
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:48 am

There can be no intelligent species to matriculate as long as institutions of higher learning do so keep people on the “The Clinton Stupid Train”!

What is desperately needed now is an objectivism - an objectivist - a new generation of objectivists - objectivity!

I.E.:  Hillary Clinton has a Bill Clinton problem - it is not her only problem - it may be her biggest problem - like shouldn’t we do the math and follow the history - should we at least talk about them? - shouldn’t we go “textbook” on em finally and pare em down to statistics - cold hard numbers - at least to a body count of how many can be said became lost souls due Bill’s negligence, as versus due Hillary’s crusades, lies, and also specifically due negligence or incompetence?

“The Clinton Stupid Train” must not leave the station yet now another year!  Boys and girls must do their math for objective standards are their magic wand.  Boys and girls must do their math and as history is now the quick sand of 2016 politics that should be twained by longitude and latitude location and marked posted for perilous if attitudes sans logic and enumeration from Clintons floating false HOPE while each has a record to be developed that, for feminism angle, now demands accounting to how specifically more dead are on Bill’s hands or if more dead are on Mrs. Clinton’s hands.

It has been political madness that has mushed the brains of new generations attempting intelligent matriculation these long years a faux “CLINTON” has been floated while the dark truth rest in at least Bill Clinton deserves “SLICK” tag and every bit of wit in satire sorted via http://bit.ly/SLICKWILLY - http://CitizenRosebud.com #SLICKWILLY #Cat - which now of this as 1st work - the lead satire in “SLICK WILLY” series.

The battle line of feminism in 2016 are definining but hardly drawn as too drawn out is a faux “CLINTON” that yet much is keeping “STUPID” training of young minds kept mush by political railroading away from looking for discernible truth - accountable and vast differentiation by objective enumeration.

It has been political madness! - Ours’ as if of legacy educations by said esteemed bastions of mental activity of a said highest order has been set asunder and corrupted by like old smokey back room deals to teach a convenient story however a false narrative whose math - objective enumeration - if ever endeavored committedly to check would suffice to bare as fictional.

Poor Hillary Clinton with Anthony Weiner story much akin to Bill Clinton sees potential in box of office cigars like Antony Weiner sees Twitter.

Perhaps now any need go to a Catholic University to still be asked to seek and find truth! That though is not what this new satire squib is digging at - digging to hopefully in time; - surely there is at least one building at Harvard University still somehow also dedicated.

We must pare the visuals from drama and staged with costuming down to the core Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton figures - we must dedicate ourselves newly to measuring and remeasuring to see that we get Mrs. Clinton’s numbers down & correctly.

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must break the bubble from the “THE CLINTON STUPID TRAIN” and like find for erudity what seems for “learning” as like “the missing years” of like for “learning” 1993 to 2001 are still like missing years!  BILL CLINTON WAS NOT AND IS NOT PERFECT!  There! I said it!!!

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must ask how bad and guilty the real William Jefferson Clinton is! - we must “find” it to be so! - we all should be in chorus for intelligent measure of “HAVE YOU FOUND THE MISSING YEARS 1993 TO 2001 YET?”!!!

No proper measure of Mrs. Clinton can yet fit the real Mrs. Clinton if we remain sans a discerning of their particular devilishness from 1992 to 2001 and beyond!!!  To get to the “LUCIFER CLINTON” for the Mrs. we must look more now to proffering of ‘THEY WERE RIGHT -WE WERE WRONG’ and to “WE’RE RIGHT -THEY’RE WRONG” put out everywhere for public shaming for essentially setting up a faux smartness devoid of morals of truths - truth actually.

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must ask if we are to learn of the late night pillow talks of President Clinton & First Lady Clinton as to how irreconcilable our history remains due their legacy now is so much floating by lies of long worked false narratives.  Likewise it behoove all to understand that Al Qaeda and the September 11, 2001 attacks didn’t come “outta nowhere” as like as been the institutional taught!  Likewise it behoove all to fathom Al Qaeda of 2001 did much come from and out of the Clintons’ years of ‘AMERICAN ABANDONMENT’ & as President Barack Obama orated eruditely as from of “DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE”. (See:  Barack Obama Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech!)

So again:  Surely there must still be one building at HARVARD UNIVERSITY still engaged in seeking and finding truth! Right?

Simply we must get people off the “THE CLINTON STUPID TRAIN” and to masses - lots - whole schools of people still “intelligent” - the very person next to each right now - brought to acceptance at least of an extant to “THE MADNESS OF KING BILL”! - and as real feminism is begging around the candidacy of MRS. CLINTON to know now if it can be true that the CLINTON FOUNDATION was yet established so that BILL CLINTON had the facilitation to be a “puppet master” and to that his spouse was yet never more than “organized” and “operated” as a “CLINTON PUPPET”!

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must now, however so very very lately, ask, and yet also answer, to discern the accurate body count for BILL CLINTON and for MRS. CLINTON and to back to January of 1993 - and - - - WARNING - - - and to so encompass all that died on September 11, 2001 and later due injuries on September 11, 2001 and too all that perished later due on September 10, 2001 all President George W. Bush had was still much that which he had inherited from the CLINTON ADMINISTRATION, - and quite to that maybe as never before a new President was saddled for a tough ride a rough ride due the previous President had worked from having numerous options and opportunities to settle more peace to having left the next President maybe fewer than a single option for timely resolutions!!!

As we commence to if intelligent and matriculated yet ponderances forward this times beg us to ask and answer to that reason can triumph as to a suffice of truth even if it means the faux “THE PERFECT CLINTON” falls and enough now “learn” it was ridiculous to ever teach or believe you learned “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” for when you get to the devilish - the Devil in the details - the REAL HILLARY CLINTON - you must accept the evidentiary to that both Clintons now like have a reservation with HELL and to the lowest rings of the INFERNO - to as DANTE stars of the worst magnitude and lowest rank; - you must accept that forward the truth lieth nearer “IT WAS AT LEAST HALF THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” and - - - WARNING - - - such encompasses and specifically means also a fault of and for the Al Qaeda attacks on September 11, 2001!!!

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must ask how bad and guilty the real William Jefferson Clinton is! - we must “find” it to be so! - we all should be in chorus for intelligent measure of:



                 *       *       *       BEWARE !!!      *       *       *

[Considerable yet still a diagnosis in progress - do check regularly for further development of accountability for pathology - the work of persuading that masses are due to be to gettin’ past the smoke and to the math - an objectivity - doth endure - a ‘rap due within hours - stay tuned in.]

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