
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:28 am

We are here - we are really here now!  Let us face it - let us begin to face our space time & Cartesian connective feminism.

We have before us a vast realm of the unfinished work of feminism - lay back as if in a four poster and see the Cartesian coordinates connect.

Nancy Pelosi isn’t the worst of the worst to connect the dots to attest a theorem - proofed hypothesis.

Nancy Pelosi due her protection has expired is now more than ever yet of an excommunication threat due Donald J. Trump has repealed the tyrannical anti-religious liberty Johnson Amendment that protected Catholic Pelosi from her own religion.

Nancy Pelosi is culpable and mashed by math of the real as yet caught too of that there isn’t enough water in the oceans to wash Hillary Clinton clean of “Crooked Hillary” prima facia as truly representative when graphically calculated.

Hillary Clinton cannot be a feminist until the math and comparative guilt is consummately laid out scientifically thoroughly.

Hillary Clinton cannot be a feminism icon until we discern her role as First Lady and the ends of the bad means of the years 1993 to 2001 of the Clintons’ administration.

Hillary Clinton greatest threat is Barack Obama due his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech spoke smack on Bill Clinton of the erudite orated of “DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE”.

Women, children, boys to men, ye us of the world have the work called calling them each to see honestly that forward the religious froward to Hillary Clinton & her Judgement Day is now enough prefaced by facts & circumstantial persuading exposed to that we can now already begin planning the works of that she is fated to be at the gates of Hell due the blood on her hands than at the Gates of Heaven while of a band apropos as HILLARY AND HAREM FIDELITY.

The intellectual honesty challenge to a proper thorough accounting of the comparative guilt of the culpabilities of Mrs. William J. Clinton is daunting and testing even to Cartesian coordinated efforts science; - our space time is time sensitive as Hillary Clinton comparative guilt is shared ugly of Nancy Pelosi and much primarily mostly diabolical for the years as Speaker Pelosi.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi long partied to the partisan Democrat Party beat of it OK if Mrs. William J. Clinton is a “Manchurian Candidate” of our future as Hillary Clinton could be packaged and repackaged and attempted of pimp’n to the ENDS as “FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT” while minds of the world face a tyrannous suppression to bury awareness to the MEANS to such END by especially Speaker Nancy Pelosi were without the Johnson Amendment at near enough due crimes against our Lord as near enough for EXCOMMUNICATION.

Women, children, boys to men, ye us of the world face a grand scope as of our task to probe the collective about “CROOKED HILLARY” as facts and supporting circumstantial knowns bolster the graphic Cartesian plotting.

The work of feminism is halted concurrently of especially Democrat Party leaders of tag “feminists” are negligent and remiss as obstructionists to prevent a due proper thorough accounting of how many dead buried at least in Arlington Cemetery are there as of the hands of the Clintons’ spousal husbandry of Mrs. William J. Clinton Shakespearean of her own hands deeply stained of “blood on her hands” collective culpability of the comparative guilt this broad scope is to scientifically call all able minds, however bodied, to.

A first broach of the swamped guilting of Mrs. William J. Clinton is of the “THE LONGEST WAR” & “FEMINISM” due we know Secretary of State John Kerry inherited the Obama war of choice on the Taliban in Afghanistan from Barack Obama first term & the “diplomacy” of Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton; - Secretary Clinton has many to most of the dead in Afghanistan as blood on her hands of deep stains to at least responsible feminists think.

Secretary Clinton did leave Secretary Kerry the “THE LONGEST WAR” inheritance, and oddly of while tasked as chief Diplomat of President Barack H. Obama as supposed to find peace alternatives to war to that the situation of her final days had left Secretary Kerry one basic option yet not yet attempted shockingly.

Secretary John Kerry stands as evidence to “CROOKED HILLARY” as of how Democrat Party partied to her an ENDS justifying MEANS by simply that he inherited a war of which Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton had not even tried that he then attempted of as a peace ploy - even diplomatic - of near:  LET US JUST TRYING CALLING IT DONE - SAYING IT IS OVER!

Sadly FEMINISTS of the world have a comparative guilting to work through now to if I am wrong to of postured that Nancy Pelosi is a women of lesser guilt and a lower bodybags accounted culpability burden than Mrs. William J. Clinton.

Sadly FEMINISM must now face that as Speaker Nancy Pelosi did do more of the dirty work of the ENDS justify the MEANS of the diabolical Democrat Party set up for a President Hillary Rodham Clinton so it may be mature and considerable that Nancy Pelosi is more the BAD ACTOR and Mrs. William J. Clinton whom was then supposed to have the opportunity as a President then only to become worse and more guilty than America’s first female Speaker of the House of Representatives.

To know these women of their stories so complicated and historically diabolical is to be then of awakened of eyes open to that now forward a conscientious considerable froward is moral only if of asking and answering of the ATTACKS OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2001, as inherited from the Clintons’ administration by George W. Bush, of due President Obama erudite oration in receipt of NOBEL PEACE PRIZE of “DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE”, to that therefore honesty of intelligence relates a comparative guilt amassed to be charted however Cartesian of that Mrs. William J. Clinton has all the dead of the 9/11/2001 attacks and resultant lost from collateral engagements for Justice as also blood on her hands and fittingly of her own personal guilt by an accounted real bodybags count for modern feminism in truth.

Have you found the missing years 1993 to 2001 yet?

No! REALLY!!!  Have you found the missing years 1993 to 2001 yet?

These years establish that forward Mrs. William J. Clinton, due accepting and intimate of being colluded long as END to justify Democrat Party shortcuts & negligence MEANS, is fated to meet the ferryman of HELL and without PURGATORY at all in play; - We have these days the modern INFERNO consideration to a dramatic to wake William Shakespeare ghost of that now there is needs akin LUCIFER finding DANTE reincarnate to be found and contracted for an EIGHTH LEVEL to be designed and constructed for at least BILL & HILLARY and likewise it seems near certain she whom sadly was ever honored as SPEAKER PELOSI.

These years can explain how much was never of “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!

These years equate the inequality and diabolical of SPEAKER PELOSI hellishly and fiendishly especially for such was always as “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” RIDICULOUS and yet a cover-up illegal always and of its breadth of a scope so broad the size of the crimes equal TREASON of treasonous that the size of the cover-up suggests the size of the high crimes and misdemeanor - their full criminal gestalt.

These years present to bare just Mrs. William J. Clinton, for a parity necessary for any and all polity for comity of modern feminism, as calling all available intelligence still of an enlightenment potential to that we can get past these dark ages only by an intellectual honest and thorough rendition to effecting a deposed upon the THE HOUSE OF CLINTONS as seemingly fitting as reservation to a new worse EIGHTH LEVEL INFERNO infernal.

We the People must be diligent and corrective now especially to adequately accounting of how many buried in at least Arlington Cemetary are firstly primarily of bodybags of blood on the hands of Mrs. William J. Clinton and back to 1993 as spirited of accepting corners cutting and even negligence as if she was ENDS that would (but didn’t) justify Demorat Party leadership MEANS.

We the People can hardly free or liberate William J. Clinton from a feminism culpability of a comparative guilt comparable for William J. Clinton did, as I recall, nearly undermine every foreign policy and domestic policy by sleeping on each with Mrs. William J. Clinton long enough to each consider how much of each had to be compromised so as not to inhibit their succession plan for setting up the “MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE” “HILLARY”.

We the People do now have at least enough public records and circumstantial amassed connective fibrous political historicals to render the GATES OF HEAVEN are outta the froward picture for how CLINTONS (AND PELOSI?) are now ominously fated; - The Clintons cannot escape SCIENCE of POLITICAL SCIENCE at least of future leaders of the world called to be studious to doctoral of mastering some to much of the evidence of that we have before us a greater truth now as at least corrective to near:  IT WAS AT LEAST HALF THE CLINTONS’ FAULT!!!

It rests as calculable and to amass Cartesian how the Clintons cannot have their bodies separated of the mind and bodies separate for their souls did share intimately as a Power Couple to the spousal husbandry considerable tag’d by President Barack H. Obama in his erudite oration in receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize!

President Obama essentially undermined his whole party by alighting on an innocent by “inherited” for President Bush such as now leaves us of unfinished business of feminism of to be to assessing the comparative guilt especially as between Bill & Hillary - between POTUS & FLOTUS of 1993 to 2001 of the years to George W. Bush inheritance of DANGERS from the Clintons’ collective colluded of choices to be of inaction and avoidance especially as to where the what for the how of cutting corners was from putting the “MANCHURIAN” ahead of “PRUDENCE” by Clintons’ selfish spousal husbandry so partisan and diabolically effecting by how much was set asunder due each political policy compromised was of a compromised to protect a succession planning for their to be by Clinton machine machination an inevitable PRESIDENT HILLARY!

So the TRUTH that attests a need for an INFERNO EIGHTH LEVEL rests in her story & roll in the THE LONGEST WAR due all the dead and injured are at least blood on her hands staining her/their soul due at least she did never even try that which Secretary Kerry found was a peace option still untried and available to President Obama - ya know! - that of that Mrs. William J. Clinton didn’t even try near:  LET US JUST TRYING CALLING IT DONE - SAYING IT IS OVER!

So the TRUTH that attests a need for DANTE reincarnate to be engaged in HELL ties their souls collectively for their solidarity of spousal husbandry likely is broadly to a 52 “FRIENDS OF BILL” snared to of a comparative guilt; - As they couldn’t have done it alone it does go past the BAD ACTORS females of leadership by NANCY PELOSI to also snare male Democrats.

So the TRUTH that attests a need grossly for a sustained new honesty for requisite honor for any modern feminism waits upon the accounting firstly of “MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE” Mrs. William J. Clinton and to that scientists of politics and history can make a case lawyers too can build out of that maybe all dead, - at least most nearly - died due to the THE HOUSE OF CLINTONS was always (since 1993) #CROOKED!!!

“HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON” fit’n banding as “HILLARY & HAREM FIDELITY” begs now a starting point for #FEMINISM & #FEMINIST #FEMINISTSTUDIES of that the threshold to #TRUTH is of “HILLARY” - TRUTH BOMB of science is prudent and fair if to start with such overdue accounting by finding the number of dead since 1993 inauguration of First Couple Power Couple Bill & Hillary and then and only then subtracting from the tragic totals if there isn’t at least a 6th degree of separation from their “MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE” coy ploy chicanery quite simply TREASONOUS - OF PRIMA FACIA #TREASON!!!

We have before us a vast realm of the unfinished work of feminism!!!

Lay back as if in a four poster and see the Cartesian coordinates connect!!!

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                 *       *       *       BELIEVE!!!       *       *       *

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