
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:36 am

Never has so little needed to be done by so few for so much needed to be done!  Who doth protests on Donald J. Trump wrongly?

What is the “is to” to Donald J. Trump as a “Law and Order” leader but maybe that Barack H. Obama was merely an “Orders and Dictum” presider?

Through his fault President Obama carried on fundamentally errant to the prudence in pedestrian “American”!

Through his fault President Obama postured and postured of fronting “American” in a misguided speak/think!

The abyss was to be crossed to if threshold broached in November in our Year two thousand ten and Six to ledes broadcast across old and new media of like “ENUF CROOKED! - CROOKED HILLARY TRUMPS!”.

Though now we haven’t, as a nation, slid down this rabbit hole of an abyss, recently so near & ominous, we are precipitously close to the issues of the risks, still, and tasked for Posterity of a duty to understand and fathom what nearly was, - to the darkest elementals considered.

What is the “is is” of racism forward into the post-Obama era of unshackled and liberated awaiting?

A first “Law and Order” problem forward abides in the logic of Lord’s Law morality - in Moral Law basics:

Forgiveness for the “CROOKED” in “#CrookedHillary” is a dangerous proposition - a most dangerous if effected!

Forgiveness for the “CROOKED” will remain premature until Mrs. Clinton presents the essence honestly of how BAD the BAD is, to great enumerated accounting, of any which she may hope to have “forgiveness” as regards!

Racism must not be confused as the primary issue forward as we cotton to a new United States Attorney General!

Racism must not be confused with Moral Law standards and Constitutional especiality webbed out to well networked!

Due Secretary Hillary R. Clinton was of little lingua franca essence while tasked to be diplomatic a tag as a “worst ever” may visually stick to her forward quite dramatically as if responsibly cartooned a justly tarred & feathered?

The greatest failure and errant ways of the Obama Administration roots to a common rotten core of dictum of convenience yet lacking in consideration, and enumeration for mental health clarity and Posterity through truth & clarity connective fibrocity.

President Obama & Secretary Clinton are to be tagged and mashed forward for a vast and diabolical failure as due a historical rendition to of having been bad with language and loose with words!

Errant in their ways these two, though just part of the complicity party, have much to just try to atone for and attempt a accomplishment to being somehow to a suffice as penitent.  Firstly their biggest error was essentially, devoid of the political motives, dominant as of having governed as if God is not in the Constitution - even as the idea of a Lord above like the holding anchor.

To placate the random “HATE” “HATERS” momentarily let me posture that Donald J. Trump now too has an idea for “FREE COLLEGE” if he enumerates most “students” concurrently have cases against their institutions of “higher” education to sue for a refund even as they accept a diploma - to sue on grounds of having been grossly mislead and mistaught to believing what is now self-evident nearly of Democrats Liberals of having “governed” so devoid of a fibrous for “reason” they amount more to having been rascals, not teachers.  Whoops!!!  Well maybe showing “HATE” misplaced can placate some!!!

There is no where to run to - there is no where for such taggable as “rascals” to hide!  It is modern that their failures are now already mashable and to endure to a scandalous incontrovertible their rap.

To placate, or not:  Take how we must now, where ever, discuss how the Democrat(ic) Party has their rascality sticking to them as like all of birds of a feather to be tarred together:  Take now, for example, how on “Climate Change” as for a “Green Agenda” it is to haunt that after eight years there was never simple effected as an easiest of “shovel ready” opportunities that a boom of new pedestrian & bicyclist commuter bridges/tunnels and bike trails was not big news and regular news from day one.

Forward:  It seems already established and ready for mass consumption that Democrat Party leadership was so elitist of cabal motivation for authoritarian Power for a ruling class that they were blind to how better “Global Warming” solutions were available, yes since day one, and yet not allowed by President Barack H. Obama!  It should sting and pain for years, especially to loser Hillary R. Clinton, how it seems her party was firstly just for crooked crony “capitalism” that really fails the definition of “capitalism” as to “win win” civil agreements the primal core of its economics foundation.

The racism rub is a complicated rub forward, though now being simplified and to clarity for Law and Order resurgent:

The social sciences of logic of morality have a basic nature to now be enunciated and broadcast most pressingly as due voters who voted for “Crooked Hillary” were immoral and complicit to her “crooked” by such “expression” there is the resultant conclusive as regards morality and the Ten Commandments networked reasoned for conscience clarity and abiding for civility.

Common sense is that those who voted for “Crooked Hillary” became the “Crooked Voters” to then of a violation of the spirit of “American” and of morality as under our Lord as of self-governance firstly what religion is and the Ten Commandments our common core.

As the Ten Commandments do set up that slavery or imprisonment is the default allowance so prescribed short of Justice by death and therefore of a place & purpose in the “recipe” for “HEAVEN ON EARTH” so chiseled in stone we have the conundrum now of what happens as regards “crooked voters”.  To speak now of enslavement or imprisonment due violate of “Law and Order” by complicit to votage - suffrage - as ignorant or informed, and yet, by party to an “interpretation” that God can be said to not be in Constitution, and that all protections from (government) tyranny can be said as voided, and so to get away with popularity for a “Robin Hood” cabal Power, is just.

By voting again, and (more) knowingly than whence for Barack H. Obama, for a President as if an election could void and nullify the Constitution and Moral Law - especially of that set in stone of “THOU SHALT NOT STEAL” - a vast YUGE amount have morally condemned themselves as “crooked” too.  Any voted for “Crooked Hillary” of votage as expression of support for this discussed have set up the political dilemma in morality of by so to such by suffrage each has themselves rendered unto them a liberation problem of voters and candidates of the right now have become absolved of even Christian duty of compassion and caring in shared humanity towards any so a “crooked voter”!

By voting for Hillary R. Clinton any so knowingly of such suffrage votage has quite liberated peoples of the right from any moral obligation to care about them due the network fibrous connective of the Moral Law of Lord’s Law of the Ten Commandments endures to that any violate of such ten basic civil laws is then a problem individual that if still about as a “neighbor” but yet predisposed to “covet” others or be disposed to worse abuses of “neighborly” is then, if not judged to be of capital punishment remains, unless displaced, to be one needing keepers, - a soul needing watchers and masters to moderate their bad tendencies.

Through his fault President Barack H. Obama has brought a diabolical existentialism now into the “American” and “political” that trumps racism for such amounts, since his support of Hillary R. Clinton, to establishments un-Constitutional as devilishly postured upon a popular majority as if by an expert their expert of thought of “governing” in their best interests.

Through his fault President Barack H. Obama now still presides and to that the color of his skin may endure as the best thing to be said about him forward, and to of the color of his skin, not these discussed of a lacking of character, is a “that” of which Americans forward should still celebrate for that a black man was elected President of these united states of the Americas still, for its time, does say much great and wonderful about near half of the American people!

It will hopefully never be an issue of racism or the color of his skin that he like was a bad President whom had better solutions for so much available since day one and yet only progressed with his “politics” those that fit “crooked crony capitalism” tag!

Never has so little been needed to be done by so few for so much needed to be done!  Who doth protests on Donald J. Trump wrongly?

We are beyond a discussion of slavery as racism! - So many are now obviously (ignorantly) complicit, and yet it is established that a right to enslave as to imprison is essentially in the Constitution for it is what must be between the lines of the Ten Commandments, for all peoples - any individual due their character, - not race/color, sex or sexuality.

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