
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:29 am

From the parlours to the sandbox; - let us all gather round now around what can be styled important for culture.

Come as you are, - yet with enough covers a prudent for the elements to be best braced for concurrent for the due lapsing of time.

This American girl is to be prepared all the same though for setting up to be out for a trip - off on a trip!

This American girl, is for our purposes, now to be preparing for a global trip to encompass a visit to the Moscow Russian Orthodox Cathedral - Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow, to Barcelona, Spain, to the Gaudi Catholic Cathedral - Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Familia, to Saudi Arabia - for the mosques at Mecca, and Medina, to Agra, India - to the Taj Mahal, to Paris, France - to the Eiffel Tower, to New York City, America - to Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, and too off course such dolled to be off to London, England - to Saint Paul’s Cathedral.

There is a time limit upon us all - so much is to be done, and in so little time.  This sandbox is a fitting metaphor for how much structure we yet now have to deal with - presently.

There is an evil web trapping too much true from just getting ‘out there’ enough.  There are entangled in this web many caught by lines strung about by falsity and duplicity yet being just held together enough by the truer lines being bent to supporting many lies.

Americans are much caught, and quite a many unawares yet of how many are ‘caught’ or ‘affected’ by whom trapped.

Americans are presently impeded from full efficiency and from any “shining city” or the “Shining City on a Hill” for so much evil is about so many lies still holding fast that darkness and grime doth block what brilliance is possible - of real potential.  As truth is not being allowed to reign in American politics there can be no “Shining City” realized - to shine requires honesty for a brilliance of truth to be what emanate.  Only where truth can endear and endure can there be a brilliance even for white limestone amassed.

Americans now are akin to the British Independence Day as forward now as if June 23rd forthwith from 2016.  The American Independence was to that truth could reign and have structures to secure that it should reign. The American Dream is now much “stuck in the mud” as if merely of a potential of a compromised sand box.  Americans now are also of times of ‘movement’ as the conventional for republic now is much of Americans reorganized as Republicans as of a movement to the WHAT is more important than its WHOM.

Globally Americans must be guarded from attempts by even the compromised Mrs. Clinton, or any of the ‘Clinton Machine’ political henchmen, to mark the face of Donald Trump as if the ‘Republican Movement’ is yet but of one face and such just such as its only face.  Globally Americans must see that these times are of a ‘movement’ that really has no face!

How must any prepare their American girl to be a prepared ‘dolled’ for such a broad travels scope of exposure to cultures?

Likewise, in this year two thousand ten and Six, to Christians so calendar’d, mustn’t we guard ourselves to a latent evil emanating from Mrs. Clinton to that she, while able to be re-packaged, as a plus sized ‘Barbie’ if dollable, and establish for the record, post the United Kingdom 2016 Referendum for Independence, that such even if dollable as an ‘Evil Barbie’ we must consider her sidekick said her “economics expert” should be locked away in a dungeon, - already?

Mustn’t our general perception be that while we equate to queue the record of collateral damage these times of “Evil Barbie” we must now at least accept she missed at least the movement of British for Independence, and, too that her ‘expert’ of their spousal husbandry now must have so failed her too that really there is no place in this world for him but a dungeon?

How must we prepare any American girl for able to travel and be global where just a guest to others in such others’ established civilized habitats?  Can any American girl travel safely now if not recognizing an of the for the republic ‘Republican Movement’ that to have “freedom” you must have “religion” for “freedom of religion” is necessarily a conundrum of likewise akin by disciplines to that it is “freedom of” religion - freedom from just being barbaric - a roughian - a barabarian?

Isn’t the rap of the founding fathers to the “American” that the “under God” is to that truth can reign and to that the “living document” is not the Constitution but the holy scriptures then ascribed to by “Americans” in their disciplines for voluntary morality for affecting self governance?

Isn’t the rap of the founding fathers still to any an American girl wanting to travel of that prudence must lead - must be her leading?

Isn’t the rap of the founding fathers that all people are created equal, where civilizations rationality can endear and endure?

Isn’t the rap of the founding fathers quite contrary to what must have been a lacking of discipline by President Clinton, and Mrs. Clinton as explanatory to how they have been missing “movements” - not just a for republic reset of the “Republican Movement”?

It seems per Britain and a new ‘Independence Day’ that we have the French to look at upon this dollable politicks; - it so seems to her even as a re-packaged necessarily plus sized as if an “Evil Barbie” that she is so old French, and her sidekick to their spousal husbandry, as if now the only appropriate covers for em to as if em are but a Marie Antoinette doll with her significant other appropriately attired in the period’s costume!

As we now are all sufficiently gathered at our “sand box” as yet not a “safe” or “play” zone let us ourselves be sure to stay postured and of the protection premeditated for such exposure as hopefully to each now each sufficiently prepared, allowing for what safety in numbers now may be extant for their broaching of so much so scandalous, but the business forward!

Our American girl, so dolled, now should relate to every good doll of the civilized world as if off to experience the brilliance and “shining amassed” of such a broad travels and scope of an itinerary any so ambitious must think themselves at least learned enough in the ways of global citizens to be able to travel with their Lord and secured to the appropriate level of preparedness for such a disciplined consciousness in faith - and secure, that is, to a suffice in an agreeable voluntary extra-nation organized morality.

Our “sand box” today is apropos to that “LOVE IS LOVE” is “COMPLICATED” and that one’s pride must be in one’s moral discipline if one is to shine, and to shine of any established sanctuary - any a “shining amassed” for a “shining city” HOPE!

It is only for mature adults to be chorus or accompaniment to “all we need is love…” as before any can grow to know LOVE there is much in the way of learning and rearing to appreciate where pitfalls lay to wants more kindred to BARBARIANS!

It is only for mature adults to be chorus and accompaniment to “all we need is love…” as the children are more than just bits for songs of lyrics for “the children are our future” - they are the lot for the masses as inferior and immature - the em not conscious enough of the passions to know until mature enough what is LOVE and what isn’t sans civilized and merely more JUST lust and/or a falling to perversions!

Upon entering the breach now of London of a “British Independence” even the American girl - however dolled - must now be prepared morally and guarded intellectually for the passions to be (incidentally or accidentally) encountered; - there is for our “sand box” how in America Sharia Law cannot be legal due the Constituted pledged to is for due process and regular order for that “Liberty and Justice” is as for ALL. 

The general breach to what though established for European “civilized” is now being set asunder like a structure as if built in shifting sand.  The sands of our times are that of the paradigm to how Sharia Law cannot be legal as an excusing for prejudice or vigilantism because each citizen is to as pledged of allegiance for due process! 

The general breach to what though is now “established” for “European” or of the “United Kingdom” is yet beset likewise by that as long as any state (however yet a “nation”) of the European Union is to that there is “GOVERNMENT” held up as above or equal to the realm of the CREATOR and TRUTH - the realm of religiosity - the realm of religion, there will be that per what may be of the LEVANT as an ISLAMIC STATE that such is like a ‘Peoples Movement for Religious Liberty’ or like a “Muslim Tea Party” firstly.

The proud people of the United Kingdom it is behooving of me to share my American opinion, hopefully global and cosmopolitan as international in think, that you now have started improving the “European Paradigm” by divorcing by the 2016 REFERENDUM for INDEPENDENCE.

The proud people of “EUROPEAN” now yet have themselves left to the problem of this “sand box” concurrent to the British Independence as to be considerate to how much needs to be pared down and broadly established to yet not have such state/nation be structured to being a natural enemy to peoples of ISLAM for how structural to a government as structured to be superior to the LORD!

Any American girl, now however dolled, - as long as not an “Evil Barbie”, now is prudently best beset to being disciplined to understanding and at least trying to also try to fathom that of the “EUROPEAN UNION” are, however a “state” or a “nation”, are like natural enemies to ISLAMIC PEOPLE OF THE LEVANT - of ISIL - of ISIS - of DAESH.

A first less of INDEPENDENCE now for any is that the “BRITISH INDEPENDENCE” may do more to save all peoples of the THE UNITED KINGDOM more than a Union to as if there could be a “EUROPEAN NATIONALIST” core common that now still would not be like a natural enemy for how structured to the very essence of ISLAM of that like of BIBLE and PAUL’S letters it is for all global citizens that they are always to accept and be disciplined to the great TRUTH that each is, unless too corrupt to be fitting arresting - like to justly enslaved, as always under the LORD before yet “under” any GOVERNMENT!

Now the witnessed “news” from American “talking heads” has been corrupted to like being premeditated and as to an attempt to protect said here like an “Evil Barbie” now most fitting a dramatizing as if a MARIE ANTOINETTE REINCARNATE, - with a sidekick; - Its has been erring for any “talking head” to be discussing the movement or the affected of “BRITISH INDEPENDENCE” as if now for “NATIONALISM” for it complicates the ‘for republic’ American “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” as being more in sympathy for being for these united states of the Americas as winning while being years at it - at fighting the “evil” efforts to a “NEW NATIONALISM” of the “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” that President Obama has busied himself at just to keep all the 2008 promises that he and Madam Senator “Evil Barbie” Clinton made.

Any now trying to embrace the pride of the people of the THE UNITED KINGDOM seem best if to avoid letting “NATIONALISM” be broadcast as but what they are of the em of them that sufficed for LEAVE trump’n as so for the record as if the BREXIT was to escape a “EURO-NATIONALISM” that was failing em left to be more just “states” of diminished democratic representation.

The pride of the people of the UNITED KINGDOM have in common with the “for republic” “movement” which Donald Trump is now not even the leader of, nor a solo’d face of, for the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” is older maybe than that D. Trump was yet even sided to it as a “registered” for “republic” as a “Republican.”

These are “MOVEMENTS” akin to each as of peoples united in a fight against “NATIONALISM”!!!

Likewise we are brethren to all the peoples of the THE UNITED KINGDOM now as we must be civilized to that to be defended against prejudice we must avoid any “bigotry of tolerance” but while being sure to be enough to a communal suffice as of disciplined for morality and so from too close to generally “irreligious.”

Not even the entirety of that BRITISH can now endure, as so what American of these united states, if it be that any government is seated or practicing as if it can TRUMP religion - can be superior to “all created Equal” - can be superior as secular!!!

We must be more than to hoping that any American girl, however dolled, if to be abroad and traveling as a “guest” is more than prepared for what is still needed for all “global citizens” is that they have “freedom of” religion and are to a suffice disciplined in some workable voluntary extra-nation organized morality!!!

Right Brits - Free of the “European Nationalism” long to forced and secular:  We have in common now that President Clinton and Mrs. “Evil Barbie” Clinton are best now to covered apropos their inability to be brilliant of TRUTH - and its need to be REIGNING for any “shining city on a hill” and maybe it seems as dramatized as if a “Marie Antoinette Reincarnate” and a side kick “Bill” now most destined at best for a dungeon due missing these “movements” seems near enough proof of corruption to that by scriptures he is at least a one now justly allowed to be “slaved” to the “mainstream” - enslaved - left to imprisoned - left to prison enslavement and prison labor!!!

As we all now reconsider how to regain a reign for TRUTH and any potential for a BRILLIANCE among us it behoove us to see that all youths get reared long enough as protected and guarded to be to not having to make adult decisions as to what “LOVE IS LOVE” means until one has been reared and disciplined long enough, and by whatever rituals prudent, to be civilized from beyond just BARBARIAN and to individually established and ordained to having a constitution in morals - in knowing LOVE from LUST, and LOVING from PERVERSION!!!

Let us now break from our work at the sand box and with it agreed to that we all must forthwith be dedicated, as a best defense against soldiers of religions, from so much NATIONALISM to be to a natural target as by SECULAR GOVERNANCE!!! 

Let us jointly accept a DUTY for all broadly “TRAVELERS” and recognize that TRUTH must have its rank to REIGN - that NATIONALISM is a great ENEMY where it is structured to for SECULAR above RELIGIOUS!!!

Let us jointly accept a DUTY for a guarding from all threats foreign and/or domestic to our constituted as under our LORD before under any GOVERNMENT!!! - Let us be of “LIBERTY & JUSTICE FOR ALL”!!!

And please don’t even let the peoples’ pride of a FREE UNITED KINGDOM escape a rational appreciation, however dolled, of how we are much really now of many firstly prudent to figure a copacetic all the way down to “sand box” Law - to what are “Laws of our Lord” as “Natural Laws” that no “Secular Government” can trump.  These are the days that can spoil any republic, and especially if a people can be tricked or fooled by any trying to be “evil geniuses” to like “doll house” distractions to turn eyes and minds away from how they are collaborating for AUTHORITARIAN power for a ruling class elite, like!!

And, yes, let our MUSIC unite us and protect us! - but let us not forget “all we need is love” does come with a lot of legacy and strings attached to what is a DUTY of the mature to rear and protect innocence of youth - youths.


However, now, firstly let us be prepared from how “HILLARY CLINTON” will try to dress up “DONALD TRUMP” as if the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” he joined, and joined late, isn’t a movement where the “MOVEMENT” is of the “WHAT” more important than the “WHOM”, a just a flash in flat waters of “THE DONALD” more just a face, and not a “LEADER” now rising to help lead a WINNING movement against “NATIONALISM” and its choking SECULAR “economics”!

At home and abroad all should see DONALD TRUMP as one rising with a MOVEMENT and now so not a FACE of a PARTY for there are at least 15 others of rising with such “MOVEMENT” now whom can claim that they too, as of today, could very well most likely also defeat such apparently crooked CLINTONS!

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