
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:55 am

The future is black Republicans!

The good news in old divine right of kings was a supposition of that kings were to be nearer to our Lord - divined not to be abusers of Powers akin Powers of our Lord.

To fathom the scope of the imminent decline and fall of “Obamacare” it may help to relate a planet of apes.

Where Donald J. Trump comes from may be much ado about Queens’ Protestants, Queens’ Presbyterians, Utopian Parkway.

We must not look, as long mislead, as that health insurance costs need a larger pool - risk pool - for to be of us all happier to lower costs of insurance on risks of becoming ill - diseased.

We must not look, as long mislead, as if an understanding can be had - gotten to - by just accepting the old propaganda of the Democrat Party Left Liberals.

To be progressive - truly progressive - mustn’t we now get to reconsidering respecting healthcare costs that as morals are liberated, return, grow/rise anew the opportunity for medical costs to become more reasonable is far more possible?

To be progressive mustn’t we re-embrace morality for values as where morals risen and raise costs of neighbors caring for neighbors as still mostly community work of caring for neighbors in own neighborhood then and only then can costs be balanced and moderate/moderated?

A morality as of where Donald J. Trump comes from is yet Biblical of that a married man is supposed to live for their wife, - as comparable to unmarried are written as to under such condition being supposed to live for our Lord.

President Donald J. Trump therefore has no choice but to govern in “soft power” and “soft sell” operating procedures for he cannot abide compromising the First Lady at her campaign against cyber bullying. 

President Donald J. Trump doesn’t need a “TRUMP DOCTRINE” for his habit is of that he has a philosophy of business of a keenly developed standard operating procedure at least of that his left hand shouldn’t be coincidentally being at undermining the concurrent work of his right hand.

Let us now go back to the planet of apes and jury rig a late discourse on healthcare and “the meek shall inherit the earth”!

Of apes and their genius and speciousness we have that they are also creatures of our Lord’s creation but primate boxed of considerations in that they lack any awareness of such of their kingdom.  Of apes vs “Obamacare” we must now lately pull back the draped cloaking covers from divining greater apparent and relevant truths and ponder the dark and Trinity relative to the theories of morality and as healthcare is wisely and originally an oldest of the establishments of religions.  Of apes and Donald J. Trump operating we have a calling to comparative logistics and to assuage from fake news for faux medicine a paradigm for caring of if apes too like humans are of variant blood types of bodies electric and blood types of varying compatibility to dire incompatibility of a humans range of “Universal Receiver” to “Universal Donor” typed certain.

Of “the future is black Republicans” we can plank a platform for comity in polity for parity in healthcare by liberating, returning, growing morals of that Lord’s word on “the meek shall inherit the earth” is not a redistribution nor free care SOP dictum but a wise riddle to that those humble and patient on the Holy Spirit - Lordly guidance - are “meek” for of guts to be prone and vulnerable by being compliant and obedient to the prudence of that there are deadly sins.

Donald J. Trump strong suit is that he has a philosophy of business that translates to politics of that he has a unified vision by that his service duty - even to his wife - works best when worked in keeping to his standard operating procedures.

Donald J. Trump got off through his youth in Queens’ Presbyterian dogma by Saint John’s exit of use of Utopian Parkway facilitated on ramps and off ramps while how as a “Don Trump” of Queens he must have puzzled long and hard on American firsters versus otherwise English of Queen’s Protestants.

As white Republicans bask in the glory concurrent to the liberation of the souls of Religious leaders to fresh facility in Religious Liberty their open hearts and clean efforts seem to be winning - even winning blacks forward to be en masse also to own forwards even if tag’d “black Republicans”!

The plights of the A.I.D.S. medical history is of a politics that hasn’t fielded a moral philosophically thorough public referendum on the issuance of considerate moderation correctly in keeping to the “the meek shall inherit the earth”!  The politicians and politics are to blame firstly for such considerate for compassion as perverted and subverted from a thorough resolution that endures the morality and prudence long around an acceptance that some sins are deadly sins for risk of death may occur from physically or mentally (trespassed by cyber e-connectedness) crossing the lines as being boldly sinful in stead of prudent and meekly moral.

Christian compassion isn’t alone among compassionate religious practiced morality in how a presumption of innocence shall be proffered presumed firstly by those erudite enough to learned to a suffice to be to proffering as regards medicine and relative morality.

It remains to be seen if Donald J. Trump Presidency if of enough depth in character and bench of aids for Republicans, however colored presently and forward, for a guidance to take now morals are liberated, rising, growing anew!

The sticky wicket of the close quarters drilling down of the issues as a prophylactic to public consumption in town halls and tea rooms now remains of what belongs to the apes and what of deadly sins and to that the “meek” as of those of the Lord isn’t a black check for offering free curative services to those who should be first healing their souls. 

I write these words not as an indiscriminate prejudiced or bigoted; - I doth not scribe such thoughts prejudging any as an enemy - even if by actions in ignorance of that there are “deadly sins” for death can biologically or electrically result from non-compliance.

The Psalms of the Bible seem as primary tool in the bag of tricks of Donald J. Trump of his S.O.P. and as Psalms by the book are largely a critical element fundamental to any and all anti-BULLY - anti-BULLYING - cyber-bullying countering campaign.

By knowing of the prudence in art of enlightened to the moderation to healing potential of music and songs any is then equipped to fathom a scope of humanity in moral and compliance of music can heal - heal a village - even heal the world.

To be above apes yet, Republicans, of whatever color, now must be braced and prepared to be professionals on politics of pathology so that “meek” is duly and properly respected of the establishments of religion of which healthcare is an oldest prescribed bound.  To be above apes, all must tie on their smocks for an artful polity to a potential for parity and comity of that as per at least A.I.D.S forward the backwards to primates must be reconditioned around public service and P.S.A. ascribed moderating as broadcast professionalism is pertinent to advisories that still recall and remind of old morality and deadly sins that it is considerable and perilous of apes and humans (both?) that some blood types if crossed/shared by careless to temporary insanity of passions exercised inconsiderate of consequence are incompatible and detrimental to others if crossed/shared?

President Donald J. Trump now akin his commitment to be in living to in service to his wife is yet postured politically well for his foreign policy, domestic policies, and the coming of the anti-cyber-bullying campaign of his wife all have in common a best use methodology forward of keeping to his honed and kept “soft power” of his standard operating procedures through his years and decades as a properties operator in compliance with public space use and philosophies.

Costs of healthcare can only it seems be truly moderated by the liberation, rising, growing of the politics now commenced to a divination matrix re-secured to all whom are aware they are creatures of our Lord and indivisible from Lord’s kingdom?

A presumption of innocence can relate in healthcare industries for cost control and quality care where such is not a “pre-existing condition” of known diagnosis then inappropriate to compassion for risks of unknowns for insuring from unknowns.

It seems good news and quite welcome postured of “the future is black Republicans”!

Temptations must be guarded from for being against a developed knowing wise prudence can be physically costly and to of expenses then determined as yet not for others to morally be burdened also to carrying.

Illnesses, where not of pre-existing conditions, are of the paradigm of “innocent until proven guilty” so any systematic facilitation for neighbors caring for neighbors in own neighborhoods, primarily, must dig in first and then and only then determine the morality and if a self induced from careless reversion as akin to back to being ape-ish, and ignorant.

The Psalms as the COUNTER CYBER-BULLYING BOOK of scriptures is now a primary tool forward for everything Donald J. Trump, President of these united states of the Americas, for if we know how to sing of and to the Lordly we are then pre-conditioned to see and feel right and wrong across humanity of bodies electric and to sins of trespass as now also of e-enabled sins of subcategory of “cyber-bullying” - internet of thing bullying.

America rests now in the grace in the scriptures for Donald J. Trump must be to “soft power” to stay moral and in compliance to dictum of Lord’s laid to be living, for married, to of living for his wife, - for countering cyber-bullying - cyber bullies - any even old school of to e-internet of things of that of “trespass” sinning/sinful!

America rests now in a potential for grace being still reset and restored of morals have been liberated, returned, growing!

America rests now nightly of the separation of church and state as now repaired from retired to of “under our Lord” as set upon and set asunder as long suppressed to of Government as above morals; - Forward our Government is also not supposed to violate the moral laws of the Laws of our Lord by even being to covetous, steeling, bearing false witness!

America can only be great again once we politically have thorough discerning and open public expression to understanding, and, as that our Government is vertically separated to as under our Lord and each individual a created by our Creator!

Likewise to the preconditions ripe for success now in a course reversal back to prudence and morality from the wreckage to establishments long otherwise but secured we have our current conditions of that as our Government is to be moral as also under our Lord and Lord’s law winning by intimidation is illegal, generally, and of that a “knife in the back” as “thorn in one’s side” is where not a condition of correction is but illegal of a trespass and of cyber-bullying much of being a cyber-crime!

Of thee I scribe to sing?  Perhaps Donald J. Trump is suited now of/to Ecclesiastes 3:1… through all the familiar meted however colored?

             *       *       *       MERCY - TRUTH       *       *       *

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