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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:18 am

As we come to terms to that the national media, at least, hasn’t found the beat of #Election2016 yet let us now e-gather together to discern a soulful for the new #FUNK or #ROCK, as well about a #CLASSICAL so akin to #Shakespeare400.

[What is written here now live is “penned” as pressed in Connecticut for Connecticut, and too at least Pennsylvania.]

A river runs through it; this is about what fall to be - a “Constitution State” of legends of the fall; the Hartford insurance for more a Mr. Smith, or a Mr. Bailey true to Trumbull & Griswold points for guards up protections from say a “King Clinton”!  How twain? and to mark? - to get a prudent timely measure - of what political perils may lay on the courses now maybe upon! Oh Connecticut!

I speak, in how I write, how I press & satire, of Connecticut as of the Wilbur Cross Governor’s pride of New Haven, of class - of such New Haven class circa 1983.  I strike the keys for that of Key - I scott the wilds of the politics to the pauls of the early Federalists, while now I press the media too of Milford, as sold by “THE SMALL CITY WITH A BIG HEART.”

Connecticut, have you heard the one about Pennsylvania and the Clintons?  That when they are of heard “you have a friend in PA” wafts of irony roll over the lands aloud with like:  Oh!  Did Bill Clinton bring his mistress?  Who is Bill Clinton’s “friend” in PA?

In all seriousness my Connecticut we are a state divided, our Hartford split if of where our Connecticut runs through.  Where is the cut between the Clintons?  Is there yet the river between the Mrs. Clinton suffice for an independent Constitutional presidency? or, yet, is there no real cut of “waters” of an independence between, among, the Mr. & Mrs. Clinton?

No marriage, by the spirit of the common vows and laws for Posterity of such union of souls to as one soul, may be set asunder, - is to be set asunder by other laws as if superior to such a union “under God”!  Our nation, and its constitution, also a People’s Order so established to be the laws set forth, is of that the nation is under God, is subscribed as under god as an established hierarchy by it ordained done subscribed in the “Year of our Lord” whence, and then to that by the First Amendment Congress is to make no law respecting the tenets (an establishment - of in lower case “e”) of religion an to disrespecting the body constituted of the Constitution as of such hierarchy of “one nation under God”; - The First Amendment “establishment” dictates that the “Order” was constituted of an ‘Establishment’ of the nation under the God of our founders, - the Christian Calendar Lord, whom is the same God as of Muhammad - and no more above Jesus than as above Muhammad.

In his letter to the Jews, George Washington, as President, as pressed to spell this out to Newport, Rhode Island faithful, it is that the freedom of religion is that so Congress is to not have the power to be to a “bigotry of tolerance” and as it is left to states so Constituted states to be the jurisdictions of the tenets of religion, - to states to each be of the jurisdictions of matters of at least the Ten Commandments law - at least the “Seven Deadly Sins”.

The Bill of Rights does not set asunder the marriage union of the Clintons even with the 22nd Amendment!  The Bill of Rights can be said to be an empowerment an enabling in rights enumerated to that all people so constituted by such Order as theirs is of the right to defend themselves from any person, persons, and even government when such is violate of the Ten Commandments against them.  Like a ten for ten - states and their constituted “state” must figure for and govern of that they not the federal representatives are of the jurisdictions of religiosity; - the federal representatives are there but to be elected reps of people - free people - exercised in voluntary extra-nation organized moralities so firstly in self governance of morality as hierarchically above Government(s) everywhere.

The Clinton union is indivisible and not to be set asunder even by popular elective machinations - thought legally objectively enough of a practical separation.  The marriage of them is like the Holy Matrimony of all others! - they are two souls joined as one, to say “have and to hold” for holding like of such as an “office” until “death do they part” while always supposedly to them firstly for each other “in sickness, and in health” without it that a professional license say for “law” practice means their union is two from say 9 to 5, and maybe then one the other 2/3rds of each day.


Such now thou more modern than whence years of lore before yet not too long ago, - these are words in a terms of endearment.  Whom is the driver? now? still? ever was? evermore? - there is the rub! - there is the question! the irony!

Oh my Connecticut if you only knew all the spousal husbandry of that thought truthful while long sold as of the Clintons’ creation, - for if you knew such you would know them more to be frauds, - to be a is be a it of their said “it” as not now nor ever was the lawful property of their holdings, - not their baby, - not their created.

Oh my Connecticut!  You might be to voting for Hillary Clinton in ignorance and naivete!  You likely if you are one to vote for such as sold as of the “THE CLINTON” are likely unawares you are betraying the property of a native of the Nutmeg State, - The Constitution State, - a state divided by the Connecticut River, - a #HOGAN of these lands of New England who can confess to having made the Clintons electable in 1992 but accidentally more electable than intended, as the strategy was for national security and protection of life for President Bush, - for the Reagan revolution core firstly - without it sufficiently pared to allow for the disturbance all the waiting and waiting for Perot effected. 

You are wrong if you think Mr. & Mrs. Clinton are the fathers of their claimed “spousal husbandry”! - It is more born of Connecticut, and birthed otherwise, and more of New England and the Constitution State values than ever that engirthed by the Clinton union, - by the Clintons when “together” 9 to 5 and the rest of the hours of each day for their shared soul and its trespasses, however criminal, - of the “crooked” now being determined, - of that of their “crooked” now of no open cases yet getting closed around them while closing in around them are regularly, it seems, more and more scandalous instances seeming of an integrated and willful premeditated - to public corruption - assumption of assuaging for Mr. & Mrs. Clinton as still, despite global progress for all around cause of #HeForShe, likewise, while yet too morally otherwise, of the run on of the union of the Clintons as so “crooked” to be that to treason for by effecting to set asunder at least the Constituted “state” of the Union of People by the “Order” of the “We the People…” of “do ordain & establish” “done” “subscribed” in the “Year of our Lord”!

Connecticut, like Pennsylvania, could now have one or more qualified women as a woman Democrat candidate for President! - instead we have the indivisible protected union of the “Mr. & Mrs. Clinton” of the story that their story is of it historical, - to be twained and marked through all its coursed - their ran on run ons too - that there can be said no qualified female Democrat Party candidate in this 2016 election cycle because there was the truly actual (crooked? corrupt? illegal?) political and intra-party suppression of any female who could be a threat to Mrs. Clinton, - any women qualified who could rival the driving of the Clinton machine (globally) towards buying a Presidency for “his bitch” (endearingly) if they could get away with such so contrary to the federalism of Trumbull & Griswold.

Hillary Clinton, endearingly, to the “Mr. & Mrs. Clinton” shared hip soul rap, is still “his bitch”!  Their union of their marriage as like a contract for the “holding of office” of spousal responsibility, is inviolate, not even the electoral process for a popular rising is to set asunder that (endearingly) no river runs between them, the legends of their fall, is that their fall is Shakespearean (still @ 400) for it wasn’t as good as “MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON” how they have had their ‘MR. & MRS CLINTON WENT TO WASHINGTON”!

Oh my Connecticut!  The story of #PoetJPHogan born of New Haven, Connecticut, does actually better explain, while mine of #CitRB of CitizenRosebud.org CitizenRosebud.us CitizenRosebud.com CitizenRosebud.net … are of volumes, and archives that record in real time how - hows and whys - to it demonstrated that the “THE CLINTONS” has been of fraud, at least, while so at least “crooked” for having taken improper and unauthorized liberties (and still) with the intellectual property mine.

As Hillary Clinton, endearingly maybe still to Bill Clinton, is yet “street” as “STILL HIS BITCH” she can explain and try to explain all the feminism and feminist “angles” to such as of her contract to be two as one.

As Hillary Clinton is “still standing” the question for the voters is isn’t this only because Bill Clinton is still her “driver”?  And, yet because too few know of the words and thoughts of my me mine of old “THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM” hip now as #TCONF, some, and how years of my riding did use the Clintons as a tool meant yet to be a disposable singly use prophylactic from their extra-Constitutional wants to “Post Constitution” powers more akin to William Shakespeare as if of being a bard on “King Clinton” as if a “Queen Clinton” could be inevitable.

Are, you perchance bent to siding with Hillary Clinton just now still some because you are unawares to how the Clintons, historically speaking, as intellectual property and Connecticut (and Pennsylvania) values stand for Posterity, were more just tools “bitches” of Connecticut #HOGAN so wrestled in the political philosophicals for a new multi-national integrated marketing concept for a popular rendering of a workable new urban agenda as a natural child to the postured “NEW WORLD ORDER”?

Oh, my Connecticut, and my Pennsylvania: - as I, born of the “Constitution State, am Class of 1987 Villanovan of a B.A. in Economics from Villanova University, albeit with a Philosophy minor covertly recorded by the credits counted although such was to an undeclared minor as I thought better to not mix my think too much with departmental bureaucratic by a filing of papers to declare my self one to forever be recorded as a lover of so much thoughtful, - of thought, - of thoughtfulness (attmept(s)).

As Hillary Clinton, endearingly maybe still to Bill Clinton, is yet “street” as “STILL HIS BITCH” she can explain, and try to explain all the feminism and feminist “angles” to such as of her contract to be two as one always united/integrated.


So says Connecticut squib pundit poet writer satirist J.P. Hogan of http://jphogan.org

Note:  Thanks for the scenery bard William Shakespeare!  Happy 400th birthday William of England.

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