
October 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:01 am

We need to see the dead people!

As case can be made to that Donald J. Trump is attempting to finish the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Martin Luther - but as a Presbyterian: - It seems we must key seeing two that died on July 4th in 1826.

We need to see beyond just seeing Alexander Hamilton as hip!

Though the metropolis heeled/curbed set are 2016 cosmopolitan of class struggles we have to accept these may be among the last to step out and rock the politics of that we have been heading in the wrong direction for too long.

Akin to the metropolis cosmopolitan 2016 conundrum would be that essentially we must now change the music!

To right ourselves from too long off course and at least near broached it is imperative that we tag the drum beats of Barack H. Obama of too majored in steering us off course!  To parlay the politics of music perchance we accept such has been too long cliche and cliche Socialist - too “Old Stalinistic” marched! - too sans the hip of at least Alexander Hamilton as “Publius” in Federalist Paper #1 as keyed that the People’s Order a constitution is for “inducements to philanthropy” and “preservation… of property”!

“HAPPY BOTTOMS UP” is the life long business struggle dynamic still core to TRUMP now as a candidate.

A “LIBERATION” is cored to such dynamism even indivisible from the “PRESIDENT TRUMP” promise.

The “LIBERATION” is in that the life long human story now can only bear fruit if the new “music” rises bottom up - and ’street’ cool/hip.

I posture that all should prepare themselves for TRUMP delays akin to working an engagement and sagacity SOP of disciplined patience to wait for the new good music to rise bottom up.

What may be the chord or beat apropos a restoration to righteousness and practiced common morality?

What can be the hook - how for beat tragic and dire Barack H. Obama rap - to cover the wrecked havoc of so many years wasted with cacophonies discordant as forced measures clamors stacked for “Obama Comrades” of beatings to a crony elite ruling class solidarity effected tonage?

I posture newly we need to see the dead people!

The trump in the “THE TRUMP” is as restorative of “again” for “America” as constituted by the People’s Order done in the “Year of our Lord” whence so soundly and definitively as a formed “more perfect Union”!

For your liberation which beat is your own best tool? which dead person’s harmony can fit your melodic patriotism?

Pitty the fool who knoweth not their “A” game now best to also reconnoiter the triptick souls’d of our Pilgrims & Mayflower, to the Plymouth Plantation, but of score’d to a commonality as also of the times but different conditions to the risen works of Oliver Cromwell, and also Rene Descartes.  Yes! a “Cartesian” gestalt might help any calculable scoring.

There yet is the one soul common to “Dana” and “Kimberly” to synchronize forward with progressing beats of the Republican Movement; - Dana Plato as “Kimberly Drummond” - may she rest in peace - fits to if to doubt Donald J. Trump Republicans as the success of Donald J. Trump up from like a Queens’ Presbyterian orchestration now is yet for cites of precedence set but that Donald J. Trump here to fore has been “succeeded” near only a the scale and scope of Plato’s “REPUBLIC”; - Donald J. Trump has been a builder of buildings and communities - even neighborhoods - but yet is he proven as a keeper of a nation.  Donald J. Trump will need a “Willis” and an “Arnold” for his winded, beaten, & stroke’d new improved “different” for these ways to have the will’d.

For Donald J. Trump to amount to more than the limited of Plato’s worked he must be keenly seen as for “movin’ on up” for any who think they can survive the itches of responsibility in trying to find if able to take the heat of riches.  The “New GOP” may hoot and holler also with “TRADING PLACES” while not em must prove themselves for “LIBERATION ECONOMICS”.

Actually most voters, if they have heard of Jack Johnson or read enough of F. Scott Fitzgerald, should be sympathetic for TRUMP business dynamic of that every morning as a properties operator as souls stir newly of “bottoms up” there may yet be alarms and sirens harkening at least of a too demonstrable “Eloise” roaming the halls mischieviously or a “Dennis The Menace” too proudly loudly apparently in violation of the Mann Act.

America, to be great again, now essentially must learn to come to terms with a great embarrassment for Harvard & Harvard Law School as it seems self evident now that the “first black President of Harvard Law Review” to this very day is still somehow, by nature or corrupted nurture/guidance/teaching, of having, it seems, NEVER read the Constitution correctly.

“O” Barack H. Obama will be haunted by #Its_O_not_o for the rest of his life!  The Constitution only makes sense as with preamble “Order” a noun and for that reason as capitalized.  The proper reading of the Constitution is akin to how the Republicans have protested for decades as to that it cannot be the “living document” as Democrats protestant for as because “Order” is of “O” and not “o” it reads as “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union/…/done/…/Year/of/our/Lord”!

Essentially it has been necessary, while technically treasonous, for the Clintons to posture as if in a “post Constitution” new “order” and for President Obama to proclaim, even during his 2nd inaugural, that he “wouldn’t feel beholden to the oath of office” he just swore to be!  The Democrats have failed for by not knowing the proper reading of the Constitution they have thought it necessary to try to reinvent the wheel and now obviously have greatly failed!

The Constitution cannot be read for a “living document” as attempted, and yet progressed to ill effect now so long, in part because to the founders the work for the People’s Order to constitute the new better Union was like a apostolic spectacle - and so of humbly respecting that the scripture of “our Lord” set was at least by the King James Bible the “living word”!  It seems critical that to join in “Make America Great Again” we too must be so respectful and to that the People’s Order was constituted to be harder to amend or void than it was/is to edit and revise an edition of the Bible.

Sadly so much has gone so wrong by that the Democrats Left Liberals seems to have read to read what they wanted to read and missed reading truly to the only way the entire document can make sense.  It was/is lazy reading and “interpretation” to posture as if the preamble as the legend and key by which all that follows must be measured is ever as if just as “in order to…” and weak as like a loophole for Executive tyranny by Executive Orders as if “legal” if something just seems “more perfect”!

E.G.:  Take healthcare - for example:  Democrats if read the Constitution correctly would have avoided all these years of trying to create a “right to healthcare” for such is in the Republic already as constituted “under God” and to that what Democrats have come up with actually violates the First Amendment.  By the accurate Republican traditional reading of original intent everyone already with religion then already has a right to healthcare as health of souls is one of the oldest establishments of religion. Hence Republicans have been logical and faithful to the genius of the founders by working contrary to Liberals’ efforts for centralized secular Socialism by insisting that faith based solutions are affordable for existing structures, if now too dust covered, are yet already available. It is at least Christian and for crisis redistribution among communities how every religious American already is constituted of a equal right to that of healthcare of that of yet society together at discerning understanding of how God or the Devil is yet in the relative details.

I.E.: Consider the Obamacare irony:  By the powers vested in “ACA” the confederate republic of these unites states of the Americas has mere laws boldly contrary to Constituted prudence with Religious Freedom & separation of church & state.  By the powers vested in “ACA” if the Federal Government goals was actually “affordable care” it would/must mandate all citizen subjects voluntarily commune weekly, at least, for lite calisthenics of sit, stand, kneel, prostrate, sit, kneel, prostrate… and with aerobic work out of song with community harmony, however that day able to achieve heavenly harmony, by singing mixed in with meditations by readings and tough “medicine” with guilting & public shaming.  For healthcare to be ever affordable it must be likewise of all spokes in helm’s wheel of state of each part of community in services together as equals - as of rights to their work as individually as critical a spoke to keeping the wheel of community true - trued.  Essentially “Obamacare” must be UnConstitutional for that it gives the Federal Government the Power to mandate that subjects must (voluntarily) commune as to believe in each other that together in faiths they can yet be upstanding and moral (compliant assimilated subjects) citizens.

A simple Constitution teachable note:  It is easier to find GOD in the Constitution than that the Clintons, nor any other, have a right to be of an imperial authoritarian shadow government (such as Clinton Global Initiatives apparently has proceeded since organized)! It is ridiculous pure fiction any interpretation likewise effecting for there in Article 1 is the prohibition from titles of nobility and as well by Section 9 Paragraph 8 powers vested in Congress to highest standard low bar of “whatever” to audit and approve even the least seeming just personal emoluments for any banking on offices of trust.  To see the prima facia of “Clinton Shadow Government” think of Clinton Foundation annual meetings as synchronized to United Nations gatherings and to that it like mandatory to also attend presiding by “King Clinton” of “CGI” holding court even if just firstly primarily generally posturing as if President of the World promoted from having earlier been just President of the United States.

Sadly Mrs. Clinton’s foible related can be summed out as like Mrs. Clinton did as her good book said (Alinski’s) and with false “messiah” Obama did effectively get control of healthcare, and killed off their God.

Donald J. Trump may not have a past as one who has created rising tides yet he does relate as one who has like built sound vessels to be party to “rising tides” and has shared methods via books to others keen to building “boats”.

Even concurrently Donald J. Trump is more building a vessel for a ship of state on the “rising tide” now building long of that real and concrete as the “Republican Movement” as encompassing restorative by Tea Party sweated!

Donald J. Trump doesn’t need to know how to create an economics rising tide for how America is constituted sets up a natural dynamic for such to occur! - - - if not actively impeded!

As we individually should ponder which dead people we need see and respect newly the core common to all is “freedom” is “of” religion for religiosity is what amounts an any as above barbarian or animalistic barely.

Every core to the great American is of that of sans borders (spirit) is of religion while that which is of property rights and of borders then is that which is of government!

As we pick through the dead people and decide which has kept best we are all together wise to respect a conundrum of the founders at an apostolic spectacle by constructing the People’s Order as respectful of that economics of Adam Smith amount to a reinterpretation of two Corinthians - 1 & 2 Corinthians, and the jist of all of Paul’s letters!

Donald J. Trump is shouldering the cross of responsibility all free people must!

Corinthians, however “re-interpreted” economics of “Invisible Hand” economic theory, speaks as the founders established and ordained of that to be for growth economics a underlying foundation of community must exist of people able to sing together!

Simply Donald J. Trump needn’t try to reinvent the economics wheel!

He can helm a steadying of the ship of state if America can be America again!

That what is of sans borders (of spirit) is then of “religion” is yet the common core of Paul’s letters and also the economic theory as a “re-interpretation” of such - that by Adam Smith.  Liberation is still possible as naturally constituted if we can sing together at a sustaining community level and practice of that the first ruling “self interest” of a humanoid in economical moral capitalism (redundant! - Capitalism in theory is moral!) is to firstly choose “community” (safety in numbers) a secondly choose to be moral within “network” (not to shooting oneself in one’s own foot or wallet)!

                 *       *       *        BELIEVE!       *       *       *

[This is a work in progress I feel no pressure to finish before Friday evening.  I hope to get enough down now to establish the core spine for the economics politics dynamic - and yet as now the weather presents as a rare last day to get out on my 1982 road bike and spin the shoreline of Milford for a few hours of sweating out last nights like carbo loading.  Please check back regularly, and opine via social media if you think you can help the revolution - the Republican Movement even.]

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