
October 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:17 am

There comes at least one time in a snookered person’s life where they ask if there may be somewhere a trump available to them to get over a “too stupid”!

A worst thing, at this moment, that seems able to be discussed about Donald Trump is that of he is repping that it takes one to know one and as like a reformed old Democrat now standing tall and shouldering a fight against tyranny over minds - standing tall for “law and order” as a one willing to be the new sheriff in town.

Let us discuss what he is willing to stand tall against, still; - let us do a reckoning to how diabolic the threat is.

Hillary R. Clinton is of great debates fails every time she lashes upon Barack Obama as if he should be ever of insulted by Donald J. Trump maneuvers to have him release legal documents detailing the time and place of how conceived a bastard Soviet Studies love child of a pepper & salt vicissitudes incident of yet of what may have been his mother of prior consent to conceive him as a son as property to a tribal Kenyan Muslim father by a second “wife” acquired to his “house”.

Hillary R. Clinton misrepresent Barack H. Obama every time she assaults the Trump name as if such was effecting an insult upon him. The birth certificate - the legal document eventually released - did confirm he was conceived before his birthday of a mother it seems who consented to be his father’s Tribal Kenyan Muslim “wife” number two to his Kenyan “THE HOUSE OF OBAMA”.

Hillary R. Clinton misrepresents how Barack H. Obama so proudly represents himself with his memoir “DREAMS FROM MY FATHER” as, to Donald J. Trump credit, he seems of posturing that he, however born in America, is to be thought of and supported as if firstly of his father and so firstly by his scribed memoir’s direction to be essentially Kenyan, tribal, and Muslim firstly - however also carried as some Christian.

Donald J. Trump was of the essence of the man as a lawyer - and so righteous - for as a lawyer of coy ploy chicanery by attempts to carry forward interest in his ‘uniqueness’ by keeping a deal in negotiation by delaying closure for closure of a deal requires, for any smart in arts of deals, to have those contrary clauses exposed and corrected.

Barack H. Obama has been a bad lawyer though in ways politicians may like to call being a clever and successfully duplicitous politician - in their “private” speech, not in their intentional “public” banter.

What has been of insulting to President Barack H. Obama isn’t as storied as if insulting by Hillary R. Clinton; - the insult upon Barack H. Obama is for having been a bad lawyer and to being likewise in such mold to being since 2008 trumping of Hillary R. Clinton yet to being likewise as bad a President as her promised was trapping to her only too able to be.

It has been the winning “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” that has brought Donald J. Trump from the Democrat Party folds to against their tyranny over minds as against the new fascism as now too of the Right as against his old Left and only by years and years of dedicated work at actually upholding the spirit of the oaths taken to defend the Constitution from “all enemies foreign and domestic.”

The dangers lay not in Barack H. Obama as self structured to requests to be considered as if more of Kenyan and tribal of his father’s patriarchy than that how he has been contrary to the Constitution and a domestic - right! NOT foreign - threat to the Constituted, and, as boldly so contrary for it is public knowledge in the public domain that he has loudly and quietly attested to not feeling “beholden” to defend the People’s Order as done in that “Year of our Lord” ordained and established.

The ‘DANGERS’ lay in Barack H. Obama is a “bad lawyer” and as confessed to of premeditated affecting as against the Constitution, however he is less threatening due the scandalous (, especially for the times) nature and details of his birthing, and beyond just as such certifies the timeline to that he was conceived a bastard Soviet Studies love child maybe of his mother’s consent that he be forever firstly the property by the second wife in the “HOUSE OF OBAMA” of his father.

Because of the memoir by Barack H. Obama “DREAMS FROM MY FATHER” Hillary R. Clinton is more insulting the intelligence of President Obama than Donald J. Trump has ever been by asking for contrary clauses to be removed from his “O” dealt by a lawyer Barack H. Obama of published notoriety and pride akin to asking to be thought to be more tribal, Kenyan, and Muslim by his like work - ‘dreamworks’!

What is in his perversion from regular order and originalism of these united states of the Americas as organized as a confederate republic for to be a liberal democracy is that which the “Law and Order” movement is standing against, and will with whomever next carries the standard if and when passed from as shouldered now by Donald J. Trump.

“Crooked Hillary” doesn’t do justice to their vast collusion and conspiring to set asunder the constituted to usher in more of an empire for AUTHORITARIAN control by a ruling class Liberal elite as yet essentially a the “THE NEW FASCISM” as a the “NEW TYRANNY” as over minds of men and women, and especially children - everywhere.

In 2016 the political lingua franca to best document the effecting politics of the combined efforts of Barack H. Obama and Hillary R. Clinton, as of them since 2008 spun promised as trapped to be to to just be to keeping their promised, is that they have been to premeditated threats of the domestic nature as committed in mind and body to setting asunder the Constitution as if because inconvenient it can be trampled.

In 2016 the political lingua franca that best documents that actual common core of Barack H. Obama and Hillary R. Clinton doth extend far beyond a simple rap as #TheBadPresident “THE BAD PRESIDENT” for in this year it must be reasoned to that “FASCISM” is now best defined as a movement of the Left as for AUTHORITARIAN Power for a ruling class Liberal elite to have Powers as the Authority of “FINAL SOLUTIONS” and as such is in public and private records to that they of the “Democrat Party” are now dedicated in a joined opposition to fundamentally against that these united states of the Americas were subscribed as ordained and established “done” to be for a “liberal democracy” of a loose federation of states by constituted as organized by the People’s Order (Yes! Preamble “Order” is a noun a synonym like as for “constitute”!) as to be a confederate republic.

It is indisputable that the legacy of “President Barack H. Obama” is firstly that he by definition has been as “THE BAD PRESIDENT” at least incidentally for the rap is true that he has been a “bad lawyer” by not practicing due process and regular order and to that he wasn’t even practicing the subscribed core of the constituted by the People’s Order that it be a protection from all “tyranny over the minds of men” and from that today especially as rappable as of “FASCISM” as currently a “movement of the Left” as purposefully anti-Constitution.

J. Peter Hogan’s, me, of mine posted just today, as confirming to such a history if of http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan and of “WALL” mostly posted as “PUBLIC”, for example to that is:

#CSPAN  #cspanchat #Election2016 #TP2016 ~ When #GreenAgenda recognized as of ‘a tyranny over minds of men’ of #ClimateChange a new  #FASCISM as of elites effecting to be the authorities to #AUTHORITARIAN tyrannical isn’t it #Trump and #ThePeople who forward must be seen as them more right?  However climates are changing doesn’t change that the #politics of the day are of a #Democrats as #FASCISTS to saying ‘our way - or else’ and to that #Republicans are said to as have been en masse against protecting the environment even as but have been against forced marching to adherence to solutions as only as if #Dems can offer the FINAL SOLUTION.  CitizenRosebud.com #StrongForTruth #HOGAN”

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[As I have posted and publicly shared via my social media platforms as publicly available to the internet eco-systems “THE BAD PRESIDENT” “#TheBadPresident” of TheBadPresident.com and http://bit.ly/TheBadPresident are now of holding usage to yet be for a pared down from over 6,000 pages in book form maybe as soon as early or mid 2017.  What is read here is some in response to a query to if such dot come was “up?” - up yet. Material here available is just part of the “BAD” story.]

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