
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:27 am



#Discover #HOGAN #ColumbusDay #MondayMotivation of best sellers long:

Time to ask how J.K. Rowling @ #RobertGalbraith wrote #CuckoosCalling of me of #STRIKE to like now my concurrence of my story of now already told stealthily.

Time to figure past #Hogwarts #Potterdom of #HarryPotter of theme park as from son of one grew up across from amusement park #Playland and key’d to “Rowe-ling” energized to ghosted material around any read name of Pete Rowe, MD at front door of #Yale Students Health Clinton on Hillhouse Avenue.

#Gryffindor was key’d for energized to balance so much as around Yale as yet local to #Connecticut of #Derby of focused on #GriffinHospital of emergency room entrance doors and if legal for hospital to be operating/open (while I of friend then in their PR dept).

As per background stirred there is that about time Hillary Clinton prepared to enter 2008 run for President I instructed my arts #magic #magicschool associated to there to be no more #POTTERworld books due bad economics growing too much from John Kenneth Galbraith prudence to #Democrats leading an elite robbing economy - more to of #Scotland of Rob’n Galbraith for ill.

At such time, to protect Harry Potter readers from how I knew then alread tag #CrookedHillary fit’n #HillaryClinton, I didn’t tell Jo she had to go cold turkey from writing of mused energies from me but to if such still needed amusement mused energy she could move to covering me of a #STRIKE against #Dems machinations against #ORIGINALISM of #CONSTITUTION of times of #AdamSmith and for crooked economics I’d be trap’d to letting left steal from my work product if not to as to still be dedicated to pro-actively protecting a next gen from known as #CrookedTogether #CrookedClintons.

ps: Leon Uris last novel was book written as asked for as of “O’Hara’s Choice” as around a choice an heiress Amanda actually had to make, and to more time for real one to make decision.

pps: Tom Brokaw book on 1968 #BOOM was asked for to then anchor my restoration of a 1968 Cal 25 racer/cruiser sailboat to more like new than any restoration then in fleet in #Annapolis had effected. Of sailing near Naval Academy I did have thought it was time for a new academy movie and postured for one on #NAVY school while I then of self employed contractor doing boat restoration while still welding for building out skate board stores of then area chain own by friends called ASYLUM - WAKE, SKATE, SNOW!

>> And an earlier:

Greetings ~ on healing &
#HarryPotter curative due #Hogwarts:

@JK_Rowling story of a “half blood” is my mom’s story!

J.K. Rowling years ago accepted my 7 books challenge is for curators forward & backwards as of me blooded better from my mom’s side and to by #magic #MagicSchool challenge of able in stealth to mass produce procedures and disciplines to that my dad could, and his side of the family, prove my mom right to herself on choice of husband, of being yet of potential and learnable to be yet proficient in her loving complicated wizard like anchoring of her own family.

“Dumbledor” is my sugg’d of for the front door a Dutch style split door (double-door) of our neighbors’ door of that of the peers of Secretary Doctor Ben Carson of Yale likewised specialities in medicine while to around their children and one I nick-named for character development as “Pete Rowe-ling” of using his blood line of grandson to Dr Rowe the proprietor of the Yale Student Health Clinic then abouts.

So of course, and due a friendly connection of mine to Princess Di since announcement of her royal engagement, due process mom’s ailments yet much she as an overburdened caregiven essentially to overloaded on her magical capacity and timed as noted of when #BostonMarathon #Boston #STRONGER movie released while her/their routine of marathon pride & strong with a collage of dad’s old number & pictures hanging proudly in their home.

So yes that #Harry #PrinceHarry of #INVICTUS #InvictusGames is related & of stories necessary to family to keep pride in my parents’ first apartment of in #MarkTwain apartments next doors to #MarkTwainHouse.

#SiriusBlack is for my dad’s brother Charles my #godfather a one serious about black wires of watts & volts while #Patronus spells like “patron US” it also a spelling licenced for PETRONAS TOWERS my social set of ultimate Frisbee professionally involved in design & construction management of with senior architects of firms of my parents #NewHaven neighbors & social set.

My connect with #PrincessDi maintained of me playing like #Merlin, for little princes, from afar as a Connecticut Yankee yet in Connecticut while in spirit in the courtyards of play of “A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KING ARTHUR’S COURT”.

My brother healed himself too to become a spectacular father of music in the house and 3 or 2 budding talents of arts. Tad’s background helps to such autonomous success as well around parents of his boyhood best pal a audiophile while a VA psychiatrist of “SHELL SHOCKED” patients while also, unknown to us till far later, as of a Yale classmate and social pal society associated one to #GeorgeWBush.

On a medical & observed care note it was fun observing my mom go thru panel of questions on her first day in rehab & wellness center but glad attending doctor didn’t ask her “DOES SOAP FLOAT?” Such, if she recalls a story I’ld get Arthur M. Menadier (See Wikipedia), her father to recollect, would go to “YES” and let me tell you a story about that and corporate espionage. Mom’s dad in early career was involved in launch of first floating soap called ‘SWAN SOAP’ which was so novel and promising that “IVORY SOAP” came from rival stealing the recipe and making product whiter & lauching it against SWAN as the whiter floating soap - as if whiteness made soap cleaner cleaner.

Still as any sees Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo of “NO MORE TEARS” you are to looking at my grandfather’s work as tear drop embossed in plastic bottle was his idea during the product development of lauch he guided as not in house advertising & marketing by head of J&J account maybe by then of how he consolidated all of their advertising & marketing accounts to on firm and as his account even until mandatory retirement at 65 from Young & Rubicam.

     *       *       DON’T TALK ABOUT THE MAGIC?       *       *

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