
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:00 am

A first supposition to consume is that Hillary R. Clinton just rubbed too many people the wrong way!!!

The cake is baked!  Hillary R. Clinton just didn’t see enough coming - didn’t see the horror shows premonitions though such was her job to get done!

New York City, you of Democrats solicitations are not alone! - You’ve been liberated! - You’re saved from a looming descent to “GOTHAM” - devolutions!

The problems forward for Republicans to shine and glow of a “shining city on a hill” brilliance now are concurrent to the issuance of Donald J. Trump; - Does the future of these united states of the Americas now depend on if Donald J. Trump can stay in the lines of as if out of a time machine and for Liberty as stepping out as either George Washington or Thomas Jefferson, or as either Alexander Hamilton or James Madison.

To shine - to renew and brighten from how Hillary R. Clinton abraded and dulled by rubbing too many the wrong way - mustn’t we collectively consider civility concordance consistent to the consecrated as constituted now is asking Donald J. Trump to be of the bodies electric secured of that to be to “shining” an electric brilliance must be of from bodies to honesty & electric in truth?

To shine - forthwith forward furtively, and foundationally, frankly - Aren’t we at “father” Trump must present daily as if stepping out as a founding father revisiting their ordained and established created Order “done” in humble under God dedication in such past “Year of our Lord”?

To shine - restoratively reset regarding revolutionary reposits, remedially - respectfully it is significant that Donald J. Trump also forward does present as if so “modern” is like in the THE JETSONS, and accustomed to at least the now available flying cars!

It is what it is!  Scary is what we have been brought back from the edge of! - Scary is what coulda/whoulda been if Hillary R. Clinton had amassed enough collaboration to a post election lede: ENUF CROOKED! - CROOKED HILLARY TRUMPS!

We have been turned back from, and saved from the abyss!  Some may now sadly do an about face and blindly turn back to a fateful short plank conundrum diabolical.  Some should be vigilant to try to save even these near lost souls of having believed too much that which was so “crooked” it was never safe to ever have believed!  Some must teach and shepherd to a learned to a suffice from that which was at best just RIDICULOUS as posited for machinations for CLINTON-KAINE.

Doesn’t Donald J. Trump now just need be the kindly gentle giant surrogate father to the new Tea Party & Constitutional restoration dedicants?  Needn’t Donald J. Trump essentially, to shine, now just be as if George Washington or Thomas Jefferson as a reincarnate or revisiting?

It is baked in Hillary R. Clinton’s pudding that baked in her cake is that hauntings will persist as from her resume to rise and gather darkly dark spirits as if here to stay of her while in Purgatory and likely fated to maybe a new 8th level of Hell’s inferno!

The basics for any “THE SHINING CITY ON A HILL” is of bodies electric even as Walt Whitman strung a poetic around embattled “Captain” President Abraham Lincoln, and the Civil War.  It is from humanoids gathered in morality of Lord’s Law of a unity in honesty from such as an electric brilliance can endure to emanate as if of actual structuralism.

It seems Donald J. Trump need not posture as if Moses to Barack H. Obama as a self proclaimed Messiah; - Important - most important - forward to a restoration for the brilliance of original constitutionalism is how key it is President Trump be firstly scholarly as if akin to founding fathers and their prudence and exercised as an apostolic spectacle affected.

I do not know if President Trump is better now as if it is 1800 all over again as per prudence & jurisprudence, nor if being of George Washington by his prefacing by his first inaugural begun “Among the vicissitudes incident to life…” is to a better polite to a more workable civil, nor if President Trump can be either as on Moses & the Ten Commandments without much being to like snatching an embodiment specifically of Alexander Hamilton or the John Jay of such critical essays as of the opening salvos by the THE FEDERALIST PAPERS!

Flying cars are here and an inevitable ingredient to any and all for the republic infrastructure allotments debates and votage.

The issuance from Hillary R. Clinton “resume” will haunt as dark spirits rise and amass of so much of an on Earth and yet in Purgatory political reality of the fall of the THE HOUSE OF CLINTON.

Infernal is that there ever was a 2016 “HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT”! - The apparatus and machinations for “CLINTON-KAINE” have not, nor ever can, amount to as if by running (for cover) (of strategery by campaigning depended on like the criminal defense playbooks) the legacy of Mrs. William J. Clinton become scrubbed to as if now and forward of all the darkness bleached out to that Mrs. Clinton could be postured as if a clean white & girded as if all haunting dark spirits of Hillary R. Clinton resume were not co-existent and incontrovertible from “crooked” and guilty!

It likely won’t be wise for Donald J. Trump to try to be me! - President Trump mandate is to be maybe a founding father reincarnate, and a gentle giant, of dedication to the simple truth of that our originalism constructs of the Constitution as the People’s “Order” “done” in “Year of our Lord” maintains, -again self-preserves - such that Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton, Madison, & even Jay can be of guidance and to a lightness in being in opposition to Clintons’ dark extant of pregnant or bloated of souls dark of Purgatory & Inferno - of comedy of that essence of the realm of the energies electric of divination - the divine - the divined!

It likely won’t be wise for Donald J. Trump to try to be a like rapper to endure as a “Biggie Hogan” as a rival to #HAMILTON by across the space time continuum! - So much now are triggers to me as of that akin maybe to a poet’s conditioned of from real world exposure to of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome - #PTSD - if I were to even try to be me - the me President Trump could be if it weren’t also available to him to be reincarnate of the great minds and soul’d of these united states of the Americas original consecrators extradinaire! - Much as we are now here abouts in real time equates to a deja vue possible traumatic to myself if to re-engaged to the officialdom of governance devoid the flexibility and agility of the arts realms! - Much as President-Elect Donald J. Trump now is tasked to render and serve forward is of that to me of my real work to such was done before 1992 - to set up to working, as Clinton 1992 win attests, and then as I viscerally sadly bore witness to of such HOPE and OPPORTUNITY now as concurrent to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN is yet to that of which I succeeded to USA as again too whence and of then it that William J. Clinton & the machinations of the “Clinton Machine” did by their devilish hands for years decisively set asunder.

Simply the HOPE & OPPORTUNITY to cakes of the future when empowered of the President Donald J. Trump sworn and rededicated are of the darkness of Hillary R. Clinton must be thoroughly sifted and to the dark energies obstructive to a new “shining” must get sifted out! - President Donald J. Trump must reset to the 1992 election and be of win as if how won unexpectedly by the THE HOUSE OF CLINTON and then to proceed, yes, - not as if me - as but to being again to of the original recipe as by a sole d.o.d. or a smorgasbord, or a worked ratatouille of a harvest’s bounty.

Donald J. Trump doesn’t need to be me! and, it yet remains a conundrum of if he and these united states of the Americas do now forward have a parallel need for me, an also now LIBERATED, to yet shine again as me being firstly me, and of saved from a daily fight of decades, - an at times traumatic struggle - of defenses needed daily to stand against the Clintons and their machinations to of effecting successful and failed attempts to succeed by absconding to popularity by thefts and misappropriation and misuse of that originally and still my own intellectual property!!!

You are now asked to become learned to a suffice to be so then educated enough to be able to reason a position - reason to a position on how President Donald J. Trump though throughout the campaigns was of likewise to the public “Strong For Truth” me is yet now pre-positioned to be more as if a founding father on Moses than as if Moses to the Obama black Messiah!!!

By Dante Alighieri’s divine humor it seems Hillary R. Clinton is not an alone of the THE HOUSE OF CLINTON to be like cast incontrovertibly to be forward cast as reserved to the domain of Lucifer and to that we should now all reason if due the vast dark spirits that rise of Mrs. Clinton resume if we are not now of a times of so much so contrary & diabolical as having been politically exercised conversely to Constitutionalism such as that there are reservations for the Clintons as fated to shine not - and walk a fated of Purgatory to as if not in Hell yet for an fitting “EIGHTH” level is still just under construction!!!

Are we now though at that it is best that President Donald J. Trump effect governance as if it is 1800 all over again? - Aren’t these times of hankering for Jeffersonian Republicans and for how he stood tall the compliance for the TEN COMMANDMENTS even as his work to such was of a special “Jefferson Bible”?

It seems incontrovertible that we’ve been LIBERATED and turned from fated to join a condemned thee as THE HOUSE OF CLINTON! - Forward let’s use respect (as Thomas Jefferson worked it?) that religion is firstly self-governance of that of the apostolic spectacle that the founding affected was of that the TEN COMMANDMENTS are the codes for the bodies electric and the recipe for HEAVEN ON EARTH, and as so for at least 3 religions - as at least of Jews, Christians, & Muslims!!!

Forward rub: - Of that our fine and glorious originalism is of our “code” as it such “code” is essential and of written as still the Law which enables there to be such of that of bodies electric as not condemned certain and of structuralism possible to even a nation’s capitol as able to be facilitated to be of good shining?  Of that we’ve been LIBERATED from rubbed errantly?

Forward rub: - It is what it is!  Our “code” is of we share across religions & religiosity that Lord’s Law is our Moral Law our Nation is also humbled as set under!  “Bible “nonsense” equals liberalism - not immoral lies!” & as “PRACTICE CHRISTIANITY IN SUFFICE TO NONSENSE!”  The BIBLE is among the “living documents” that our Constitution was set as harder to amend or nullify than, and, now forward our “Politics” are to stand against government over-reach and of the beat to notes to that the People are to now consider if “King James” edition of the BIBLE isn’t too out of date, at least!

Forward rub: - The Supreme Court “decided” on equality of marriage rests as so on point to that the scriptures are to be the “living document” the the Constitution the People’s “Order” of for that which is not of establishments (tenets) of religions; - The Justice is rededicated even by same sex marriage ruling to that the “living” work isn’t finished for at least the #KingJames edition hasn’t been rectified to concurrent vicissitudes to be adjusted to rule on that many people now are to live even 75 years longer past the trials of discovery of youth become settled, and individuals to having “discovered” a immutable “self” to endure and endear as their’s (fated?)?

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