
October 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:12 pm

‘WRONG DIRECTION JOE’ needs some “HOLIDAY’S” tough love!

A primary vice of the Vice is of “Joe” has been naughty - and long too naughty - as party to the training to “divided states” of how conducted in collaborations to the People railroaded in the wrong ties.

However “Joe” is like family there is that prudence must be a kept keep of the keeping for pillars of Justice, and that the vice of the Vice, however as akin to like within “family” is substantial and considerable to being beyond coal to to endure sans gift(s).

We of these “divided states of America” have many problems to “class” and “rude” of Republicans & Democrats that “family” now must field and table however now in 2016 family should abstain from tabling with family of the “Holiday” of “Christmas”!

We of these “divided states of America” have “Joe” & his vice as Vice now as fermented plums at best in the larder and gasing out “rotten” overtures of odious yet kept.

We of these “divided states of America” have vice of the Vice akin to “Joe” as #CROOKED to tru’d rap “CROOKED HILLARY” - - It is not of “Joe” as like “family” of if he supported “Hillary2016″ but that if now so “naughty” to rating sans gift(s) due was so inconsiderate in position to be unable and unwilling to be open to reason and discussion of the “BAD” in “CROOKED”!

United of America of these united states of the Americas - our 50 - it behoove this “HOLIDAY” be most considerate and respecting the Santa Claus as the accountant of the naughty list and to that any “family” to too of “Joe” has rendered their status as befitting no gift(s) due they while corrupt as for “CROOKED HILLARY” were shut down from reason and discussion of the implication and vast issues to haunt and destruct if ever from 2016 there was Unity suffice to a “President Hillary R. Clinton”!

Christmas as a “HOLIDAY” must stay of the accountancy of the “NAUGHTY LIST” to keep the keep of prudence and a copacetic for United civility;  If you have real family akin “Joe” as like “family” you may be one who must steel themselves for thru advent and into the new Year as a keeper of standards and to not also slacking and acquiescing to undermining foundations for HOPE;  If you have been invited or considering inviting politically “RUDE” family do steel yourself to it akin knowing now ‘TOUGH LOVE’ is necessary and as if you had to say “NO” or maybe even un-invite “Joe” - the Vice of vice!

Christmas as a “HOLIDAY” can hardly be of unity to Joy & Joyous if of a gathering there are in it of such vice of an election year “RUDE” to having not just supported and so colluded to “CROOKED HILLARY” but whom can be listed and tag’d as having been closed to reason and impolite as disposed to shut down discussion of facts of history!

The HOPE of President-Elect Donald J. Trump to be the President of these united states of the Americas now rests in a necessary prescribing to days and as many months of “TOUGH LOVE” upon the “divided states of America” as the losers are the most ignorant and too railroaded to past just sidings to being in a bad way as in a wrong direction for “ELECTION 2016″ is for the history books to endure as a “THE CORRUPTION ELECTION”!

Liberal policies forward will need be switched a turned from by education and debate, as away from the years of diabolical “leading” by once “Speaker Nancy Pelosi” of standing up “Grubers” for Gruber arrogance to trump democracy - liberal democracy originalism - and “advise & consent” of engaged of “demos” - The People!

The YUGE of mashable “divided states” amounts to a moral challenge and education conundrum for President-Elect Donald J. Trump forward;  The YUGE is not of a divide to “bridge” but to administer psychology and even psychiatry upon for behavioral sciences must be used to mediate a enlightenment of “Grubers” as akin “Hillary Voters” vastly remedially and fundamentally upon.

It is YUGE and before the class of TRUMP VOTERS that we must consider “it” DESPICABLE - not them, however rude and wrong!  The vice of Vice in the “CROOKED JOE” relates to the “American” errant of Representative Keith Ellison more than his bias as Muslim for Islamic over-riding of Constitution originalism - still. 

Likewise a YUGE primary concern in: Minnesota Representative hankering for post at DNC - Democratic National Committee - if you cannot explain the grand errant in President Bill Clinton’s first steps in 1993 as per Iraq, Saddam Hussein, and the Gulf Countries Council how can you be qualified to unite and lead the losing Party?

Donald J. Trump, President-Elect, cannot now run away from the “NAUGHTY LIST” nor “CROOKED JOE” for to bring back an enlightened state for these united states of the Americas President Trump will need to table and serve renderings pared for comity as educated and intelligent and as of “lessons” from away from moronic years of ignoring how much went wrong just because President Clinton did do bad while doing wrongly and errantly his duty as charged.

I, “Citizen Rosebud” blogger, of having said “NO” to TIME in 2006 as regards ‘em so querious for a photo of me for 2006 POY - Person of the Year - cover, as noticed for blogging publicly, from DC, as “uc”, with threads of the newsbusters.org site hosted by the brother-in-law to William F. Buckley, as to arguing that President Bush had to consider an Operation Iraqi Freedom Iraq War SURGE and as of reasoning it through, and then to supporting its initiating and to then supporting it with further reasoning worked and shared up at least to time of picture request I said “NO” to as thinking was expressed as near “I am not half done, and you don’t have the space for my whole story!”

Oh right!!! … I, blogger who offered to work with Time Magazine apparent story intent for 2006, but of “NO” to “photo of me” as “uc” blogger, was he who suggested they should put a “MIRROR” on the cover if they could.

TIME POY President-Elect Donald J. Trump is one still some on my “NAUGHTY LIST” and not only for being as I know it to be of he as one now elected President while yet of being wrong on “IRAQ WAR”!  His situation as on the “NAUGHTY LIST” is less certain and secured than “Joe” for the vice as the Vice President, and any family who while supporting “CROOKED HILLARY” were to as such yet “RUDE” and “GRUBERS” for having no willingness (or ability) to reason and intellectualize!

I, “Citizen Rosebud” experienced blogger, now as much #NeverPelosi as was #NeverHillary, am now tracking help heal the vast of the divided states of America by educating, - not “bridging”!  As Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi of California did vast harm to the mental health and clarity for intelligence of way too many Americans!

Nancy Pelosi is more on my “FALLEN SOULS” list as never off a seasonal “NAUGHTY LIST” and this is much of the “TOUGH LOVE” President Donald J. Trump will likely necessarily render upon any now predisposed to be joiners in support of a DNC headed by Keith Ellison or a Party apparatus of if being moved by “CROOKED JOE” has any potential!

Our HOPE in Donald J. Trump as inheritor of the winning “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” is that its reset as for “FOR THE REPUBLIC” will endure and amass conversions via enlightenment - and not of sad self-defeating efforts of like of trying to beat dead horses for a ride.

Our HOPE in Donald J. Trump is much that there is a “FOR THE REPUBLIC” measurable mass of “ROGUES” now willing to learn of finally and diligently learn thoroughly of the perils old and new in still heading anywhere unawares of the HUGE mistakes President William J. Clinton made starting with his first policy moves in 1993 as per Iraq, Saddam Hussein, and the GCC - Gulf Countries Council.

Our HOPE now in a NEW HOPE is of Donald J. Trump story to persist and yet endure as to winning as a ROGUE ONE?

We, firstly must respect the Santa Claus as the keeper of the “NAUGHTY LIST” and abide it now may be constituted for the Vice of vice, and even “family” as “listed” in such a way of “NEEDS IMPROVEMENT” and so due “HOLIDAY” sans gift(s)!

We, primarily, have our keep for MORALS as pressing and prescient in there is a “ROGUE ONE” of a NEW HOPE such as “JOE” - “CROOKED JOE” - Vice President Joe Biden - forward does not alight likewise of possibilities, and as Keith Ellison is not, it seems, a fared to parable for heading the DNC as the “BAD” and “CROOKED” of DEMOCRATS has been of President Clinton’s 1993 errant politics still and of multiplying the collateral damage as from evolving intelligent reasoned to errant as seeming blind mice for having ever supported SHARIAH, as they have, while being to domestic politics for centralized secular Socialist Authoritarian Powers by effecting a nullification of the Constitution and by subjugating Christians and Christian moral law to yet stuck submissive as “under Government”!

In 2016 we still have time to face what President Donald J. Trump must face to enlighten the nation from “divided states of America” of that we’ve been wrong and they’ve been wrong all these years we’ve let ourselves be tracking and heading in the direction as if our nation is not as constituted by People’s Order as established and ordained as under Lord’s Law - as indivisible as one republic under God. 

Simply “JOE” - Joe’s bad “NAUGHTY” - fits Keith Ellison’s all these years of these united states of America, as since 1993, been to postured and secured as if world can accept a spreading of SHARIAH while in these united states of the Americas, and elsewhere, Judeo-Christian “MORALS” - “MORAL LAW” - “TEN COMMANDMENTS” are suppressed and the created subjugated from “free” and “citizens” to just subjects “Grubers”!!!

                *       *       *       NAUGHTY?       *       *       *

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