
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:57 am

Do you understand Clinton Fascism?

Can you understand Hillary Clinton’s Fascism?

Bernie Sanders is a swell option away from Clintons’ needs for Democrats as locked step’n like booted loyalists.  Times to as such for us to be able to believe in is like an un-Clinton.

This Memorial Day Weekend it is again to us timed to ask if all the dying and sacrifice was worth it, - if our politicians and political leadership was and is worthy of respect, too, - especially.

The logo of the Clintons’ foundation for global politicking is so that their flag and standard is imperialistic and of graphic art to such as like not seen since the Third Reich of the Nazi flag as of a round circle as if of “global” for worldwide domination.

The logo of the Clintons’ foundation for family (partiarchal) control of as much as could be brought under them is racist and racial as the circle of stars - yet aborted to be a “C” - is akin the ilks of William Jefferson Clinton as an old Southern boy for such is art so graphically significant as harkens back to the flag of the Confederacy.

Bernie Sanders is like ahead of President Obama, as he now late in last year of term, to suggesting times ripe for a “MORALS REVOLUTION”!  Can Bernie Sanders be MORAL and be able to defeat Hillary Clinton, and generally the vast global Clinton machinations?

This Memorial Day we must ask if all the dying while Secretary Clinton was tasked to diplomatically finds peace alternatives was ever worth it, and if it is now like losing such dynamic.  Secretary Clinton cannot be immune from answering for President Clinton either and to how since 1993 the proper informed tag to be mashable for them is like worse than rapped on President George W. Bush.  The Clinton tag “Clintons lied and more than just soldiers died!” is fitting, historically, and forensically, - seems.

Queens’ Presbyterian Donald Trump may be firstly of the book of KING JAMES and hopeful his is at least a gateway faith as at least an entry level religion for any a seeker not quite with a good fitting spiritual home - a prudent voluntary extra-nation organized morality.

Is there light for Bernie Sanders’ “BERNERS” and work suffice to there to be a BOOK OF MORMON competitor of a dramatization like bound to a “BOOK OF BERNERS”?  Is Bernie Sanders at least known as not remotely akin to being a “Clinton Fascist”?

Queens’ Presbyterian Donald Trump may be firstly to that all establishments are not bad, - that every success must be deconstructed or set asunder.  The Trump dynamic is that some establishments, however corporate, are defining to what “success” is, - what is as built that which was good and is good that as is from how people labored together to it so organized.

Bernie Sanders definition of “failure” may be the example of Hillary Clinton, and as indivisible to such irreconcilable of in union with Bill Clinton.  Berners may be prudent to mash tagables upon the Clintons as like defining what “failure” amounts to.

Mrs. Clinton cannot escape there are many things that can be pressed out or campaigned on for “morals” as like against them for their is enough truth in statements, - even opines like these:

> Afghanistan became a new Vietnam because of President Clinton inaction and avoidance from 1993 to 2001.

> Hillary Clinton & Chelsea dos at Vince Foster funeral service (as seen due recently rebroadcast bits) suggest HIGH ADULTERY DO, and with daughter of a braided tail as if the tail of the Vince Foster Hillary Clinton ride/mount.  A scarlet “A” was like maned out all over the head of Hillary Clinton.  Was Marcy Park but do depression of hearing Hillary Clinton had to become appearingly discrete and that dalliances, however bosomed, had to end? Like: Didn’t Mrs. Clinton break V. Foster’s heart?

> President Obama speaking to a need for a “MORAL REVOLUTION” so late in his last year suggests Secretary Clinton, at least, failed him, and, as to suggesting a revolution needed there seems the lawyer and Con Law Prof in him is at mea culpas, - at confessing years of moral inadequacy.

> President Clinton knows he cut too much and even much too quickly and he has implied that such time of rash budgeting can wound and economy to that it then will take years to effect a recovery.  President Clinton has essentially confessed that his surpluses too wound the economies of the world by cutting too much from budgeted future spending such that four to eight years after Clintons left office there was hardly any regular way available for a recovery.

> President Clinton was hit with Monica Lewinski scandal much, as it was by those who had much made them electable, it seems because, at least to myself as I recall sentiments and disappointment, some due it was already sensed he wasn’t doing the job elected for as to attending to issues of Iraq, and so too Al Qaeda, and then to that as it was felt he wasn’t enough “on the job” a scandal of real moral shortcoming had press basis to expose, at least, that he was busy with something that was of it that he must not have been “doing his job” sufficiently.  Bill Clinton may have gross negligence for 9/11 attacks due time at dalliances.

>  Hillary Clinton can be proffered as having incited Al Qaeda and even Taliban anti-American angst and to levels where responses seemed justified.  Hillary Clinton feminism crusading can also be proffered to First Lady Clinton of some kinda negligence as to the Al Qaeda attacks of September 11, 2001.

Any “MORAL REVOLUTION” of even the #4College drum beats of First Lady Michelle Obama now must include critical thinking and intellectual honesty to what was amoral, immoral, and negligence of ignorance of Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton.

> Also:  It is to the Clinton Fascist dynamic of queries to what two people two like as two most ambitious for national and global Power that we should accept that there were things they don’t what to be on FBI polygraphs while asked about; - President Obama inherited a cover-up of and for the Clintons from President Bush but deeper than what was of protecting a presumption of innocence there is that in hindsight it must be accepted that Mrs. Clinton is the woman of the world of most fault as regards the Al Qaeda attacks, and, it definitely must be mashed about that Mrs. Clinton is the American politician who most benefited professionally from the aftermath of the crisis and as if completely of an extreme make-over as an international sympathetic figure as a GROUND ZERO SENATOR.

But to any “MORALS REVOLUTION” and if a “BOOK OF BERNERS” becoming consummated and if such is bringing some or many into the LIGHT:  The Donald Trump cannot be all EVIL - even much EVIL - while a BUILDER for his establishments are successes as by what Bernie Sanders must allow a definition of “SUCCESS” to abide.

And to any “MORALS REVOLUTION” there is the economics and maybe sociology of soft sciences that the best export a Republican administration could effect to best effect a winning for “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” is to be of exporting masses akin to “BERNERS” - America may need to export Bernie Sanders supporters as labor organizers for foreign lands to best advance progress to bringing jobs back to these united states of the Americas. 

OMG! ECONOMICS:  We need labors of #FeelTheBern agitators but now it near to that we need them abroad more than at home for to get wages to increase globally, even if to a MINIMUM WAGE global standard, and while a livable wage not to be yet believed in, for a common sense way to seeing higher wages and higher employment within the borders of the USA is to see work done to celebrate at least an entry level morality - at least a “gateway faith” of Presbyterianism - a humanity of good works to moral capitalism is of 1&2 Corinthians - least a common core of Bible Paul on economy depend on people able to sing together - be as united in song - songs of that which celebrates what is there tipping of caps to each tall at commerce deals, - as the purpose.

> Right! Also:  Yes there seems enough exposed of the Clintons for a “Clinton Fascism” tag to stick and linger, and last.


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