
January 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:39 pm

A first beat for a cementitious pedestrian cracking of the subject of civil rights and how hip if curb’d enthusiastically of Trump now may be sotto voce of better how from G - government to A - autonomous.

An attitude for a striking chord to harmonize a soul of the politics, national and local, might need be to be all about the base.

A first crack at the Dallas Police ambush, as of civil rights writing, should set up, tuned hopefully, to encompass eventually a gestalt devoid of a forced nationalism.

How has the first black President of these united states of the Americas, to his historical core, failed blacks, definitively?

Can we tune up our bands newly to beat a new direction - a change of music - a change of direction - near a one hundred and eighty degree about face sharp reset - to a hope of happy bottoms up with Donald Trump in front of a winning Republican movement?

How hasn’t Barack Obama failed blacks?  How isn’t it that he failed blacks just as Senator Hillary Clinton’s promises,  if likewise those the Democrats as “leaders” otherwise, promised to be to the structural same to the effected same institutionalized nationalized failing?

Blacks are not the only victims but how the Democrats as nationalist leaders moved in 2009 to keep those promises near identically promised of Senator Obama and Senator Clinton does account historically as that there was no plan to help blacks - from the bottom up.

A vote for Hillary Clinton now must be a vote for austerity!  Keeping an Obama or Clinton Democrat to the reigns of administering the ship of state means that “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” must endure to save the planet and to keep up a loyalty to the “GREEN AGENDA” party solutions for said extent of “CLIMATE CHANGE” as of dire “GLOBAL WARMING”!

A vote, even a local endorsement of an Obama or Clinton Liberal, likely must be for “GREEN MINIMALISM” as if the “EARTH FIRST” nationalism only economic option if a MORALITY to be considered and to that the Progressives politics are to have a soul - to have a common good structured morally!

A prejudice against police officers now as we morn the tragic loss of lives of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and the honor call of fallen in public service for Dallas, is most inappropriate given how blues should still beat for Liberty and Justice as of an innocent until proven guilty!

As we progress to the plight of blacks due how President Obama politics set up failing blacks premeditatively and predictably structurally from day one we must see the “GREEN” as the problem forward, primarily, and as we can float a reasonable “just cause” of “extenuating circumstances” of Baton Rouge shooting a grand psychic SNAFU of Sterling at a convenience store of a reported threatening weapon and while it seemed gibberish or a nonresponse with his mother’s name like “win yetta McMillions” seeming insane nonsense of the scene’s spirit.  In Minnesota an officer was committed to a traffic stop for a broken taillight and soon found driver and passenger seeming not complying to produce license and registration while firstly being to saying, each, “he/I has/have a gun” and to instead of the driver moving to produce documents the passenger being said to have a weapon yet then, as one not asked for documents, was to reaching behind his back.  These incidents were escalated from reasonable coverage to that President Obama may have incited by inflaming the police involved shooting incidents to that President Obama must be said/considered to have begot the terror of the “DALLAS AMBUSH”!

The Democrat’s “GREEN AGENDA” was always firstly to secure anew an economic dominance for college graduates and to job security then firstly only for those able to get college degrees.  The rapid fire radical Left agenda, while for a new nationalism for a “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” was from the start an elite ruling class program to move the economy to more college education dependent.  The hysteria worked to effect compliance and assimilation to the “GREEN AGENDA” was always sans benefits for a majority of blacks.

So firstly, let us accept that President Obama is black only helped sell the marching of this radical Progressive program that otherwise is what a President Clinton necessarily was always firstly to beating all into obedience with generally.

“HAPPY BOTTOMS UP WITH TRUMP” has enough soul to now echo of truth - forward!

“UP WITH RODHAM” would necessarily be yet of more forced compliance and assimilation sans benefits for a majority of blacks, - Hillary Clinton must continue structurally in methods of how and why Barack Obama failed blacks.

It is so wrong to blame George W. Bush that now to all he can be a cultural hero akin James Brown as his soul has never been as dark as President Obama has immorally mislead peoples of the world to believe.  It is wrong to rap “ALL BUSH FAULT” even though George W. Bush may still be yet of much fit’n a tag of “IT WAS HALF BUSH’S FAULT”!

There is enough truth and soul in how historically “IT WAS/IS HALF THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” sucht that your vehicle too maybe should have a bumpers sticker to the left and another to the right to read like:

#FreeGWBush >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID

Born of the Southern plantation traditions Al Gore, raised of the tobacco plantation “Master Gore” pedigree, is now one even less to be considered an innocent.  There is too much in how he force marched obedient assimilation to American compliance as with a tyranny of limited solutions for Al Gore not to be a first named to have been to pulling one over on the majority of blacks.

The “Republican Movement” has been now years at advancing to winning battles after battles because it is true there were and are better “climate change” solutions available, - and were and are Republican solutions the radical Progressives as Left Liberals would not cotton to seeing free upon the tables of politics - of any opportunity for regular in order in advice and consent basis for open and free discussions, and debate.

What ever the mistakes President George W. Bush made - as if now he is fit’n tag of rap at least “IT WAS HALF BUSH’S FAULT” - there is yet that the radical agenda of President Obama was always premeditated to structurally disadvantaging the majority of blacks the most. 

As President Obama more innocent economics were more like copying President Bush there is then the conclusion that President Bush must be more innocent than President Clinton by developing the logic to that if Obama copied Bush it must be wrong to copy Clinton.

Here Mrs. Clinton has a contracted problem for she as a spouse is not supposed to incriminate her spouse, regardless of sex!

Here Mrs. Clinton has a big problem for if it was even a little bit contrary historically to “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” however to at least the “IT WAS/IS HALF CLINTON’S FAULT” the truth is not an option and any political decision then, if made by her, must be to avoiding the facts and relevant history, as she would either be of “TREASON” or of contractually violating her marrital promise to not incriminate her spouse. 

Essentially Madam Secretary Clinton was never able to honestly and dutifully serve President Obama for so much in foreign policy was actually of a basis yet in what is/was due errors of President William J. Clinton.  No REALLY!!! We are looking at clear and present “SIMPLE” & “STUPID” developed with evidence!!!

So simply, primarily, the case of the black condition in 2016 for politics is that historically it is very accurate to tag that the first two “FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT” persons are of a record, each, that to its core if that they did fail the majority of blacks more than most Republicans can be asked to properly shoulder any guilt respectively.

Blacks now must think about the “GREEN” as the economics forward must now be that Democrats embrace a forced message to that President Barack H. Obama should be memorialized and immortal as if he a one fit’n “HE SAVED HIS ENTIRE PLANET SINGLE HANDEDLY!”!!!

The only real hope for the majority of blacks now is to see that the “SUPER HERO” theme is stripped from “BARACK OBAMA”!!!


Embrace “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” with new conservationism to sole’d for “MINIMALISM” soul!!!

President Barack Obama may not have been able to ruin so many - at least so completely and quickly - if not at least for the “leadership” of radical Progressive Al Gore!  We should consider if the former Vice President was so radical of Left and a Liberal that now his personal behavior of so much so forced it was of a “SOLUTIONS TYRANNY” is fit’n tag to rap “CONDUCT UNBECOMING A FORMER VP”!!!

The Democrats after the rise of Illinois, of Chicago, Senator Barack H. Obama, to rising barely above the Clintons’ machine, did much force too many, not just the majority of blacks, to sing the blues, - to cry and cry much too.

The only theoretical possible explanation for the “GREEN AGENDA” as so forced and with its “SOLUTIONS TYRANNY” seem now primarily to it only reasonable while prosecuting this issue to conclude that the program of these Progressives was always sans benefits for the majority of blacks.  All People without an elite degree from an ranked institute of higher education was to be more brainwashed away from seeing the foibles and nonsense while compliance and assimilation beat for all.

The Democrats’ economics was never truly “economics” for such was “social engineering” to forcing planned top down centralized prearranged “SOLUTIONS” down on the masses.  The was not “e-co” for “shared humanity” as it was always to a “trickle down” new austerity for a new conservationism to a smaller economy for “GREEN MINIMALISM”!!!

“HAPPY BOTTOMS WITH TRUMP” may now be a liberating soulful tune of believable chords and notation, with room to breath again structured in where discussion and debate is supposed to be a supported right for freedoms to endure, and endear.

#FreeGWBush >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID

The radical ’second black’ President never had helping the majority of blacks as part of the NEW DEAL AUSTERITY!!!

It seems impossible to see it otherwise, now as masses seem of eyes opened wide enough on “BLACK PROBLEM”!!!

The Democrats radical Progressive movement of Left Liberals is the new “FASCISM” as in 2016 “FASCISM” is best defined as a “movement of the left against the original founding principles for a constituted as a “liberal democracy” as for regular order in a structured of due process with advise and consent with honest and open debate.

I attest it should be easier to accept Al Gore as a “FASCIST” before such as the tru’d rap for Barack Obama, though by now not likely, or fairly should the same be said of/for Mrs. Hillary Clinton. 

There goal must have been to force a “GREEN” - “GREEN MINIMALISM” - while their methods since Madam Senator Clinton threatened to seize “ALL OIL COMPANIES’ PROFITS” has been to their common core of AUTHORITARIAN beats for radical DEMOCRATS’ programs.

If now any try to walk a talk of “UP WITH RODHAM” please do consider that redistribution must be still not on her tables of politics as “social engineering” was to a a new “trickle down” faux economics as “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” for “GREEN AGENDA” always primarily sold “GREEN MINIMALISM” in a gestalt, and like never any thing of the radical Progressives as being to turning the economic spigot to a trickle until assimilation to obedience and compliance effected for a new conservationism to save the planet - from said “GLOBAL WARMING” said “CLIMATE CHANGE” dire straits stuck of heading to as if an about face one hundred and eighty degree change of course wasn’t actually possible.

President Barack H. Obama should own, as Madam Democrat Party Presumptive Nominee tag’d Mrs. Clinton also should, that their “GREEN MINIMALISM” must be complied to and even as it was always firstly primarily a program marched for brainwashing less educated so that the future economy was more dependent on “higher” education and “college degrees” and so that “WTF” (Winning The Future) was biased against the majority of blacks by how radical Progressives as Left Liberals did only effect a “GREEN AGENDA” that was structurally for an economic security for those who get a top liberal education by buying into the solidarity of elitism of ranking by top liberal institutions of (higher) learning.

A problem we all have now as regards real issues of #BlackLivesMatter is yet on that each waking by a President Donald Trump will need assuage for “HAPPY BOTTOMS WITH TRUMP” to be structurally re-established as possible by changing the direction and the music essentially to a full about face from Obama Democrats, and Clinton Democrats!!!

The “GREEN AGENDA” has simple ruined too many while sadly the majority of blacks were never given a chance!

The “OBAMA GREEN AGENDA” is your/our enemy!  Yet parity for equality now is of the “Republican Movement” winning on reseting the autonomy for all secured in the Constittution while yet forward any winning solutions for comity must pare to the core on the issue to be queried generally as to if “ARE SUCCESSFUL BLACKS NOT GIVEN BACK ENOUGH?”!

To posture to vote Democrat instead of Republican, forward, one must be to thinking “GREEN” and to owning that the DEMOCRATS GREEN AGENDA was never set up for equality - or quality of think at “CLIMATE CHANGE”!

To posture to vote Democrat instead of Republican, now, seems ridiculous for any for “EQUAL RIGHTS”!

To think “GREEN” now for compliance means one buys into “GREEN MINIMALISM” forward!!!

And, sadly, in a seeming informed historical perspective, as mine, as fit’n a tag as a “civil rights” “writer” still, and as since, for politics, as since at least 1990, - and as since of leading thinking and writing that predates the Clintons 1992 race late entrance, let me attest that another serious flaw with the radical Progressives, as Left Liberals against “liberal democracy” our common core by original intent, is much of that which I attest of their “GREEN” of that it was at least a ten year old plan they commenced with in 2009 despite fresher and better plans were than possible and plausible, - and those we can say yet not considered.

#FreeGWBush? >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID?

It may smart now how beyond “GROSS NEGLIGENT” as if too archaic to rap upon #HillaryClinton there yet is that #TREASON is being seemed as even more archaic to the #FBI to that #Congress may have to specifically ask #DirectorComey to proceed to develop charges now based on readily available evidence, - based at least on the developed evidence in the PUBLIC RECORD!!!

#WTF #FORWARD maybe smarted at not beating “OBAMA FAILED BLACKS” as the damage done is more premeditated and purposeful to be of “FAILED” as implying destruction by “NEGLIGENCE” and not as seems established of CRUSHING by DESIGN to for an assimilation to “GREEN” by a “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” even for “BLACKS” as to needing to obey and comply to a LESS IS MORE essentially inescapable as for a “GREEN MINIMALISM”!!!



#FreeGWBush? >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID?




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