
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:51 pm

I dread now reporting from these united states of America that the state of “American” politics is horrid - horrible.

It is dreadful that I must report that the state of the “American” media, at least, is as bad, - or worse.

Any Brown University Literature Department graduate should be able to know this without needing to read between the lines.

It is now established beyond any reasonable doubt! - such is beyond “self evident” and more like “uber evident”!

Allow me some exclamatory remarks, ye who hath carried “Hermione” now so far - a written (fictional) creation to the idea that one was better than two!

It is as if the merry populaces of the Democrat encampments and media tag-alongs are much sans magic, - perchance “muggles”!

Your fans may appreciate how I do very much like your recent twitpic of a book seeming otherwise about merry populaces, and as that to date I still haven’t seen most of your pictures. - Em likley to be surprised to learn that “Quid ditch” (sp?) developed from J.K. Rowling asking her muse doth challenged her to pen 7 books on magic “should we have a flying broom in the stories?” and to which upon quick consideration and a glance at my parents fireplace broom nearby I repliethed “YES, BUT GO BIG - MAKE IT OF A SPORT OF SORTS” (paraphrased near enough) and then processed further to its potential by wiringing JKR into my then athletic activities of my various ULTIMATE FRISBEE LEAGUES and covertly the sport energy even of my friends so about to while as architects and construction managers of the Kuala Lumpur Petronas Towers. (I appreciate “PATRONUS” spelled like “patron US” while picking up on basis.)

Yes Emma, I still refuse to read any of the HARRY POTTER books and too haven’t seen most of your pictures.  I didn’t asked for the books to be written to be to entertaining me, and I don’t still want to effect a creative feed back loop by interpreting the pictures past that I know I’ve seen the first two or two and a half.

Yes Emma, I must report on the ridiculous state of these politics and media of which I press opines eruditely; - there can be no Hillary Clinton as a candidate in any honesty if my own vastly more complicated personal historicals are not shared to be pared against her/their false claims.  As long as the politics and the media do not tell of my biographical relatedness at least as to the rise of the Clintons in 1992, and further staying power, then there is only dishonesty and immorality in our politics by lies, at least as lies by omissions.  And, this is complicated since due the depth and breadth of such known autobiographical to myself I know I shouldn’t ask to have any tell of such, I shouldn’t first ask to be more “published” even for then by the nature of these horrid states I yet would be aiding a sustenance to the machinations for lies to reign for bad actors, over core truths necessary to getting finally to rebuilding.

Oh Emma, some of this doth have a funny bone humorous tingle to it incidentally occasionally; - while I know I shouldn’t ask to have my story told to the depths needed to straighten many out from the lies at least keeping the Clintons’ machinations viable I do realize and accept that I have spelled out many times in writings publicly posted as to how to defeat them, and as can work by the bright light of Bernie Sanders and even the standards of Donald Trump; - before I ever got to challenging JKR to such now galactically famous seven books there is of this story that of a sibling rivalry with my older sister like of her facing the “Peter Principle” in 1994 politics when Senator Chris Dodd’s State Director yet on the losing side of the Republican sweep of 1994.

Emma, and JK Rowling, and Neil Blair…, it is an #ItsComplicated now as regards #HOLLYWOOD and some due even in 1994, or especially in 1994, I was of sufficient Power, or driving Influence, with HOLLYWOOD that I was able to pressure my older sister’s employer a Senator to that he need let my sister go from his employment, just to be able of a potential that my media magic could still work a bipartisan art for him, - for he now Chairman and CEO of the MPAA - Motion Picture Association of America.  I wasn’t being vindictive in a sibling rivalry, and as I did help sister transition to upward mobility outside of politics - restored, and, as it was just fundamentals to my art of entertainment magic, also freely mused, but with expectations of source to be noted and kept annotated for later credits, - to “honor among artists” - as it is that I had to pressure Senator Dodd to move my sister outta the way for due my dad’s and my sister’s “contributions” the “work” I was doing that such Senator was benefiting from was incidentally accidentally getting undone by family most unawares of my cloaked facilities and influence.

Y’all cool cats, yeh you all, especially one who has carried “Hermione” so far:  Fans should learn, eventually maybe, to appreicate two things about women at the core (of the success) of HOGWARTS storied basis.  Fans should consider that incidentally when I asked for a young female lead character as like a “HER MY ONE” it was as I considered though the real life basis was of two young girls in a small close knit “posse” one as that each had to choose one over two would work better fictionally.  Fans considering such might yet be old enough to ponder J.K. Rowling guarded herself by naming the school “HOGWARTS” as if my challenged setting didn’t pan out she was ready for the quick draw to that it was always firstly just “HOGAN - WARTS” of “J.P. Hogan basis in hopes like “wards” wouldn’t grow up to be like “warts” as dirt under his skin.”

Right, y’all cool cats, yeh, you all:  Fans I was shocked when I first saw a copy of the first book for by then so much time had elapsed since we crossed from trying to hide muse even from publishers to that JKR to get published was then of my agreeing to inform such who did publish her that she was acting under my direction that I was to be keep an unknown, for the book rights, and to then though a stipulated that if it ever got to movie rights we would have to cross that bridge later and to that I was giving away no rights to movies or even a theme park when directing consent to book rights.

Ok, now y’all cool cats, be cool:  Emma, it seems inescapable now that while I avoid reading these works of immense success in fiction it is becoming clear that J.K. Rowling despite the platonic nature of my challenge, due I disappointed, as I recall while to standing up that I didn’t have time to “date” as part of such, yet in the rearing and development of “HER MY ONE” musta written from my years of dedicated “platonic” musing of always finding new energies for next books to such as though for any one but “HARRY POTTER” as a female lead a leading lady akin to what my ideal woman seemed like - akin to what I would want in a wife, even.  (Yes “HERMIONE” was not to marry “HARRY POTTER” from the beginning for their basis is from a real young group whence then as young neighbors like “wards” of a “Pete” of round black glasses and to then of commenced studies in magic, and with one of the two of such to a one in “HERMIONE” as yet his sister.) (The link up to J.K. Rowling did occur much because one evening I poured a Scotch and wafted a spiritual pre-Google search for an “unknown writer” willing to commit to “7 books on magic of each book of a next year of magic school”  and as around real youths I was renaming around to being of asking for “an unknown author willing to write about a Pete Rowe-ling, & posse” - to asking for someone willing to right about someone of a name like JK’s late father Peter Rowling, as incidentally it occurred - was created from thin air and blank napkins, to blank paper, to many rejections.

Emma, real woman of duties as United Nations Ambassador for Woman, dearly, it is horrid the state of such I press on about here as to it immoral to amoral that there can be a “HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT” reported upon without a media and especially political leadership being insistent to that my story, my biography, my historicals be publicly related at least to 1990-ish.

Emma, real woman of honors as United Nations Ambassador for Woman, dearly, it is horrible that I can report such disregard for truth and honor across the ranks of em thought leaders in these united states of the Americas. There can be no learn’d honor among women if “with” this partially disrobed HILLARY CLINTON.  There can be no learn’d honor among women too now as President Barack Obama’s story is also crossed with my past decades of leadership to of such bipartisan advantage for Democrats that I was able to pressure a Senator to move my older sister along more due the “Peter Principle” than her younger brother “Peter” due he feared losing my entertainment magic she and my father were incidentally accidentally naturally beset to undermining, while yet needed as not errantly complicated to undermined.  There is no reporting morally or honestly on the storied of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, nor Bill Clinton, where such is commenced and carried as if I can be omitted from the story - their storied, even especially as such is still only still standing due lies have not been checked due em of omitting historicals that are of my motivation to such vast efforts for positive change that root at least to a decade before 1990 shares and strategizing for problem solving, and crisis management in extremely trying times.

Emma, real woman of global exposure as a United Nations leading woman as Ambassador for Women, dearly, again it was shocking when I first laid eyes on a first copy of the first book of the challenge for seven JKR did nearly beg could be yet just five books, at a moment, maybe just a phase, and nearly disastrous for such was cloaked by me by use of “doors” and “contracting” business from my father and my sister, especially, as hoped, personally in a cloaked, to be of a facility in my poetic to be yet a muse able to be like a “shrink” for my dad and my sister as a greater facilitator for FEMINISM advancement, a yet shared goal of all of ours. 

Emma, ye doth carried “HERMIONE” so far, - ye embodied/embodies what seems becometh clear without even reading the books by their covers, - ye so somehow written in the spirit of what I must have implied by mused energy and creative directives as to be an “ideal woman” to me: 

Right!  I did not ask for a cover a basis in the stories for my godmother who is married lastingly into the CROMWELL clan that begot OLIVER CROMWELL, though GILMORE GIRLS is that she was the basis for “GRANDMOTHER” as akin to YALE UNIVERSITY and a female cousin a YALE alum as an asked for mused for to entertainment as from so many brothers graduates of BALTIMORE GILMAN SCHOOL FOR BOYS.

Right!  I did instruct JKR post her complaint near “but you haven’t given me enough material even for five books” to add a “godfather” character for lead character and write it in as around dangers of watts, amps, volts, voltage, higher voltage, high voltage like to “volts d’ more” alarmism and to there dangers in not knowing European electrical standards use 220v normatively while American Electrical household use is yet but of a less amped for wattage of 110 volts.  The basis was to be around my own godfather a life long union electrician but fictionally developed also around “GO BIG - MAKE IT A SPORT - A TEAM SPORT OF FLYING BROOMS” as around my posse of ULTIMATE FRISBEE associations to of those of having been of the design and then construction management of the PETRONAS TOWERS and to them as serious about black live wires nearly as my uncle my godfather, the now late C. Hogan, was always.

OMG Emma!  Time flies.  I am saddened today by the passing of Edward “Tad” Sanchez III yesterday and Muhammad Ali today.  “Tad” Sanchez is a pal from my 1980s abouts on Block Island, and nail banging summers during Villanova University studies.  He passed due an illness he had fought for a while, he is for immortality besides his hobby as having been in the Screen Actors Guild and bit parts, the he from a reunion after years the core in old circle of friends basis that was to my asking for the “MADMEN” show as by asking to energies of my old Block Island circle of friends to be kept alive by art about the era I was predisposed then to in my art for positive change as that era when my grandfather Arthur M. Menadier was a top Ad Man - a top Madison Avenue marketing executive of the serious accounts - as managed after consolidating their accounts all that was the Johnson & Johnson advertising business.  He is responsible for the ‘NO MORE TEARS’ product launch and too that the bottle has a tear drop in its form.  Of the “MadMen” creation it was fitting for AMC channel for “Tad’s” story was happy in marital union into the Dolan family - the family that owns Madison Square Garden, for starters.

OMG Emma!  Time flies, and this isn’t near as brief as I postured myself to a readiness to share.  It is a sad day for much of the above and coincidental to a puzzlement of how Muhammad Ali has now passed.  My godfather who is the basis for “Serious Black” did pass away a few years ago and yet on the same day a serious black I knew to be a hero of his did also pass - a few years ago my godfather electrician, retired, passed on the day his boxing hero “Smokin’ Joe” Frazier passed, and yet suddenly while amidst fall yard work on a day most of his brotherhood of electricians not retired were busy across Connecticut trying to restore power after a state’s maybe record blackout. And also sad note on politics and media is that such day David Brooks New York Times column was a political hit piece titled “THE SERIOUS ONE”.

Ye cool cats, y’all of the real and make believe of the world of HOGWARTS it is real and relative to the American political scene that I have only given rights to the books and never gave away rights to the movies, or any theme park.

Ye cool cats, y’all of the real magic of J.P. Hogan “poet” “squib” “pundit” “most successful muse” and also the basis for “Robert Galbraith” “STRIKE” as was to instructions to then there to be no more “HARRY POTTER” books but kindly to JKR of that her muse wouldn’t leave her hung out to blow in the wind for her muse then adjusted to allowing her to write from his energies but more biographically to a fictional work out.

Ye cool cats, y’all of the EMMA conundrum that though “HOGWARTS” was defensively penned as a double edged fictional for J.K. and maybe predefensive as if to of the “platonic” as if felt “jilted” there seems now that my ideals as to what a leading lady as to an ideal woman is (to me) that such may have been written to and dramatically carried off.  Puzzling, quite puzzling - but can any man really understand “woman”?


Ye cool cats, as more relative J.P. Hogan historical or trivial it is incidental to much that my first year at Villanova University was the first year my college had a MIDDLE EAST STUDIES department and to offering MODERN STANDARD ARABIC LANGUAGE among its language courses.  I mention such today for it is that my professor in such that I helped inaugurate by taking my language requirements by 12 credits of ARABIC was to a given name upon me for class purposes as “ALI” and not, for sure, due any boxing acumen, or facility.  I majored in Economics to a Bachelor of Arts, and to enough credits for a minor in Philosophy but cloaked from a “minor” but as an “undeclared minor” so as to keep the Philosophy Department less involved in my love of thinking of philosophizing.  I am that I also in 1984 was early of computers for I took for a mathematics requirement a course in Pascal programming, programming on mainframes.

Emma, J.K., Neil, et cool cats yet of the unknowing sorts now some to uncloaked eyes upon truths, let us proceed against the failings of the horrid media and leadership failures ghastly due the stories of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama quite can not be honestly said historical where there is omission of the very vastly related story of myself,  and at least to that my motivations in around 1990-1991 are vastly more complicated and engaging to what transpired than yet pared against Clintons even to a #RealBillClinton by reduction by honest comparisons.

Yes, Emma, it is true my godmother, and to many of my cousins so tru’d, is of my kin are married to descendant from, and begot by the Cromwell line that begot OLIVER CROMWELL, so I have lived their story as somehow true.

To be brief:  Yes the machinations of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT are horrid to horrible as rotten of lies, and especially to the core as to the #RealHillaryClinton is not storied if and when my biographical is not imparted, and as it remains due how vast my facility was I will not ask to be told of, - asked to be more “published” - asked to reveal more than my #squibs long at establishing current and past expertise and forethought none of such has ever earned a respect akin to - to full of.

Conclusion:  The state of these united states of the Americas media and political leadership is ridiculous, at least! - there can be no honesty nor duties done as per #Election2016 of these parties involved where there is any omission of the true story and contributions uniquely mine, and unique due what my motivation was/is.

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