core to how New York City Transit under Chief William Bratton, and then too TIMES SQUARE, and other metropolitan jurisdictions, then as yet a morphed to public - private continuation that how LAS VEGAS was “cleaned up”!  (Yes, I write as one who specifically like blogged to teach this (surprisingly so late into war) to DC media markets publicly before it was agreed that such as the IRAQ SURGE could be attempted, - tried in lieu of cutting and running while other options still were strategically available, and untried.)

Armed Forces of these united states of the Americas, and your families, and friends, OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM was a necessary and proper, though terribly late, giving of teeth to the UNITED NATIONS sanctions.  Only the leaders so today’s “establishment” being run outta Power are really to be blamed for that though right to have done (and done much sooner as best to have been done more in synchronicity to COMMUNITY POLICING gains, - as like best by 1996 - by before a second Clintons’ term) and done so lately, it remains that it can be said never to have been done well, or right, at the top.

How Marc Morial errs on the federal government roll in economics is common core to the Trump flaws on “IRAQ WAR WAS WRONG” lacking pronouncements.  Think it through!!! REALLY THINK IT THROUGH!!!

Sanders, Carson, Rubio, and Cruz all may be safer as smarter in a more universal enlightened composed.

All are like the “UN-CLINTON” these times need as much, - really more even than “UN-BUSH”!  The “establishment” being befallen are rotten nearly of political incestuous to the necessary realms for bipartisanship are outta bounds due irreconcilable differences all parties “establishment” have been exercised politically too much as if to affect gag orders from #TRUTHS the People must become sufficiently aware of in order now for New York City to maintain sufficient public safety as “establishment” President Barack H. Obama slashes muscularly through their/own defense budgets.

Marc Morial’s flaw is akin a common core to Donald Trump’s errs - - - It like misses why COMMUNITY POLICING worked and to how it also worked as adjusted to THE IRAQ SURGE - - - OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM did less to destabilize the Middle East than that IRAQ invade KUWAIT, and with SADDAM HUSSEIN of thinking he would be able to keep it.

The Government is to protect the field(s) and to have mediation methods available for Justice, - not to plan an predetermined outcome against vicissitudes incident to romance / romantic / human behavior / freedom “economics”!  Bill Clinton did not offer Iraqi majority equal Justice.

President Bill Clinton is the most guilty decider as the destabilization was cast to happen and nearly nothing he postured was more than but a delaying tactic, - Clinton did not try to fix Iraq, and so did not try to fix the PERSIAN GULF region! #STICKER_IT #ItsTheClintons_STUPID!

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