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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:06 pm

For starter let us set the scene as of a contested ship and with President Obama no better than Christian Fletcher as but long duped and punk’d by William Blygh, Captain, as by Christian born William Blythe III of Arkansas of the old South.

A “USS PHILLY” is of the now and near future and well dramatized by juxtaposing the post Revolution “HMS BOUNTY” of the storied of a Captain and underlings tasked in United Kingdom commerce to traverse the high sees as of activities of the crown but then commenced but months after the rise of the colonies, - the loss of our “colonial”.

The Democrat Party Convention is set in many ways as to be of an invasion of Philadelphia.  When Barack Hussein Obama was to be inaugurated he departed from Philly and with an irregular new adage of near “America needs a new declaration of independence more now contrary and otherwise as more a Declaration of Interdependence.”

The Democrat Party Convention is set of an opposing side much beyond George Washington and Alexander Hamilton “Federalism” as yet constitutional to of an antagonism to the constituted quite recognizable as now “anti-Constitution”.  President William (Blythe III) Clinton cannot be allowed to arrive in Philadelphia unmolested due his record also so as “anti-Constitution”.  Mrs. Clinton must only arrive as of status accepted when to being Number 2 at the Clinton Foundation as to then being a women who was satisfied with a billing rate but near half per hour that her male spouse, - that as like speaking fees to $1/2 Million per hour for President Clinton and only near a $1/4 Million per hour for Obama’s Secretary of State.

The scheduled Democrat Party convening of Philly for #DNC2016 amounts to as seems as necessarily a planned days of assault upon our actual Constitution.  These Democrats of Power in recent years have shown disdain and antagonism to any swearing to fidelity to the Peoples’ Order - President Obama and at least Mrs. Clinton have both been to proclamations as if their taking of the oaths of offices was a “swearing of Oath” as like less agreed to than if of fingers crossed behind back to negate by gesticulation.  What is amassing for Philadelphia is of leaders who are known to be of proclaiming that they are not beholden to the Constitution and any oath sworn for fidelity to the constituted by the People’s Order done, and amended.

President Obama can be no better than “Christian Fletcher” while likewise of some time on Pacific Islands as if more his home than that of his birth.  What has been quite mutinous these years so of their antagonism to constituted Powers, as limited, is yet to that come convention time what will be yet on display is that President Obama must have never been out from under “William Blygh” - Captain of the HMS BOUNTY - and to it showing how Christian born William Blythe III is long of superior rank exercised over a newer President to that the how President Obama has been punk’d by the Clintons (as sworn rivals) and yet not able to muster a “Fletcher” move as if to overcome how President Clinton has kept him under him from day one.

I don’t know how to place Mrs. Clinton on this as if of the historic mutiny of the HMS BOUNTY so then of setting sail on its commercial mission of the crown near soon after even British General Clinton was to finally departing from the independent republic of thirteen united former colonies.  Yes, the British General Clinton, whom I recall, is storied of at least trying at one plan for an assassination of Thomas Jefferson.

This now so relates to Afghanistan and Iraq and very much so all business of NATO as regards so so much global.

Can a Democrat Party nominee Mrs. Clinton yet posture as if she wasn’t mutinous against President “Christian Fletcher” Obama and yet as if she, despite that having agreed to a valuation as worth half as much as her spouse on matters of what she was the highest American ranked for Diplomacy and International Relations, can yet seem as if but also duped and also punk’d by President “William Blygh” Clinton?  A mutiny seems necessary now just to get to a post-Obama way forward as “William Blygh” is such an as if crowned “proud nail” he is whom has most tripped up any, even his spouse, from yet managing, so far, to establish a posture - a temporary position even - as if em can still be better than more than 1/2 him to even if for Mrs. Clinton if she as a nominee can yet be packaged as even 3/5ths as much a Power as William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton.

Enter an ALL ABOARD attempt for a USS PHILLY to now trumpet DANGERS still present, clear and unclear, of as if come the invasion of Philadelphia by ranks of Clintons there is yet that such will necessarily be for an attack on the CONSTITUTION and as if Christian born William Blythe III blithely as “Bill Clinton” is yet firstly “Captain William Blygh” and to that mutiny at least against the country - the constitution as Union constituted by such People’s Order - will much also necessarily have to rise to mutiny against President William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton.

The missions are complicated to sort out by the scheduled “invasion of PHILLY” - however intra-party mutiny is apparently a requisite if to establish that Mrs. Clinton, however scandalous and reduced, can yet rise to be enough her own person.

NATO has made many mistakes and today is faced with complications of the CHILTON REPORT to attest that in many ways so much is still not adequately understood in historical context because the lies of the Clintons since 1993 have been primarily always self serving firstly, and as if every decision since 1993 was slept on until “Bill and Hillary” could work through what half measures were necessary for “William Blygh” to play a “DOVE” and to that a passage for Mrs. Clinton to rise to President “Captain” Clinton was secured to then as recalled planned to that Mrs. Clinton could be packaged as two as one but different as cast to be “HAWK” - a THE HAWKISH CLINTON.

Such under “Christian Fletcher” Mrs. Clinton has had many albatross fall to then about her neck, due inhumane treatment worked upon innocent so God’s creatures.  The “USS PHILLY” is fitting premonitions set and for scenes of many “albatross” about presumptive nominee Mrs. Clinton’s neck.

We should not blame NATO nor Tony Blair now if ignorant of mistakes President “Captain Blygh” “William Blythe III” Clinton made in 1993 that then set asunder rational and reasonable possibilities for pro-active and effective deterrents from so much that is to some as yet of been of rising predictably from the areas political environments and so to it so contrary to Mrs. Clinton’s long postured defense of like “good enough for government work” and as her mediocrity acceptable for like said it as if true “no one saw this coming.”  President “William Blythe III” Clinton did, as recalled like of a God’s honest truth, did in 1993 set asunder a possibility for solutions by pro-active diplomacy for he set the GULF COUNTRIES COUNCIL - #GCC - forward as committed to lying for the Clintons to partisan renditions as waxed from truth to like always for the entirety of the 1993 to 2001 of being on their HONOR in the ISLAMIC TRADITIONS to be to keeping a promise, despite the facts, to “just blame the Republicans for any or all anti-American sentiments - impositions - injustices.”

We should never underestimate the value - even a real bipartisan value - in President “Christian Fletcher” Obama Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech as to smacking the Clintons for 1993 to 2001 every time he spoke as he did of a core new political message of “DANGERS from INACTION and AVOIDANCE.”  Today’s vast unsettled to greatly established troubled are yet now firstly of what and when to blame as to roots much to that President “William Blygh” Clinton avoided justifiable new actions in Iraq and Afghanistan - and like because for there to be a passage to “USS PHILLY” for “Hillary Clinton” Mrs. Clinton needed to get to play the “HAWK” so in 1993 to 2001 President “William Blygh” Clinton had to be to avoidance and inaction to only present as if the “DOVE” of as if PEACE DIVIDENDS were not irrational and unreasonable (even to “Reasonable Prosecutors”) considering, even in hindsight now, that the claims of justifying “PEACE” for to be a “DOVE” were always “extremely careless” and quite by definition at least to rate/rank as “GROSS NEGLIGENCE”.

Please now busy yourselves with http://CitizenRosebud.com categories for #CATS especially as #KERRY that can some be gotten to via http://bit.ly/KerryByHogan.  [Due how links open to sorted by subject this very column now presents yet again as now newest to such an assorted queued to scroll collection.]

Again some mutiny must be expected and not just by TRUTH SEEKERS of “FEEL THE BERN” as much others than this yet of Philadelphia for Philly in 2016 convening as yet of “democratic socialists” as yet philosophically able to abide legally within actually constituted scope and breadth of the People’s Order that formed the “more perfect” “Union”.

Senator Bernie Sanders is maybe like a Thomas Paine to the mutinies necessary to adjust ranks of the sworn rivals of the “THE HOUSE OF CLINTON” to the authority of the “THE HOUSE OF OBAMA”.  Senator Bernie Sanders has Alexander Hamilton on his “democratic socialist” side in how FEDERALIST PAPERS “Federalist #1″ has a living conundrum as the purpose spelled out of the constitution the People’s Order to that the constituted, besides Paulist as to like the founding fathers were of an apostolic spectacle to the more perfect Union formed as to that like in Paul’s letters every person is under the Lord before ever under a government.  Hamilton justifies Senator Bernie Sanders movement for “Federalist #1″ conundrum is of the CONSTITUTION is for “INDUCEMENTS TO PHILANTHROPY”… and “FOR PRESERVATION… OF PROPERTY”.

Seeming beset but still already crowned as if inevitable as the Democrat Party presumptive nominee Mrs. Clinton is yet of mutiny paradigm and to jeopardy for eventual Justice under the written Laws.  There is mutiny may be the only course for true democratic Democrats as to Senator Bernie Sanders and businessman Donald Trump it seems agreed to and established enough that tag #CrookedHillary is here to stay - an “our flag that still stands”.

To such though if any can find JUSTICE on President “Christian Fletcher” Obama diplomatic records there yet the historical that Senator John Kerry did more to set asunder OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM to that no blaming of Tony Blair nor President George W. Bush should be extant where blame not laid out to how from day 2 Senator John Kerry so with his populism by an “ANTI-WAR REVIVAL” so set asunder the potential for success (as planned) for IRAQ WAR that it he first to be considered diabolically to blame for how the coalition countries from day 2 were faced by IRAQI thought to be to speedily joined for the LIBERATION, and late prosecution of Saddam Hussein, by how “CUT AND RUN” became palpable and believable and to fearing that AMERICANS would leave them ABANDONED all over again - quite again like CLINTONS did from 1993 to 2001.

Further to mark and twain the “albatross” extant there are also bitly sorted available of http://jphogan.org ”THE ELEPHANTS” of via http://bit.ly/DonkeyGong queued to the important sets especially of http://bit.ly/TwoHistories and http://bit.ly/AlQaeda_Hogan and http://bit.ly/MadamSecretary and http://bit.ly/IRAQbyJPHogan.

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[Column as it is is unfinished and a work in progress to be finished by mid or late afternoon on this first Wednesday in the month of July in this year the Year of our Lord two thousand ten and six.  Please check back as often as necessary until finished.]

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