
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:20 am

Municipal Golf?  Parks & Recreation vs Buddha?  Franciscan vs gilded?

A Presbyterian stands at the threshold of one & two Corinthians, and, such protestant core’d resets our sense of common.

The ask of the back to white is public and international of Donald J. Trump sans an Barack H. Obama arrogance; the black to white ask is to embrace a simpler times, - to not try to be just like your representative as ask is that each are liberated to be, if moral, to however to gilded if sought, or otherwise robed and of sandals to a new Franciscan.

The Republican Movement is about that you decide to play the game, - not to blocking and rich attitude of arrogance as to where you play the game is more important than if you travel well and can play any holes where ever.

The Republican Movement is as much about historical districts and old commons, basics, and to of back to basics as well to aspired to gilded trappings if such be your calling/ambition, reasonably.

The Republican Movement is such ado about something economical as yet for the economy of phat as borderless, - as yet of the ask of parity to work musical of Unity can be of some aspire to be Franciscan and ready to be at least core’d to travel light.

The ask of President Donald J. Trump, for to accomplish a restored capacity for growth economics, is not of asking or demanding that all souls walk a uniformity to an assimilation to each all assume to presume that being gilded and saddled plush is the only right tao/being to work out for normal/common/happy.

The fail of President Barack H. Obama is to be tee’d up eternal for the bagged masses were ordered by dictates to green compliance, - they were not addressed and educated and engaged for balance and precision, - the People were violated by being talked to as if subjects of his czars and from having been citizens as established by Paul of old Corinth scope as so ordained of Creator by founding “Fathers” “done” Peoples’ Order. “We/…in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union/…done/…Year/of/our/Lord”!

If President Donald J. Trump does bail on “Law & Order” such will be divergent from his models to date, even now as it seems perilous that he even teased Hillary R. Clinton may be sans Justice - sans/devoid a rendering of full “naughty list” scoring.

The scores of Hillary R. Clinton should as well be of clearly posted honestly as far at least back to her resume building commenced of 1993 first heeling as to making over First Lady exposure to rating herself as if evolved and better than all that came before the Clintons.

President Donald J. Trump should abide nothing less than an honest curated of what are the games played by Hillary R. Clinton and what was her shot counts, and was such doctored from truth and parity even though signed cards were the expectant as of for fairness of the Golden Rule?

The Democratic Party Convention staged a ridiculous but tragic and trying performance to be still scored - to have score adjusted to be par to clarity and mission.  As we morn the Gold Star Families lost - with them of our brave fallen - we yet have the Hillary R. Clinton convention to re-score as regards the present in Philadelphia as present as upon the Constitution while of tragic sacrifice for present in morning and while as well to partisan and political confused.

Mr. & Mrs. Khan present much for consumption of that which is core to the ask, now, of us in Union, to forward, for an entrance point to the black to white alternatives now being processed as of Hillary R. Clinton (white) was beat by Donald J. Trump (white).

Mr. Khizr Khan gestalt will for a long time tee up where fair play was, wasn’t, and now maybe should be safely to as now secure from she he so partied with in Philly in 2016.

Mr. Khizr Khan brought constitutional confusion and partisan politics to his son’s memorialization & it so of political opportunism that due the circumstances did deserve a matching - a match played to yet get fully played out. The background to such player Khan is too of that his professional is as one of business before the State Department on immigration and one more freely, even to agitating, as expressant by lobbying for broadening Shariah to more sans bordered.

Mr. Khizr Khan teased was of complicated constitutional relevance as if such could ignore trumps whence ordered against & now in times while others were newly at coy ploy chicanery to dissolve to setting asunder how these united states of America were so whence established and ordained protectant against the very devilish insurgent machinations of/for Hillary R. Clinton.

Mr. Khizr Khan in memory of his fallen son did confuse the politics of at least 2016 as soon as he raised a copy of the Constitution of the United States of America at a convention for anti-Constitution set Hillary R. Clinton.  It is not possible for one/any to be for the Constitution and also for Hillary R. Clinton for the Clintons’ machinations have so long been of ploy of “Post Constitution” that it is established of her scores that they are crooked for “extra-Constitution” and so anti-Constitution such that near 20% of it is like out of bounds and considered as if null & void.

The loss of Khan in Iraq as of mission under George W. Bush of missions of Operation Iraqi Freedom is tragic and to be respectfully mourned and now politically and constitutionally for the father has tee’d up the conundrum un-scored still of that President George W. Bush was of standing in standing for the wholeness of the Constitution - 100% of the Peoples’ Order.

The loss of Khan in Iraq War was of the son in service of defending the Constitution as written and now there is the conundrum un-scored of that the father, due Philadelphia performance in a partisan political gamesmanship, crossed the neutral threshold to that Donald J. Trump was called out to respond to the duality developing to be otherwise a fog of war; - the father by introducing the constitution did stand contrary to the missions of service of the fallen son; - the father with his copy of the constitution turned up the fogs for the war was fought to the where withal of the full Constitution and yet the #BernieGotRobbed #CrookedHillary convened was due their particulars contrary of a gathered of anti-Constitution Democrats.

Donald J. Trump is now not alone at the gate of so much of Khizr Khan begun but not concluded or even fully scored play.

The Republican Movement has been restorative against the insurgency by Clinton machinations & winning for Constitution.

Our We - now tru’d anew to “We the People…” has us all gathered now at such gate for the how and where an understanding of Khan  and fair play - playing by the rules - is where we are now still with the living and the fallen.

Our We - now in keeping tru to “We the People…” if of constituted for Presidents not Kings, Kaisers, Khans, Supreme Leaders, titular heads of Holy See!  We are a people now to be in the game but not expectant to choose for ourselves to be complicated and gilded, for to be plain Jane, or simple Joe, is also of our right and freedoms to be even Franciscan.

The Republican Movement is matched to play against the Khan gestalt - of dynamic of “kisser Khan” or “Kaiser con” - even as named for lost in translation potential of like named as father as “leader leader”!

The Trump vs Khan of 2016 is the Republican versus Democrats match play forward, and of situated at the gate of if such can commence any how before We pare down the rules freshly and scored how Hillary R. Clinton (white) now was to have followed supposedly Barack H. Obama (black) who once was a Constitutional Law Professor and yet as to having hoped to be a President able to ascribe and be bound by at best only 80% of the Constitution - the Peoples’ Order constituted and of standing still.

However religious, personally, our “We the People…” is of the trump of Paul as structured through his letters and assignation to duty for Corinth to that of for Corinthians as yet diversified from that prescribed to be of especiality for copacetic of Gaeus or Galatians; - we are of our “We the People…” as constituted as of rights from the Lord Creator and of to that we, each, are to consider ourselves (sportingly?) as firstly under our Lord and as always before even ever under our Government. 

Khan may be “leader” to some where Kaiser is “leader” to others and yet now Donald J. Trump is President-Elect to of these united states of the Americas and to proofing his “leader” qualities are for level playing pairing and as for freedom still akin his model of that each needn’t try to be just like him, - each need just commit to being a “player”, - each need find their own “got game” however for such if as as a “Tiger” of “Buddha” or more modestly as of municipal and Franciscan catholic.

“Fore” scored is how Donald J. Trump fairly stood from ducking the emoted gestalt of Democratic Party father Khizr Khan?  We the players must now become learned to the variant still between how the Constitution is written and how Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, & Khizr Khan have postured it can be said to mean what it apparently isn’t written to score?

The Donald J. Trump play is opening soon!  We have his economics threshold to broach of that he calls each and all to be a player, to dream, to commit, to personal their uniqueness, as his is of Corinthians of standing for Unity as to teeing up for growth of that to be to an expanding economy we must be able to yet sing together.  Our divides must be addressed and challenged by regular engagements to be of togetherness and attempts at harmony in song.

The Republican Movement has street cred of MUNICIPAL prudence and establishment to hosting all! Believe in “Law & Order”?  Believe however?

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