
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:08 am

When any people - democratic - cease or desist from doing the work of being a moral people - neighborly - no government can be affordable.

However you consider Donald J. Trump as high fallutin’ of Queens and extreme of New York values we have before us the most troubled as of so many tread upon to make ways for the litter messianic for Barack H. Obama and the akin a queen’s litter jackbooted martialed for Hillary R. Clinton.

Rudyard Kipling and “Star Wars” homage doth carries a relative moral in that of “Gunga Din” & ”Jar Jar Binks” to be as of, to paraphrase, so of ”municipal” prudent of “Mr. Binks” toil, and duty, of characters to keep the murder rates low by keeping the sewers clear.

Our best froward snares many as short from duty!

Our prescribed froward is for forwards expectant to commitments to the work of neighbors’ is “neighborly”!

Our blessed froward still asks all to see these summed as self-evident to that by that our rights are from our Creator the Liberals’ - Democrats’ - interpretation of the Peoples’ Order that formed/constituted our Union  does not hold water - does not stand.

As one accepts the prudence is liberating still of that our separation of Church and State doth secures rights to each by of rights from their Creator it reasons out to like enlightening that therefore Americans aren’t to worship their government but are still prescribed to sans any right to be separated from supposed to care for all and so constituted by Peoples’ Order to live for Posterity for Tranquility of general Welfare from worshiping our Lord - the inescapable vibe of our Creator’s essence.

As Donald J. Trump successfully joined to the restoration work of the established and revolutionary “Republican Movement” we have the wave for restoration as a new renaissance to further amass to escape carriages improper intellectually to similar to befit “Dark Ages”!  The Donald J. Trump of this discoursing is the “LIBERATOR” who has successfully joined to the well beat and marched soul of the restoration of “ORIGINALISM” and who is keeping his promises to “GIVE AMERICA BACK” to the people.

The self-evident summed is of that while of our rights from our Creator the Democrats’ interpretation of the Constitution of these united states of the Americas does not have standing in plain meaning and common sense!

The summed is to it should be self-evident if one’s rights are from their Creator it is counter productive to worship government - especially an administration of billionaire Donald J. Trump, Sr.!

Froward, still, we have it constituted of a written at least in the letters of Apostle Paul of that each is under our Lord before under any government we have our rights and yet are established to sans any separation right from supposed to care for all!

As truth and truths become liberated from the politics of suppression by the Left/Democrats it should be self-evident of a restoration vibe to how Donald J. Trump is joined still to the Republicans’ moral work of working through critical masses to see that the garbage is garbage and “sewers” are cleared and kept clear.  There is no escape from the plain truth of the CONSTITUTION that it could be so small and brief for it had at least the Christians and their New Testament as self-governance guidance to such as the Peoples’ “Order” done and subscribed in “Year of our Lord” henceforward need the government to be constituted for due process and civil procedures for when the matters the sum of the books of the Lord break down - broke down.

Plainly the legend of Donald J. Trump is indivisible from the successful progress renaissance of the “Republican Movement” of “ORIGINALISM” of his a pedestrian New York common sense now still to embattled against the litters of Bill & Hillary Clinton, & Barack Obama.

The litters of the messianic and too queenly martialed is of now we have Republicans for republican/republic as it stands still actually constituted still adjusting and organizing to peddle freedom - to walk the talk of the pathology of liberty to restored for max’d potential.

The litters of ”Messiah Obama” & “Queen Hillary” yet now are of however many segments a state a snake can be divided into theirs’ still is to trample and tread on and over any “segment” - “segments” - not assimilated and cowed to compliant/compliance.

Please do garner the scope of Donald J. Trump engagement isn’t “high fallutin’” but old school New York values in common sense, due separation of Church and State, of that government and corporations, therefore, are under Lord’s Laws before under Government and likewise of supposed to be abstaining from violations of the commandments - especially preset as prescribe to shall not covet, steal, bear false witness.

Please do garner the scope of reformed this Clinton Democrat - our President Donald J. Trump - is as secured to his “MAGA” “Make America Great Again” promised as to be “LIBERATOR” - not a false idol - a worshipped posed idol.

Please do join to the “LIBERATION” forward with the froward here organized thoughts of “LIBERATION ECONOMICS” in cats (categories) of queued for “#POTUS45″.

Please to assist to the full scope of a broad stroke and narrow finesse’d governance liberation by restorative to common sense and inescapably sworn to plain meaning and neighborly vigilance for “clean” ways.

Please do join to the “LIBERATION” forward with the froward here organized thoughts of “LIBERATION ECONOMICS” as recognizing whom is the problem and how their what remains problematic and contrarian;  The successful liberation to America returned to the people is dependent on the conscience raising broadly to amassed segments of our Union as together united morally locally and to suspicious of all things federal.

Donald J. Trump, President, is not and shall not be considered to be as ridiculous and high fallutin’ while supposition proffered to preposition for a pathology of Liberty as positioned in priors - established as ordained especially for economics of growth to morality of business is still expected to be moral like governments of subscribed to be sans violations of Lord’s Laws and to dedicated to the proposition of that all people have an expectation from their rights from their Creator of that the work of government and businesses are to be without violations of morality by being of covetous, stealing, bearing of false witness.

It is not “high fallutin’” that our governance is prescribed established to that Laws under of “shall not bear false witness” as per governance is of since politics is the business of treating all people as if neighbors of that government therefore is supposed by “shall not bear false witness” as to not proper or prudence or blessed to be of bearing false witness as to what especially is the property of a poet - even a “philosopher king” like - and to otherwise as if what belongs to the poet can be said and exercised as if it yet doth firstest belongeth to the Government!

There is no litter of Donald J. Trump if as President he keeps to the common core of the “Republican Movement” that restored “ORIGINALISM” and to such then forward of it yet still much just the litters of messianic Barack H. Obama and too queenish Hillary R. Clinton to be arrested from treading upon the people of the us.

The Republicans have good standing and are comprehendable with common sense and simple reading of the constituting founding established and ordained done by the founders sans blasphemy back whence in that Year of our Lord.

The GOP is blessed by their scope as postured within the lines of the ordained common sense structural essentials.

To be, all & each, still to keeping of the work of being a moral people we now must see it as reasonable and necessary that we accept the genius of Donald J. Trump as not being specious when tact martialed of tacking towards that our PEACE and HAPPINESS is dependent on that business, especially corporations, are like Government, federal especially, as only constituted to be as prescribed to be abstinent from covetous, stealing, lying.. - morals as litter!

As “HOGAN” (me, myself, my own press’d) has postured artful of “CITIZEN ROSEBUD” long regards our froward of forward believing:

Fellow Americans “YOU’VE BEEN LIBERATED!”

              *       *        *       JUST BEGUN?       *       *       *

[This here now progress is just a work commenced.  Do please return & revisit as many times as necessary to be sure you are fully read in to be part of the solutions and desisted from joined as of the problem/problems.  This leading satire is a work begun expectant to much more to follow and amass from this time commenced for squib.]

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