
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:06 pm

Holy negations are not blessed good things - em more dark magic and trickery by bad lawyers.

There is a case to be made that Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton should be declared enemies of the state - ROME - Enemies Of The Church.  I welcome the The Church of England to take a lead likewise.

This is a little beyond “NOAH 101″ - as but more about em as at Holy negations more as at bridges demolishments than builders.

“What is their chicanery?” is a good opener - a timely sighting to how their berg is far bigger than the tip of such iceberg we now maybe are sighting in to mark and twain in time suffice.

What is their chicanery?  Obvious enough now to some, not “NATURAL STATE FASCISTS, - not Democrats, maybe, is em “Holy negations”!

We will need get to “DREAMS FROM MY FATHER” and to the “Adam” and “Eve” of Barack Obama natural born conceived a bastard spawned into the Kenya Muslim “House of Obama” to his father by wife number 2.  We will need pare down such as conceived bastard spawned as a love child of a pepper and salt - ebony and ivory - chocolate and white milky white - as like a “The Soviet Studies Love Child Barack, Jr.”.  Son of Obama, so conceived a bastard “love child” of two studious to be experts in Soviet ways as if naturally Soviet, is a conundrum, - and to that the pair to such book should have been “THE WORK OF MY MOTHER - HOW I GOT EVEN THIS FAR!”.

Her chicanery, - right, - the chicanery of Hillary Clinton is quite problematic. Less NOAH - more like #VooDoo & Louise Cypher, - #HillaryInTheFlesh #Lucifer. Dark magic - it is - is she playing past innocent at unholy chicanery.

I do not know so cannot proffer to if Barack Obama was by Kenya tribal and Muslim traditions so conceived as “natural born” as the property of the father, and if only more so due the polygamy of his seeded a conceived bastard but as to a wife number 2, by how consenting - consented to conception as yet but a “The Soviet Studies Love Child Barack, Jr.”.

I do not know so cannot proffer to how Barack Obama as so “natural born” was not first an American Citizen by birth due the polygamy or bigamy issues of law as to supposedly his mother’s “marriage” - so a “shotgun marriage” wasn’t necessarily kosher by laws of these united states of the Americas due her mated with as already being one married and to at least one of his allowed quantity of wifies.  So we are past NOAH to it yet Hillary Clinton is broached by the political waves of that Donald Trump old legal queries raised have yet to be fully answered - at least by our highest courts, - and as to the religiousness of if Father Obama by his laws and expectations at conception did properly own his son more than America had a right to try to claim for wifie number 2, as how consented to “natural born” as “under God”.

Oy, right!  Is it that Donald Trump has Holier ground now to stand on than Mrs. Clinton?  Mrs. Clinton hasn’t even tried to prove it otherwise - at least to any jurisprudence suffice. 

Hillary Clinton chicanery now is so of further attempts at Holy negations her recent “bridging” “demolishments” less an iceberg than just as if she were the riveter of her ship and her riveted popping due her riveting mostly faulty.

Hillary Clinton chicanery now is so of furthered anti-literature political for convenient whimsy to trump it is becoming evident their ruses can amount to it due that Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton doth become declared as Enemies Of The Church, - Enemies of the State - still to it welcome if the The Church of England would take a lead for Kingdom, so.

Hillary Clinton has long been known to myself as considered arrogant enough to think herself and her husband, as since em of Yale Law School coed days, as to a “we must be smarter than the Founding Fathers were, - and the 80th Congress”.  It is a new consideration of the Clintons’ long exposed arrogance to that NOAH must be also thought trumped, - set asunder, - of it that Jewish Law must just be, to them, ridiculous.

The anti-Constitution Clintons are enemies of these united states of the Americas quite as whence in earlier days it would have been from the start as considered akin to insurgents and of engagements willful to treasonous, to em at treason by negations coy ploys.  The established “The Clinton” is of them of decades of fronting coyly a proposition that these united states of America are now become to a state of “Post Constitution” reality.  The American Laws of governance by law have been negated but not yet noticed as negated - due too many near wholly ignorant of Constitution negations.

The anti-Constitution chicanery, hers, and his, has been bedded to a super worm viral capacity, to so set asunder regular order inconvenient to their selfish ambitions, from near day one in 1993 whence then sworn otherwise to it the duty of the office to be dedicated otherwise - actually dedicated to upholding what they were line by buried line building a super virus to undo, - they were recoding stealthily to negate the inconvenient, and especially the Holy basis in such most inconvenient.

Her chicanery, - right: the chicanery of Mrs. Clinton, is of Hillary Clinton advanced enough through the ages so conspiring at cloaked Holy negations to joined efforts to set asunder government by laws by recoding to “Extra-Constittution” Powers by viral undermining, to crashes to em of “Post Constitution” Power to that she has amassed through spousal husbandry enough acquired wrongness to be arguably now due to be cast, at least, as an ENEMY OF THE CHURCH, - ENEMY OF THE STATE, - ENEMY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, - AND ALL OF NOAH, TO MOSES  - OF JEWISH LAW.

By her Holy negations I declare it common sense that she is flawed, and never as though in their arrogance as ever smarter than Noah, Jefferson, Hamilton, Jay, Madison, even most of the Founding Fathers, - and not even smarter than Richard M. Nixon when just a member of the 80th Congress. 

Case in point to proof em been ridiculous:  If we go along with “Post Constitution” the natural outcome is then not that they get all these “Extra-Constitution” Powers and allowances for graft akin “Public Corruption” but that they then by their own coding for “Post-C” are an em to need face the common sense of the Constitution to that the default - THE DEFAULT TO LAST KNOWN WORKING CONDITION - is to that Power if the Constitution is so VOIDED defaults not to Powers to the most ready at hand willy to be AUTOCRATS of and for AUTHORITARIAN to (Natural State Fascism) rule - for it is deeply coded to be like Holy established and incontrovertible that Powers under such a conundrum do default to the People to their state’s constitutions and to that then the office of President Mrs. Clinton coyly seeking then has no legal basis for existence, - is illegitimate, - in whole there then by Clintons’ “reasoned” no basis for the courts or the federal government.

Case in point to further proof em been ridiculous:  Her/their work at Holy negations of roots to NOAH and MOSES - Jewish Law - as points to proof against them.  We have the said TOLERANCE recoding to decree and end to intolerance now also to POLYGAMY OR BIGAMY.  If not already then twil be by whence any trumpets waft waves of agreement suffice to a seating of Hillary Clinton, by all the irregular means necessary for such to be effected, the twas done to a suffice that TOLERANCE of POLYGAMY should be of no bigotry of tolerance, - POLYGAMY must forward be accepted without any prejudice.

President Barack Hussein Obama legacy cannot be respected if there is prejudice, also forward, to how he is as conceived as the son of his father to the House of Obama of Muslim & Kenyan tribal patriarchal law traditions and as “natural born” to (rightful) of bigamy with rights extant for polygamy.  Mrs. Clinton cannot escape that an election of Mrs. Clinton would also de-establish by Holy negations the nation from monogamy, and from against adultery.

Hillary Clinton’s character is to be questioned, and biblically, at least, at least to biblical establishments of “Adam” and “Eve”.

Hillary Clinton’s character should be under full frontal assault - evermore, - forever more. 

Hillary Clinton’s character as her casting stones - throwing stones - at Donald Trump on issues she has not innocence suffice to be to Christian while picking up and throwing stones. 

The core matters common to these displayed moments of Hillary Clinton of casting stones as if a Christian innocent enough to judge another are yet of the “The Clinton” as of compromised and unworthy by either to such acts of judging another for sins one is arguably more heinously compromised of guilt for as for many past deeds of past decades.  Hillary Clinton has been un-Christian while trying still to be Un-American by being for a “Post Constitution” Powers as if Clintons can be crowned of “Extra-Constitution” Power yet by decades at cloaked recoding efforts for Holy negations.

Hillary Clinton’s character is fitting #CrookedHillary and #HeinousHillary.  And, and especially, now still #ItsTheClintons_STUPID.

The “The Clinton” as for the “House of Clintons” is to that bigamy and polygamy cannot be now postured by Democrats as not also undone.  Any Democrat, if possibly electable, now to follow on the Obama story as a story of a first born bastard conceived yet to a Kenyan and Muslim man of rights to have such as a second wife/mother must not parse from the tolerance politics already forwarded to that polygamy must be legal and the law of the land by the extant recent of rulings by the Supreme Court on matters relating to what once was always firstly the jurisdiction of religiousness, not U.S. Congress or the Courts.

It has been torn asunder!  Most of the coy ploys to set asunder the governance by laws inconvenient to the Clintons’ ambitions have been mostly, albeit temporarily, set asunder.  Too many are now too accepting of the words of the Clintons as if righteous, holy, or even safe.

It has been set asunder!  Bigamy and Polygamy are proofs to it proofing proofed the Holy negations have been popularly, by simple majority, - writ not to be seriously trusted, propped up and are standing as if can actually be workable as law.

In his letter to the Jews of Newport, - George Washington’s letter to Rhode Island Jews - tolerance was parlayed - or pared - to that by the Constitution as under God as “ordained” “done” subscribed” People’s “Order” in the “Year of our Lord” there yet is the separation of Church and State as a vertical separation by that Congress was denied superiority and a right to interpret scripture as a greater right to be supremely held over the People.  There is the letter to the Jews to that there would be no “BIGOTRY OF TOLERANCE” is where there is the humble religious freedom for the separation set vertical to that Congress and the Government is under “our Lord” of the Christian Calendar but not above the People or the states in matters of religion - in matters of establishments of religion - in matters of the tenets of religion.

Hillary Clinton has no Christian standing to be even politically casting stones at Donald Trump for the records of the past decades are phat with circumstances of the Clinton spousal husbandry of planting and fertilizing arguably worse “business” practices.

Hillary Clinton has no Christian standing to be but to that POLYGAMY, if there ever enough majority for all the barriers prudently set to halt peoples of resumes of such deficient and unsettling “character” to be crossed, now for Mrs. Clinton must be President William Jefferson Clinton’s own right. Her “Hun The Enabler” rap is also to suffice to carry this as broached upon the vessel “HILLARY”. 

The issue for the soaps now, as if a Constitution set asunder as if times to “POST CONSTITUTION” and as not to the default as writ to then of the People to their rights and state’s constitutions, is of layers and layers of coy ploys at Holy negations, - her/their chicanery - dark magic - unholy machinations.

Case in point to her/their chicanery as “Holy negations” as of acts over decades of by lawyers at thought cloaked how em to trying to set asunder the Constitution to yet have a “POST CONSTITUTION” popularism for “EXTRA-CONSTITUTION” Powers more akin to TOTALITARIANISM:  Besides the Constitution default is if VOID so to that People have their state’s constitutions and their religions there is that by the Clintons’ postured “reasoned” there is the fault to that if the Constitution is VOID there then is no legitimacy for the office she now if of em running to try to hold together again.

So whether to be a next Democrat to then honor a past Democrat(s) it is unwise to even nominate Mrs. Clinton for she would then, if ever elected and past the obstacles to bar inadequacy, be to the soapy next chapter great expectations, however a FEMINIST, to being expected to sooned, not later, be to a ceremony in the WHITE HOUSE and to give a share of her’s away by giving WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON some away to have his rightful and legal BIGAMY, - an actual wife number 2 then whom he could share their home with, - in perpetuity, - til death do em part.

The big issue of today, this political week, is quite though that Hillary Clinton has no Christian right to be casting all these stones at Donald Trump.  This is akin her other big problem that won’t go away as to that due a spouse of WJC she is not to incriminate President Clinton, like not allowed to even use TRUTH as stones against her spouse.  Though she isn’t clean enough to cast stones on these “business practices” questionable of Donald Trump she is still too dirty and sworn from truth as an option for any service as President for she where the truth is that is was/is President Bill Clinton’s fault she as dirty or clean as his spouse is not by law allowed to reveal the actual or dominant historical facts.

Generally it must be accepted that THE TRUTH IS NOT AN OPTION TO HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON.

Dark magic they have been decades at to have an Un-Constitution popularism to suffice to be to a #NaturalStateFascism as the #ClintonFascism the #HillaryFascism for they cannot abide any questioning their authoritarianism - there necessary setting asunder of “liberal democracy” prudence in open and full debate, for starters.  They must only be further to Holy negations.

This is more mature than for just “HOGWARTS” or “HARRY POTTER” elementary magic studies, - this is long worked already much past “NOAH 101″ and also against “MOSES” and the “JEWISH LAW” in the “TEN COMMANDMENTS”!

We still have the prudence of George Washington as literate and illuminating on vicissitudes incident to life as to that the Constitution even for Newport, Rhode Island Jews is for no “bigotry of tolerance”! 

We still have the prudence of George Washington and to that the Clintons must never have been as recalled em thought as like to “we must be smarter than the founding fathers were” and …!

We still have the prudence of George Washington to save us from any fallen or already to bent to the Clintons’ coy ploys for a AUTHORITARIAN powers by Holy negations especially as to for “EXTRA-CONSTITUTION” Powers by cloaked recoding to attempt to assuage enough popular blind faith for “POST CONSTITUTION” postured for more convenient power grabbing.

The American literature of George Washington must endure!  We must endear a commitment forward anew to that there shall be no bigotry of tolerance, - to that Jewish in these united states of the Americas doth too have religious freedom for the Constitution ordained the separation of church and state as veritical, though in the Christian Calendar.

Where Democrats may further abide the Clintons decades against the originalism for “liberal democracy” basis and to so be to FASCISM better in these times as defined as a “movement of the Left” there is much danger beyond any expectation that bigamy and polygamy should be legal forever more to honor the stories of President Clinton and the bastard conception consent to bigamy seeming his all so very personal story as a conceived “Soviet Studies Love Child”.

Where there are even just Democrats for Hillary Rodham Clinton there is DANGER, and beyond what hopes lives in that these united states of the Americas had yet seemed improved to it recently near only Hillary Clinton voters seeming em still believing the Clintons’ lies.

Democrats forward must embrace that any President Clinton forward means Hillary Clinton to be expected, due Bill Clinton’s nature, to be having to ceremonially in the White House to giving her husband away some to a legal marriage to an actual wife number 2. 

Democrats are in perilous times for such as much this all entails is of vast Holy negations that likely may set asunder what though a union of their own.

We still have the prudence of George Washington for now.  The Clintons due not abide his literate use of “pecuniary” and “emoluments” as if what “George” got from “Martha” could ever be enough compensation.  Hillary Clinton is unholy and un-Christian while casting stones at Donald Trump for the Clintons’ “business” “practices” have always too much put monetary values on like everything.  The “Public Corruption” tag on the Clintons “official” practiced is much to pivot on that “pecuniary” and “emoluments” as to foreign agents or foreign dollars is and never was definable as “of that just means money”!

There is we still should have the prudence of George Washington, and at least Alexander Hamilton, as guidance to how separations must be vertical, - not horizontal, - not of the federal Government as able to trump God.  Congress is to make no law respecting an establishment of religion for the tenets of religions are of the jurisdiction of the People as a trump card to their Federal Government. 

The First Amendment speaks to that Congress can make no law to have a superiority over tenets of faith - of over tenets of religion.

Jews also have religious freedom by our Constitution because the Constitution is humbly “subscribed” “People” “Order” “done” under God as set done by humble men in the “Year of our Lord”!

There shall be no “bigotry of tolerance” so scribed by George Washington as early American Literature for the Holy cannot be negated, even for popularism like of the Clintons’ selfish spousal husbandry (cloaked) coy ploys and chicanery of ambition.

No first marriage is safe under the political practiced of the Clinton “two-fer”!

And, Donald Trump may find few are even clean enough to be even a Christian allowed to be righteous as if casting stones upon him, - even over how Barack Hussein Obama may be “natural born” as “under God” as firstly and dominantly the property of his Kenyan father, - even as “natural born citizen” may need firstly be to the Holy that was of the Creator about creation to a bastard conceived a “Soviet Studies Love Child” of an American women seemingly consenting to be at least by Kenyan and Muslim Law as but wife number 2.

To fight the bad dark magic, many should reconsider if Hillary Clinton isn’t as has been too beset to Holy negations as to now at least be declared AN ENEMY OF THE STATE, - EVEN AN ENEMY OF THE CHURCH, OF ROME AND THE UNITED KINGDOM.

Let us commit ourselves to not allowing this nonsense to get to President Clinton (D)(F) to giving away a share of her spouse President (D)(M) Clinton to a wife number 2 then of rights to also abide in marriage at the White House.  REALLY!!!

The tolerance for fellow man is best kept within the bounds of George Washington at American Literature to their is to be by the Constitution no “BIGOTRY OF TOLERANCE” and to how such has been as writ to that matters of such are not for Congress, not for the Federal Government, for such is to that Holy scriptures are like writ “living documents” so that the People’s Order that constitutes the more perfect Union needn’t be.

Peoples dirty laundry and individual community grievances are not to be considered the duty of the Congress, - such is for “community organizations” and firstly as to that such of “religion” is the attempt to be of the all for the all to that “neighborly” is possible and written to how disciplined can be forward to comity for community as “neighbors” yet e-together always e-gathered from divisible.

For now as a #Hillary2016 endures there is that we are becometh of a times already beset to a popularism to unsettled as if new law.  These times are already like ripe of the above as if a new “normal”! 

An only way left to defeat such dark magic at efforts decades cloaked of coy ploys for chicanery to as written to un-written by Holy negations maybe be for at least the CHURCH OF ROME to declare “HILLARY CLINTON IS AN ENEMY OF THE STATE OF ROME!”

The Constitution as Order ordained and established done in “Year of our Lord” gives no power to Congress to be superior to the People in matters of religious establishment - in any interpretation of tenets of individual’s religiousity.  Much that the Clintons’ want for political convenience for popularism to AUTHORITARIAN Powers allowed for them are so forbidden.

In 2016 the definition of “FASCISM” must be better set out in these times as a movement of the Left, as against “liberal democracy” as the original intent, and as using a bigotry of tolerance to coy ploys on “tolerance” while using vast machinations to work an intolerance to any not swallowing whole their them to as if the only authority - of them the AUTHORITARIANS.

Oh, you can believe me to that Hillary Clinton is un_Christian casting stones at Donald Trump “business practices”!

Oh, you can believe my humbly pressed reveals to that the Clintons past “official” “practices” of at least that they cut $2 Trillion from 1993 to 2001 are arguable far more criminal to consciences than such Mrs. Clinton now a first casting stones upon.

Oh, you can believe me beyond all the revealed that substantiates in the #Cats (categories) here like of #QUEEN, #CGI, #SUSPECT, #CRUSADES, #QUIDPROQUO, #WARONWOMEN, #WHITEPRIDE, AND #TREASON, for starters, and, too because well I am he that challenged J.K. Rowling to write 7 books on magic as to be to teach one year per book for seven years as too for morals of real life, and, too because #HarryPotter and #Hogwarts are still to my #HOGAN heart to that ward don’t grow up to be like warts under even HOGAN’S skin, and, too because, well, I have known these Clintons since the early 1970s and they personally kept me in the loop (accidentally to their purposes) over their decades plotting.

Yes ye of Emma,  I really did challenge J.K. Rowling to write seven books as around a character idea of a basis on young neighbors like “wards” of a “Pete Rowe-ling” … “& posse”.  I did so without spelling out to J.K. Rowling that such as flowing from my musing was to then work good magic hopefully to protect a new generation, at least, from the Clintons, these Clintons, these efforts of the Clintons I now am of pressing in hindsight about, without contradiction to by foresight alarms.

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