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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:39 am

You are either “THE PEOPLE” or you are of your lot precast as a “SUPER DELEGATE”!

Hillary Clinton is not running as an innocent, - the Clintons have much confessed to vast high crimes but somehow maintain them are kingpins as too big to fail for if they fall they promise they will take others down with them.

If you are prone to like Mrs. Clinton for “I DIDN’T STAY HOME AND BAKE” brace yourselves for today you may learn much, - and much to how there is this big bad WHAT of which “Bill & Hillary” are of having “cooked it up” since Yale Law School days.

You don’t need the Obama Justice Department to move in an expedited manner complete of due process, - have already moved so - to be “THE PEOPLE” in judgement of so much seeming self evident and as of confessed bad by the Clintons;- you are “THE PEOPLE” unless biased for a weak defense as in jeopardy just be being sided now with the “HILLARY CLINTON” lot.

Shake off the long ridiculously worked spun of “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!

Accept there is to the “THE PEOPLE” the parity that 50% BUSH’S FAULT is still VERY BAD, - but not maybe equally BAD as that you now should accept “IT” is that it was that at least 50% is the CLINTONS’ FAULT.

To appreciate the like “FULL MONTY” of transparency to a 50% culpable upon the suits of the CLINTONS let us start with some stretches:

Al Gore was expected to win in 2000, and would have if the Clintons hadn’t held back support.

Al Gore was expected to win in 2000 and be then President Gore on September 11, 2001.

The Clintons’ plan to be the first husband and wife of the United States of America to each have their own Presidency was “cooked up” and lived forward ever since they were Yale Law School coeds sympathetic to each’s own young narcissism.

The Clintons’ plans today are best looked at critically and judiciously as yet having at best been to 50% effected, - and now yet harder to see and judge cynically sufficiently because the worst parts of the other half were managed to be BLOCKED.

The Clintons’, contrary to originalism, plans have been much confessed to by themselves as to their intents was HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS dedicated to unsettling the CONSTITUTION and undermining it for EXTRA CONSTITUTIONAL powers by claims to be in a new world of POST CONSTITUTION more seat of the Clintons’ pants Powers justified.

The Clintons’ plans seem too much effected to it affected you are now more SUBJECT than still CITIZEN while lost much how you are supposed to be more suppressed to as just SUBJECTS of a GLOBAL AUTOCRACY OF THE CLINTONS.

As Al Gore was expected to be President on September 11, 2001 there is much you should already have asked and answered and yet much haven’t. For starters:  Was how the Clintons packed the Washington bureaucracies with CLINTON LOYALISTS privy to a promised like a CLINTONS - we will return (SOON) - to have much have slow walked “government” as it seems to have done to REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH when whence to the unexpected triumphant?  Aren’t the days of 2001 (or November 2000) from the forced departure of the CLINTONS from the WHITE HOUSE to September 12, 2001 they most concerning days for the proper and full judging of the “HILLARY CLINTON” as against the “THE PEOPLE”?

In that it is #RIDICULOUS to assert or believe it is/was “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” the “HILLARY CLINTON” on “TRIAL” tonight in #BROOKLYN versus SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS is in jeopardy as he or the moderators need as Mrs. Clinton to fully explain how it is that it was just “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!  There has been a cover-up since hour one of the OBAMA administration to effect a like BIG LIE to a like: “IT WAS NONE OF THE CLINTONS FAULT - BILL CLINTON WAS A PERFECT PRESIDENT”!  If Mrs. Clinton has to answer so she will be confessing by voiding the absolute to that she at least was engaged in a (TREASONOUS) cover-up akin to high crimes and misdemeanors.

Of what is left of the said “CLINTONS’ PLAN” (to be anti Constitution and to affect essentially a King & Queen firsts for the U.S.A.) as but now at most 50% effected, and to then it now harder to see and comprehend its full diabolical depths because the worst half’s essence was yet BLOCKED there is that the worked 50% still enough to float a #HILLARY2016 with vast (unreasonable but of guilty cohorts too compromised) mass of #SUPERDELEGATES is more to that Mrs. Clinton can be said by President Barack Obama (somehow) to have not “JEOPARDIZED NATIONAL SECURITY” it is like beyond reason that it is that the CLINTONS did not PERVERT NATIONAL SECURITY!

Of the said PLAN:  The second term of the CLINTONS was bent much, it seems, to bending any threatening politician, and especially enough REPUBLICANS, to also corrupted so that they could not in the future be to incriminating the “HILLARY CLINTON” without also self incrimination.

Of the said PLAN:  The days from when the CLINTONS were forced outta the WHITE HOUSE until at least 9/12/2001 are maybe the most questionable and ripe for deep probatives and prosecution.  It still seems that when surprisingly become President it was that for like his first 8 months GEORGE W. BUSH had a government of vast bureaucracies that just weren’t responding to his lead - his direction - his leadership (and as if the “THE CLINTON” was happy their CLINTON LOYALISTS they packed into the Washington bureaucracies were cooperating with their plans to be back in Power ASAP for the second round as by a PRESIDENT HILLARY. 

Of the said PLAN:  It still seems the CLINTONS obstructed the BUSH ADMINISTRATION (as they likely woulda Al Gore’s for succession had to be forwarded (by any and all means possible) to a PRESIDENT HILLARY.  It still seems President Obama’s NOBEL PEACE PRIZE SPEECH is enough to tag that it wasn’t actually or effectively “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” for he chided and blasted the “THE CLINTON” each time he proffered erudite oration about DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE.  RIGHT! - - - IF IT WAS BECAUSE OF PRESIDENT CLINTON INACTION & AVOIDANCE THEN “IT” COULD NEVER HAVE BEEN, OR BE YET, “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!

Of the said PLAN:  SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS & his welcome REVOLUTION were not planned for, as wasn’t that an actually BLACK PRESIDENT could get between BILL CLINTON, & HILLARY CLINTON.

Of the said PLAN:  It seems we “THE PEOPLE” must now accept that PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON musta used the #CIA to lie about PEACE for his reckless budget cutting of DEFENSE, & INTELLIGENCE, as said justified as PEACE DIVIDENDS!  RIGHT? - - - Like it only in “HILLARY CLINTON” spun that AL QAEDA like came outta no where and some how so while outta no where as like only the fault of he who wasn’t even supposed to be PRESIDENT on 9/11/2001!

Poor Bernie Sanders having to battle such a corrupt political machine long of machinations figured much as “cooked up” in the kitchen of the Clintons since before they were yet Mr. & Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton (to like the same anti Constitution political ambitions as whence New York Governor Clinton opposed the new American Constitution and to that Hamilton, Madison, and Jay then busied themselves all as PUBLIUS to present to the “THE PEOPLE” the cases as to why CLINTON was wrong and the work of the FOUNDING FATHERS was RIGHT/CORRECT!

“HILLARY CLINTON” is in vast jeopardy - such vast exposure even the #ICC - INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT is of jurisdiction.

“HILLARY CLINTON” is yet trapped:  #MrsC can run but she cannot hide.

To appreciate the like “FULL MONTY” of transparency to a 50% culpable upon the suits of the CLINTONS let us continue with some stretches:

Al Gore was expected to win in 2000, and would have if the Clintons hadn’t held back support!

Al Gore was expected to win in 2000 and be then President Gore on September 11, 2001.

The Clintons’ plan to be the first husband and wife of the United States of America to each have their own Presidency was “cooked up” and lived forward ever since they were Yale Law School coeds sympathetic to each’s own young narcissism.

The Clintons’ plans today are best looked at critically and judiciously as yet having at best been to 50% effected, - and now yet harder to see and judge cynically/sufficiently because the worst parts of the other half were managed to be BLOCKED?

The Clintons’ plans have been much confessed to by themselves as to their intents was HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS dedicated to unsettling the CONSTITUTION and undermining it for EXTRA CONSTITUTIONAL powers by claims to be in a new world of POST CONSTITUTION more seat of the Clintons’ pants Powers justified?

The Clintons’ plans seem too much effected to it affected you are now more SUBJECT than still CITIZEN while lost much how you are supposed to be more suppressed to as just SUBJECTS of a GLOBAL AUTOCRACY OF THE CLINTONS?

Ask yourselves:  Could that #TeaParty have been racist while firstly being to #RESET that we are not now nor have ever been in the POST CONSTITUTION world of the CLINTONS’ PLAN effectings?  Mustn’t the #TeaParty have been more against these machinations of the CLINTONS’ PLAN more than ever as against a BLACK PRESIDENT committed to also affecting the CLINTONS’ machinations?

Ask yourselves:  Hasn’t #CONGRESS suffered a record UNPOPULAR tag and really firstly because there was the CLINTONS’ PLAN of the CLINTON FOUNDATION ever since CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE became (chartered) so that BILL CLINTON could rival the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT?

Ask yourselves:  How much assistance does BERNIE SANDERS now need to proceed against “HILLARY CLINTON” while #JUSTICE beggard for thorough due process and regular orders for diligent investigations and prosecutions?

Ask yourselves:  Hasn’t your CONSTITUTION but yet too trumped? - to set asunder, and by conscious premeditated will full machinations partisan/selfish political of and by the “THE CLINTON” albeit now critically much as the “HILLARY CLINTON”?

Mustn’t we “THE PEOPLE” concur that the CLINTON FOUNDATION work is to obstruct good governance, and while perverting NATIONAL SECURITY (at least) to rivaling the #CONGRESS as in the old worked sell to that AMERICANS (at least of the SOUTH) still would prefer AUTOCRATS to DEMOCRATS of limitations and terms for office holding Power?


Can BERNIE SANDERS, OR DONALD TRUMP, yet save the UNITED STATES CONGRESS from the willful Constitutional perversions by the machinations of what the Clintons cooked up so very long ago?

Yes you can!  Yes you should!  While here site search with search pane by:  GULF COUNTRIES; ABSOLUTE; PERFECT; FEMINISM; and, AL GORE.  I essentially have the unrecorded record for the most full pieces written on why/how Hillary Clinton cannot win!  I have this probably still just for all that I blogged publicly to effect the 2008 Clinton DEFEAT.

Yes you can!  Yes you should!  And while you do please remember it seems the Clintons jeopardy is greatest for the days and months between the CLINTON WHITE HOUSE and SEPTEMBER 12, 2001!

- - - There is still at least a negligence seeming a GROSS NEGLIGENCE tag fit’n them as for the WALLS OF SEPARATION than can be said to have kept the INVESTIGATION side of the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS from having a chance at catching those FIRST LADY HILLARY CLINTON much incited in their own turfs with her FEMINIST FEMINISM CRUSADES of DICTUM by DICTATES to ‘YOU SHOULD TREAT YOUR WOMEN AS I SAY”!

- - - There is much to, it seems, that the Clintons while no longer of EXECUTIVE POWER were to influence across the federal bureaucracies by minions vastly staffed into such ranks in a belief and HOPE a PRESIDENT HILLARY would soon be there (instead)!  It is for agents and officers of the Government and Courts now to assess and assuage how 2001 is the year for which the Clintons will have the greatest legal and Constitutional JEOPARDY!

Like hip to you, - are you hip to: #‎NY‬ ‪#‎NYValues‬ ‪#‎NYC‬ #‎NewYorkValues‬ ~ ‪#‎BillClinton‬ operates ‪#‎CGI‬ ‪#‎ClintonFdn‬ as obstruction to good governance & a perversion of regular order!  ‪#‎USC198‬

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