
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:04 am

The dark con of Hillary Rodham Clinton is truly taxing.

Dr. Benjamin Carson, on the other hand, as Secretary Carson, is still of a purity and cleanness beyond “clean hands”.

As Barabbas epic unleashes parallels of what to taxes lines up to our crossroads to an intersection as if HRC is incontrovertibly tracking for a crucifixion as a base criminal not pardoned.

The inexperience issue of Secretary Carson relates to a storying of Governor Andrew Cuomo of how he to become New York’s Governor so had to much unlearn his William Jefferson Clinton Housing & Urban Development ways - their ways - as such to the core was much behind how and why much became the problematic of New York.  Secretary Cuomo, to become Governor, had to much shed the failed Clinton ways and learn then to become more like Governor Christopher James Christie of New Jersey & Governor Robert Frances McDonnell of Virginia

Secretary Carson with HUD now too must be to recognizing all of the Clinton past errant ways and to finding a better way forward.  An also so taxing of HRC is the dynamic of the dark con of that since a while ago truth has not been an option to HRC.

The building of the Republican Movement team as it now coincident of Donald J. Trump, President, and his building his divisions partial to such grander scheme of teams, articulates, already some, the vast epic personal battles of HRC of that to her truth is not an option.

As coincident we have the Republicans near of a finest hour with the processes of a Supreme Court nomination to Associate Justice as commenced around a character such as Judge Neil Gorsuch.  That truth is not an option to HRC is of a bar that would be now if true of Judge Neil Gorsuch as inhibiting to arresting for froward honors.  President Barack Hussein Obama was disabled by “TEAM OF RIVALS” in that as Secretary HRC was already of truth as not an option - at least specifically for how many problems were as from WJC she had here hands tied and tongue barred from incriminating her spouse.

Donald John Trump, President, is now froward in his duty of standing up a politics where God’s truth can be again in our Justice and our Politics.  HRC, again, had since at least 2001 of that truth was not an option to her.  Secretary Carson & Supreme Court nominee Gorsuch are two of a better dynamic and for truth is not just an option to them but also not a personal burden nor obstacle to jobs now their called to.

President Barack Hussein Obama was as party to the HRC limited dynamic much impeachable since the first hour or two of his administration and while still of the inauguration ceremonies for he commenced official speak of the lies of cover-ups for the Clintons of which is partial to the gestalt of that to HRC the truth is not an option. 

Cover-ups are still illegal and now forward the DJT POTUS45 froward shall be expected to be to teaching anew why and how cover-ups are wrong and illegal to treasonous.  DJT shall be expected - with his team of teams of teams - to proceed above the errant & limited of BHO & HRC and with pressers past “NONSENSE SQUAD” uniqueness to espoused that cover-ups, like specifically of BHO for WJC & HRC are illegal to treasonous much for lies allowed so to then help establish a ruling class for only the rulers are then them who can know enough of the truth & lies to have a chance at rendering good work - good works.

Now before we proceed to the abomination called “OBAMACARE” as the Affordable Care Act as “double taxation” let us immediately begin a necessary processing of HRC as taxing too.

Now also before we proceed to the abominable HRC as too taxing let us presently be open to the grand dark con dilemma of how President Trump can not prudently or loosely build on predecessor’s foreign policies as the Clintons’ “EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE” violate do corrupt globally to it seems every crevice of past diplomacy and as of emoluments meant barred to yet of the WJC & HRC CGI SOP as of modus operandi of having grossly monetized diplomacy.  Our President must disavow predecessors’ reigns to be of and for truth and at least against Clintons of so like taxing the systems by like DOUBLE DIPPING.

Froward to the judgement day(s) there still is an outta touch beat to HRC as like a MA reincarnate - Marie Antoinette anew yet presently our accounting must be liberated to that the truth can and shall reign over the cover-ups known and of unknown lies necessarily a dramatic element of these days of lately probing a scope of HRC as disabled due truth is not an option to her.

The abomination of The Affordable Care Act as “DOUBLE TAXATION” doth relate for it paries a polity to comity much ado about the seating of a Justice Antonin Gregory Scalia replacement to the Supreme Court of these united states of the Americas.

What is of that which is of the realm of the which is said and kept to be of “belongs” to our Lord and what is that, now related to “FEDERALISM” of that which is proper to “belongs” to Caesar and/or states & Governors?

The HOBBY LOBBY rendition rectified just some of the prudence to that a juri straight can be bedazzled as to ACA as violate of the FIRST AMENDMENT and to as by due such it must then be of a real double taxation and while ignorant of the right to healthcare as established precedent as “under” “our Lord” prescribed none of a separation right to from caring for all.  Corporations have speech & assembly - productive assembly rights!

Healthcare, honestly, is an oldest establishment of religion!

Religion is historically significant as firstly much just of prescribed tools & disciplines for practices as tools for community and for self-governance.

It is double taxation violate of Religious Liberty to have a federal national program as a tax for healthcare as firstly there is the self-governance expectant of all shall be under “our Lord” as of voluntarily in freedom of religion of a voluntary extra-nation organized morality and what tithing taxing as morally possible. It is your “in network” for crisis is your faith community?


Of the fated as for Justice of the talk of the crimes and criminal potential there is vast condemnable as “politics” of BHO & HRC that must be rectified post a full probative of true scope.

Our Posterity depends on more than just being open to discussing the “CROOKED” in “Crooked Hillary” for our bank cannot remain stress’d by the coin of the realms as gone to hell in the handbag(s) of HRC - Hillary Rodham Clinton, - Mrs. Bill Clinton.

HRC is likewise of dirty hands and not alone of digits stuck in the till by a scheme of an international imperial authoritarian shadow government operated as a charity as cloaked as philanthropy while to monetized diplomacy as seems every thing Clinton was a selfish at least partisan global initiative a patronage scheme to trump even old Tammany.

It is not my place to explain how any of a faith in community is to of that how taxed to “in network” for prescriptive discipline and practices for maintenance of a health - a clean soul - a manageable existential.

I must though here forthwith warn of that which is of the Clintons’ duplicity as grossly problematic for the net is confused as a web of deceit in trichotomy often at best garnered as of a dichotomy. 

What seems even as duplicitous of just HRC and known cold calculating and ambition is forthwith warned of as maybe more dynamically bad as yet of a tripled threat of a trichotomy schemed.

Your healthcare is as much threatened by HRC politics - yes as further upon ill conceived worked of “OBAMACARE” - due by reigning in cover-ups and lies a Liberals’ ruling class elite can handicap subjects and work to disable opposition by immorally using Power for Power of by using a controlled political healthcare system to diss’n ease of inconvenient subscribed as under Government before under our Lord.

Philosophically raising such is more than pointing out a conundrum for the paradigm of “HILLARYCARE” & “OBAMACARE” is diabolical as not in the spirit of healthcare and of care of souls of a keep where the truth shall set you free!

Philosophically it just isn’t caring that was structured to so bureaucratic and controllable by a ruling class structured to have authoritarian and imperial Power despite constituted by Peoples’ Order to be guarded against!

Philosophically the THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT is at least double taxation and Alinskiesque to Machiavellian!

Philosophically your faith and freedom is abridged and set asunder by the ACA as OBAMACARE for the essence & vibe is predominantly for political powers to have their Governance as set above our Lord and Truth, - to stuck under false narratives, lies, politically worked dichotomous & trichotomous duplicity as once noble citizens to subscribed mere subjects?

Froward we can be assured in that the Donald J. Trump nominations of Dr. Carson & Judge Gorsuch, at least, provide evidentiary support to the proposition that DJT is assembling a posse of persons who practice the truth shall reign freely, and firstly.  Just a comparison between these two to HRC is of a prima facia damming upon HRC core.

Street to the raps of the duplicitous diabolical so also of a rotten double taxation of HRC taxing too is veined through the Clinton phat as of false constructs of dichotomy to trichotomy to trichotomies of dichotomies tripartite.

Street to the rap and waxed philosophical within confines of satire yet is the abominable truth of to Hillary Rodham Clinton truth is not an option;  Mrs. Clinton is complicated long for not supposed to incriminate her spouse and less long for then being party to lies for cover-ups related as worked by Barack Hussein Obama to that as HRC had to lie about the errant of WJC  and avoid incriminations by exposing faults in their spousal husbandry there is that HRC too now cannot bear true witness against BHO for to incriminate him even just for the cover-up for the Clintons as commenced in first hours of office in 2009 Mrs. Clinton then would be to self-incrimination of felonious and impeachable relative to high crimes and misdemeanor laws.

HRC is of rap street as at least too taxing (even for philosophical realm & practiced) for there is that Mrs. Clinton cannot but spew the false narrative smear of “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” for a spouse is not to incriminate to the truth of “it” of more near half WJC fault. 

Likewise to wrap:  HRC cannot even dictate BHO is a better President than WJC, and as likewise she had to blame GWB so as to not incriminate the Clinton spousal husbandry - any even short of their duplicitous of a dichotomy to trichotomy scope.  The truths are the enemies of HRC for parallels must be avoided to from cascading a domino effect of blame by ranking as if BHO was better for such does then entertain that it must not have been all GWB’s fault and for the records must be of WJC at least grossly incriminated to of felonious to impeachable tru’d history.

We shall hope Donald J. Trump is assembling a truth to reign freely, and firstly, posse, in comparison to the Clintons, at least.  Concurrently this seems remarkably already effected and true.

We are not to have dictated or mandated how we keep faith in community - or to be subjects to any double taxation as if our Government is of our Lord as set asunder as set under our Politics!

We have at least a preponderance of Politics suggesting a deep deep dark con of the Clintons exists beyond this simple pary to posture the concerns some evident in a scheme much wrongful & in-American as of double taxation as this study in comparative issuances trespasses to as commenced.

          *       *       *        HRC FATE NAILED?       *       *       *


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