
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:32 pm

Rejoice!  Rejoice!  Donald J. Trump has crossed the Rubicon and forded the heartbeats of New York City - generally!

New Yorker!  Yeh you!  Is your stairway to heaven blocked by your own preconceived so challenged?

My life is a mess; - Of that I grew up meaning to become a “MAD MEN” liketh my grandfather is maybe the prophylactic that got me safely through/across my own “Rubicons”; - The story of my good life is a mess, - as twice, while a third child the oldest Irish Catholic boy in family with two older sisters during the age of affirmative action akin feminism. I worked out autonomous space by setting out on seventeen year plans - - - there are years and decades vibrantly complicated of people involved yet so while essentially never garnering what they were involved in meddling regarding their postured.

New York City is a mess; - Likewise the cosmopolitan vibe for the future essence of President Donald J. Trump guidance has fogs too that need alighting on as for years a core of New York values have been ignorant of greater movements afoot.

You cannot apprentice your way through this/these - you must commit and dedicate froward to studying and learning!

That is right New Yorker!  The general dissonance about you is rebellion to the real and discerned since election day of that quite broadly the fall of Clintons equates to that the New York City export of services now is facing a learned truth that their client bases are more for the “Republican Movement” than with the candidate they are/were!  The nation is with “LAW AND ORDER” of bluing with the rise of Donald J. Trump with the progressed of the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT”!

My life isn’t such a mess as you may think; - The story of my good life is a mess, - at least twice in my life I worked a realm of autonomy with influence yet cloaked from my own father, and especially so my older sisters; - the rise of Donald J. Trump fits to that the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” was successfully progressed by weaving in dominant past influencers of what I had done but which was generally cloaked from most Democrats, especially those nearest of my own family.

New Yorkers, I must presume to it concluding as to that New York City’s FINEST - the ordinaries uniformed in blue & service to serve and protect - must have sympathies - real - that measure out of a respect and fidelity to the promise of Donald J. Trump, President, of to be a “LAW AND ORDER PRESIDENT”!

It isn’t that you should fear that I can explain to a high proffer standard how the fall of Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton occured twice as primarily a first concern is that such is what was accomplished from what I had written, - of that I had pressed in cloaked and broadly public considerable efforts.  It is reasonable to accept that the rise and winning of “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” fits Donald J. Trump snuggly as by it told of that both occurred with a trusting of the written and shared of “CITIZEN ROSEBUD” me of mine on and off of CitizenRosebud.org.

You would think, maybe, that my life must be a mess for such to be mine while having so thus grown up more a young Republican in the 1970s & 1980s in such as I did as was a Liberal’s enclave as a New Haven, CT Yale University prime neighborhood.  My complicated story succeeded in 2017 for how more true and thus dominant than that of the Clintons’ which was left to be just spin spun and more of false narratives quite “fake news” falsely pressed.

The people of the New York City major metropolitan votage demographics now have a complicated denial to work through to that now they should presume and then confirm that the police as “BLUE WITH TRUMP ‘LAW AND ORDER’” are against the old them, and, too each should collect their professional sense towards appreciating that the election of 2016 seems to amount to that froward God is in the details of TRUMP standards and their client bases aligned as expressed contrary to their old norms.

Yes, I did challenge J.K. Rowling, as an answering soul a sought “unknown writer”, to commit to write seven books on magic as set to a book a year for seven years of study at a magic school.  This is part of how my life is a mess, - the story of my life, that is!

Yes, I was to seeking an “unknown writer” willing to write around a character idea of a young magic student with dark hair and round black glasses as mused as a “Pete Rowe-ling” of a young click of a redhead pal and one ‘her’ though basis neighbors were of two girls “Hermione” became a composite femme froward around.

Yes, my story is a mess in that my dad and my oldest sister while cloaked from how much of mine was of 2 to 3 17 years plans strategized to that they reacted in the moment to incidents seeming only of the concurrent while such was to me pieces set out long term to which I was sensitized to have autonomous powers by a some understanding when such pieces in the future would or could be in play newly. 

My dad, nor my oldest sister, were yet aware especially of that worked successfully for “HARRY POTTER” and “HOGWARTS” from the day it was commenced with challenge accepted to until after the last movie was made and in theaters.  It can be a mess when my family involves themselves in a kinship of inadequate knowledge and consideration for of many years one’s use of another compassion was insufficient to the reality and then complicating again vice a versa when in such juxtaposed there were times of my oldest sister “compassion” as all wrong as by being based on a momentary reading by my dad of family situational considerations. 

And, I was a little off in my challenge and pledged cooperation to its completion in having thought that such could be easily rendered to yet seven books as to be all done in just five years; - oy!

I was off and yet regularly rededicated froward of spiriting cloaked energy and support even years and years onward as such made further mess upon mess in my seemingly real life.

As it is I only consented to publisher of her books the rights involved for a publisher as around source and identity of the muse with it conditional that movie and other rights would be a bridge to cross later if I was right as to how successful I thought the performance on the specific challenged did amount. 

J.K. Rowling didn’t find a publisher until I varied my instruction that she was supposed to keep her muse (patron US) cloaked and spirited clearance to that publisher recognized for assuring she was working within the honor among artists,writers,publishers by proceeding with her muse cloaked.  I, have stories to relate around my years seeming otherwise of a primary reality yet of what on the surface doth amount to my years of always learning new things and skills so that new energies would be out there for matriculating readers.

As it now may be difficult for many professionals Hillary R. Clinton voters to assess and amend their ways froward to being better with and divining their customer bases seemingly geographically substantially with TRUMP “BLUE” and beats reset of “LAW AND ORDER” it yet is where so many now are from denial towards maybe already near acceptance.

Right, to this date I have not surrendered or waived my muse’d art artists rights to the movies, merchandise, theme park(s) and seem copaceticly embraced daily still of like her - yes J.K. Rowling’s - past emoted of that fifty - fifty likely will be best.

You can learn much of the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” now more settled and dug in to as a new establish establishment by reading through so much here still free.  I strongly recommend if you are yet still a had been Hillary R. Clinton voter a professional that you forthwith progress to categories left justified assorted of scrolls to that titled “AUTO BIO’D”!

Again:  The beats of NYC NYPD TRUMP “BLUE” forward need be froward to divining a connective marketability of that the nation went more with the popular art than yet covered for the nation seems to have stayed true to the mores and magic of that which has been just some from what was of cloaked and public concurrency in and out of my story of strategies at times kept to of autonomy only, or mostly, by being of setting out pieces to interact yet pieced out of 17 year plans.

The TRUMP “BLUE” may be those now all over your beats!  It is true that I set out since 1971, as one born in 1965, to be like my of the era of “MAD MEN” grandfather Arthur M. Menadier while it was more cloaked that such was to be of a political marketing acumen eventually developed in keeping with my named for grandfather John W. Hogan, Sr.. 

To complicate your professionals and political passions further it is that my biographical has that in my late teens I was claimed a “summer son” to the son of whom ran HEARST CORP in the years “CITIZEN KANE” was produced and originally popular.  I was so a “summer son” to Joseph V. Connolly, Jr. and Violette Connolly of Block Island, The Town of New Shoreham, Rhode Island in the years “Violette” was retired from bookkeeping for the Brooklyn Botanical Garden and to being a most popular NBC part-time executive who shortly after being hired became much involved with many employees of NBC by facility at new administer program where employees could borrow against their retirement plans for tuitions and mortgages.

The Presidency of Donald J. Trump so risen on the popular wave, is so of rising with the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” to that now many are to learn that “DEEPTHROAT” wasn’t an after-thought fall out of from the investigation botched some due J. Edgar Hoover feared going that much up against the Kennedy Powers.  There is a more background true story of that the very investigation became initiated with a case file named “DEEP THROAT” as to of what reason and rational there was to be even considering that there were FEDERAL cause to investigate the DEMOCRATIC PARTY HEADQUARTERS.

The Bob Woodward drama to that Mark Felt became revealed as “DEEP THROAT” while Federal Bureau’s number two yet is devoid the incriminating that the Democrats kept out of the story of that there was FEDERAL cause to investigate their HQ; - “DEEP THROAT” as played out by Mark Felt remains deceptive for it still sells as #NewsFromTruth what was much crisis mangagement damage control of “fake news” for witness protection.

The TRUMP “BLUE” beats may now be the your beats and unavoidable of deeper truth of that the ascendency of the “NewGOP” with the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” to Donald J. Trump your “THE CHOSEN ONE” has harmony with that the popular culture and artists did win with the REPUBLICANS’ winning.

My acumen became of nature and nurtured since 1971 initialized of my grandfather then months from forced retirement to agreeing to teach me to grow up to be “just like him” as with caveat I signed too of “yes, but without your vice of smoking!” and to that I started a development for autonomy despite a third child and oldest son in the era of affirmative action to invent a feminism for my older sisters and peers. 

Yes, by the time I was in my First Grade or Second Grade I had become partly organized for autonomous efforts by thinking to like seventeen year plans otherwise cloaked from siblings, parents, teachers, administrators.

My challenge, though cloaked from the world, to J.K. Rowling, was yet based to a confidence for a froward to forward vast global success that was core’d to my unique self of able to operate in and out of my past of cloak and of public concurrence; - I imported to such that if she performed on challenge and to a totality of seven books, though of that time she asked for five to be enough, to her that she would become “very rich” with my confidence that such would somehow to the world and publishing realm as seem to just magically fit into times that most didn’t consider of an orchestration yet co-operating around their reality.

Rejoice!  Rejoice!  The messed up but most winning story of how Poet J.P. Hogan set out to be a New Yorker is breaking and generally getting out “News From Truth” and as the story of Donald J. Trump equates partially since it is also of these endeavors how DJT did get the APPRENTICE idea from me! 

I must abide your patience and await your understanding of that such was from times I was of helping President George W. Bush post the attacks of September 11, 2001 and so of myself without enough space to join with DJT enthusiasm, - for a more entertaining keep of my integrated orchestrations I stayed serious.

Rejoice!  Rejoice!  If your police and your client base now are likely sympathetic and hopeful in “TRUMP” can you afford to not also be?

            *       *       *       PEACE! OUT!       *       *       *

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