
January 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:55 am

This new column may, now, take you where you, for long, have particularly needed to go; - metaphorically you may be taken aback to concord.

It is a sad, but true, reality in our modern times of so too many souls have been suppressed from a wherewithal to having, or understanding, what the healthy pathology of Freedom requires; - our old marching has been perverted so that people can, as subjects merely, be marshaled away from any faith in common sense, and attenuated participatory citizenship of an actually sufficient knowing - a base valued for “informed citizenry”?

The discord of concurrent times relates to problem solving for concord whence prior to days of 1775 & Concord marshaled defensive significance; - might not today be again time to revere more gold than silver - a how, & why, first place better - a primacy in humility is our better for Union?

These are not the days to kid yourself; - there is a right & wrong, - a good & evil, - even seems: an Axis vs. Allied.  Shake off the false narratives!

Of these times we sadly opine we must again rise from a dark con - any set upon to base each from risen too; - may we find still the crucifix is ours to freely lean upon still froward; - may it be still as John Wayne produced for a 1980s motivation tape:  “Responsibility is the cross a free man must bear.”

Despite YUGE & long VAST efforts of Democrat Party you are still FREE as Lord is as it was subscribed whence to now still so significant to a suffice of that our rights do indeed come from our Creator and our shared worldly (say catholic?) Lord is still actually reigning above our Peoples’ “Order” & how we are constituted of our Government especially as under the Ten Commandments to proceeding as framed to be sans irregularity by “governing” by stealing, lust, coveting, & or LYING - FALSE WITNESS.

How em have long been of posturing and pontificating quite contrary shows these days less of PEACE on a pond and to quite troubled by a swamp - even political swamp MONSTERS. 

We quite, due em such so, now are dire situated to a communal need for muck rakers to cull through how dense of “mucky” ’tis such swamp thoroughly “mucky” of their phat clogging!

Pilgrims, - our Pilgrims, have thoroughly had their prudence and healthy pathology of FREEDOM perverted from copacetic & may quite so too “popular” just for a rash of popularism and a partisan fix, - short term high.

Pilgrims still should have US of no where for CHRISTIANS to go without a cross - a crucifix to bear, - to lean upon!

Pilgrims froward still keys best of back to old forward of colonial puritanical originalism of all forward now still froward best as CHRISTIAN forward?

It was struggled at to struggled for to constituted and many times dearly consecrated!  It is our written of under Written - our Law under Lord’s!

William J. Clinton was and is whom we most have had as a THE BLASPHEMER KING!  William J. Clinton does not abide the Constitution as written as the Peoples’ “Order” “done” “subscribed” in the “Year of our Lord”!  William J. Clinton is not alone as among conspirators and decades with conspiracy to set asunder the ordained and established to only that we are said as into a “post Constitution” new paradigm where we should count ourselves just lucky that at such times that so more call for AUTOCRACY & IMPERIAL AUTHORITARIAN Powers that “Bill & Hillary” were & are here willing to be our crowned AUTOCRATS.  William & Hillary shenanigans of coy ploy chicanery have long amassed en gross such truths as conspiratorial to treasonous as by yet hopefully only of success by having cloaked how to have their LIBERAL DEMOCRAT PARTY “interpretation” the founding fathers must be postured of having willingly & purposefully been to being contrary and of blaspheme - of BLASPHEMY with the constructs for our LIBERTY & POSTERITY.

William J. Clinton has long proofed himself to much be an AMERICAN on the GLOBAL STAGE yet as so tag’s as a disrupter with insurrection and much confessed upon at least by public statements that only exist do a political heat whence then abouts of calling him/them out so much they rendered attempts to hide evil/bad/wrong in plain sight as but to yet claim it isn’t what it is/was.  The betrayal of the CONSTITUTION the Peoples’ “Order” done is of BLASPHEME at least do it so necessitates a figuring upon the founding fathers as if their efforts were diabolical to the core and actually works BLASPHEMY.

The Clintons have practiced decades of clever sedition and double speak of suggesting they could & can have EXTRA-CONSTITUTION powers contrary to everything in the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE, for starters, by how they BLASPHEME with “post Constitution” as such inherently is deeply veined and phat of the supposition that we are not “under our Lord” despite how constituted of “#Its_O_not_o of preamble is what is key’d for legend to subscribed as established and ordained of “We the People… is of the Peoples’ “Order” of “Order” is a NOUN and so that the constituted Order constituting a “more perfect Union” is that “Order” “done” signed to & ratified.

The Clintons blaspheme by postured proposition as if our great preamble is yet a facility for loophole that offers a full nullification by as if penned otherwise as small & by “o” to just of “in order to” as if a trump to all that follows as Established. 

The Clintons’ SEDITION & BLASPHEMY proof errant!  We are best not “Post Constitution” & too of BLASPHEME!

The proper reading of our constituted of Pilgrims & not of BLASPHEMY is here structured of grammar illustrating:

“We the People…” “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union…” “ordain/and/establish…” “done…” “subscribed…” in “Year/of/our/Lord”!

Any concordance forward is at least measurably honest and straight in common sense as to AMERICA GREAT AGAIN made possible by free people voluntarily committed to keeping the flame of FREEDOM key’d true for self-governance of passions is our work not BLASPHEMY when of religions are of and for the tools for concord & community as for tools for self-governing of our passions - all that of passions so sans of that which is of Caesar’s and to newly recognized as that of realm above Government as of that of our Lord - Lord’s Law & required disciplines for any facility of exercising a copacetic by morals! - voluntary & organized morality!

      *       *       *       FREEDOM PATHOLOGY       *       *       *

[Begun here this morning of the 18th of April years past 1775 is a new INDEPENDENCE prudence for concord from too many years now of discordance and as why of discordant & divided partisan politics.  As you bear witness with your first visit to such site for history do brace yourself to return to recharge as oft as be necessary to reappreciate our AMERICA.]

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