
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:11 am

SPAM!  Alex, What is SPAM?

Dear youths of the world, my readers, if only of my mused successes, and poetry, it is incumbent on me to share a sad state of “neighborliness” beset across “AMERICAN” with a seeming Democrat Party nom to Mrs. Clinton.

Dear the future of the world, hopefully ready if first alien contact needs us galactically prepared for evil of a first encounter, these days are sad days due that Mrs. Clinton is still standing in any public arena supposedly where PUBLIC MORALS are supposed to be a guardian from such.

I beseech ye our future leaders, hopefully readying a sufficient response and readiness for any alien invasion.

I beseech ye and warn ye now forthwith that reading of politics and views of streaming politics talk shows, however syndicated, cannot be good for your health, nor for your own battles with morality.

Our future, ye youths, and actually most intelligent life forms, I doth beseech you to stop reading of American politics and of viewing even if by old landlines of cable networks delivered (garbage?) (news?) - like immediately.

Most would benefit greatly from ceasing and desisting from any consumption of what is being fronted as news and of “campaign” politics forward.  Please cease and desist immediately from reading and consuming of “politics” “news”!

Now forward, let me be clear, as we worry to a readiness of a suffice for a defense of the earthly humanoid survival, we should worry about devolution - about devolving by believing in what we should know enough not to believe, - not to trust.

Forward a first issue for all humanity is the feminist import now broached to that before any prejudice upon #CrookedHillary there be moderation and compassion as pare through for feminism to if before judging Mrs. Clinton we need grasp if issue #1 isn’t more to #CrookedBill - to if President Clinton is the most corrupt.

Mrs. Clinton is so canned she can only be SPAM however served as if “news” - the Clintons’ playbook has fewer plays now available all the while their plays for a selling of Mrs. Clinton are stuck to needing to hold to how they scripted them in Arkansas before ever even entering the 1992 race for the American presidency.  Mrs. Clinton is being “spiced up” but she can only forward be so canned to be essentially just  SPAM - like a kinda “spiced ham in a can” just packaged enough to be still of a late “fresh by date” apparent comity for polity.

I do hope you all do stop reading of politics like immediately, - such will be better generally for your health and moral struggles.

Now forward, let us get down to the business of survival of the humanoid species as if still an intelligent life form.

Please treat it as a #DYI - do it yourself assignment - or at least kept tight to a close circle of friends mash up.  We all must broach for a parity for #FEMINISTS how there is a dynamic that must be processed for #FEMINISM forward to divine before judgemental or prejudiced for #CrookedHillary to if righteously the #TRUTH isn’t more endemic as of #TRUTHS more akin (firstly) (primarily) to President Clinton #RAP fit’n #CrookedBill.

Forward any consumption of “politics” “news” is set up as if a promise of “Nominate Hillary and News Will Sell” tag was intelligent and while the roots of the controversial is of the scandals extant per scandal more as if now any voluntary digesting of a “news” “political” “product” is to like tuning in to watch an active crime scene, and to morally challenged as like no one, not even yourself or the “professionals” are being good Samaritans - are of any like calling the #COPS.

So as we now move forward together, and try to find intelligent life but existent, and of at least written opines, however squibs, or timely broadsides, let us save our selves by better valuing our time.  Forward you must reconsider if any can be a trusted source.  Forward we must all help each other see through the (Authoritarians) cloaking of truths as truths are inconvenient to their playbook and how it quite canned to like SPAM how they must run Mrs. Clinton to have any appearance of electable.

Forward now “Ladies First” is improper and imprudent as I have revealed Mrs. Clinton should not be so prejudiced - President Clinton seems a he the him first most as sadly prejudiced by his own history, - his on paper “resume”.  Let us let President Clinton go first - it is better to judge the flaws of the man #ManClinton before even the prejudiced for #WomanClinton #MrsC.

I write this now for all - every one of my readers future leaders or just lifestyle entrepreneurs - and in a good mood to thinking I am now ready myself for a lifestyle fit’n my “resume” of mused and written successes, even my rap and poetry of http://CitizenRosebud.us near assorted of a collection of American Literature self styled near now of 100 pieces, original works.

Please let us commit to better using our time, to much avoiding the SPAM that any #Hillary2016 now can only be, however seemed spiced up and yet repackaged as if fresh.  Let us commit to giving in to our better instincts that a seeming Democrat Party nom as to Mrs. Clinton a presumptive nominee is now to us of that feeling to that watching at least political talk shows is a thought that can be a welcome prejudice as it is a sign of intelligence to not expose oneself to so much SPAM.

There is no #WomanCard for Mrs. Clinton to play as a trump card for prudence in that firstly the #ManCard a #ManClinton card must be played and judged for lack of suffice to trump’n for fit’n #CrookedBill.

I write this now for all - every good soul like copacetic to my success, and as most are already readers of my mused successes and as such still standing up better morals and calls to public morality than #Hillary2016 nor #PresidentHillary ever can, - can do how her on paper resume and record belay her spiced as for a “freshness” or “trustworthiness.”


Future leaders of at least earth bound humanoids we must secure ourselves as still of and for public morals, - mores!

Future leaders to know where my thoughts are, and as we accept we must reconsider our sources, and break from any habit of consuming “politics” “news” “products” let me impart a vision of hope to that I am like seeing myself not of an em “alone” but to like a happy lifestyle of like bicycling with company and even around Cannes and Tribeca even as the Sundance set too must try to find an actual fresh way forward. 

I am not alone in my thoughts for a hope for a better world.

I am still #StrongForTruth as #HOGAN of #SocialMedia #NewMedia.  I have long been your entertainer, and yet I write of knowing of sad politics for I had been of years entertaining while yet predisposed to trying to fix many of these now so canned to be like SPAM but the only DEMOCRAT option.

I am not alone in my thoughts for a hope for a better world.

I am still young and agile and liking thoughts of romantic bicycling even for day trips and tourism even where film festivals may be dormant, or out of date, - too PC dangerous - too of political correctness run a muck.

God speed to all our still intelligent of earthly humanoids.  The only way to win now may be to not play their game at all.

Sadly, I am a one most aware of besides how sad stale and out of date Mrs. Clinton is despite spiced up and repackaged, and as informed enough on the issues, - especially global and foreign policy issues - to know what Mrs. Clinton cannot say, and, of it that the TRUTH is not an option for #Clinton. 

This is a big clue to how she can only be really just SPAM.  Forward, it seems, I am happier as more just still your entertainer! Don’t you concur?

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